123 research outputs found

    Fotografiranje pod različitim svjetlosnim uvjetima

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    Kod fotografiranja, svjetlost igra vrlo veliku ulogu. Zapravo, svjetlost je najbitniji element prilikom fotografiranja jer ukoliko svjetla nema, jedino što možemo dobiti kada fotografiramo bez svjetla je crna fotografija. Iz tog razloga, kroz ovaj rad proučavat ću razne svjetlosne uvjete i rezultate koji se dobiju. Cilj je pokazati koliko je svjetlost zapravo utjecajna i kako određenim postavkama na fotoaparatu možemo manipulirati izgledom fotografije pod određenim svjetlosnim uvjetima. Također, bit će opisane sve važne stavke na koje moramo paziti prilikom fotografiranja te kako njima upravljati. Tako će se u radu moći naći objašnjenja poput toga što je bijeli balans, ISO, vrijeme eksponiranja, otvor blende, kako postići željene rezultate bez obrade fotografije, karakteristike svjetla poput stupnja difuzije, intenziteta i temperature, postavke za fotografiranje kod digitalnih SLR aparate te još neke određene stvari koje su važne za fotografiju. Na kraju će se provesti praktični dio rada pomoću kojeg će biti prikazano ono što je napisano u teoriji te će se usporediti dobiveni rezultati

    Diplomatic conflict resolution as an element of security

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    Једно од водећих питања теорије међународних односа јесте питање успостављања и очувања међународне безбедности. Промене које представљају резултат процеса глобализације условиле су и низ промена у овој области. Држава данас није једини субјект и објект безбедности, као што ни традиционални војни одговор на нове изазове безбедности данас није довољан. Имајући у виду различите облике угрожавања међународне безбедности – од војне до економске и еколошке – друштво се суочава са потребом да се изнађе нови начини одговора на ове облике претњи. Дипломатија у том погледу може имати значајну улогу. Њен значај у превенцији конфликата је све већи и облици њеног ангажовања све бројнији, с тим да је и даље најпрепознатљивији модел дипломатског разрешавања конфликата оличен у тражењу решења путем преговарања. Улога дипломатије у разрешавању конфликата се мењала прилагођавајући се преовлађујућим карактеристикама међународних односа, али оно што се може узети као константа је да вешта дипломатија може много постићи на успостављању мира, само под условом да је мир оно што желе заинтересоване стране.One of the main issues of the theory of international relations is the question of establishment and preservation of international security. Changes that resulted from the process of globalization have brought a number of adjustments in this field. The state is no longer the only subject and object of security, while the traditional military response to new security challenges is not sufficient anymore. With different forms of threats to international security – from military to economic and environmental – the society is faced with a need to provide new ways of responses to these kinds of threats. Diplomacy can have an important role in that respect. Its significance in conflict prevention is ever growing and the forms of its involvement are ever increasing, however, the most recognizable model of diplomatic resolution of conflicts is still trying to find a solution through negotiations. The role of diplomacy in conflict resolution has changed by adjusting to overwhelming characteristics of international relations, but what can serve as a constant is that skillful diplomacy can achieve a lot in establishing peace, provided that peace is what the stakeholders are interested in

    Geodata management by developing of national data infrastructure in the republic of Serbia

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    Sharing of spatial information between the state establishments and private sector, based on standards for technical infrastructure of spatial data and services, is the strategic objective of the Mid-Term Program of Works of the Republic of Serbia, covering the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Instigation and the maintenance for the period from 2011 to 2015. With the objective to achieve the goals set, the research was performed, with the results published in the present paper. The paper shows the status in the Spatial Data Infrastructure instigation; with the evaluation of development level achieved and recommendations for the future INSPIRE Directive implementation in Serbia. Geodata status analysis was performed over the sample of 78 local government organisations, state administration bodies, public enterprises and educational institutions. Overview was given for use, the types and availability conditions for spatial data. The issues of NSDI concept implementation were particularly noted, referring to the pricing policy for spatial data use, for the legislation and issues in spatial data coordination in the Republic of Serbia

    SWOT analysis of wine tourism development opportunities in the Trstenik vineyard district

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    Serbia is traditionally a wine-growing region and it is slowly approaching those countries that have benefited from the development of this type of tourism. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the Trstenik vineyard district, whose wine-growing areas, although within a small municipality in Central Serbia, are one of the largest in the country within the Three Morava Rivers region. The Trstenik vineyard district can take a chance and find its place in this specific tourism market. The aim of the paper is to present all the strengths and opportunities, but also the threats and weaknesses for the development of wine tourism in this wine district. This is presented through SWOT analysis. All the results could be used to make this municipality as wine tourism destination in Serbia.Publishe

    The Use of Intelligent Packaging in Supply Chain of Food Products

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    The research aims to identify the limitations and expectations of producers, transport companies, distributors and retailers in introducing intelligent packaging into supply chains of food products on the market of the Western Balkans. The limitations and benefits from the use of intelligent packaging have been identified in transportation, storage, operations of physical handling and display of food products at the place of their final purchase. The results have shown that there are significant differences in terms of limitations affecting the implementation of intelligent packaging into business operations of supply chains, bearing in mind the business type, number of employees, available capital and integrated standards into business operations. In contrast to this, the results point that there are no significant differences in terms of benefits that the analysed entities expect from introducing intelligent packaging into their systems. A set of measures and incentives have been defined for the competent institutions and food supply chain management to take, in order to minimize the restrictions and advance the implementation of intelligent packaging. The proposals and suggestions for further research are stated in the paper.</p

    Antioxidant Protection against Curative and Palliative Doses of Ionizing Irradiation in Human Blood Decreases with Aging

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are independently recognized to play a significant role in radiation-induced damage on healthy tissue and in aging process. However, an age-related alteration of antioxidant (AO) system in radiation response in humans is poorly investigated. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the irradiation effects on the activities and expression of AO system in the blood of healthy women during aging. Blood samples were irradiated with curative and palliative doses of 2 Gy or 9 Gy γ-rays. AO capacity for detoxification of O2•− and H2O2 in response to 2 Gy γ-irradiation decreases in women above 58 years, while in response to 9 Gy shows signs of weakening after 45 years of age. Due to reduction of AO capacity during aging, cytotoxic effects of curative and palliative doses of irradiation, mediated by ROS, may significantly increase in older subjects, while removal of H2O2 excess could reduce them

    Effective determination of clomazone and oxyfluorfen in aqueous samples by differential pulse stripping voltammetry

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    Two novel types of electrochemical sensors were obtained by chemical deposition of Pt and MoO2 nanoparticles onto multi walled carbon nano tubes (MWCNT) and used for determination of frequently used pesticides clomazone and oxyfluorfen in aqueous media via differential pulse stripping voltammetry (DPSV). Clomazone was determined in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.0 in the concentration range 0.61-20.56 ng cm-3, with LOQ = 0.61 and LOD = 0.38 ng cm-3. Oxyfluorfen was determined with good reproducibility (RSD <2.4%) in the concentration range 2.5-34.5 ng cm-3, with r = 0.99 and a LOQ of 1.5 ng cm-3. Results were in the same range measured by HPLC/DAD, which was used as comparative method. Structural characterization of the dopped MWCNT performed by Raman spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron (HR-TEM), and X-ray crystallography revealed a preserved MWCNT structure decorated with well dispersed species of the platinum and MoO2 nanoparticles.IX International Scientific Conference "Technics. Technologies. Education. Safety"; June 07-10, 2021; Borovets, Bulgari

    Epizootiološka situacija afričke kuge svinja u Evropi

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    African swine fever (ASF) is a viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boar. Due to the very serious socioeconomic consequences, the disease is one of the most important ones nowadays. African swine fever is an enzootic disease in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Sardinia, and Trans Caucasus countries. After its occurrence in Georgia in 2007, ASF spread to Armenia and Russian Federation, and in 2008. to Azerbaijan. Since then, its progressive moving toward the west has been recorded. Despite the number of undertaken preventive and control measures in the European Union (EU), ASF has been still spreading. During 2017, the disease has been reported in domestic pigs in Estonia, Italy-Sardinia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. ASF cases in domestic pigs have also been reported in Moldova in 2017. The number of diagnosed cases in wild boar in 2017 is much higher than in domestic pigs. ASF outbreak in wild boar in the Czech Republic well describes the possible viral 'jump' into a new region. The source of infection hasn't been confirmed yet, but it is common that such leaps are due to either swill feeding or improperly disposal of food rather than to the animal movements. Since the lack of effective vaccine makes eradication even more difficult, the prevention of viral entry into the new areas is of the most importance. With the same aim, since 2011.the surveillance of ASF has been implemented in Serbia.Afrička kuga svinja (AKS) je virusna bolest domaćih i divljih svinja. Socioekonomske posledice ove bolesti svrstavaju je u najznačajnije bolesti današnjice. Afrička kuga svinja je enzootska bolest u mnogim zemljama južno od Sahare, na Sardiniji i Kavkazu. Pošto se pojavila 2007. godine u Gruziji, AKS se iste godine proširila na Jermeniju i Rusiju, a 2008. na Azerbejdžan. Od tada se beleži progresivno kretanje virusa ka zapadu. Uprkos svim preventivnim i kontrolnim merama koje se sprovode u Evropskoj uniji (EU), afrička kuga svinja se i dalje širi. Tokom 2017. godine kod domaćih svinja je dokazana u Estoniji, Italiji - Sardinija, Letoniji, Litvaniji, Poljskoj, Rumuniji i Ukrajini. Slučajevi AKS kod domaćih svinja u Moldaviji su takođe registrovani i u 2017. godini. Broj dijagnostikovanih slučajeva kod divljih svinja u 2017. je značajno veći u odnosu na broj slučajeva kod domaćih. Pojava AKS u Češkoj 2017. godine kod divljih svinja predstavlja veliki "skok" virusa u novo područje. Izvor infekcije još uvek nije potvrđen, ali je uobičajeno da se ovakve pojave dešavaju kao posledica hranjenja životinja ostacima hrane, a ne zbog kretanja životinja. Budući da je iskorenjivanje AKS veoma otežano u odsustvu efikasne vakcine, prevencija unosa virusa u nova područja je od najvećeg značaja. Sa tim ciljem, u Srbiji se od 2011. godine sprovodi nadzor kod divljih svinja na afričku kugu

    Mikotoksini u lancu ishrane - analiza rizika i značaj za javno zdravstvo

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    Disease outbreaks due to the consumption of contaminated food and feedstuff are a recurring problem worldwide. The major factor contributing to contamination are microorganisms, especially fungi, which produce low-molecular-weight compounds as secondary metabolites, with confirmed toxic properties referred to as mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi that invade crops at the field level and may grow on foods during storage under favorable conditions. The toxigenic fungi of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternari and Clavicepshave genera are of the greatest consequence to food safety. Mycotoxins, of over 400 that are known, which have the most food safety, nutritive, ecologic and economic significance include the aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone, fumonisins, tremorgenic mycotoxinsand ergotalcaloides. Some molds are capable of producing more than one mycotoxin and some mycotoxins are produced by more than one fungal species. Often more than one mycotoxin is found on a contaminated substrate. Factors influencing the presence of mycotoxins in foods or feeds include environmental conditions related to storage that can be controlled. Other extrinsic factors such as climate or intrinsic factors such as fungal strain specificity, strain variation, and instability of toxigenic properties are more difficult to control. Exposure to mycotoxins is mostly by ingestion, but also occurs by the dermal and inhalation routes. The diseases caused by exposure to mycotoxins are known as mycotoxicoses. Mycotoxins have various acute and chronic effects on humans and animals (especially monogastrics) depending on species and susceptibility of an animal within a species. Ruminants, however, are generally more resistant to the adverse effects of mycotoxins. This is because the rumen microbiota is capable of degrading mycotoxins. The economic impact of mycotoxins include loss of human and animal life, increased health care and veterinary care costs, reduced livestock production, disposal of contaminated foods and feeds, and investment in research and applications to reduce severity of the mycotoxin problem. This review is meant to be informative not only for health-conscious consumers but also for experts in the field to pave the way for future research to fill the existing gaps in our knowledge in regard to mycotoxins and food safety. In this review, the focus is on the occurrence of various types of mycotoxins in food and feed associated with risks to humans and livestock, as well as legislation put forth by various authorities. Brief descriptions on recent developments in mycotoxin detection methodology and on presently practiced detoxification methods are also included.Oboljenja ljudi prouzrokovana kontaminiranom hranom predstavljaju jedan od najvećih problema sa kojim se suočava savremeno čovečanstvo. Glavni uzročnici kontaminacije su mikroorganizmi, naročito plesni, koje sintetišu jedinjenja male molekulske mase sa izrazitim toksičnim efektom na žive organizme. Mikotoksini su sekundarni metaboliti pretežno Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria i Claviceps vrsta plesni, koje mogu kontaminirati hranu na polju (preharvest) i/ili tokom skladištenja (postharvest). Iako je do sada poznato preko 400 mikotoksina zbog svoje zastupljenosti i toksičnosti, afl atoksini (AFT), ohratoksin A (OTA), trihoteceni (TCT), zearalenon (ZEA), fumonizini (FB), tremorgeni mikotoksini i ergotalkaloidi, predstavljaju najveći medicinski, nutritivni, ekološki i ekonomski problem. Specifičnost mikotoksina u odnosu na druge toksine ogleda se u tome da pojedini rodovi plesni mogu da sintetišu nekoliko mikotoksina, kao i to da pojedini mikotoksini mogu biti proizvod sekundarnog metabolizma nekoliko rodova i vrsta plesni. S toga je kozastupljenost mikotoksina u kontaminiranoj hrani veoma česta pojava. Faktori koji utiču na kolonizaciju plesni i sintezu mikotoksina odnose se na faktore spoljašnje sredine (ekstrinsik) u koje spadaju skladišni uslovi i koji se mogu kontrolisati, dok ostale faktore spoljašnje sredine kao što su klimatske promene ili unutrašnje (intrinsik) faktore, u koje spadaju specifičnost i varijacije pojedinih vrsta plesni i nestabilnost toksigenih svojstava plesni, je veoma teško kontrolisati. Mikotoksini u organizam ljudi i životinja najčešće dospevaju putem kontaminirane hrane, ali su inhalacioni i dermalni put, takođe mogući. Oboljenja ljudi i životinja izazvana mikotoksinima se nazivaju mikotoksikoze. Mikotoksini izazivaju različite akutne i hronične biološke efekte u organizmu ljudi i životinja. Smatra se da su monogastrične životinje daleko osetljivije na dejstvo mikotoksina u odnosu na preživare. Ekonomski značaj mikotoksina odražava se kroz povećane troškove lečenja ljudi i životinja, smanjenje produktivnih rezultata životinja uključujući i uginuća, direktne i indirektne štete koje nastaju usled uklanjanja kontaminirane hrane, investiranje u istraživanja i primenu preventivnih mera u sprečavanju negativnog efekta prisustva mikotoksina u hrani na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da sagleda ne samo zdravlje ljudi, već i da bude informativan za stručnjake u ovoj oblasti kako bi se otklonile određene nejasanoće vezane za prisustvo ove vrste hemijskog hazarda biološkog porekla u lancu ishrane. Stoga je u ovom radu prikazana zastupljenost i toksičnost najznačajnijih mikotoksina i način donošenja zakonske regulative. Takođe, opisane su analitičke metode za dokazivanje mikotoksina i mere koje se preduzimaju u prevenciji i kontroli mikotoksina