175 research outputs found

    Teaching programme for Escuela Oficial de Idiomas: nivel Avanzado C2.1 Inglés

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2019/2020[ES] El objetivo de este Trabajo de Final de Máster es una propuesta de programación didáctica para un curso C2.1 de inglés en una Escuela Oficial de Idiomas.[EN] The aim of this Final Master’s Thesis is to propose a potential teaching programme for a C2.1 English class at a Escuela Oficial de Idiomas

    Eurythmy Applied to Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Students with Hearing Impairments and Other Disabilities

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Ingleses. Curso académico 2018-2019[EN]This essay bears upon the teaching of English as a foreign language to students with different disabilities, specially to those with hearing impairments. It will mainly focus on Eurythmy, a methodology which is based on the visual production of different phonemes through body movements. This investigation proposes a new way of teaching, especially in the competences of oral production and expression, by mixing speech eurythmy and tone eurythmy with other methods and techniques, such as visible speech, lip-reading and the use of phonetic alphabets.[ES]Este Trabajo de Final de Grado aborda la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera a alumnos con diferentes capacidades, en particular aquellos con problemas auditivos. Articula principalmente su exposición a través de la Euritmia, metodología que se basa en la producción visual de diferentes fonemas mediante movimientos corporales. Esta investigación propone una nueva manera de enseñar, especialmente las áreas de producción y expresión oral, mezclando el canto visible y la euritmia tonal con otros métodos y técnicas, como la lectura de labios y el uso de alfabetos fonéticos

    CLIL and Pre-Primary Education: A Critical Analysis of the Spanish/British Integrated Curriculum

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    The aim of this research is to analyse the presence of the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach in the Spanish/British Integrated Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education, the document followed by the schools regulated by the MECD British Council programme. In order to do so, the theory corresponding to this approach, especially focused on the Pre-school stage, and to the different existing programmes which carry out a bilingual education, among them the one we are going to discuss, is shown. Accordingly, four necessary tools for this analysis are designed and applied: a checklist that relates the main aspects of CLIL with the curricular programme; an interview with two project teachers regarding this bilingual programme; a more general questionnaire aimed at diverse teaching professionals in Zaragoza; and lastly, various observation tools to assess the reality in our pre-school bilingual classrooms. Finally, the results obtained after applying these tools would allow me to deduce whether or not and how the CLIL approach is being carried out in some of our bilingual schools, and therefore some possible improvements that could bring a major change, focusing on the stage of Pre-Primary Education, are proposed. Key words: CLIL, Spanish/British Integrated Curriculum, MECD- British Council, Pre-Primary Education.<br /

    2-methylfuran Oxidation in the Absence and Presence of NO

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    2-methylfuran (2-MF) has become of interest as biofuel because of its properties and the improvement in its production method, and also because it is an important intermediate in the conversion of 2, 5-dimethylfuran. In this research, an experimental and kinetic modelling study of the oxidation of 2-MF in the absence and presence of NO has been performed in an atmospheric pressure laboratory installation. The experiments were performed in a flow reactor and covered the temperature range from 800 to 1400 K, for mixtures from very fuel-rich to very fuel-lean, highly diluted in nitrogen. The inlet 2-MF concentration was 100 ppm. In the experiments in the presence of NO, the inlet NO concentration was 900 ppm. An interpretation of the experimental results was performed through a gas-phase chemical kinetic model. A reasonable agreement between the experimental trends and the modelling data is obtained. The results of the concentration profile of 2-MF as a function of temperature indicate that, both in the absence and in the presence of NO, the onset of 2-MF consumption is shifted to lower temperatures only under fuel-lean and very fuel-lean conditions. Furthermore, under these conditions the presence of NO also shifts the onset of 2-MF consumption to lower temperatures. The effect of the 2-MF presence on the NO reduction varies with the oxygen concentration. It is seen that under very fuel-rich and stoichiometric conditions NO is reduced basically by reburn reactions, while under fuel-lean and very fuel-lean conditions, the NO-NO2 interconversion appears to be dominant

    Interaction soot-SO2. Experimental and kinetic analysis

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    This study aims to evaluate the capability of SO2 to interact with soot and to determine the kinetics of this reaction under conditions of interest for combustion. The conditions of the soot reactivity experiments were: 1% SO2 with nitrogen to balance, around 10 mg of soot, and different reaction temperatures for each run: 1275, 1325, 1375, 1425, and 1475 K. Results demonstrate that SO2 does interact with soot. The evaluation of the soot reactivity has been based on the calculation of the time for the complete conversion of carbon through the employment of the Shrinking Core Model equations for decreasing size particle with chemical reaction control. The reactivity of soot with SO2 increased by a factor of about 3 when increasing the reaction temperature of the test from 1275 K to 1475 K. Kinetics in terms of Arrhenius parameters showed that the activation energy of the interaction of soot with SO2 was around 82 kJ/mol

    An experimental and modeling study of acetylene-dimethyl ether mixtures oxidation at high-pressure

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    The oxidation of acetylene (as soot precursor) and dimethyl ether (DME, as a promising fuel additive) mixtures has been analyzed in a tubular flow reactor, under high-pressure conditions (20, 40 and 60 bar), in the 450–1050 K temperature range. The effect of varying the air excess ratio (λ≈0.7, 1 and 20) and the percentage of DME with respect to acetylene (10 and 40%) has been analyzed from both experimental and modeling points of view. The addition of DME modifies the composition of the radical pool, increasing the production of OH radicals which cause a shift in the onset temperature for C2H2 conversion to lower temperatures; the higher the amount of DME, the lower the temperature. The presence of DME favors the oxidation of C2H2 towards products such as CO and CO2, eliminating carbon from the paths that lead to the formation of soot. On the other hand, in the presence of C2H2, DME begins to be consumed at temperatures higher than those required for the high-pressure oxidation of neat DME, around 175–200 K more. Consequently, the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) region characteristic of this compound at low temperatures is not observed under those conditions. However, an additional analysis of the influence of DME inlet concentration (at 20 bar and λ=1) indicates that, if the amount of DME in the mixture is increased to 500 ppm and more (700 or 1000 ppm), the reaction pathways responsible for this high DME reactivity at low temperatures become more relevant and the NTC region can now be observed

    Translating ‘Hybrid Literature’ in a Globalized World

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    Translation has never been only a matter of words. For this reason, trying to find the perfect one will lead to frustration. Nowadays we are living in a globalized world where communication, depending on its use, can be both a very useful tool and a weapon of destruction. It is the time when we assume the conquest of freedom of speech while we do not listen to the ‘Other’. There are more and more rising voices trying to express what they kept when they were forced to be silent, even reinventing languages and creating new ones. It is high time to discover cultures through the languages, to express feelings shared by two countries and nationalities, to claim what is fair. It is the communication revolution but, can it really take place in a globalized world where the most developed countries continue trying to impose their speech? How can the translator express in a new language what he has never felt?Keywords: globalization, translation, hybrid literature, Rotten English, etc

    Translating ‘Hybrid Literature’ in a Globalized World

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    Translation has never been only a matter of words. For this reason, trying to find the perfect one will lead to frustration. Nowadays we are living in a globalized world where communication, depending on its use, can be both a very useful tool and a weapon of destruction. It is the time when we assume the conquest of freedom of speech while we do not listen to the ‘Other’. There are more and more rising voices trying to express what they kept when they were forced to be silent, even reinventing languages and creating new ones. It is high time to discover cultures through the languages, to express feelings shared by two countries and nationalities, to claim what is fair. It is the communication revolution but, can it really take place in a globalized world where the most developed countries continue trying to impose their speech? How can the translator express in a new language what he has never felt

    High-pressure study of methyl formate oxidation and its interaction with NO

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    An experimental and modeling study of the influence of pressure on the oxidation of methyl formate (MF) has been performed in the 1-60 bar pressure range, in an isothermal tubular quartz flow reactor in the 573-1073 K temperature range. The influence of stoichiometry, temperature, pressure, and presence of NO on the conversion of MF and the formation of the main products (CH2O, CO2, CO, CH4, and H2) has been analyzed. A detailed kinetic mechanism has been used to interpret the experimental results. The results show that the oxidation regime of MF differs significantly from atmospheric to high-pressure conditions. The impact of the NO presence has been considered, and results indicate that no net reduction of NOx is achieved, even though, at high pressure, the NO-NO2 interconversion results in a slightly increased reactivity of MF

    Le cycle du mercure dans les sédiments de la rivière Saint-Maurice impacté par des perturbations du paysage : hydroélectricité, feu de forêt et coupes forestières

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    Les barrages au fil de l’eau devraient tripler dans la prochaine décennie en réponse à la transition mondiale vers les énergies renouvelables. Or, contrairement aux barrages à réservoir dont les impacts sur le cycle du mercure (Hg) sont bien connus, très peu d’études ont évalué l’impact des barrages au fil de l’eau sur la mobilisation et la transformation du Hg en méthylmercure (MeHg), une neurotoxine bioaccumulable et bioamplifiable le long de la chaîne trophique. Malgré la surface limitée d’inondations créée par ces petits ouvrages comparés aux barrages avec réservoirs, les retenues d’eau créées en amont pourraient tout de même contribuer à créer des conditions propices à la méthylation du Hg. Cette étude a été conduite sur la rivière St.Maurice (QC, Canada) présente dans un paysage soumis à la construction récente de deux barrages au fil de l’eau et de milieux humides artificiels et à la présence concomitante de perturbations du paysage: un feu de forêt et de la coupe de bois. Les résultats montrent une augmentation du pourcentage de méthylmercure (%MeHg) de 2 à 3 fois dans les zones inondées comparées aux sites références ou en aval des barrages. De plus, une augmentation des concentrations en mercure total (THg) et en matière organique (MO) est observée dans ces mêmes zones inondées soumises aux perturbations du paysage. Cela suggère que les feux de forêt et la coupe de bois auraient contribué au transfert de MO lié au Hg en provenance du bassin versant vers la rivière, comme indiqué par la corrélation positive entre le ratio C/N et le % MeHg. L’accumulation de MO et Hg dans les retenues d’eau créées par les barrages au fil de l’eau seraient alors des lieux propices à la stimulation de la communauté procaryotique méthylatrice dont le gène marqueur hgcA a été détecté à tous les sites avec une composition très diverse, dominée par les méthanogènes, les sulfato-réducteurs et les fermenteurs dans ce système. A la lumière de ces résultats, nous proposons que les futures études concernant les barrages au fil de l’eau intègrent le paysage dans son ensemble et établissent un suivi des concentrations de Hg avant, pendant et après la construction.Run-of-river dams (RoRs) are expected to triple in the next decade in response to the global transition to renewable energy. However, unlike reservoir dams whose impacts on the mercury (Hg) cycle are well known, very few studies have evaluated the impact of RoRs on the mobilization and transformation of Hg into methylmercury (MeHg), a bioaccumulative and bioamplifiable neurotoxin along the trophic chain. Despite the limited area of flooding created by these small structures compared to reservoir dams, the pondages created upstream could still contribute to creating conditions conducive to the methylation of Hg. This study was carried out on the St. Maurice River (QC, Canada) located in a riverscape recently influenced by to the recent construction of two RoRs and artificial wetlands and to the concomitant presence of disturbances in the landscape. The results show an increase in the percentage of methylmercury (% MeHg) from 2 to 3 times in the flooded areas compared to the reference sites or downstream sites. In addition, an increase in total mercury (THg) and organic matter (MO) concentrations are observed in these same flooded areas subject to landscape disturbances: forest fire and logging. It suggests that forest fires and logging are contributing to the transfer of MO bound to Hg from the watershed to the river, as indicated by the positive correlation between the C / N ratio and % MeHg. The accumulation of MO and Hg in the pondages are likely favorable to the stimulation of the prokaryotic methylating community whose hgcA marker gene was detected at all sites with a very diverse composition, dominated by methanogens, sulfate-reducers and fermenters in this system. In the light of these results, we suggest that future studies on RoRs integrate the landscape as a whole and establish a monitoring of Hg concentrations before, during and after construction