21 research outputs found

    Modeling of fuzzy logic system for investment management in the railway infrastructure

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    Željeznički putni prijelazi (RLC) su mjesta križanja dviju vrsta prometovanja: cestovnog i željezničkog i potencijalno predstavljaju opasne točke za sudionike u prometu. U općem smislu putni prijelazi mogu biti osigurani nekim od tipova automatskog ili mehaničkog osiguranja (RLC AO) gdje pri prolazu vlaka dolazi do spuÅ”tanja rampe za cestovna vozila. Pored toga RLC mogu biti i neosigurani (RLC NO) gdje rampe za vozače ne postoje i gdje su postavljeni samo prometni znakovi i druga oprema. Osiguranje putnog prijelaza s automatskim osiguranjem (AO) zahtijeva veliku investiciju jer su uređaji za osiguranje RLC vrlo skupi i zato Å”to postoji velik broj RLC koji su osigurani prometnim znakovima (RLC NO). Iz tog razloga ne može se očekivati da svi RLC NO budu u programu osiguranja u istom trenutku kako bi se povećala sigurnost prometa na RLC. Proces izbora same lokacije pružnog prijelaza za ugradnju sigurnosne opreme praćen je većim ili manjim stupnjem neodređenosti kriterija koji su neophodni za donoÅ”enje relevantne investicijske odluke. U radu je prikazano modeliranje neizrazitog (fuzzy) logičkog sustava koji predstavlja podrÅ”ku procesu izbora i rangiranja RLC NO koje je potrebno osigurati AO u cilju donoÅ”enja pravilne investicijske odluke. Prihvaćeno je sedam kriterija koji imaju utjecaj na donoÅ”enje investicijske odluke. Iskustvena znanja eksperata vezano za izbor kriterija i njihove relativne težine, preslikana su u bazu pravila neizrazitog logičkog sustava i formirana je jedinstvena baza znanja pomoću koje se donosi odluka o prioritetima investicije (lista RLC prema prioritetima). Kao izlaz iz sustava dobiva se vrijednost kriterijske funkcije za svaki promatrani RLC. Na osnovu dobivene vrijednosti kriterijske funkcije vrÅ”i se rangiranje RLC NO Å”to prikazuje u praksi redoslijed investicijskih ulaganja u AO. U radu je prikazano istraživanje u kojem je izvrÅ”eno rangiranje i izbor za investiranje RLC NO na teritoriju Beograda.The railway level crossings (RLCs), places where a railway line and road cross each other at the same level, are considered to be potentially dangerous points for all traffic participants. In general, level crossings may be fitted with automatic and/or mechanically-operated signaling/interlocking systems (RLCsAO) that allow passing of trains by lowering the barrier for the road users. In addition, there are also RLCs provided only with traffic signs and related inventory that have no barriers at all (RLCsNO). Protection of these level crossings by introducing the automatic signaling/interlocking system (AO) calls for significant investments considering the fact that equipment required for RLC modernization is very expensive, not to mention the great number of RLCsNO planned for improvement. Therefore it cannot be expected all level crossings without barriers (RLCsNO) to be upgraded at the same time so as traffic safety level can be properly increased. The method to be followed when choosing which RLC is to be provided with the adequate safety equipment depends on certain criteria relevant for making the proper investment decision. The paper herein deals with modeling of fuzzy logic-based approach that will offer adequate support to management when prioritizing RLCsNO to be provided with automatic signaling/interlocking system (AO). Seven (7) criteria that may affect the investment decision have been identified. The experience-based knowledge of managers (experts) was transferred into the fuzzy logic rule-based system to create the unique knowledge base to be used for making decision on investment priorities (list of RLC according to priorities). The output is a criterion function value that may be applied to any RLC analyzed. Based on the obtained value of the criterion function, RLCsNO are classified in line with investment priorities. The paper also shows a research that covered 88 RLCsNO planned for upgrading on the territory of the City of Belgrade out of which only 25 were nominated for investment due to limited financial resources

    BioloŔke komplikacije cementom retiniranih nadoknada na implantatima

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    Dental cements have been established in practice since 1878, and technological advances in the field of implant pros-thetics have directly influenced the development of materials in this area. Although the retention type of implant-supported restorations can be dual, it is nowadays known that the overall rate of technical complications is higher for cement-retained restorations by 2% over screw-retained restorations. Biological complications, including peri-implant mucositis, periimplantitis, bone loss around implants, soft-tissue recession and fistula suppuration, are also more frequent with cement-retained restorations. The most common of these, periimplantitis is often related to factors depending on a clinician.Materijali za fiksiranje zubnih protetskih nadoknada utemeljeni su u stomatoloÅ”koj praksi od 1878. godine, a tehnoloÅ”ki napredak na polju implant-protetike direktno je uticao i na razvoj materijala u ovoj oblasti. Iako mehanizam vezivanja fiksnih nadoknada može biti dvojak, danas se zna da je ukupna stopa tehničkih komplikacija veća kod cementno retiniranih nadoknada za 2% u odnosnu na retenciju Å”rafom. BioloÅ”ke komplikacije u koje se ubrajaju periimplantatni mukozitis, periimplantitis, gubitak kosti oko implantata, recesija mekih tkiva i pojava fistule, takođe su učestalije kod cementno retiniranih zubnih nadoknada. Najzastupljenija među njima, periimplantitis, često se dovodi u vezu sa "lekar-zavisnim" parametrima

    Methodology of Selecting Optimal Fare System for Public Transport of Passengers

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    According to the European Committee (EC) on Transport, the future road transport strategy lies in creating a strong road transport sector which is based on a well-functioning internal market, fair competition and workersā€™ rights, decarbonization, and use of digital technologies. Urban and suburban passenger transportation systems, according to the principles of the EC, have a key role in achieving the goal of sustainable development and sustainable transport in cities. The fare, ticketing, and payment modes have a significant impact on public urban transport systems, primarily in terms of collecting transport service fees, and represent the basic source of financing of such systems, in addition to subsidies and grants from city budgets. This paper presents the selection methodology of the optimal fare system for urban public transport, applicable for all cities with an organized public city passenger transport (PCPT) system. Based on the established criteria with respect to setting tariff limits and fare systems, passenger demand, and the enterprise organizing the transport, the tariff system was selected. The presented method is that of multi- criteria optimization of the tariff system with numerical results on the example of the City of Novi Sad

    Short-term and long-term impacts of eco-driving on dynamics of driving behaviour and operating parameters

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    This paper shows the impact of eco-driving training course on driving behaviour of 7 drivers, analysing two internal parameters: Scania Driver Support (SDS) parameter and Fuel Consumption (FC). Data were collected using Scania Fleet Management System (Scania FMS) over a period of one-year (1 + 2 + 4 + 6 months during the 2015 and 2016). Data for these two parameters of all drivers were recorded daily over a one-year period and calculated in average values on a monthly basis. A one-year cycle of average monthly ambient temperatures of wider geographical region was adopted as the most important external parameter of impact on eco-driving benefits. Longitudinal observation period is divided into: one month initial period of establishing the parameter values before the training (one month), short-term with eco-driving (two months), short-term without eco-driving (four months) and long-term (six months). Significantly higher values of SDS parameter (pĀ Ā 0.05). The results indicate the potential of eco-driving training that manifests significantly positive effects only in good driving conditions. With bad weather conditions that correlate with bad driving conditions, the effects of eco-driving training are supressed with increased requirements for safer driving. Primary conclusion of the paper is that the eco-driving training principles have an apparent positive effect on reduction of FC and CO2 emission but are at the same time sensitive to environmental driving conditions

    Effects of Eco-Driving Training: A Pilot Program in Belgrade Public Transport

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    This paper shows an eco-driving pilot program that has been implemented in the public transport company ā€œJGSP Belgradeā€, Serbia, in order to assess the possibilities of using eco-driving for an entire car fleet of the assessed company in the future. Eco-driving training and education of thirteen drivers were conducted in real driving conditions on the route length of 14 km and consisted of three phases. The results of eco-driving training of thirteen bus drivers confirm the findings of the previous researches that eco-driving has got many benefits. After the training, all drivers saw fuel consumption reduced by 8.61% on average, and consequently the average CO2 emission reduced by 8.61%. The implementation of eco-driving training in the assessed company and the attained fuel economy, leads to significant annual savings. However, some driving parameters were not significantly improved after training indicating a driverā€™s slow adaptation and application of new driving techniques

    Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Fatty Pancreas in Serbian Patients with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease-A Cross Sectional Study

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    Background and Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the association between presences of fatty pancreas (FP) with the features of metabolic syndrome (MeS) in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and to establish a new noninvasive scoring system for the prediction of FP in patients with NAFLD. Material and Methods: 143 patients with NAFLD were classified according to FP severity grade into the two groups and evaluated for diagnostic criteria of MeS. All patients underwent sonographic examination with adiposity measurements and the liver biopsy. Liver fibrosis was evaluated semi-quantitatively according to the METAVIR scoring system and using non-invasive markers of hepatic fibrosis. Results: Waist circumference (WC) was predictive for increased risk of FP in NAFLD patients. Elevated fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol, serum amylase and lipase levels were associated with presence of severe FP (p value = 0.052, p value = 0.007, p value = 0.014; p value = 0.024, respectively). Presence of increased amounts of mesenteric fat was associated with severe FP (p value = 0.013). The results of this study demonstrated highly significant association between NAFLD and presence of FP. The model for predicting the presence of FP was designed with probability value above 6.5. Conclusion: Pancreatic fat accumulation leads to worsening of pancreatic function which in turns exacerbates severity of metabolic syndrome associated with both, NAFLD and NAFPD

    Comparison of CustodiolĀ® and modified St. Thomas cardioplegia for myocardial protection in coronary artery bypass grafting

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    Background/Aim. CustodiolĀ® is a hyperpolarizing cardioplegic solution which has been used in our national cardiac surgical practice exclusively for the heart transplant surgery. Owing to its numerous advantages over the standard depolarizing solutions, CustodiolĀ® became cardioplegic solution of choice for all other cardiac surgical procedures in many cardio-surgical centers. This study evaluated myocardial protection by CustodiolĀ® compared to modified St. Thomas cardioplegic solution in coronary artery bypass surgery. Methods. In a prospective four-month study, 110 consecutive adult patients who underwent primary isolated elective on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) were randomized into the CustodiolĀ® group (n = 54) and the St. Thomas groupa (n = 50), based on the type of administered cardioplegia; six patients were excluded. Cardiac protection was achieved as antegrade cold crystalloid cardioplegia by one of the solutions. Myocardial preservation was assessed through following outcomes: spontaneous rhythm restoration post cross-clamp, and postpoperative cardiac specific enzymes level, ejection fraction (EF) change, inotropic support, myocardial infarction (MI), atrial fibrillation (AF), and death. Results. Preoperative and intraoperative characteristics of patients in both groups were similar except for a considerably longer cross-clamp time in the CustodiolĀ® group (49.1 Ā± 19.0 vs. 41.0 Ā± 12.9 minutes; p = 0.022). The CustodiolĀ® group exhibited a higher rate of return to spontaneous rhythm compared to the St. Thomas group (31.5% vs. 20.0%, respectively; p = 0.267), lower rates of AF (20.4% vs. 28%, respectively; p = 0.496), MI (1.8% vs. 10.0%, respectively; p = 0.075) and inotropic support (9.0% vs. 12.0%, respectively; p = 0.651), albeit not statistically significant. There was an insignificant difference in peak value of troponin I between the CustodiolĀ® and Thee St. Thomas group (5.0 Ā± 3.92 Ī¼g/L vs. 4.5 Ā± 3.39 Ī¼g/L, respectively; p = 0.755) and creatine kinase-MB (26.9 Ā± 15.4 Ī¼g/L vs. 28.5 Ā± 24.2 Ī¼g/L, respectively; p = 0.646) 6 hours post-surgery. EF reduction was comparable (0.81% vs. 1.26%; p = 0.891). There were no deaths in both groups. Conclusions. CustodiolĀ® and modified St.Thomas cardioplegic solution have comparable cardioprotective effects in CABG surgery. The trends of less frequent MI, AF and ino-tropic support, despite the longer cross-clamp time in the CustodiolĀ® group may suggest that its benefits could be ascertained in a larger study

    Correlation of Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO-2) with Endoscopic and Histological Features in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease Patients

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    Background and Objectives. Determination of inflammatory bowel disease activity determines further therapeutic approach and follow-up. The aim of our study was to investigate correlation between patients' reported symptoms and endoscopic and histological disease activity. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in consecutive newly diagnosed patients with inflammatory bowel disease in a tertiary care referral center. The initial evaluation included patient-reported outcome for stool frequency subscore and rectal bleeding. Endoscopic activity was determined using the Mayo scoring system for ulcerative colitis and the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn's disease. Histopathological activity was assessed using a validated numeric scoring system. Results. We included 159 patients (63 Crohn's disease with colonic involvement and 96 with ulcerative colitis). We found significant correlation between the Mayo endoscopic subscoring system and histology activity in ulcerative colitis, while no correlation was found in patients with Crohn's disease. Patient-reported outcome showed inverse correlation with endoscopic and histological activity in Crohn's disease (rs=-0.67; rs=-0.72), while positive correlation was found in ulcerative colitis (rs=0.84; rs=0.75). Interpretation and Conclusions. Patient-reported outcome is a practical and noninvasive tool for assessment of disease activity in ulcerative colitis patients but not in Crohn's disease

    Planning the City Logistics Terminal Location by Applying the Green p

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    The paper herein presents green p-median problem (GMP) which uses the adaptive type-2 neural network for the processing of environmental and sociological parameters including costs of logistics operators and demonstrates the influence of these parameters on planning the location for the city logistics terminal (CLT) within the discrete network. CLT shows direct effects on increment of traffic volume especially in urban areas, which further results in negative environmental effects such as air pollution and noise as well as increased number of urban populations suffering from bronchitis, asthma, and similar respiratory infections. By applying the green p-median model (GMM), negative effects on environment and health in urban areas caused by delivery vehicles may be reduced to minimum. This model creates real possibilities for making the proper investment decisions so as profitable investments may be realized in the field of transport infrastructure. The paper herein also includes testing of GMM in real conditions on four CLT locations in Belgrade City zone

    Application of Modern Information Systems for More Efficient Removal of Parking Violators

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    PUC ā€žParking servisā€œ Novi Sad, which has parking spaces organization and exploitation as its narrower activity, in its structure has the Transportation Office whose main task is the removal of parking violators by the order of a competent authority. In this paper Transportation Serviceā€™s work organization, transport organization and potential upgrades in business conduct via modern information technologies, will, above all, be considered, as well as the roll of the Transportation Service Ā inside the system of PUC ā€žParking servisā€œ, and itā€™s contribution to the Company, from a financial aspect. Described income and cost data are based on the Ā companyā€™s data of business conduct in 2013. Three main measure suggestions will be considered, all based on advanced use of information technologies, implementation of Ā a dispatching unit, and suitable patrol unit - Vehicle of Observatory Purpose (VOP) - maximum, minimum, and real, type of advanced business management