3,607 research outputs found

    Physical environment, nutrient budget, and ecology of Lake Moana-nui, Tokoroa

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    This report is based on fortnightly monitoring data collected over a 14 month period from November 2000 to January 2002 and a survey of the lake bathymetry and vegetation distribution. The project also included a detailed investigation into the associations between macroinvertebrates and the native and exotic plants in the lake, and experiments evaluating the effects of the large populations of the water flea Simocephalus vetulus that the lake maintains on algal concentrations and therefore water clarity. The aim of this report is to present and discuss the results of the monitoring, surveys, and experiments in order to make recommendations for the future management and health of Lake Moana-nui

    Differential sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-1 protein expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex between schizophrenia Type 1 and Type 2

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    Understanding the etiology and treatment approaches in schizophrenia is challenged in part by the heterogeneity of this disorder. One encouraging progress is the growing evidence that there are subtypes of schizophrenia. Recen

    Structure and play: rethinking regulation in the higher education sector

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    This paper explores possible tactics for academics working within a context of increasing regulation and constraint. One suggested tactic is to move outside of a creativity-conformity binary. Rather than understanding creativity and conformity as separable, where one is seen as excluding the other, the authors consider the potential of examining the relationships between them. The theme of 'structure and play' illustrates the argument. In the first part of the paper, using various examples from art and design - fields generally associated with creativity - the authors explore the interrelatedness of creativity and conformity. For example, how might design styles, which are generally understood as creative outcomes, constrain creativity and lead to conformity within the design field? Is fashion producing creativity or conformity? Conversely, the ways in which conformity provides the conditions for creativity are also examined. For example, the conformity imposed by the state on artists in the former communist bloc contributed to a thriving underground arts movement which challenged conformity and state regulation. Continuing the theme of 'structure and play', the authors recount a story from an Australian university which foregrounds the ongoing renegotiation of power relations in the academy. This account illustrates how programmatic government in a university, with its aim of regulating conduct, can contribute to unanticipated outcomes. The authors propose that a Foucauldian view of distributed power is useful for academics operating in a context of increasing regulation, as it brings into view sites where power might begin to be renegotiated

    The maintenance of urban circulation: An operational logic of infrastructural control

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    This paper examines the increased visibility of urban infrastructures occurring through a close coupling of information technologies and the selective integration of urban services. It asks how circulatory flow is managed in the contemporary city, by focusing on the emergence of new forms of governmentality associated with “smart” technologies. Drawing on Foucault’s governmentality, and based on a case study of Rio de Janeiro’s Operations Centre (COR), the paper argues that new understandings of the city are being developed, representing a new mode of urban infrastructure based on the partial and selective rebundling of splintered networks and fragmented urban space. The COR operates through a “un-black boxing” of urban infrastructures, where the extension of control room logics to the totality of the city points to their fragility and the continuous effort involved in their operational accomplishment. It also functions through a collapse in relations of control—of the everyday and the emergency—, which, enabled by the incorporation of the public in operational control, further raise public awareness of urban infrastructures. These characteristics point to a specific form of urban governmentality based on the operationalisation of infrastructural flows and the development of novel ways of seeing and engaging with the city

    What Makes Some People Think Astrology Is Scientific?

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    Citizens in both North America and Europe are apt to read horoscope columns in newspapers and magazines. While some people read these casually and purely for entertainment, some believe that astrology has scientific status and can provide real insight into events and personality. Using data from a European survey, this article explores some of the reasons why some people think that astrology is scientific and how astrology is viewed in relation to other knowledge-producing practices. Three hypotheses in particular are tested. The first is that some Europeans lack the necessary scientific literacy to distinguish science from pseudoscience. The second is that people are confused about what astrology actually is. The third is derived from Adorno’s work on authoritarianism and the occult and postulates that those who adhere to authoritarian values are more likely to believe in astrological claims. Support is found for all three hypotheses. </jats:p

    Evolution of Landau Levels into Edge States at an Atomically Sharp Edge in Graphene

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    The quantum-Hall-effect (QHE) occurs in topologically-ordered states of two-dimensional (2d) electron-systems in which an insulating bulk-state coexists with protected 1d conducting edge-states. Owing to a unique topologically imposed edge-bulk correspondence these edge-states are endowed with universal properties such as fractionally-charged quasiparticles and interference-patterns, which make them indispensable components for QH-based quantum-computation and other applications. The precise edge-bulk correspondence, conjectured theoretically in the limit of sharp edges, is difficult to realize in conventional semiconductor-based electron systems where soft boundaries lead to edge-state reconstruction. Using scanning-tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to follow the spatial evolution of bulk Landau-levels towards a zigzag edge of graphene supported above a graphite substrate we demonstrate that in this system it is possible to realize atomically sharp edges with no edge-state reconstruction. Our results single out graphene as a system where the edge-state structure can be controlled and the universal properties directly probed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Opinions of UK rescue shelter and rehoming center workers on the problems facing their industry

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    Animal shelters exist worldwide to care for and rehome unwanted or straying pets. Previous studies have examined why owners breed unwanted animals, or relinquish their pets to shelters. However, the views of shelter workers, who receive and care for these animals, have previously been largely unexplored. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions of animal shelter workers on the problems facing their industry. A sampling frame was constructed, consisting of every identified shelter in the UK, and a postal questionnaire sent to each. This included two open questions, soliciting respondents’ views on their biggest problems, and inviting further comments. A total of 661 respondents replied to at least one question. Thematic analysis on the free text content was carried out, and basic and global themes identified. Respondents’ main concerns centered on a mismatch between the continuous demand for their services and their limited resources, which has worsened during the recent financial crisis. Respondents perceived a need for increased public awareness of the commitment involved in keeping a pet, and of controlling breeding by neutering. Points of intervention, such as education programs, were suggested. Coordinating efforts with others, including local authorities, landlords, and housing associations, and a potential role for veterinary professionals working in shelter medicine were all explored by respondents. Rehoming organizations play an important role in the management of pet overpopulation, and the views and beliefs of their workers form an important contribution to the dialogue surrounding this issue. Consideration of these perspectives may suggest alternative routes to address underlying causes and management of pet overpopulation

    Ultrathin Oxide Films by Atomic Layer Deposition on Graphene

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    In this paper, a method is presented to create and characterize mechanically robust, free standing, ultrathin, oxide films with controlled, nanometer-scale thickness using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on graphene. Aluminum oxide films were deposited onto suspended graphene membranes using ALD. Subsequent etching of the graphene left pure aluminum oxide films only a few atoms in thickness. A pressurized blister test was used to determine that these ultrathin films have a Young's modulus of 154 \pm 13 GPa. This Young's modulus is comparable to much thicker alumina ALD films. This behavior indicates that these ultrathin two-dimensional films have excellent mechanical integrity. The films are also impermeable to standard gases suggesting they are pinhole-free. These continuous ultrathin films are expected to enable new applications in fields such as thin film coatings, membranes and flexible electronics.Comment: Nano Letters (just accepted