173 research outputs found

    Skin color correction via convolutional neural networks in 3D fringe projection profilometry

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    Fringe Projection Profilometry (FPP) with Digital Light Projector technology is one of the most reliable 3D sensing techniques for biomedical applications. However, besides the fringe pattern images,often a color texture image is needed for an accurate medical documentation. This image may be acquired either by projecting a white image or a black image and relying on ambient light. Color Constancy is essential for a faithful digital record, although the optical properties of biological tissue make color reproducibility challenging. Furthermore, color perception is highly dependent on the illuminant. Here, we describe a deep learning-based method for skin color correction in FPP. We trained a convolutional neural network using a skin tone color palette acquired under different illumination conditions to learn the mapping relationship between the input color image and its counterpart in the sRGB color space. Preliminary experimental results demonstrate the potential for this approach

    Resultado de aplicar aprendizaje inverso en disciplinas de grado

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    Este documento recoge los resultados de la experiencia de aplicar el Aprendizaje Inverso a estudiantes de 3º del Grado en Comercio por un lado y a otros estudiantes, muchos de ellos profesionales en el campo de la economía y la empresa, del Curso especial de Adaptación para titulados de antiguos planes de estudio. El trabajo se ha centrado sobre “Estrategias de determinación de precios basadas en el valor para el cliente”, punto contenido en el Programa de la asignatura Gestión de Ventas y Proceso Comercial. Utilizando técnicas de investigación cualitativa tales como brainstornig y focus groupEconomía Financiera y ContabilidadOrganización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados

    Detection and removal of dust artifacts in retinal images via sparse-based inpainting

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    Dust particle artifacts are present in all imaging modalities but have more adverse consequences in medical images like retinal images. They could be mistaken as small lesions, such as microaneurysms. We propose a method for detecting and accurately segmenting dust artifacts in retinal images based on multi-scale template-matching on several input images and an iterative segmentation via an inpainting approach. The inpainting is done through dictionary learning and sparse-based representation. The artifact segmentation is refined by comparing the original image to the initial restoration. On average, 90% of the dust artifacts were detected in the test images, with state-of-theart restoration results. All detected artifacts were accurately segmented and removed. Even the most challenging artifacts located on top of blood vessels were removed. Thus, ensuring the continuity of the retinal structures. The proposed method successfully detects and removes dust artifacts in retinal images, which could be used to avoid false-positive lesion detections or as an image quality criterion. An implementation of the proposed algorithm can be accessed and executed through a Code Ocean compute capsul

    Monolayer arrangement of fatty hydroxystearic acids on graphite: Influence of hydroxyl groups

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    Previous studies have indicated that long-chain linear carboxylic acids form commensurate packed crystalline monolayers on graphite even at temperatures above their melting point. This study examines the effect on the monolayer formation and structure of adding one or more secondary hydroxyl, functional groups to the stearic acid skeleton (namely, 12-hydroxystearic and 9,10-dihydroxystearic acid). Moreover, a comparative study of the monolayer formation on recompressed and monocrystalline graphite has been performed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), respectively. The Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and XRD data were used to confirm the formation of solid monolayers and XRD data have provided a detailed structural analysis of the monolayers in good correspondence with obtained STM images. DSC and XRD have demonstrated that, in stearic acid and 12-hydroxystearic acid adsorbed onto graphite, the monolayer melted at a higher temperature than the bulk form of the carboxylic acid. However, no difference was observed between the melting point of the monolayer and the bulk form for 9,10-dihydroxystearic acid adsorbed onto graphite. STM results indicated that all acids on the surface have a rectangular p2 monolayer structure, whose lattice parameters were uniaxially commensurate on the a-axis. This structure does not correlate with the initial structure of the pure compounds after dissolving, but it is conditioned to favor a) hydrogen bond formation between the carboxylic groups and b) formation of hydrogen bonds between secondary hydroxyl groups, if spatially permissible. Therefore, the presence of hydroxyl functional groups affects the secondary structure and behavior of stearic acid in the monolayer.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica CTQ 2010-14874, CTQ 2011-2429

    Respuesta hipofisaria y ovulatoria de conejas nulíparas alimentadas con dietas suplementadas con ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3.

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    Veinte conejas nulíparas se alimentaron ad libitum desde las 10 a las 16 semanas de edad con dos piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos suplementados con dos fuentes de grasa diferentes: 0,75% de manteca para la dieta control (grupo C; n=10) ó 1,5% de un suplemento (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., España) que contenía un 50% de extracto etérero y 38% de ácidos grasos poli-insaturados n-3 (AG n-3) para la dieta experimental (grupo P; n=10). A las 16 semanas de edad se determinó el consumo de pienso, así como la tasa de ovulación y las concentraciones plasmáticas de progesterona y LH a 0, 60 min, 5, 7 y 9 días post-inducción de ovulación con 20 μg de Gonadorelina (Inducel-GnRH, Lab. Ovejero). El consumo de pienso (150,5 g/d), el pico preovulatorio de LH (149,7±10,9 ng/ml), la tasa de ovulación (95%) y el número de cuerpos lúteos (9,8±0,7) fueron similares entre tratamientos. Las concentraciones plasmáticas de progesterona aumentaron a los 60 minutos (7,13±19 ng/ml) y 5 días (13,3±1,9 ng/ml) con respecto al día 0 (0,7±1,9 ng/ml; P<0.05), permaneciendo elevadas el día 9 en ambos grupos (19,4±1,9 ng/ml). Además, el día 5 y 7 post-inducción, las hembras alimentadas con la dieta P tendieron a tener niveles más elevados de progesterona en sangre que las alimentadas con la dieta C (16,6±1,9 vs.12,6±1,8 y 19,0±1,8 vs. 15,5±2,1 ng/ml, P=0,068 y P=0,082; respectivamente) que coinciden con el momento de la implantación embrionaria en esta especie. Por lo tanto, la suplementación con AG n-3 podría mejorar los niveles de progesterona en sangre y por lo tanto reducir la mortalidad embrionaria en este punto

    In Vivo and In Vitro Genotoxic and Epigenetic Effects of Two Types of Cola Beverages and Caffeine: A Multiassay Approach

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    The aim of this work was to assess the biological and food safety of two different beverages: Classic Coca Cola™ (CCC) and Caffeine-Free Coca Cola (CFCC). To this end, we determined the genotoxicological and biological effects of different doses of lyophilised CCC and CFCC and Caffeine (CAF), the main distinctive constituent. Their toxic/antitoxic, genotoxic/antigenotoxic, and chronic toxicity (lifespan assay) effects were determined in vivo using the Drosophila model. Their cytotoxic activities were determined using the HL-60 in vitro cancer model. In addition, clastogenic DNA toxicity was measured using internucleosomal fragmentation and SCGE assays. Their epigenetic effects were assessed on the HL-60 methylation status using some repetitive elements. The experimental results showed a slight chemopreventive effect of the two cola beverages against HL-60 leukaemia cells, probably mediated by nonapoptotic mechanisms. Finally, CCC and CAF induced a global genome hypomethylation evaluated in LINE-1 and Alu M1 repetitive elements. Overall, we demonstrated for the first time the safety of this famous beverage in in vivo and in vitro models

    Arteritis de Nissl en sífilis meningovascular y falla terapéutica con ceftriaxona. Informe de un caso y revisión en la literatura

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    ResumenPresentamos el caso cl&iacute;nico de un paciente de 45 a&ntilde;os, VIH negativo, con enfermedad cerebro-vascular recurrente secundaria a neuros&iacute;filis meningovascular y falla terap&eacute;utica con ceftriaxona. La neuros&iacute;filis es el compromiso del sistema nervioso&nbsp;central por&nbsp;el Treponema pallidum en cualquier estadio de la entidad, e incluye tanto las formas asintom&aacute;ticas y sintom&aacute;ticas de la infecci&oacute;n; sus formas de presentaci&oacute;n son diversas y dependen de la localizaci&oacute;n y la extenci&oacute;n de las lesiones. Las im&aacute;genes de resonancia magn&eacute;tica de enc&eacute;falo muestra m&uacute;ltiples lesiones vascul&iacute;ticas que reflejan&nbsp;el compromiso de peque&ntilde;o vaso (arteritis de Nissl) ocasionadas por el treponema. La recomendaci&oacute;n actual del tratamiento es conpenicilina cristalina 4 millones cada 4 horas por 14 d&iacute;as. La evidenciahasta el momento las personas VIH positivas que presentan s&iacute;filis latente con o sin neuros&iacute;filis, tratadas con ceftriaxona ha mostrado&nbsp;hasta un 23% de falla terap&eacute;utica, se carece de informaci&oacute;n en pacientes inmunocompetentes.[Montes MI, Mill&aacute;n PA, Uribe CS Ar&iacute;eri&iacute;is de Nissl en s&iacute;filis meningovascular&nbsp;y falla&nbsp;terap&eacute;utica con ceftriaxona. informe de un caso&nbsp;y revisi&oacute;n en la literatura. MedUNAB 2006; 9: 174-178].Palabras clave: S&iacute;filis meningovascular, arteritis de Nissl, penicilina cristalina, ceftriaxona