19 research outputs found

    Caracterización de las unidades agropecuarias cafetaleras de la provincia de Rodríguez de Mendoza Amazonas, Perú

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    This study was carried out in the province of Rodríguez de Mendoza in the Amazonas region (Peru), with the objective of characterizing the coffee producing agricultural units (CAU) installed in this region. The population was made up of 7061 producers and a sample size of 104 producers was calculated, to which a duly validated survey was applied, comprised of items linked to technical and socioeconomic aspects related to the CAU. The information gathered and tabulated was subjected to the cluster multivariate analysis technique to detect the variables of greatest incidence in the differentiation of groups with similar characteristics, and a dendrogram was used for this purpose as graphic element to specify the variables associated with the differentiation. The results evidence the existence of five significantly differentiated groups, which indicate the Catimor variety as the most frequently grown and the presence of coffee borer beetle and leaf rust as the most important phytosanitary problems. It was also observed that most of the CAUs were smaller than 2 hectares, they sow crops under shade and were linked to organic production; they also reached slightly higher yields than the national average, although there are still deficiencies in cultivation and commercialization practices.El presente estudio fue realizado en la provincia de Rodríguez de Mendoza en Amazonas (Perú), con el objetivo de caracterizar las unidades agropecuarias cafetaleras (UAC) instaladas en esta región. La población estuvo constituida por 7061 productores, y se calculó un tamaño de muestra de 104 productores, a los cuales se les aplicó una encuesta debidamente validada y conformada por ítems vinculados a aspectos técnicos y socioeconómicos relacionados con la UAC. La información recopilada y tabulada fue sometida a la técnica multivariada de análisis de conglomerados para detectar las variables de mayor incidencia en la diferenciación de grupos con características similares, para esto se utilizó un dendograma como elemento gráfico para precisar las variables asociadas a la diferenciación. Los resultados evidencian la existencia de cinco grupos significativamente diferenciados, que indican a la variedad catimor como la más cultivada y la presencia de broca y roya del café como los problemas fitosanitarios más importantes. También se observó que la mayoría de las UAC fueron menores a dos hectáreas, realizan cultivos bajo sombra y estuvieron vinculadas a la producción orgánica, además, alcanzaron rendimientos ligeramente superiores al promedio nacional aunque aún se muestra deficiencia en las prácticas del cultivo y la comercialización

    Calidad estructural de las viviendas de albañilería confinada en el barrio Higos Urco, Chachapoyas, 2018

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    In the Amazonas region as well as throughout the country, self-construction continues to be practiced, a practice that directly influences the structural quality of the houses. The purpose of this research was to contribute with alternatives to improve the structural quality of confined masonry houses located in the Higos Urco neighborhood with a sample of 44 houses. For the present study, data were collected through a survey and by diagnosing the current situation of each dwelling in terms of its structure. From this it was determined that 25% of the houses are of very poor quality, 27.3% are of poor quality, 22.3% are of regular quality and 25% are of good quality. For which a booklet was proposed with alternatives for repair, reinforcement and construction of confined masonry houses, the proposed alternatives were developed to improve the structural quality of houses with deficiencies in walls either by failures or by the use of inadequate masonry. It was concluded that the factors with the greatest impact on structural quality are the technical advice in construction, the workmanship and the structural quality of the masonryEn la región Amazonas, así como en todo el país se sigue practicando la autoconstrucción, esta es una práctica que influye directamente en la calidad estructural de las viviendas. El propósito de esta investigación fue contribuir con alternativas para mejorar la calidad estructural de las viviendas de albañilería confinada ubicadas en el barrio Higos Urco con una muestra de 44 viviendas. Para el presente estudio se recolectaron los datos mediante una encuesta y diagnosticando la situación actual en cuanto a su estructura de cada vivienda. A partir de ello se determinó que el 25% de las viviendas son de muy mala calidad, el 27.3% de mala calidad, el 22.3% son de regular calidad y el 25% de buena calidad. Para lo cual se propuso una cartilla con alternativas de reparación, reforzamiento y construcción de viviendas de albañilería confinada, las alternativas propuestas fueron desarrolladas para mejorar la calidad estructural de las viviendas con deficiencias en muros ya sea por fallas o por uso de mampostería inadecuada. Concluyéndose que los factores con mayor incidencia en la calidad estructural son el asesoramiento técnico en la construcción, la mano de obra y la calidad estructural de la mampostería

    Optimization Model that Minimizes the Penalty Caused by Delayed Delivery of Construction Projects

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    Purpose: This work aims to minimize the penalty generated by delays in delivering construction projects operated by a single machine.   Theoretical framework: The fundamental issues to develop this work are optimization and its application to delays in construction projects operated in their initial stage by a single machine.   Design/Methodology/Approach: We presented a construction case study, developed an optimization model, implemented a computational optimization tool and obtained the optimal sequence to perform the tasks.     Findings: The numerical results demonstrated the model’s usefulness in minimizing the penalty generated by delays in the delivery of projects.   Research, practical & social implications: The benefit of this study is to help managers or decision-makers schedule their construction projects with limited resources and deadlines per activity to minimize penalty costs of delay.   Originality/Value: Considering that the construction sector generates the largest labor force in Peru, the study has an important social value by providing a tool to improve operations and incentivize construction companies to continue operating. In addition, it provides a substantial basis for future work by applying optimization in a specific area of civil engineering. To our knowledge, no researcher or company in Peru has yet addressed this study

    Role of Expert in Validation of Information Collection Instruments for Business Purposes

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    Purpose: This article purpose is exposing role of expert in validation of information collection instruments for business purposes.   Theoretical framework: The work is based on the multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and pluridisciplinary vision, as relevant aspects in the expert's profile.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The coherence, relevance, independence and impact of each of the items that make up the instrument are established as validation criteria, as well as the possible judgments to be issued, specifically, acceptance, modification or rejection, and prepares a validation sheet to facilitate the formalization of the opinion.   Findings: The role of the expert in the validation of information gathering instruments for business purposes is of strategic importance, since the confidence in the inferences made depends on the quality of the data obtained.   Research, practical & social implications: It is vitally important to verify that the expert candidate meets the profile and thus be convinced that the judgments issued contribute to the proper definition of the instrument.   Originality/Value: The expert's profile is proposed to achieve an information collection instrument in accordance with the formulated objectives and a validation sheet is proposed

    Efecto del hongo entomopatógeno Beauveria bassiana en el control de garrapatosis en ganado bovino

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    This study was carried out to determine the effect of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana on the control of ticks in cattle. In total, 20 Fleckvieh female cattle were distributed in five treatments: T1 = control group, T2 = excipients (water + 0.6 ml of surfactant), T3 = 1.2x107 conidia (80 g of fungus + 0.2 ml surfactant), T4 = 2.4 x107 conidia (160 g of fungus + 0.4 ml of surfactant), T5 = 3.6x107 conidia (240 g of fungus + 0.6 ml of surfactant). The fungus was washed with water and surfactant to detach them from the substrate and then applied to the cattle by thick-drop spraying. The tick count was performed in six areas (neck table, groin, armpit) on days 0 (before treatment), 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14. The significant decrease in the number of ticks were observed from day 7 on T3, T4, T5. The decrease in ticks on day 14 was 99% in T5, while in T3 and T4 it was 91 and 82%, respectively.La investigación fue realizada para determinar el efecto del hongo entomopatógeno Beauveria bassiana en el control de garrapatas en ganado bovino. Se trabajó con 20 bovinos hembra de raza Fleckvieh distribuidos en cinco tratamientos: T1= grupo control, T2= excipientes (agua + 0.6 ml de surfactante), T3= 1.2x107 conidias (80 g de hongo + 0.2 ml surfactante), T4= 2.4x107 conidias (160 g de hongo + 0.4 ml de surfactante), T5 = 3.6x107 conidias (240 g de hongo + 0.6 ml de surfactante). El hongo fue lavado con agua y surfactante, con el fin de desprenderlas del sustrato para luego ser aplicado a los bovinos por medio de aspersión por gota gruesa. El conteo de garrapatas se realizó en seis zonas (tabla del cuello, entrepierna, axila) los días 0 (antes del tratamiento), 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 y 14. La disminución significativa en el número de garrapatas se observó a partir del día 7 en T3, T4, T5. La disminución de garrapatas en el día 14 fue de 99% en T5, mientras que en T3 y T4 fue de 91 y 82%, respectivamente

    Water quality index using fuzzy logic Utcubamba River, Peru

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    Water is a fundamental nutrient in the life of any living being. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate its quality, because it is an issue of increasing concern countries around the world for reasons such as the health of the population, regional, national and international economic development, and the environmental quality of the ecosystems. One tool that has been used to know the state of the water is the water quality indexes (WQI). The objective of this research was to develop a WQI based on fuzzy logic, which allows for the estimation of water quality in the Utcubamba River. The methodology used was proposed by Icaga in 2007. To evaluate the proposed WQI called "Diffuse Water Quality Index" (DWQI), sixteen points from the sampling conducted by the Research Institute for Sustainable Development during October 2014 on the Utcubamba River and its tributaries were used. To validate the index, it was necessary to estimate the correlation coefficient R2 between the results obtained and those of the NSF WQI wáter quality index reported by the Water Research Center. This new index presented results and reasonable correlation, R2 = 0.81. It is concluded that DWQI can be used as a tool for decision making in the water management of the Utcubamba River

    Empleo del Modelo Streeter-Phelps para estimar el oxígeno disuelto del Río Utcubamba

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    The Utcubamba river is born in the Leymebamba district at 3 100 m.a.s.l., in the province of Chachapoyas of the Amazon-Peru Region, it flows into the Marañón river, province of Bagua and has an approximate length of 253 km of main channel. The populations of Leymebamba, Chachapoyas, Pedro Ruíz Gallo, Bagua Grande, Cajaruro, El Milagro and Bagua, with a total population exceeding 150,000 inhabitants, are the main urban settlements on the banks of the river, or with direct influence on it. The objective of this research work was to use the Streeter-Phelps model to estimate the dissolved oxygen of the Utcubamba River. The methodology used was analytical and consisted in the first instance in selecting the sampling points that were taken on the main channel, from the data reported and documented by the Research Institute for Sustainable Development of Ceja de Selva, INDES-CES; subsequently, according to the hydraulic characteristics, the points where the model was used were determined, from this information the variables were selected, applying the respective equations. The model describes the behavior of the OD for the first 95.2 km, adequately characterizes the processes of self-purification and oxygen balance in river waters. In addition, it is proved that the waste has normal distribution through Shapiro Wilk whose value is 0.9687; This concludes that the model can be used to make inferences.El río Utcubamba nace en el distrito de Leymebamba a los 3 100 m.s.n.m, en la provincia de Chachapoyas de la Región Amazonas-Perú, desemboca en el río Marañón, provincia de Bagua y cuenta con una longitud aproximada de 253 km de cauce principal. Las poblaciones de Leymebamba, Chachapoyas, Pedro Ruíz Gallo, Bagua Grande, Cajaruro, El Milagro y Bagua, con una población total que supera los 150 000 habitantes, son los principales asentamientos urbanos a orillas del río, o con influencia directa sobre el mismo. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación, fue emplear el modelo Streeter-Phelps para estimar el oxígeno disuelto del Río Utcubamba. La metodología empleada fue de orden analítico y consistió en primera instancia en seleccionar los puntos de muestreo que fueron tomados sobre el cauce principal, de los datos reportados y documentados por el Instituto de Investigación para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Ceja de Selva, INDES-CES; posteriormente de acuerdo a las características hidráulicas se determinaron los puntos donde se empleó el modelo, a partir de esta información se seleccionaron las variables, aplicando las ecuaciones respectivas. El modelo describe el comportamiento del OD para los primeros 95,2 km, caracteriza adecuadamente los procesos de autodepuración y el balance de oxígeno en las aguas del río. Además, se prueba que los residuos tienen distribución normal mediante Shapiro Wilk cuyo valor es 0,9687; de esta manera se concluye que el modelo puede ser empleado para realizar inferencias

    Sistemas de tratamiento de aguas mieles de café en la Provincia de Rodríguez de Mendoza, Perú

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    : Large volumes of coffee wastewater with a high content of organic matter are generated in the processing of coffee, causing impacts on the environment. That is why the objective of this work was to evaluate three systems of water treatment of coffee wastewater. A physical filter (sand, coal, river stone), a biological filter with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and duckweed (Lemna minor L.) and a system with natural coagulants with moringa (Moringa oleífera L.) were compared. and prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica). Measurements were made every 15 days (between May and June 2019); data were processed in the R software. The results explain a linear discriminant function of 0.9355, indicating that the physical filter and the biological filter managed to reduce the parameters of Total dissolved solids (TDS) from 3,266 mg.L-1 to 2.55 mg.L-1 and phosphates (PO43¯) from 2,763 mg.L-1 to 0.975 mg.L-1, with a significant difference between treatments.En el beneficio del café se genera grandes volúmenes de aguas mieles con alto contenido de materia orgánica, ocasionando impactos al medio ambiente. Es por ello que el objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar tres sistemas de tratamiento de aguas mieles de café. Se comparó un filtro un físico (arena, carbón, piedra de río), un filtro biológico con jacinto acuático (Eichhornia crassipes) y lenteja de agua (Lemna minor L.) y, un sistema con coagulantes naturales con moringa (Moringa oleífera L.) y tuna (Opuntia ficus-indica). Se realizaron mediciones cada 15 días (entre mayo y junio de 2019), los datos se procesaron en el software R. Los resultados explican una función discriminante lineal de 0,9355, indicando que el filtro físico y el filtro biológico lograron reducir los parámetros de sólidos disueltos totales (SDT) de 3,266 mg.L-1 a 2,55 mg.L-1 y fosfatos (PO43¯) de 2,763 mg.L-1 a 0,975 mg.L-1  existiendo diferencia significativa entre los tratamientos

    Sustentabilidad productiva de la instalación de sistemas silvopastoriles: una revisión sistemática basada en la realidad de Perú y Colombia

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    Most of the world's livestock is developed in open field or monoculture systems, which generates economic and environmental losses, such as soil erosion, loss of biodiversity of flora and fauna, low meat and milk production, and less monetary income. Faced with this situation, there are sustainable alternatives for livestock production, which are friendly to the environment, being silvopastoral systems. That is why, in this review, it is proposed to analyze the productive sustainability of the installation of silvopastoral systems, placing greater emphasis on the floristic composition of plots with silvopastoral systems in Peru and Colombia, as a case study. The information review was based on the PRISMA statement considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. Comparisons were made of pasture production and quality, productivity of dairy and fattening cattle, social and environmental opportunities, and the floristic composition of such silvopastoral systems. The installation of silvopastoral systems increases the productive yields of pastures (dry matter, digestibility and protein), of animals such as greater milk and meat production, and greater biodiversity of forage species. In both countries it is observed that the implementation of these systems has improved opportunities for producers dedicated to livestock due to the beneficial economic, environmental and social impacts that they provide. In this sense, it is a challenge for scientists, governments and entities involved in sustainable systems to continue looking for new viable alternatives and validate them for livestock production.La mayor parte de la ganadería a nivel mundial se viene desarrollando en sistemas a campo abierto (sca) o monocultivos, la cual genera pérdidas económicas y ambientales, así como erosión de suelos, pérdida de biodiversidad de flora y fauna, baja producción de carne y leche, y menos ingresos monetarios. Frente a esta situación, existen alternativas sostenibles y sustentables de producción pecuaria que son amigables con el medioambiente, como los sistemas silvopastoriles (ssp). Por lo que, en esta revisión, se plantea analizar la sustentabilidad productiva de la instalación de ssp, al hacer un mayor énfasis en la composición florística de parcelas con ssp en Perú y Colombia, como estudio de caso. La revisión de información fue basada en la declaración Prisma, considerando criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se realizaron comparaciones de producción y calidad del pasto, productividad del ganado lechero y de engorde, oportunidades sociales y ambientales y la composición florística de tales ssp. La instalación de ssp incrementa los rendimientos productivos de los pastos (materia seca, digestibilidad y proteína) y de los animales, como mayor producción de leche y carne, y mayor biodiversidad de especies forrajeras. Además, en ambos países se observa que la implementación de estos sistemas ha mejorado las oportunidades para los productores dedicados a la ganadería, por los beneficiosos impactos económicos, ambientales y sociales que estos brindan. En ese sentido, es un reto para los científicos, gobiernos y entidades involucradas en sistemas sostenibles para seguir buscando nuevas alternativas viables y validarlas para la producción ganadera