274 research outputs found
O(p)stanak Hrvata u Bosni i Hercegovini
Exactly 25 years after the signing of the General Framework
Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which settled the War
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is still no social, political and economic
stability, the establishment of which was expected upon the signing of the
peace agreement. Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina is divided at all levels.
Primarily political and territorial, and in terms of tolerance of members
of the constituent peoples, which makes it difficult to establish common
state values, the possibility of peaceful coexistence of Bosniaks, Croats,
Serbs and others and building a state with unique generally accepted state
characteristics. The Croatian people are the oldest indigenous people in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and with its continuous emigration that began
during the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina and has not stopped to this
day, the question of its existence is threatened. The research which is the
base for this paper, was conducted by the method of an electronic survey
on a sample of 350 randomly selected Bosnian Croats. The results of
the survey indicate general dissatisfaction of Croats with life in Bosnia
and Herzegovina (94,90 % of respondents), which is primarily caused
by: high levels of corruption, general feelings of insecurity, distrust in
the legal and political system and unequal position of Croats in relation
to Serbs and Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fact that large
number of Bosnian Croats have a stronger sense of belonging to the
Republic of Croatia than to Bosnia and Herzegovina and that the 34,00
% of respondents among Bosnian Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
35,70 % of them in the Republic of Croatia feel like a foreigner, the poor
economic conditions in the state, the selective population policy of the
high-developed (European) countries and the chain migration indicate the
urgent need to resolve the Croatian question in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
otherwise the Bosnian Croats from the constituent people could become
just one of the Others.ToÄno 25 godina nakon potpisivanja OpÄega okvirnoga sporazuma za mir u Bosni i Hercegovini kojim je okonÄan Rat u Bosni i Hercegovini joÅ” uvijek se ne osjeÄa druÅ”tvena, politiÄka i ekonomska stabilnost, Äije je uspostavljanje oÄekivano potpisivanjem mirovnoga sporazuma. DruÅ”tvo u Bosni i Hercegovini podijeljeno je na svim razinama, prvenstveno politiÄkoj i teritorijalnoj, a zatim i u pogledu meÄusobne tolerancije pripadnika konstitutivnih naroda Å”to otežava uspostavljanje zajedniÄkih državnih vrijednosti, moguÄnost za miran suživot BoÅ”njaka, Hrvata, Srba i ostalih naroda i izgradnju države s jedinstvenim opÄeprihvaÄenim državnim obilježjima. Hrvatski narod je najstariji autohtoni narod u Bosni i Hercegovini, a njegovim kontinuiranim iseljavanjem, koje se intenziviralo za vrijeme Rata u Bosni i Hercegovini i nije se zaustavilo do danas, pitanje njegova opstanka je ugroženo. Istraživanje na kojem se temelji ovaj rad provedeno je metodom elektroniÄke ankete na uzorku od 350 sluÄajno odabranih bosanskohercegovaÄkih Hrvata i Hrvatica. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na opÄe nezadovoljstvo Hrvata životom u Bosni i Hercegovini (94,9 % ispitanika) koje je, na prvome mjestu, uzrokovano visokim stupnjem korupcije, opÄim osjeÄajem nesigurnosti, nepovjerenjem u pravni i politiÄki sustav te neravnopravnim položajem Hrvata u odnosu na BoÅ”njake i Srbe u Bosni i Hercegovini. Äinjenica da veÄi broj bosanskohercegovaÄkih Hrvata gaji jaÄi osjeÄaj pripadnost prema Republici Hrvatskoj nego li prema Bosni i Hercegovini te da se 34 % ispitanih bosanskohercegovaÄkih Hrvata u Bosni i Hercegovini i 35,7 % njih u Republici Hrvatskoj osjeÄaju strancima, loÅ”a ekonomska situacija u državi, selektivna populacijska politika visokorazvijenih (europskih) zemalja i snaga lanÄanih migracija, ukazuju na hitnu potrebu rjeÅ”avanja hrvatskoga pitanja u Bosni i Hercegovini u suprotnom bi bosanskohercegovaÄki Hrvati od konstitutivnoga naroda mogli postati tek jedni od ostalih
Forcing Sovereign Conformity: The Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986
One focus of this Note is to analyze the international repercussions of the Anti-Apartheid Act within the context of United States foreign policy, the sovereignty rights of South Africa, the jurisdiction of United States courts to pass on violations of the Act, and United Nations provisions governing interference with the economy of a foreign government. However, before any discussion of the international legality of this Act can take place, its domestic legality must be determined. Therefore, before looking to international justifications for the Act, this Note will analyze it within the context of United States constitutional law. This analysis will focus on several issues: the basis of authority by which Congress can pass such an Act; the effect of the Act on the states\u27 power to determine where they will invest their funds; the conformity of the Act with the established doctrines of separation of powers and delegation of authority; and finally, the effect of the Act on the equal protection rights of those American citizens doing business in and with South Africa
Forcing Sovereign Conformity: The Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986
One focus of this Note is to analyze the international repercussions of the Anti-Apartheid Act within the context of United States foreign policy, the sovereignty rights of South Africa, the jurisdiction of United States courts to pass on violations of the Act, and United Nations provisions governing interference with the economy of a foreign government. However, before any discussion of the international legality of this Act can take place, its domestic legality must be determined. Therefore, before looking to international justifications for the Act, this Note will analyze it within the context of United States constitutional law. This analysis will focus on several issues: the basis of authority by which Congress can pass such an Act; the effect of the Act on the states\u27 power to determine where they will invest their funds; the conformity of the Act with the established doctrines of separation of powers and delegation of authority; and finally, the effect of the Act on the equal protection rights of those American citizens doing business in and with South Africa
Design of a Steel Manufacturing Hall : Undergraduate Thesis
Na temelju zadanih podataka ÄeliÄne hale potrebno je dimenzionirati glavnu nosivu konstrukciju, sekundarne nosaÄe te spregove konstrukcije. Objekt se nalazi na podruÄju Zagreba. ProraÄun se provodi na temelju krajnjeg graniÄnog stanja (KGS) i graniÄnog stanja uporabljivosti (GSU). OptereÄenja koja se javljaju na konstrukciji su stalna: vlastita težina i promjenjiva: snijeg i vjetar. Rezultati unutarnjih sila dobiveni su u raÄunalnom programu āScia Engineer 2017ā.Based on the information about a steel manufacturing hall, our assignment is to design this structure: it is main supporting structure, secondary structure and bracings. Object is located in Split. Estimate is based on ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit states (SLS). Loads are permanent: self weight and variable: snow and wind. Results are from āScia Engineer 2017ā
Effekte von Thromboxan-Rezeptor-Antagonisten auf die glattmuskulƤre Kontraktion in der humanen Prostata
Excavation of Construction Pit and Making Ballast Roads : Undergraduate Thesis
Za iskop i odvoz materijala te izradu tampona potrebno je uskladiti rad strojeva. Rad prikazuje metodologiju usklaÄivanja rada strojeva na hipotetskom primjeru.For the excavation and removal of the material and making road ballast it is necessary to harmonize the work of machines. The paper presents a methodology of harmonization of the machinery on a hypothetical example
Design of a Steel Manufacturing Hall : Undergraduate Thesis
Na temelju zadanih podataka ÄeliÄne hale potrebno je dimenzionirati glavnu nosivu konstrukciju, sekundarne nosaÄe te spregove konstrukcije. Objekt se nalazi na podruÄju Zagreba. ProraÄun se provodi na temelju krajnjeg graniÄnog stanja (KGS) i graniÄnog stanja uporabljivosti (GSU). OptereÄenja koja se javljaju na konstrukciji su stalna: vlastita težina i promjenjiva: snijeg i vjetar. Rezultati unutarnjih sila dobiveni su u raÄunalnom programu āScia Engineer 2017ā.Based on the information about a steel manufacturing hall, our assignment is to design this structure: it is main supporting structure, secondary structure and bracings. Object is located in Split. Estimate is based on ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit states (SLS). Loads are permanent: self weight and variable: snow and wind. Results are from āScia Engineer 2017ā
Consequences of fractal grade distribution for bulk sorting of a copper porphyry deposit
We show the presence of fractal ordering of copper grade in bore core data at short range in the Cadia Ridgeway porphyry deposit and measure its persistence after mining by monitoring the output of the mine every 20 s for a month using a large scale, zero field magnetic resonance sensor. A simple model is used to investigate this connection and its consequences for sorting of the ore. Fractal distributions, and their associated power laws, have two features highly favourable for segregating ore: a large proportion of low-grade pods and the large scale spatial clustering of grad
Accounting treatment of vatat entrepreneurs after the accession of the Republic Croatia in the European Union
Europska unijana stoji postiÄi usaglaÅ”enu zajedniÄku poreznu politiku. Republika Hrvatska, kao Älanica Europskeunije od 1. srpnja 2013. godine, usklaÄuje svoje zakone koji uzrokuju novi razvoj u raÄunovodstvenom tretmanu odreÄenih stavki. Europska komisija direktivama regulira porez na dodanu vrijednost unutar Europske unije. Ulaskom u Europsku uniju Republika Hrvatska je postala dio jednog, odnosno unutarnjeg,tržiÅ”ta Europske unije.Glavna znaÄajka ovog tržiÅ”ta je slobodno kretanje roba, osoba, usluga i kapitala. Dakle, nabava dobara iz drugih država Älanica u Hrvatskoj viÅ”e se neÄe smatrati uvozom za stjecanje robe unutar Europske unije.Izraz āāuvozāā primjenjuje se samo na isporuke dobara iz zemalja koje nisu Älanice Europske unije. U sluÄaju prodaje dobara iz Hrvatskeu neku zemlju Älanicu Europske unije kazat Äe se kako je rijeÄ o razmjeni dobara unutar Europske unije. Poduzetnici u Hrvatskoj moraju biti informirani s ovim naÄelima kako bi toÄno obraÄunali i raÄunovodstvo proknjižili porez na dodanu vrijednost.The EuropeanUnion is tryingto implementtheharmonization underthe commontax policy. Croatia, as amember of the EuropeanUnionfrom 01July 2013,harmonizesits lawswhich cause a new development inaccounting treatment ofcertain items. Throughout itsdirectivesEuropeanCommissionregulatesvalue added taxwithin the European Union. By joiningthe European Union, Croatiabecomespart of a single, or internal, market union.The main featureof thismarket is thefree movementof goods, persons, services and capital. Therefore,the supplyof goodsfrom other Member Statesto Croatiawill no longerbe considered as import forthe acquisitionof goodswithin the European Union. The term āāimportāā shall apply onlyto supplies of goodsfrom countries thatare not members ofthe European Unionto Croatia.In the case ofsupply of goodsfrom the Croatiain the member state of the European Union,it will be said thatās a case of the supplyof goodswithin the European Union. Entrepreneursin Croatia mustbe informedwith theseprinciplesin order to correctlycalculate andaccountancyrecordthe value added tax
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