20 research outputs found

    Organska proizvodnja šljive, kupine i maline

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    Publikacija „Organska proizvodnja šljive, kupine i maline“ namenjena je pre svega proizvođačima, studentima, ali i svim drugim zainteresovanim stranama (organizacijama i institucijama) koje se bave ili nameravaju da se bave organskom proizvodnjom. Ona je jedan od rezultata projekta “UNAPREĐENjE ORGANSKE POLjOPRIVREDNE PROIZVODNjE U ZAPADNOJ SRBIJI PUTEM EDUKACIJE POLjOPRIVREDNIH PROIZVOĐAČA“, koji finansira Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine. Glavni cilj ovog projekta je promocija organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje u brdsko-planinskom regionu zapadne Srbije pomoću edukacije potencijalnih proizvođača. Neki od konkretnih ciljeva projekta su: upoznavanje proizvođača sa savremenim standardima i principima u organskoj proizvodnji i principima dobre poljoprivredne prakse; upoznavanje sa novim tehnologijama gajenja biljaka u sistemu organske proizvodnje; unapređenje poljoprivredne proizvodnje u opštinama zapadne Srbije, proširenjem ponude na tržištu, novih proizvoda sa višom cenom i boljim kvalitetom. Vezano za voćarsku proizvodnju, cilj je upoznavanje proizvođača sa izborom najpogodnije voćne vrste i sorte za organsku proizvodnju, podizanje organskog voćnjaka, mere agrotehnike i održavanja zasada, i mere suzbijanja bolesti i štetočina u organskom voćnjaku. Ova publikacija je zamišljena tako da pruži detaljnije informacije o organskoj proizvodnji šljive, kupine i maline, sa posebnim naglaskom za izbor pogodnih sorti merama zaštite.Organska biljna proizvodnja predstavlja sve proizvodne sisteme koji unapređuju životnu sredinu, socijalne i ekonomske aspekte proizvodnje hrane. Ključ uspeha u ovoj proizvodnji je plodnost zemljišta, uz vođenje računa o biodiverzitetu biljaka i životinja, kao i očuvanju životne okoline. Organska poljoprivreda znači da želite da radite zajedno sa prirodom a ne želja da je pobedite. Ovakva proizvodnja dramatično redukuje upotrebu hemo-sintetičkih pesticida i đubriva, kao i drugih farmaceutskih preparata. Umesto toga dozvoljava da jaki prirodni zakoni povećaju prinose i otpornost na bolesti, i da bi se kao krajnji proizvod dobila zdrava hrana. Ovaj vid biljne proizvodnje zasniva se na rotaciji kultura, biljnim ostatcima, đubrivima životinjskog porekla, leguminozama, zelenišnim đubrenjem, otpadnim materijalima iz animalne proizvodnje, mehaničkoj obradi, usitnjenim praškastim stenama, biološkim pesticidima. Sve ove komponente pomažu da se održi produktivnost zemljišta, snabdevanje biljke hranljivim materijama, kontrolu insekata, korova i drugih štetočina. Na ovaj način podstiču se tradicionalni načini gajenja različitih kultura, kao i stare, autohtone sorte, i različiti načini njihove prerade. Ukoliko želimo da se bavimo organskom proizvodnjom voća, pre podizanja voćnjaka treba pogledati korove i prisustvo nematoda, pogledati istoriju zemljišta, uraditi analizu zemljišta na teške metale i NPK, pogledati drenažu zemljišta i izbor mesta. Pre sadnje važno je popraviti plodnost zemljišta i suzbiti korove (posebno višegodišnje). Pogledati i moguće simptome nedostataka nekih drugih elemenata. U mladim voćnjacima i vinogradima veoma je dobro da se gaje druge kulture (trave, cveće, povrće, lekovito bilje, leguminoze). Bitno je podići vetrozaštitni pojas pre sadnje, jer on štiti mlade sadnice, povećava biodiverzitet, omogućava stanište za insekte, privlači predatore i pčele i smanjuje nivo prašine. Održavanje zasada izvodi se boljom zimskom rezidbom, uz provetrenost krune, uz primenu redovne zelene rezidbe, proređivanje plodova, uz veći razmak sadnje, u jesen spaljivanje opalog lišća, dezimfekcija preseka. Održavanje zemljišta u organskoj voćarskoj proizvodnji može se vrši plodoredom ili rotacijom useva, mogu gajiti biljke za zelenišno đubrenje (što zavisi od lokacije, padavina, tipa zemljišta, potencijalne erozije), korišćenjem komposta, primenom isitnjenih stena u obliku praha (kameni fosfat), primenom organskih otpadaka (koštano brašno), zaoravanjem biljnih ostataka, primenom kreča ili sumpora (u zavisnosti od pH zemljišta), zastiranjem, primenom solarizacije, mehaničkim kultiviranjem Najčešća primenljiva đubriva u organskoj voćarskoj proizvodnji su stajnjak, kompost i glistenjak. Upotreba sintetičkih mineralnih đubriva je zabranjena, dok se mineralna đubriva mogu koristiti samo ako su u svojoj prirodnoj formi, bez prerade. U organskoj voćarskoj proizvodnji suzbijanje korova se vrši obradom (mašinski gde je to moguće, a ručno gde je velika potencijalna erozija), gajenjem pokrovnih kultura, zastiranjem, gajenje živine, napasanjem stoke, pomoću vučne mašine koja vodenom parom ili plamenom isušuje korove, organski prihvatljivim herbicidima (na bazi masnih kiselina, sapuna i kalijumovih soli). Sirće, limunska kiselina i ulja deteline i majčine dušice se takođe koriste u suzbijanju korova. U suzbijanju bolesti i štetočina u organskom voćnjaku najvažnija je preventiva koja se oglada u obaveznom uklanjanju žive ograde oko voćnjaka zbog aeracija zasada, obaveznoj dezimfekciji velikih preseka prilikom rezidbe, iznošenjem orezanog zaraženog granja, manje đubrenje N, podizanje voćnjaka na direkto izlozenim mestima suncu, cirkulaciji vazduha i dobroj dreniranosti zemljišta. U zaštiti biljaka mogu se koristiti dozvoljena sredstva, regulisana pravilnikom o organskoj biljnoj proizvodnji, i tu spadaju ekstrakti različitih tropskih biljaka od kojih se prave fungicidi i insekticidi. Tu spadaju biljke: Quassia amara (Poreklom je sa Havaja, priprema se ekstrakt ili čaj iz drveta), Ryania speciosa (Južnoamerički žbun, koristi se kao insekticid), Derris eliptica (iz ekstrakta korena dobija se aktivna materija Rotenon), Azadirachta indica, ili tkz. ’Neem’drvo (Poreklom iz Indije), Chrysanthemum cinerarieafolium ili Buhati (ima ga u Dalmaciji, odličan insekticid), i ekstrakti duvana. U organskoj proizvodnji za zaštitu bilja sve se više koristi mineral gline ’KAOLIN’. U odbrani od bakterioznih plamenjača može se koristiti patogena bakterija Pseudomonas urescens soj A506, koja je i konkurent izazivaču plamenjače. U borbi protiv insekata koriste se mikroorganizmi (Granulovirusi-i Bacillus thuringensis), korisni insekti (bubamare, stenice, zlatooke, bogomoljke, predatorske osice, uholaže, vilin konjici), gajenje živine u zasadima, parazitne nematode, zamke, feromoni i feromonske klopke, mehaničke barijere, prirodni insekticidi. Korisni insekti se mogu privlačiti nekim biljem, kao što su: majčina dušica, hajdučka trava, nana, petoprst, žednjak, ali postoje i neke biljke koje odbijaju štetočine kao što su: neven, bosiljak, beli luk, ruzmarin, mirođija, peršun i vranilova trava. Borba protiv glodara vrši se obaveznim uklanjanjem gomila grana iz voćnjaka jer su one idealno mesto za prezimljevanje glodara, zamkama i podržavanje prirodnih predatora (sove i druge ptice). Puževi golaći se eliminišu posipanjem međurednih prostora ljuskama od jajeta, pepelom, piljevinom, postavljanjem zamki sa pivom ili slatkim sokom. Protiv krtica najefikasnije je gajenje mlečike ili ukopavanjem pivskih flaša do grlića u krtičnjake. U organskoj voćarskoj proizvodnji bitni su i tretmani posle berbe, i tu se plodovi mogu tretirati antagonističkim kvascima koji koloniziraju rane na plodovima i takvi plodovi se duže čuvaju, preparatima na bazi Pseudomonas syringae i Aureobasidium pullulans, dok je suzbijanje truleži plodova moguće potapnjem u vodu na 53°C u trajanju od 180 sekundi. Voćne vrste koje se relativno lako gaje u uslovima organskog voćarstva su šljiva, malina i kupina

    Nitrogen Mineralization of Apple Orchard Soils in Regions of Western and South-Eastern Norway

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    The mineralization of nitrogen in apple orchard soil will increase the soil supply. An incubation study to test the soil potential and the validity of analytical methods was conducted at 3, 8, 15, and 20 °C for up to 128 days on soils from western and south-eastern Norway. Soils with the highest pH showed the highest mineralization. The mineralization increased with increasing temperature and time, but start-up N reduced mineralization. The mineralization cannot be estimated from standard soil chemical parameters because the different C/N ratio indicates organic material of different origin and quality. The increase in NO3-N started very quickly and ranged from 17 to 182% and 12 to 64% after 8 days at 3 °C and 20 °C, respectively. There was no correlation between total N in the soil and the amount of mineralized N. On average, the mineralization increased by 5–7% for a change of 1 °C in the interval from 8 to 15 °C in the soil. The chemical extraction method using heated KCl correlated well with the mineralization data. On average, the chemical method estimated 30 kg N ha−1, which corresponded to 0.48% of total N. Recommendations for N fertilization based on total N in the soil overestimate the contribution of plant-available N in most cases

    Reproductive biology traits affecting productivity of sour cherry

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate variability in reproductive biology traits and the correlation between them in genotypes of 'Oblacinska' sour cherry (Prunus cerasus). High genetic diversity was found in the 41 evaluated genotypes, and significant differences were observed among them for all studied traits: flowering time, pollen germination, number of fruiting branches, production of flower and fruit, number of flowers per bud, fruit set, and limb yield efficiency. The number of fruiting branches significantly influenced the number of flower and fruit, fruit set, and yield efficiency. In addition to number of fruiting branches, yield efficiency was positively correlated with fruit set and production of flower and fruit. Results from principal component analysis suggested a reduction of the reproductive biology factors affecting yield to four main characters: number and structure of fruiting branches, flowering time, and pollen germination. Knowledge of the reproductive biology of the 'Oblacinska' genotypes can be used to select the appropriate ones to be grown or used as parents in breeding programs. In this sense, genotypes II/2, III/9, III/13, and III/14 have very good flower production and satisfactory pollen germination

    Podizanje i održavanje organskog voćnjaka

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    Analysis of pomological traits in new promising sweet cherry genotypes

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    Sweet cherry breeding programs are interested in developing new cultivars that are very early or very late in ripening, high yielding, with excellent fruit size and quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate new, promising, sweet cherry genotypes (G-1 and G-2) for ripening time, fruit morphology and fruit chemical content, and compare it with the standard sweet cherry cultivars (Bigarreau Jaboulay, B. H. Burlat, Seneca, Hedelfiger Riesenkirsche, Germersdorfer Grosse Kirsche, Emperor Francis and Bing). Experiment was done during four consecutive years (2006-2009) in Grocka, near Belgrade. The earliest fruit ripening was recorded in G-2 (22nd April) while the latest in `Bing` (2nd June). Fruit weight varied from 5.83 g (G-2) up to 8.93 g (G-1). Soluble solid content and total sugar content were the lowest in genotype G-2 (10.48%; 8.45%, respectively) but the highest in Emperor Francis (18.28%; 15.98%, respectively). No matter the fact that some standard cultivars showed better results for some traits, genotypes G-1 and G-2 are considered very promising. So, genotype G-1 could be intended for table consumption since it ripens 2-3 days after cv. B. H. Burlat, but have much higher fruit weight. Also, genotype G-2, the earliest in this trial, showed satisfactory fruit weight for this ripening time, which makes it very interesting for fresh market production. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31063 i br. 31038

    Analysis of wild sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) germplasm diversity in south-east Serbia

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    Ten wild growing sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) genotypes from South-East Serbia with different fruit skin color were analyzed for its phenological, morphological and chemical traits. Agronomic evaluation of germplasm accessions revealed considerable diversity among different accessions for all the characters studied. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among all genotypes for almost all examined properties. Cluster analysis showed adequate grouping of wild sweet cherry genotypes according to pomological characterization and distinguished them into two distinct groups. The first group had two subgroups and consisted of seven genotypes, while the second one included only three accessions. Despite of the significant differences among genotypes, the total concentration of phenols made a clear separation between the clusters. The level of genetic diversity in these wild sweet cherry genotypes is very high and therefore these trees are useful sources of variability for attributes studied and can be employed in further breeding programs or conservation.U ovom radu ispitivane su fenološke, morfološke i hemijske osobine deset genotipova divlje trešnje (Prunus avium L.) različite boje pokožice, poreklom iz jugoistočne Srbije. Izučavanjem ove germplazme otkriven je značajan biodiverzitet između ispitivanih biljaka. Analiza varijanse otkrila je značajne razlike između genotipova za skoro sve proučavane osobine. Klaster analizom genotipovi divlje trešnje su grupisani i na osnovu pomološke kategorizacije su izdvojene dve grupe. Prva grupa je sadržala dve podgrupe i obuhvatala je sedam genotipova, dok je drugoj pripadalo samo tri genotipa. Bez obzira na značajne razlike ovakva podela između proučavanih biljaka je izvršena na osnovu koncentracije ukupnih fenola. Nivo genetičkog diverziteta kod proučavanih genotipova divlje trešnje je veoma visok i zbog toga ova stabla su koristan izvor varijabilnosti za proučavane osobine i mogu se koristiti u budućim oplemenjivačkim programima pri ukrštanju između sorti i divljih genotipova

    Genetic gain from selection of vineyard peach native population

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    Vineyard peach native population in our country represents important and rich source of genetic variability. Establishment of the genetic gain and differences concerning genetic variability are very important in selection of the genotypes with different usability. In according to the start up population and after selection of 25% intensity important properties such as fruit quality indexes were examined. Those were fruit weight, output, appearance, taste, aroma, soluble solid and total sugar content and titratable acidity. Besides variability components, coefficient of variation and heritability coefficient, expected and realized genetic gain was determined as well. In the start up population the lowest variability was established for output (CV=1.3%) and the highest for titratable acidity (CV=28.4%). For all analyzed characteristics, medium up to high values for heritability coefficient were determined in both start up population and selected genotypes. As a result of the selection in all properties came to genetic variance decreasing except in fruit appearance. Realized genetic gain was on the level or little lower that expected one for the majority of the properties.Prirodna populacija vinogradske breskve u našoj zemlji predstavlja značajan i bogat izvor genetičke varijabilnosti. Pri selekciji genotipova različite upotrebne vrednosti posebno je značajno da se utvrdi genetička dobit s jedne strane i promene u pogledu genetičke varijabilnosti s druge strane. U tom smislu u početnoj populaciji kao i nakon selekcije sa intenzitetom od 25% praćene su važnije osobine pokazatelji kvaliteta ploda. To su masa ploda, randman, izgled, ukus, aroma, sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija, ukupnih šećera i kiselina. Pored komponenti varijabilnosti, koeficijenata varijacije i heritablnosti utvrđena je i očekivana i ostvarena genetička dobit. U početnoj populaciji najmanje variranje ustanovljeno je za randman (CV=1,3%), a najveće za sadržaj ukupnih kiselina (CV=28,4%). Za sve analizirane osobine utvrđene su srednje do visoke vrednosti koeficijenata heritabilnosti i u početnoj populaciji i kod selekcionisanih genotipova. Kao rezultat selekcije kod svih osobina, osim izgleda ploda, nije došlo do smanjenja genetičke varijanse. Ostvarena genetička dobit je na nivou ili nešto manja od očekivane za većinu osobina

    Viability of Embryo Sacs and Fruit Set in Different Plum (Prunus domestica L.) Cultivars Grown under Norwegian Climatic Conditions

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    Compatibility and synchrony between specialized tissues of the pistil, female gametophytes and male gametophytes, are necessary for successful pollination, fertilization, and fruit set in angiosperms. The aim of the present work was to study the development and viability of embryo sacs, as well as fertilization success, in relation to the fruit set of the cultivars ‘Mallard’, ‘Edda’, ‘Jubileum’, and ‘Reeves’, under specific Norwegian climatic conditions. Emasculated, unpollinated, and open-pollinated flowers were collected at the beginning of flowering, and on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th days after flowering, from all four plum cultivars over two years (2018/2019). Ovaries were dehydrated, embedded in paraffin wax, sectioned, stained, and observed under a light microscope. Results showed the existence of synchronization between successive phases in the development of the embryo sac and individual phases of flowering. All plum cultivars had higher percentages of viable embryo sacs, fertilized embryo sacs, and fruit set in 2018 than in 2019. These differences may be related to the very low temperatures during the post-full-flowering period in 2019, and to the low adaptation of some studied cultivars to unfavorable conditions. In our study, the cultivar ‘Jubileum’ showed the highest percentage of viable embryo sacs, fertilized embryo sacs, and fruit set compared to other cultivars, i.e., the best low-temperature adaptation

    The effective pollination period of European plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars in western Norway

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    This study evaluated the effective pollination period (EPP) in four European plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars (‘Mallard’, ‘Edda’, ‘Jubileum’, and ‘Reeves’) during two years (2018–2019) under the environmental conditions in western Norway. The pollination of plum cultivars was carried out one, three, five, seven, and nine days after anthesis (DAA) with a pollen mix of two compatible cultivars (‘Victoria’ and ‘Opal’). Initial, middle-season, and final fruit set was recorded after one month and two months after pollination and just before the harvest, respectively. On average from both years cultivar ‘Jubileum’ had the highest fruit set when pollinated one, three, five, seven, and nine DAA (33.23%, 30.83%, 8.47%, 3.08%, and 1.15%, respectively), which was more than two folds higher fruit set than in the other studied cultivars. Cultivar ‘Jubileum’ showed significantly reduced fruit set between pollination on five and nine DAA, while cultivars ‘Mallard’, ‘Edda’, and ‘Reeves’ had markedly reduced fruit set if pollinated three to five DAA, implying that the EPP in ‘Jubileum’ was five days while in the rest it was three days. Variation of weather conditions during the flowering period in both years did not have a major effect on the receptivity of stigmas in the studied plum cultivars, which means that the existing differences in the length of EPP is maternal-genotype dependent

    Pollinizer efficacy of several ‘Ingeborg’ pear pollinizers in Hardanger, Norway, examined using microsatellite markers

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    ‘Ingeborg’ is currently the main commercial pear cultivar grown in Norway. However, fruit set and subsequent yields of this cultivar have proven to be variable and overall low averaging 10–20 t·ha−1. Pear seeds found in ‘Ingeborg’ fruits are often underdeveloped, suggesting that incomplete fertilization might be a major cause of poor fruit set. In some years, sporadically unfavorable environmental conditions during and immediately after pollination in Hardanger district, western Norway, have resulted in poor fruit set of ‘Ingeborg’. In this study, the pollinizer efficacy of several pollinizers, namely ‘Clara Frijs’, ‘Herzogin Elsa’, ‘Anna’, ‘Colorée de Juillet’, and ‘Belle lucrative’, from several orchards located in the Hardanger district was investigated using 12 microsatellite markers for two growing seasons (2014 and 2016). Pollinizer efficacy was estimated by genotyping ‘Ingeborg’, each individual pollinizer, as well as normally developed seeds from ‘Ingeborg’ fruit, and conducting gene assignment analyses to identify the pollen contribution from each of the pollinizer cultivars. In addition, S-allele genotyping was conducted, and only one pollinizer, ‘Anna’, was identified as being semicompatible with ‘Ingeborg’, whereas all other pollinizers were fully compatible. ‘Clara Frijs’ and ‘Belle lucrative’ were identified as the most efficient pollinizers probably because these cultivars were abundant compared with all other pollinizers within all, but one of the examined orchards. Higher yields could not be attributed to a particular pollinizer, and genetic effects associated with the triploid nature of ‘Ingeborg’ are most likely implicated as a cause behind the low and variable yield of this cultivar.publishedVersio