45 research outputs found

    Asociación entre Trastornos Óseos Degenerativos y Acumulación de Líquido en los Recesos de la Articulación Temporomandibular

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    ResumenEl Objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la asociación entre presencia de líquido intra-articular y alteraciones degenerativas en las ATM de pacientes adultos con diagnóstico clínico de Trastornos Temporomandibulares, por medio de diagnóstico imagenológico, antes de iniciar su tratamiento.Material y MétodoSe reclutaron 135 pacientes consecutivos (promedio de edad = 33,3 años) que clínicamente presentan disfunciones de las ATM y que fueron examinados por medio de Resonancia Magnética (RM) y Tomografía Computada (TC). Los criterios de exclusión fueron: pacientes menores de 16 años, pacientes mayores de 65 años, pacientes portadores de prótesis dentarias removibles, con enfermedades sistémicas como gota, Osteoartrosis sistémica, hiperlaxitud ligamentaria, malformaciones anatómicas, enfermedades quísticas, tumorales, historia de trauma o cirugía de las ATM. Todos los pacientes fueron examinados utilizando el resonador magnético [Phillips Intera 1,5 T, bobina Sense Flex S Dual] en las secuencias; sagital DP-T2-Spir, coronal DP y dinámico ECHO gradiente y también fueron examinados por medio de Tomografía Computada (TC), con cortes de volúmenes-axiales y volúmenes-coronales de 625um de espesor [BrightSpeed®ELITE, General Electric, Milwaukee, USA)] tanto a boca abierta como cerrada, bajo los siguientes parámetros: FOV: 16.0cms, Algoritmo Hueso, Filtro Edge A2 y Matriz 512x512 pxs]. Los estudios imagenológicos de las ATMs formaron los siguientes ocho grupos: Grupo A: Ausencia de líquido (L) en ATM Derecha con Alteración Degenerativa (AD); Grupo B: Presencia de Líquido en ATM Derecha con AD; Grupo C: Ausencia de Líquido en ATM Izquierda con AD; Grupo D: Presencia de L en ATM Izquierda con AD; Grupo E: Ausencia de AD y Ausencia de L en ATM Derecha; Grupo F: Ausencia de AD y Presencia de L en ATM Derecha; Grupo G: Ausencia de L en ATM Izquierda; Grupo H: Presencia de L y ausencia de AD en ATM Izquierda. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente con la prueba Chi2 (Systat v12.0).ResultadoGrupo A: n= 61; Grupo B: n= 64; Grupo C: n= 54; Grupo D: n= 53; Grupo E; n=12; Grupo F; n=13; Grupo G: n=8 y Grupo H: n=5.ConclusiónNo existe asociación entre la presencia de líquido intra-articular y Alteraciones Degenerativas de las superficies articulares en la ATM.AbstractThe Objective of the present study was to determine the association between articular space effusion and degenerative bone disease in adult TMJ with internal derangement, previous any treatment, by images diagnosis.Materials y MethodsWere recruited 135 consecutives patients (X=33.3 years) that presented TMJ dysfunction were examined using Magnetic Resonance (MRI) [Phillips Intera 1,5 T, Sense Flex S Dual Coil] in sequences; sagital DP-T2-Spir, coronal DP and dynamic ECHO gradient and using Computed Tomography (TC) by axial-volumes slices and coronal-volumes slices of 625um of width [BrightSpeed®ELITE, General Electric, Milwaukee, USA], with the patient in open mouth and closed mouth under the next parameters: FOV: 16.0cms, Bone Algorithm, Edge Filter A2 and Matrix 512x512 pxs. The exclusion criteria was: patients below 16 years and above 65 years of age, patients using removable dental prosthetics, patients that presented systemic disease such as Gout Disease, Osteoarthrosis and hipermobility, anatomic structural alterations, Quistic or Tumor disease and TMJ surgery. The TMJ images studies formed the following eight groups: Group A: Absence of effusion (L) in right TMJ with Degenerative Disease (AD); Group B: Presence of L in right TMJ with AD; Grupo C: Absence of L in left TMJ with AD; Group D: Presence of L in left TMJ with AD; Group E: Absence of AD and absence of L in right TMJ; Group F: Absence of AD and presence of L in right TMJ; Group G: Absence of L in left TMJ; Group H: Presence of L and absence of AD in left TMJ. Data were statistically analyzed by Chi2 (Systat v12.0).ResultsGroup A: n= 61; Group B: n= 64; Group C: n= 54; Group D: n= 53; Group E; n=12; Group F; n=13; Group G: n=8 y Group H: n=5.ConclusionNo association was found between Degenerative Bone Disease and Temporo mandibular Joint Articular Space Effusion in TMJ

    Performing identity: the case of the (Greek) Cypriot National Guard

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    Students of International Relations are taught that the modern nation-state has a monopoly on the (legitimate) use of violence. However, in the case of the Republic of Cyprus this does not seem to be the case, since its armed forces, the Cypriot National Guard (CNG), are intimately embedded within Greece’s military structure, and half the island remains under Turkish occupation. The colonization of Cyprus (1571–1960) and subsequent decolonization has led to the gradual construction of two rigid identities, Greek and Turkish, that have been institutionalized legally and imposed constitutionally. This paper seeks to answer two questions. First, how does the CNG perform and therefore constitute a ‘Greek identity’? Second, is this performance epistemically violent, hindering the formation of hybrid identities? We use autoethnography, interviews, and insights from Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of the habitus and Judith Butler’s performativity theory to explore these two questions. We argue that the CNG performs a Greek identity in three key configurations: 1) the operational link between the Greek Army and the CNG; 2) the explicit connection to both ancient and modern Greece through various CNG insignia and practices, including parades and marching songs; and 3) the entrenchment of the Greek Orthodox Church within its practices

    Aproximación al comiso y su instrumentación cautelar en relación a los delitos previstos y sancionados en las leyes 19.913 y 20.000

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    Tesis (Magister en Derecho con Mención en Derecho Penal)Actividad Formativa Equivalente (AFET)El objeto de este estudio apunta al análisis sistemático del comiso y su instrumentación cautelar, en directa relación a los delitos previstos y sancionados en las leyes 19.913 y 20.000. El conocimiento de los elementos constitutivos del comiso y su naturaleza jurídica resultan esenciales como punto de partida en la solución del problema planteado por la determinación de un efectivo aseguramiento de los efectos pretendidos con el empleo intensivo de esta institución en la lucha actual contra la delincuencia organizada. Dicho análisis permitirá, asimismo, precisar la especie de régimen cautelar necesaria para evitar la ineficacia de las decisiones judiciales que se adopten en definitiva sobre los bienes que instrumenten o sean producto de la actividad ilícita. El presente trabajo, en una primera parte, trata sobre el concepto del comiso, sus elementos y naturaleza jurídica. Acto seguido se analiza la normativa nacional vinculada a este instituto, con especial énfasis en las leyes Nº19.913 y 20.000. A continuación se efectúa un análisis crítico de nuestra legislación de Drogas y Lavado de Activos, en materia de Comiso, incluyendo una referencia a las convenciones internacionales sobre la materia, suscritas por Chile. Finalmente, se ofrece un análisis de Derecho Comparado

    Model-reduction techniques for reliability-based design problems of complex structural systems

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    This work presents a strategy for dealing with reliability-based design problems of a class of linear and nonlinear finite element models under stochastic excitation. In general, the solution of this class of problems is computationally very demanding due to the large number of finite element model analyses required during the design process. A model reduction technique combined with an appropriate optimization scheme is proposed to carry out the design process efficiently in a reduced space of generalized coordinates. In particular, a method based on component mode synthesis is implemented to define a reduced-order model for the structural system. The re-analyses of the component or substructure modes as well as the re-assembling of the reduced-order system matrices due to changes in the values of the design variables are avoided. The effectiveness of the proposed model reduction technique in the context of reliability-based design problems is demonstrated by two numerical examples. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The use of updated robust reliability measures in stochastic dynamical systems

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    This work explores the effect of using updated robust reliability measures in the context of stochastic structural dynamical systems. A Bayesian probabilistic methodology for model updating is first implemented for the purpose of updating the structural model using dynamic data. The updated distribution of the system model parameters is then used to implement a strategy for updating the system reliability. The effect of the updated information on the robust performance and design of dynamical systems under stochastic excitation and modeling uncertainty is illustrated by several example problems. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Model-reduction techniques for Bayesian finite element model updating using dynamic response data

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    This work presents a strategy for integrating a class of model reduction techniques into a finite element model updating formulation. In particular a Bayesian model updating approach based on a stochastic simulation method is considered in the present formulation. Stochastic simulation techniques require a large number of finite element model re-analyses to be performed over the space of model parameters during the updating process. Substructure coupling techniques for dynamic analysis are proposed to reduce the computational cost involved in the dynamic re-analyses. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is demonstrated with identification and model updating applications for finite element building models using simulated seismic response data. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Platinum blue staining of cells grown in electrospun scaffolds

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    Fibroblast cells grown in electrospun polymer scaffolds were stained with platinum blue, a heavy metal stain, and imaged using scanning electron microscopy. Good contrast on the cells was achieved compared with samples that were gold sputter coated. The cell morphology could be clearly observed, and the cells could be distinguished from the scaffold fibers. Here we optimized the required concentration of platinum blue for imaging cells grown in scaffolds and show that a higher concentration causes platinum aggregation. Overall, platinum blue is a useful stain for imaging cells because of its enhanced contrast using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the future it would be useful to investigate cell growth and morphology using three-dimensional imaging methods

    Fabrication of electrospun scaffolds incorporating an Amazonian therapeutic oil from the copaifera species for wound care applications

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    Electrospinning provides an efficient and versatile method to produce novel biomaterials from a range of natural and synthetic polymers, which show excellent biocompatibility due to the very high surface area-to-volume ratio. In addition, the incorporation of bioactive compounds into biodegradable polymers, such as poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) allows the fabrication of drug releasing bioactive scaffolds for potential use in novel wound care applications. Native to the tropical region of Latin America, Copaiba oil is extracted from material from the Copaifera species. The oil is a FDA approved compound known for its wound healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesics, antifungal and antimicrobial functions. In this study, microfiber non-woven scaffolds were fabricated via electrospinning solutions of PLGA containing copaiba oil. Tests of cell growth with lung fibroblasts reported a strong affinity of the fibroblasts and the biomaterial.43217220Blackwood, K.A., McKean, R., Canton, I., (2008) Biomaterials, 29, p. 3091Powell, H.M., Supp, D.M., Boyce, S.T., (2008) Biomaterials, 29, p. 834Pontiggia, L., Klar, A., Bottcher-Haberzeth, S., Biedermann, T., Meuli, M., Reichmann, E., (2013) Pediatr Surg. Int, 29, p. 249Sander, E.A., Alb, A.M., Nauman, E.A., Reed, W.F., Dee, K.C., (2004) Wiley InterScienceMacneil, S., (2008) Materials Today, 11. , ISSN: 13697021Kobayashi, H., Shiraki, K., Ikada, Y., (1992) J. Biomed. Mater. Res, 26, p. 1463Ali, S.A.M., Zhong, S.P., Doherty, P.J., Williams, D.F., (1993) Poly(caprolactone), 14, p. 648Chen, D.W., Hsu, Y.H., Liao, J.Y., Liu Sj, S.J., Chen, J.K., Ueng, S.W., (2012) Int. J. Pharm, 430 (335), p. 1Barauna, G., Coraca-Huber, D.C., Duek, E.A.R., (2013) Materials Research, 16, p. 221Khademhosseini, A., Vacanti, J., Langer, R., (2009) Sci. Am. Mag, 300, p. 64Nichol, J.W., Khademhosseini, A., (2009) Soft Matter, 5, p. 1312Berthiaume, F., Maguire, T.J., Yarmush, M.L., (2011) Ann. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng, 2, p. 403Ji, W., Sun, Y., Yang, F., Beucken, J.J.J.P., Fan, M., Chen, Z., (2011) Expert Review. Springerlink, p. 1261Sertie, A.C.B.J.A.A., Freitas, P.C.D., Zanini, A.C., (1988) Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 22, p. 101Fernandes, R.M., Pereira, N.A., Paulo, L.G., (1992) Revista Brasileira de Farmácia, 73, p. 53Paiva, L.A.F., De Alencar Cunha, K.M., Santos, F.A., Gramosa, N.V., Silveira, E.R., Rao, V.S.N., Phytotherapy research? (2002) Phytother. Res, 16, p. 737Fernandes, R.M., Pe, N.A., Copalic acid analgesic activity in mice (1989) Abstracts Simpósio Brasil-China de Química e Farmacologia de Produtos NaturaisCarvalho, J.C.T., Cascon, V., Possebon, L.S., Morimoto, M.S.S., Cardoso, L.G.V., Kaplan, M.A.C., Gilbert, B., Phytotherapy Research (2005) Phytother. Res, 19, p. 946Nogueira-Neto, J., Lindoso, M.J.S., Coelho, L.F., Carvalho, R.A.F., Rodrigues, T.G.P.M., Araújo, A.G.P., Girão, M.J.B.C., Schor, E., (2011) Acta Cir. Bras, 26, p. 20Cascon, V., Gilbert, B., (2000) Phytochemistry, 55, p. 773Tincusi, B.M., Jiménez, I.A., Bazzocchi, I.L., Moujir, L.M., Mamani, Z.A., Barroso, J.P., Ravelo, A.G., Hernández, B.V., (2002) Planta Med, 68, p. 808Oliveira, D.F., Pereira, A.C., Figueiredo, H.C.P., Carvalho, D.A., Silva, G., Nunes, A.S., Alves, D.S., Carvalho, H.W.P., (2007) Fitoterapia, 78, p. 142Leandro, L.M., Vargas, F.S., Barbosa, P.C.S., Neves, J.K.O., Silva, J.A., Veiga-Junior, V.F., (2012) Molecules, 17, p. 3866Brito, N.M.B., Simões, M.J., Pessoa, A.F., (1998) Rev. Para Med, 12, p. 28Vieira, R.C., Bombardiere, E., Oliveira, J.J., Lino-Júnior, R.S., Brito, L.A.B., Junqueira-Kipnis, A.P., (2008) Pesq. Vet. Bras, 28, p. 358Masson-Meyers, D.S., Enwemeka, C.S., Bumah, V.V., Andrade, T.A.M., Cashin, S.E., Frade, M.A.C., (2013) International Journal of Applied Microbiology Science, 2, p. 9Millas, A.L.G., Silveira, J.V.W., Bittencourt, E., InventorsINOVA/UNICAMP assignee (2012) Adhesion and proliferation of fibroblasts on nano and microfibers embedded with natural oils of the Amazon, , BRAZIL PatentXinhua, Z., Shaofeng, R., Kwang-Sok, K., Dufei, F., Benjamin, S.H., Benjamin, C., (2003) Biomacromolecules, 4, p. 416Kumbar, S.G., Nukavarapu, S.P., James, R., Nair, L.S., Laurencin, C.T., (2008) Biomaterials, 29, p. 4100Mustoe, T.A., Pierce, G.F., Thoason, A., Gramates, P., Sporn, M.B., Deuel, T.F., (1987) Science, 237, p. 133

    Assessing Parameter Suitability for the Strength Evaluation of Intramolecular Resonance Assisted Hydrogen Bonding in o-Carbonyl Hydroquinones

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    Intramolecular hydrogen bond (IMHB) interactions have attracted considerable attention due to their central role in molecular structure, chemical reactivity, and interactions of biologically active molecules. Precise correlations of the strength of IMHB’s with experimental parameters are a key goal in order to model compounds for drug discovery. In this work, we carry out an experimental (NMR) and theoretical (DFT) study of the IMHB in a series of structurally similar o-carbonyl hydroquinones. Geometrical parameters, as well as Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) and Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) parameters for IMHB were compared with experimental NMR data. Three DFT functionals were employed to calculated theoretical parameters: B3LYP, M06-2X, and ωB97XD. O…H distance is the most suitable geometrical parameter to distinguish among similar IMHBs. Second order stabilization energies ΔEij(2) from NBO analysis and hydrogen bond energy (EHB) obtained from QTAIM analysis also properly distinguishes the order in strength of the studied IMHB. ΔEij(2) from NBO give values for the IMHB below 30 kcal/mol, while EHB from QTAIM analysis give values above 30 kcal/mol. In all cases, the calculated parameters using ωB97XD give the best correlations with experimental 1H-NMR chemical shifts for the IMHB, with R2 values around 0.89. Although the results show that these parameters correctly reflect the strength of the IMHB, when the weakest one is removed from the analysis, arguing experimental considerations, correlations improve significantly to values around 0.95 for R2

    Power over past and future: Abbess Emma and the nunnery of Sant Joan de les Abadesses

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    Abbess Emma of Sant Joan de les Abadesses, post-Visigothic Catalonia's first known nunnery, left a sufficient documentary record to permit in-depth study of her method of rule, which included taking her comital brothers to court for her rights. Closer study of these acts suggests that her rule was part of a family strategy, whose change by a younger generation was to undo many of her efforts to secure Sant Joan's independence. Her rule included not only aggressive territorial aggrandizement but the reshaping of the locality's history in a way which has endured until this day