8,276 research outputs found

    Nonatonic obstetric haemorrhage: effectiveness of the nonpneumatic antishock garment in egypt.

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    The study aims to determine if the nonpneumatic antishock garment (NASG), a first aid compression device, decreases severe adverse outcomes from nonatonic obstetric haemorrhage. Women with nonatonic aetiologies (434), blood loss > 1000 mL, and signs of shock were eligible. Women received standard care during the preintervention phase (226) and standard care plus application of the garment in the NASG phase (208). Blood loss and extreme adverse outcomes (EAO-mortality and severe morbidity) were measured. Women who used the NASG had more estimated blood loss on admission. Mean measured blood loss was 370 mL in the preintervention phase and 258 mL in the NASG phase (P < 0.0001). EAO decreased with use of the garment (2.9% versus 4.4%, (OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.24-1.76)). In conclusion, using the NASG improved maternal outcomes despite the worse condition on study entry. These findings should be tested in larger studies

    Overdiagnosis and overtreatment of breast cancer: Overdiagnosis in randomised controlled trials of breast cancer screening

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    Data from randomised controlled trials of mammographic screening can be used to determine the extent of any overdiagnosis, as soon as either a time equivalent to the lead-time has elapsed after the final screen, or the control arm has been offered screening. This paper reviews those randomised trials for which breast cancer incidence data are available. In recent trials in which the control group has not been offered screening, an excess incidence of breast cancer remains after many years of follow-up. In those trials in which the control arm has been offered screening, although there is a possible shift from invasive to in situ disease, there is no evidence of overdiagnosis as a result of incident screens

    Litz wire loss performance and optimization for cryogenic windings

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    Litz wires operating in a cryogenic environment can potentially improve both the efficiency and power density of electrical machines and passive components. However, due to the low resistivity and high magnetic fields, eddy-current losses may become significant in cryogenically cooled windings, especially in airgap winding arrangements or in the case of significant slot leakage fields, unless the litz wire parameters are carefully chosen. A framework for litz wire loss performance optimization and experimental characterisation at cryogenic temperatures is provided. An optimum operating temperature for minimum loss is derived based on analytical expressions, which highlights the role of litz wire parameters, current density and external field. The proximity loss model, used to calculate the optimum operating temperature, is validated experimentally. Two test rigs with different magnetic cores were designed and built. Copper and aluminium litz wires with a strand diameter down to 0.1 mm were tested in a liquid nitrogen bath with a uniform harmonic external magnetic field up to 0.5 T peak and a frequency up to 1 kHz. Measurements show good agreement with the theoretical results and confirm that the proposed model can be confidently used during the preliminary design of cryogenic windings

    The spectral variability of FSRQs

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    The optical variability of 29 flat spectrum radio quasars in SDSS Stripe 82 region are investigated by using DR7 released multi-epoch data. All FSRQs show variations with overall amplitude ranging from 0.24 mag to 3.46 mag in different sources. About half of FSRQs show a bluer-when-brighter trend, which is commonly observed for blazars. However, only one source shows a redder-when-brighter trend, which implies it is rare in FSRQs. In this source, the thermal emission may likely be responsible for the spectral behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, as a proceeding paper of the conference "Multiwavelength Variability of Blazars", Guangzhou, China, September 22-24, 201

    Mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes during thermal decomposition of divalent metal carbonates: Crystallographic influence, potential mechanism and cosmochemical significance

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    Few physical or chemical processes defy well-established laws of mass-dependent isotopic fractionation. A surprising example, discovered two decades ago, is that thermal decomposition of calcium and magnesium carbonate minerals (conducted in vacuo, to minimise back-reaction and isotopic exchange) causes the oxygen triple-isotope compositions of the resulting solid oxide and CO2 to fit on parallel mass-dependent fractionation lines in ln(1 + δ17O) versus ln(1 + δ18O) space, with anomalous depletion of 17O in the solid and equivalent enrichment of 17O in the CO2. By investigating the thermal decomposition of other natural divalent metal carbonates and one synthetic example, under similar conditions, we find that the unusual isotope effect occurs in all cases and that the magnitude of the anomaly (Δ′17O) seems to depend on the room temperature crystallographic structure of the carbonate. A lower cation coordination number (as associated with smaller cation radius) correlates with a Δ′17O value closer to zero. Local symmetry considerations may therefore be influential. Relative to a reference fractionation line of slope 0.524 and passing through VSMOW, solid oxides produced by thermal decomposition of orthorhombic carbonates were characterised by Δ′17O = −0.367 ± 0.004‰ (standard error). The comparable figure from rhombohedral examples was −0.317 ± 0.010‰, whereas from the sole monoclinic (synthesised) specimen it was −0.219 ± 0.011‰. The numerical values are, to some extent, dependent on details of the experimental procedure. We discuss potential origins of the isotopic anomaly, including the possibility of hyperfine coupling between 17O nuclei and unpaired electrons of transient radicals (the ‘magnetic isotope effect’). A new mechanism based on the latter process is proposed. The associated transition state is compatible with that suggested by recent quantum chemical and kinetic studies of the thermal decompositions of calcite and magnesite. An earlier suggestion based on the magnetic isotope effect is shown to be incompatible with the generation of a 17O anomaly, regardless of the identity of the carbonate. We cannot exclude the possibility that a Fermi resonance between states leading to dissociation may additionally affect the magnitude of Δ′17O in some cases. Our findings have cosmochemical implications, with thermal processing of carbonates providing a potential mechanism for the mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes in protoplanetary systems

    Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?

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    The infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the most important indicators of the socio-economic well-being and public health conditions of a country. The US childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year—the most in the world—yet 33 nations have lower IMRs. Using linear regression, the immunization schedules of these 34 nations were examined and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.70 (p < 0.0001) was found between IMRs and the number of vaccine doses routinely given to infants. Nations were also grouped into five different vaccine dose ranges: 12–14, 15–17, 18–20, 21–23, and 24–26. The mean IMRs of all nations within each group were then calculated. Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates, with r = 0.992 (p = 0.0009). Using the Tukey-Kramer test, statistically significant differences in mean IMRs were found between nations giving 12–14 vaccine doses and those giving 21–23, and 24–26 doses. A closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and IMRs is essential

    Multiplexed Echo Planar Imaging for Sub-Second Whole Brain FMRI and Fast Diffusion Imaging

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    Echo planar imaging (EPI) is an MRI technique of particular value to neuroscience, with its use for virtually all functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion imaging of fiber connections in the human brain. EPI generates a single 2D image in a fraction of a second; however, it requires 2–3 seconds to acquire multi-slice whole brain coverage for fMRI and even longer for diffusion imaging. Here we report on a large reduction in EPI whole brain scan time at 3 and 7 Tesla, without significantly sacrificing spatial resolution, and while gaining functional sensitivity. The multiplexed-EPI (M-EPI) pulse sequence combines two forms of multiplexing: temporal multiplexing (m) utilizing simultaneous echo refocused (SIR) EPI and spatial multiplexing (n) with multibanded RF pulses (MB) to achieve m×n images in an EPI echo train instead of the normal single image. This resulted in an unprecedented reduction in EPI scan time for whole brain fMRI performed at 3 Tesla, permitting TRs of 400 ms and 800 ms compared to a more conventional 2.5 sec TR, and 2–4 times reductions in scan time for HARDI imaging of neuronal fibertracks. The simultaneous SE refocusing of SIR imaging at 7 Tesla advantageously reduced SAR by using fewer RF refocusing pulses and by shifting fat signal out of the image plane so that fat suppression pulses were not required. In preliminary studies of resting state functional networks identified through independent component analysis, the 6-fold higher sampling rate increased the peak functional sensitivity by 60%. The novel M-EPI pulse sequence resulted in a significantly increased temporal resolution for whole brain fMRI, and as such, this new methodology can be used for studying non-stationarity in networks and generally for expanding and enriching the functional information

    Geospatial information infrastructures

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    Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3Geospatial information infrastructures (GIIs) provide the technological, semantic,organizationalandlegalstructurethatallowforthediscovery,sharing,and use of geospatial information (GI). In this chapter, we introduce the overall concept and surrounding notions such as geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial datainfrastructures(SDI).WeoutlinethehistoryofGIIsintermsoftheorganizational andtechnologicaldevelopmentsaswellasthecurrentstate-of-art,andreflectonsome of the central challenges and possible future trajectories. We focus on the tension betweenincreasedneedsforstandardizationandtheever-acceleratingtechnological changes. We conclude that GIIs evolved as a strong underpinning contribution to implementation of the Digital Earth vision. In the future, these infrastructures are challengedtobecomeflexibleandrobustenoughtoabsorbandembracetechnological transformationsandtheaccompanyingsocietalandorganizationalimplications.With this contribution, we present the reader a comprehensive overview of the field and a solid basis for reflections about future developments

    Implementation of routine outcome measurement in child and adolescent mental health services in the United Kingdom: a critical perspective

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    The aim of this commentary is to provide an overview of clinical outcome measures that are currently recommended for use in UK Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), focusing on measures that are applicable across a wide range of conditions with established validity and reliability, or innovative in their design. We also provide an overview of the barriers and drivers to the use of Routine Outcome Measurement (ROM) in clinical practice

    Diagnosis and management of subcutaneous implantable cardioverter‐defibrillator infections based on process mapping

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    Background: Infection is a well‐recognized complication of cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED) implantation, including the more recently available subcutaneous implantable cardioverter‐defibrillator (S‐ICD). Although the AHA/ACC/HRS guidelines include recommendations for S‐ICD use, currently there are no clinical trial data that address the diagnosis and management of S‐ICD infections. Therefore, an expert panel was convened to develop consensus on these topics. / Methods: A process mapping methodology was used to achieve a primary goal – the development of consensus on the diagnosis and management of S‐ICD infections. Two face‐to‐face meetings of panel experts were conducted to recommend useful information to clinicians in individual patient management of S‐ICD infections. / Results: Panel consensus of a stepwise approach in the diagnosis and management was developed to provide guidance in individual patient management. / Conclusion: Achieving expert panel consensus by process mapping methodology in S‐ICD infection diagnosis and management was attainable, and the results should be helpful in individual patient management