280 research outputs found


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    This paper analyzes various conditions that one spiritual creation must provide in order to be considered an author’s work, according to the law of the United States of America. Apart from the peculiarities that are the result of the Anglo-Saxon concept of copyright, there are other specifics such as the special, constitutionally provided, purpose of copyright in promoting learning, preserving the public domain and protecting copyright. Based on the provisions of the Federal Copyright Act (17 U.S.C.) and examples from the case law, the author explains how the originality of a work is interpreted, how the condition that the work must embody in a materialized medium is regulated and what are the typical types of copyrighted works. In addition, the author explains the main differences when it comes to American Copyright system and how the concept of registration is viewed, after the ratification of the Bern Convention, which is one of the most common causes of the problem of protection of works whose right holders are unknown, which is extremely notable when speaking of the protection of cultural heritage of marginalized groups in American society. The paper aims to point out the similarities and differences between the copyright of the USA and the law of the continental legal system in terms of the conditions for the protection of copyright works.U radu su analizirani uslovi koje duhovna tvorevina mora ispuniti prema pravu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država da bi se smatrala autorskim delom. Osim osobenosti koje su rezultat anglosaksonskog koncepta autorskog prava, prisutne su i druge specifičnosti kao što je naročita, ustavom predviđena, svrha autorskog prava u promovisanju učenja, očuvanju javnog domena i zaštiti prava autora. Na osnovu odredaba saveznog Zakona o autorskom pravu (17 U.S.C) i primera iz sudske prakse, autor objašnjava kako se tumači originalnost dela, uslov da je delo otelotvoreno u materijalizovanom nosiocu i koje su tipične vrste autorskih dela. Pored toga ukazuje se na razlike u shvatanju autorstva, na promenjeni značaj registracije posle ratifikacije Bernske konvencije i na problem zaštite dela nepoznatih titulara prava, veoma važan i sa aspekta zaštite kulturnog nasleđa marginalizovanih grupa u američkom društvu. Rad ima za cilj da ukaže na sličnosti i razlike autorskog prava SAD i prava kontinentalnog pravnog sistema, kao što je pravo Republike Srbije, u pogledu uslova za zaštitu autorskih dela

    Influence of MDR1 gene polymorphisms on calcineurin inhibitors' metabolism and kidney graft function

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    Transplantacija bubrega je najbolji način lečenja bolesnika u terminalnoj fazi hronične bolesti bubrega. Uvođenje kalcineurinskih inhibitora (KNI) u imunosupresivne protokole je jedan od najznačajnijih koraka u razvoju transplantacione medicine koji je značajno poboljšao preživljavanje kako alografta, tako i bolesnika sa presađenim bubregom. Ovi lekovi blokiraju sintezu citokina potrebnih za aktivaciju T-limfocita (interleukina-2, interleukina-4, interferona-γ i faktora nekroze tumora-α) i tako ostvaruju svoj imunosupresivni efekat. Imaju vrlo uzak terapijski opseg, izraženu interidividaulnu i intraindividualnu varijabilnost, kao i veliki broj neželjenih efekata koji utiču na funkciju alografta. Samo neki od neželjenih efekata mogu se objasniti neadektavnom koncentracijom leka u krvi. Brojna istraživanja bavila su se ispitivanjem povezanosti genskih polimorfizama i farmakokinetske i farmakodinamske varijabilnosti KNI. Jedan od najznačajnijih gena za metabolizma KNI je MDR1 gen koji kodira sintezu P-glikoproteina koji je proteinski nosač KNI iz intracelularnog u ekstracelularni prostor. Ciljevi istraživanja: Osnovni cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da se ispita učestalost genotipova pojedinačnih nukleotidnih polimorfizama (C1236T, G2677T/A i C3435T) MDR1 gena i njihovih haplotipova. Pored toga, ispitivali smo i uticaj genotipova i haplotipova MDR1 gena na farmakokinetiku KNI, učestalost akutnog odbacivanja (AO), učestalost odložene funkcije alografta (OFA) i funkciju alografta. Imajući u vidu mnogobrojne neželjene efekte KNI, ispitivali smo i uticaj genotipova i haplotipova MDR1 gena na koncentraciju glukoze, kalijuma, mokraćne kiseline, holesterola, triglicerida i aminotransferaza u serumu. Metode: Studija je dizajnirana kao neinterventno retrospektivno opservaciono ispitivanje, sprovedeno u Klinici za nefrologiju Kliničkog centra Srbije i Institutu za mikrobiologiju i imunologiju Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. U ispitivanje su uključena 152 bolesnika sa presađenim bubregom koji su imali CYP3A5*3*3 genotip. Izolacija molekula DNK vršena je iz uzoraka pune krvi standardnom metodom kolonica. Podaci o dozama i koncentracijama KNI, funkciji alografta, AO i OFA, kao i vrednosti glikemije, hemoglobina, hematokrita, mokraćne kiseline, kalijuma, aspartat- i alaninaminotransferaze, ukupnog holesterola i triglicerida, dobijeni su iz ambulantnog kartona bolesnika sa presađenim bubregom...Kidney transplantation is the best treatment option for patients with end stage chronic kidney disease. The introduction of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) in immunosuppressive protocols have played an important role in improving the outcome of kidney transplantation. These drugs block the cytokine synthesis needed to activate T-lymphocytes and thereby achieve their immunosuppressive effect. They have a narrow therapeutic range, interindividual and intraindividual variability, and a large number of side effects that affect the function of the allograft. However, only some of the side effects can be explained by an inadequate drug concentration in the blood. Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between gene polymorphisms and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability of CNI. One of the most significant genes for CNI metabolism is the MDR1 gene that encodes the synthesis of the protein carrier CNI. Objective: The primary aim of our study was to examine the frequency of genotypes of SNPs (C1236T, G2677T/A and C3435T) of the MDR1 gene and their haplotypes. In addition, we examined the influence of genotypes and haplotypes of the MDR1 gene on the CNI pharmacokinetics, the frequency of acute rejection (AR), the frequency of delayed function (DGF) and the allograft function. Also, we examined the influence of SNPs and haplotypes of the MDR1 gene on the serum level of glucose, potassium, uric acid, cholesterol, triglyceride and aminotransferase. Methods: This study was designed as a retrospective observation study conducted at the Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic of Nephrology and the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Belgrade, Medical Faculty. This study included 152 patients who were kidney transplant recipients with a CYP3A5 * 3 * 3 genotype. DNA molecules were extracted from whole blood samples using a standard colonic method. The patient charts revealed data about the CNI dosage and concentration, allograft function, frequency of AR and DGF, as well as the serum level of glucose, hemoglobin, hematocrit, uric acid, potassium, aspartate and alanine aminotransferase, total cholesterol and triglyceride. AR was diagnosed by allograft biopsy or on the basis of allograft function deterioration that has improved after high-dose of corticosteroid therapy. DGF was defined as a need for hemodialysis during the first two weeks after kidney transplantation..

    Immunoreactivity to food antigens in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

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    Uloga izmenjene crevne mukoze kao osnove nastanka autoimunosti u reumatoidnom artritisu (RA) još uvek nije razjašnjena. Kod bolesnika sa poodmaklim RA se mogu otkriti antitela na različite antigene iz hrane. Poseban značaj pridaje se IgG klasi ovih antitela jer aktivacija njihovih receptora (CD16/ FcγIIIR) na ćelijama imunskog sistema može imati veoma raznovrsne efekte. Nije poznato zašto postoji povišena imunoreaktivnost na antigene hrane kod bolesnika sa RA. Kao jedan od mogućih uzroka povišene imunoreaktivnosti na svakodnevne antigene iz hrane spominje se i enzim dipeptidil peptidaza IV (DPPIV). Ovaj enzim menja aktivnost biološki aktivnih peptida, a kao jedna od najvažnijih uloga ove peptidaze navodi se njen doprinos aktivaciji T limfocita i pokretanje imunskog odgovora. Brojna literatura opisuje serumsku aktivnost i ekspresiju DPPIV u hroničnom reumatoidnom artiritsu, ali nema puno podataka o ulozi ovog enzima u patogenezi ranog RA. Rad je imao za cilj da se prouči moguća povezanost između humoralne i ćelijske imunoreaktivnosti na antigene prisutne u namirnicama (glijadin, proteini kravljeg mleka i fitohemaglutinin) sa aktivnošću bolesti u obolelih od ranog, nelečenog RA. Dodatno, cilj je bio i da se odredi serumska aktivnost i ekspresija DPPIV na mononuklearnim ćelijama krvi kod pacijenata sa RA i da se utvrdi njihova moguća povezanost sa kliničkim pokazateljima bolesti. Ispitivana je i ekspresija IgG receptora na površini imunokompetentnih ćelija. Studija preseka obuhvatila je 50 bolesnika sa ranim, nelečenim RA, kao i 100 osoba u tri kontrolne grupe. U prvoj kontrolnoj grupi bilo je 30 obolelih od degenerativnih bolesti zglobova i kičme, uskladjenih po polu i po starosti sa obolelima od RA. Drugu kontrolnu grupu je činilo 40 zdravih ispitanika, a treću 30 bolesnika sa dugotrajnim RA (bolest trajala duže od 5 god) koja je učestvovala samo u ispitivanju ekspresije i serumske aktivnosti DPPIV...The potential role of changed gut mucosa as a basis for development of autoimmunity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been assessed, but still remains unclear. Antibodies to food antigens were detected in chronic RA, with the special emphasis on IgG class of antibodies, because the activation of their receptors (CD16/FcγIIIR) on many different immune cells can result in various effects. As a potential cause of this immunoreactivity to food antigens, the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV/CD26) is mentioned. DPPIV/CD26 changes activity of biologically active peptides, but one of the most important roles of this enzyme is activation of T lymphocytes and immune regulation. The majority of published data deals with chronic, established RA disease. However, little is known about the possible role of DPPIV/CD26 in the pathogenesis of early RA. The aim of this study was to investigate possible relationship between humoral/cellular immunity to food antigens and disease activity in treatment naive patients with early RA (eRA). Moreover, the aim of this study was to determine the serum activity of DPPIV, its expression on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and to assess possible correlations with disease activity (DAS28) in untreated patients with eRA. Furthermore, expression of CD16 on immunocompetent cells of peripheral blood and its possible relation to food antigens was examined. Study included 50 patients with early, untreated RA, and 100 persons in three control groups. First control group consisted of 30 patients with osteoarthritis, matched by age and gender. Second control group included 40 healthy volunteers and third control group consisted of 30 patients with chronic RA (tested only for DPPIV serum activity and expression). ELISA tests were used to determine the levels of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies to gliadin and cow’s milk proteins (CMP), MTT test was used for the determination of the stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation. Determination of subpopulations (CD16, CD56, CD26) of immunocompetent cells was performed by flow cytometry. Serum activity of DPPIV was determined by the direct photometric method..

    The use of anodic linear sweep voltammetery analysis (ALSV) for characterization the copper anodes used for sulphur acidic waste solution treatment

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    This paper addresses on investigation the possibility of electrolytic treatment the sulphur acidic waste solution, obtained in the conventional electrolytic copper refining process. The copper anodes with non-standard nickel, lead, tin and antimony content were specially prepared for the refining process. Nickel content of all anodes was approximately 7.5 mass %, and the content of lead, tin and antimony was varied. Results, obtained using the standard electrochemical techniques, have indicated that the anodes could be used under the same conditions as well as in the conventional copper refining process

    Association of meal timing with dietary quality in a Serbian population sample

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    Background: The world-wide adoption of Western lifestyles and eating patterns is associated with adverse effects on nutrient intakes. Here we evaluated the relationships between timing of meals and diet quality in Serbia, a Balkan country with a traditional eating pattern that includes the largest meal of the day as a late lunch. Methods: A dietary survey was done in the Republic of Serbia using a nationally-representative sample of 74 children and 260 non-pregnant adults. Nutrient intakes were calculated from two 24-h recalls. A Dietary Quality Score (DQS) enumerated how many European Union (EU) Science Hub recommendations were met for fruit and vegetables, fiber, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. We evaluated whether the timing of dietary intakes is associated with DQS and body mass index. Results: The dietary intakes of children ages 10–17 and adults were similar and were high in total fat intake, with an average of 40% of energy from fat. Mean fruit and vegetable intakes of 473 g/day in adults exceeded the minimal EU recommendation. The most worrisome aspects of the Serbian diet were high intakes of saturated fat, sugar and sodium. Lunch was the meal with the highest mean content of energy, followed by breakfast and dinner, and the average time for lunch was 15:15. Consumption of a higher percentage of calories before 16:00 in adults was associated with higher fruit and vegetable intakes and with higher DQS. The subgroup of adults consuming their largest meal after 20:00 had a lower mean age, more men, and a larger percentage was employed outside of the home. There were no associations of meal timing with BMI, but the prevalence of obesity in this population sample was only 13%. Conclusions: These results indicate that an earlier meal pattern, and especially consuming the largest meal of the day earlier in the day, was associated with better quality diets. Public health efforts are needed to preserve nutrient intakes as the population shifts away from the traditional Serbian eating pattern. Long-term, deterioration of nutrient intakes could contribute to the increasing rates of obesity that have been observed in Serbia and world-wide

    Analyzing the corrosion characteristics of anodes used for the sulphur acidic waste water treatment

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    This paper addresses on investigation the possibility of electrolytic treatment the sulphur acidic waste solution, obtained in the conventional electrolytic copper refining process. The copper anodes with non-standard nickel, lead, tin and antimony content were specially prepared for the refining process. Nickel content of all anodes was approximately 7.5 mass %, and the content of lead, tin and antimony was varied. It was observed, that anodes with O2 content lower than 200 ppm, were not passivated. Results, obtained using the standard electrochemical techniques, have indicated that the anodes with non-standard chemical composition could be used under the same conditions as well as in the conventional copper refining process

    Integrated process planning and scheduling in dynamic environment: The state-of-the-art

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    U ovom radu je dat detaljan pregled stanja u oblasti istraživanja jedne od funkcija inteligentnih tehnoloških sistema (ITS) - integrisano planiranje i terminiranje tehnoloških procesa u dinamičkim uslovima (DIPPS). U tom smislu, datje opis DIPPSproblema, razmatrani su kriterijumi na osnovu kojih se vrši odabir optimalanog plana terminiranja, definisane su usvojene pretpostavke i predstavljen je matematički model ovog problema. Takođe, detaljno su razmatrani i sledeći poremećajni faktori koji se mogu javiti u okviru tehnoloških sistema: (i) prestanak rada mašine alatke, (ii) dolazak novog dela u sistem i (iii) otkaz obrade dela. Analizirani su pristupi za rešavanje DIPPS problema bazirani na multiagentnim sistemima, kao i pristupi bazirani na algoritmima. Kada su u pitanju pristupi bazirani na algoritmima, fokus u ovom radu je na biološki inspirisanim algoritmima optimizacije i to: evolucionim algoritmima, algoritmima baziranim na inteligenciji roja, kao i hibridnim pristupima. Kritičkom analizom stanja u ovoj oblasti istraživanja može se zaključiti da biološki inspirisane tehnike veštačke inteligencije imaju veliki potencijal u optimizaciji pomenute funkcije ITS-a.This paper gives a detailed state-of-the art in the research area o f the important function o f Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) - integrated process planning and scheduling o f manufacturing systems in dynamic environment (DIPPS). Referring to this, description o f the DIPPS problem is given, the criteria on the basis o f which the optimal rescheduling plan are formulated and considered, the adopted assumptions are defined and the mathematical model o f this problem is presented. Furthermore, the disturbances that occur in manufacturing systems are considered in detail: (i) machine breakdown, (ii) arrival of a new job and (iii) job cancellation. Approaches for solving DIPPS problems based on multiagent systems as well as approaches based on algorithms are analyzed. When it comes to approaches based on algorithms, the focus of this paper is on biologically inspired optimization algorithms: evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence based algorithms as well as hybrid approaches. The critical analysis within this research area is shown in order to conclude that biologically inspired artificial intelligence techniques have great potential in optimizing the considered IMS function

    Composite bosons in bilayer nu = 1 system: An application of the Murthy-Shankar formalism

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    We calculate the dispersion of the out-of-phase mode characteristic for the bilayer nu = 1 quantum Hall system applying the version of Chern-Simons theory of Murthy and Shankar that cures the unwanted bare electron mass dependence in the low-energy description of quantum Hall systems. The obtained value for the mode when d, distance between the layers, is zero is in a good agreement with the existing pseudospin picture of the system. For d nonzero but small we find that the mode is linearly dispersing and its velocity to a good approximation depends linearly on d. This is in agreement with the Hartree-Fock calculations of the pseudospin picture that predicts a linear dependance on d, and contrary to the naive Hartree predictions with dependence on the square-root of d. We set up a formalism that enables one to consider fluctuations around the found stationary point values. In addition we address the case of imbalanced layers in the Murthy-Shankar formalism.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emission from cigar burner combustion system and comparison of their content in fly ashes

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    Agricultural biomass is considered a preferred RES in Serbia because of its availability and suitability to limit the use of fossil fuel resources and reduce GHG emissions. Therefore, constant work has been done to develop technologies that enable its utilization for energy purposes. As an example of these efforts, in the Agricultural Corporation PKB, the soybean straw cigarette-type combustion system has been applied for greenhouse heating for over a decade. However, many volatile and semivolatile organic compounds are emitted directly into the atmosphere or concentrated in ash particles during agricultural biomass combustion. Since some of the emitted compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are toxic, monitoring their concentrations in fly ash is recommended. Literature data regarding PAHs content in agricultural biomass ashes are insubstantial, especially in Serbia. For that purpose, PAHs contents in the cyclone and stack fly ashes of soybean straw were investigated and compared. In addition, the emission factors, toxicity, carcinogenicity and benzo[a]pyrene equivalence concentrations were determined and used to estimate the potential environmental impact of these ashes. As a result, stack ash has been shown to have a higher potential environmental risk than cyclone ash. Hence, an assessment of using soybean straw as a feed fuel in a real cigarette-type combustion plant regarding PAHs emission is given. These results provide important information for optimizing combustion conditions and assisting the local entities in managing air pollution and control policies in Serbia

    Copper-induced changes of lipid peroxidation and hemato-biochemical parameters in rat blood: Protective role of flavonoids

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    The effects of subchronic exposure to copper (Cu) on lipid peroxidation, hemato-biochemical parameters, and the possible protective role of flavonoids Quercetin and (-)-Epicatechin were studied. Male Wistar albino rats were treated with Cu (560 mg/L, p.o. as CuCl2·2H2O for 5 weeks) and Quercetin and (-)-Epicatechin (40 mg/kg BW each, i.p., every third day during the last 3 weeks) alone or in combination. Cu increased the concentration of lipid peroxides, decreased the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit values and increased the activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase. Coadministration of Quercetin and (-)-Epicatechin with Cu lowered the process of lipid peroxidation and restored examined hemato-biochemical parameters to control values. Our results indicate that Cu induced oxidative damage in erythrocytes, which led to anemia, while Quercetin and (-)-Epicatechin showed a protective effect on the hemato-biochemical processes in the blood of rats