42 research outputs found

    Zonal wave numbers 1-5 in planetary waves from the TOMS total ozone at 65° S

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    International audiencePlanetary waves in the total ozone at the southern latitude of 65° S are studied to obtain the main characteristics of the zonal wave numbers 1?5. The TOMS total ozone data were used to analyze the amplitude and periodicity variations of the five spectral components during August-December of 1979?2003. A presence of the shorter period of waves 1?3 in 1996 (7 days) in comparison with 2002 (8?12 days) is revealed which can be attributed to the distinction in conditions of typical and anomalously weak stratospheric polar vortex, probably, a strong and weak mean zonal wind. The interannual variations of the monthly and 5-month mean amplitudes of the zonal wave numbers 1?5 are described. Wave 1 has the largest amplitude in October (up to 139 DU in 2000) and increasing amplitude trend (15 DU/decade for October 1979?2003). The 5-month mean amplitudes averaged over 1979?2003 are 53.6, 29.9, 15.5, 10.5, and 7.8 DU for the wave number sequence 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. For the stationary components the amplitudes are 38.3, 4.8, 1.8, 1.2, 0.7 DU, respectively. Thus, the stationary component of wave 1 and the traveling one of waves 2?5 are predominant. The tendencies in a long-term change in the wave number amplitude can be explained by taking into account the degree of wave deformation of the stratospheric polar vortex edge, net meridional displacements of the lower stratosphere air, and the difference between the total ozone loss and negative trends in the polar and mid-latitude regions. Keywords. General circulation ? Middle atmosphere dynamics ? Waves and tide

    Preliminary comparison of the direct aerosol radiative forcing over Ukraine and Antarctic AERONET sites

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    Objectives. To analyze data on aerosol optical thickness (AOT) in the atmosphere over some Ukraine and Antarctic AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) sites. To determine and compare direct aerosol radiative forcing (DRF) typical values using the data from midlatitude and Antarctic AERONET sites.Мета. Проаналізувати дані щодо аерозольної оптичної товщини (АОТ) в атмосфері на деяких пунктах мережі AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) в Україні та Антарктиці. Для визначення та порівняння типових значень аерозольного прямого радіаційного форсингу (ПРФ) використати типові дані середньоширотної та двох антарктичних пунктів AERONET

    Evolution of the eastward shift in the quasi-stationary minimum of the Antarctic total ozone column

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    The quasi-stationary pattern of the Antarctic total ozone has changed during the last 4 decades, showing an eastward shift in the zonal ozone minimum. In this work, the association between the longitudinal shift of the zonal ozone minimum and changes in meteorological fields in austral spring (September–November) for 1979–2014 is analyzed using ERA-Interim and NCEP–NCAR reanalyses. Regressive, correlative and anomaly composite analyses are applied to reanalysis data. Patterns of the Southern Annular Mode and quasi-stationary zonal waves 1 and 3 in the meteorological fields show relationships with interannual variability in the longitude of the zonal ozone minimum. On decadal timescales, consistent longitudinal shifts of the zonal ozone minimum and zonal wave 3 pattern in the middle-troposphere temperature at the southern midlatitudes are shown. Attribution runs of the chemistry–climate version of the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS-CCM) model suggest that long-term shifts of the zonal ozone minimum are separately contributed by changes in ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases. As is known, Antarctic ozone depletion in spring is strongly projected on the Southern Annular Mode in summer and impacts summertime surface climate across the Southern Hemisphere. The results of this study suggest that changes in zonal ozone asymmetry accompanying ozone depletion could be associated with regional climate changes in the Southern Hemisphere in spring

    Aerosol Microtops II sunphotometer observations over Ukraine

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    Atmospheric aerosols and their impact on climate study are based on measurements by networks of ground-based instruments, satellite sensors, and measurements on portable sunphotometers. This paper presents the preliminary aerosol characteristics obtained during 2009-2012 using portable multi-wavelength Microtops II sunphotometer. Measurements were collected at different Ukraine sites in Kyiv, Odesa, Lugansk, Rivne, Chornobyl regions. The main aerosol characteristics, namely aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and Angström exponent, have been retrieved and analyzed. Aerosol data processing, ltering and calibration techniques are discussed in the paper

    Model of the propagation of very low-frequency beams in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide: principles of the tensor impedance method in multi-layered gyrotropic waveguides

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    The modeling of very low-frequency (VLF) electromagnetic (EM) beam propagation in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide (WGEI) is considered. A new tensor impedance method for modeling the propagation of electromagnetic beams in a multi-layered and inhomogeneous waveguide is presented. The waveguide is assumed to possess the gyrotropy and inhomogeneity with a thick cover layer placed above the waveguide. The influence of geomagnetic field inclination and carrier beam frequency on the characteristics of the polarization transformation in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide is determined. The new method for modeling the propagation of electromagnetic beams allows us to study the (i) propagation of the very low-frequency modes in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide and, in perspective, their excitation by the typical Earth–ionosphere waveguide sources, such as radio wave transmitters and lightning discharges, and (ii) leakage of Earth–ionosphere waveguide waves into the upper ionosphere and magnetosphere. The proposed approach can be applied to the variety of problems related to the analysis of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in layered gyrotropic and anisotropic active media in a wide frequency range, e.g., from the Earth–ionosphere waveguide to the optical waveband, for artificial signal propagation such as metamaterial microwave or optical waveguides

    Quasi-stationary planetary waves in late winter Antarctic stratosphere temperature as a possible indicator of spring total ozone

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    Stratospheric preconditions for the annual Antarctic ozone hole are analyzed using the amplitude of quasi-stationary planetary waves in temperature as a predictor of total ozone column behaviour. It is found that the quasi-stationary wave amplitude in August is highly correlated with September–November total ozone over Antarctica with correlation coefficient (r) as high as 0.83 indicating that quasi-stationary wave effects in late winter have a persisting influence on the evolution of the ozone hole during the following three months. Correlation maxima are found in both the lower and middle stratosphere. These likely result from the influence of wave activity on ozone depletion due to chemical processes, and ozone accumulation due to large-scale ozone transport, respectively. Both correlation maxima indicate that spring total ozone tends to increase in the case of amplified activity of quasi-stationary waves in late winter. Since the stationary wave number one dominates the planetary waves that propagate into the Antarctic stratosphere in late austral winter, it is largely responsible for the stationary zonal asymmetry of the ozone hole relative to the South Pole. Processes associated with zonally asymmetric ozone and temperature which possibly contribute to differences in the persistence and location of the correlation maxima are discussed.V. O. Kravchenko, O. M. Evtushevsky, A. V. Grytsai, A. R. Klekociuk, G. P. Milinevsky, and Z. I. Grytsa

    The data processing and analysis methods for stratospheric ozone and planetary wave study

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    We describe the methods and data sources for investigating the stratospheric ozone and planetary waves in the atmosphere in the framework of research provided by our international team. Selected ground-based and satellite instruments for ozone measurements and related reanalyses are described. Examples of data and analysis tools are shown. The technique of planetary wave spectral analysis under conditions of dynamic changes during sudden stratospheric warmings is presented. A brief description of the main results, obtained with the participation of the authors, using combined methods of analysis are considered. We describe procedures for the investigation of a long-term eastward displacement of the zonal ozone minimum over the Antarctic in the spring months, analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the teleconnection between the tropical thermal source and the Antarctic stratosphere, and the creation of the predictive index used for the forecast of possible ozone hole anomalous development in spring months. Examples of application of analysis methods to retrieve the changes in the zonal asymmetry of the Arctic stratopause and features of the annual ozone cycle in connection with zonal ozone asymmetry are discussed

    Aerosol Seasonal Variations over Urban-Industrial Regions in Ukraine According to AERONET and POLDER Measurements

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    The paper presents an investigation of aerosol seasonal variations in several urban-industrial regions in Ukraine. Our analysis of seasonal variations of optical and physical aerosol parameters is based on the sun-photometer 2008-2013 data from two urban ground-based AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) sites in Ukraine (Kyiv, Lugansk) as well as on satellite POLDER instrument data for urban-industrial areas in Ukraine. We also analyzed the data from one AERONET site in Belarus (Minsk) in order to compare with the Ukrainian sites. Aerosol amount and optical depth (AOD) values in the atmosphere columns over the large urbanized areas like Kyiv and Minsk have maximum values in the spring (April-May) and late summer (August), whereas minimum values are observed in late autumn. The results show that fine-mode particles are most frequently detected during the spring and late summer seasons. The analysis of the seasonal AOD variations over the urban-industrial areas in the eastern and central parts of Ukraine according to both ground-based and POLDER data exhibits the similar traits. The seasonal variation similarity in the regions denotes the resemblance in basic aerosol sources that are closely related to properties of aerosol particles. The behavior of basic aerosol parameters in the western part of Ukraine is different from eastern and central regions and shows an earlier appearance of the spring and summer AOD maxima. Spectral single-scattering albedo, complex refractive index and size distribution of aerosol particles in the atmosphere column over Kyiv have different behavior for warm (April-October) and cold seasons. The seasonal features of fine and coarse aerosol particle behavior over the Kyiv site were analyzed. A prevailing influence of the fine-mode particles on the optical properties of the aerosol layer over the region has been established. The back-trajectory and cluster analysis techniques were applied to study the seasonal back trajectories and prevailing directions of the arrived air mass for the Kyiv and Minsk sites