20 research outputs found

    Efficacy and safety of lidocaine with clonidine for intraoral local anaesthesia in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2

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    Uvod Pacijenti sa dijabetes melitusom (DM), zbog pratećih makrovaskularnih i mikrovaskularnih komplikacija osnovnog oboljenja, koje zahvataju i periferne nerve (dijabetična neuropatija), predstavljaju pacijente rizika za primenu regionalne anestezije. Pokazano je u eksperimentalnim uslovima da lokalni anestetici, u klinički primenljivim koncentracijama, izazivaju veća oštećenja na nervima izmenjenim dijabetičnom neuropatijom, što se u kliničkim uslovima manifestuje promenjenim parametrima regionalne anestezije. Promene koje DM izaziva na krvnim sudovima i nervima su zapažene i u tkivima i organima orofacijalne regije. Za sada nema podataka o parametrima i bezbednosti primene intraoralne lokalne anestezije u uslovima DM. Ciljevi Ovo istraživanje je imalo za ciljeve da ispita i uporedi efikasnost i bezbednost intraoralne lokalne anestezije postignute primenom 2% lidokaina sa klonidinom (15 mcg / ml) (LC) i 2% lidokaina sa epinefrinom (1:80 000) (LE) kod zdravih i ispitanika sa DM tip 2, praćenjem kliničkih parametara anestezije zubne pulpe i mekih tkiva, protoka krvi kroz zubnu pulpu, parametara postoperativne analgezije, učestalosti lokalnih neželjenih efekata, kao i parametara kardiovaskularne funkcije u uslovima sa i bez oralnohirurške intervencije. Materijal i metod Ova prospektivna, dvostruko slepa, randomizovana, kontrolisana klinička studija je izvedena u dva dela. U jednom delu studije učestvovalo je 36 zdravih (ASA I) i 36 ispitanika sa DM tip 2 (ASA II i ASA III), koji su u ukrštenom dizajnu istraživanja bez oralnohirurške intervencije, u razmaku od 14 dana dobili ispitivane anestetičke rastvore (LC i LE) za maksilarnu infiltracionu anesteziju, pri čemu su ispitivani protok krvi kroz zubnu pulpu maksilarnih centralnih sekutića, kao i parametri anestezije zubne pulpe i kardiovaskularne funkcije. U drugom delu studije učestvovalo je 106 zdravih (ASA I) i 127 ispitanika sa DM tip 2 (ASA II i ASA III), koji su prema zdravstvenom statusu, tehnici anestezije (infiltraciona, sprovodna) i vrsti anestetičkog rastvora (LC, LE) podeljeni u 8 grupa...Introduction Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 are at increased risk for performance of regional anaesthesia, due to macrovascular and microvascular complications of DM, including changes in small blood vessels of peripheral nerves (diabetic neuropathy). Results of experimental studies show that local anesthetics, even in clinically applicable concentrations, cause more pronounced damage to the nerves in the presence of DM, with clinically observable changes in parameters of regional anaesthesia. Neuropathic and microangiopathic changes caused by DM are also observed in the oral cavity tissues of DM patients. To date, there are no available data on efficacy and safety of intraoral local anaestehsia in patients with DM. Aims The aims of this doctoral dissertation were to test and compare efficacy and safety of intraoral local anaesthesia obtained with 2% lidocaine with clonidine (15 mcg / ml) (LC) and 2% lidocaine with epinephrine (1:80 000) (LE) in healthy and DM type 2 participants, by assessing the parameters of pulpal and soft tissues anaesthesia, pulpal blood flow, parameters of postoperative analgesia, presence of local side effects, as well as parameters of cardiovascular functions in the settings with and without oral surgical procedure. Material and method This prospective, double blind, randomized, controlled clinical study was performed in two parts. One part of the study included 36 healthy (ASA I) i 36 DM tip 2 participants (ASA II i ASA III), who received tested anaesthetic solutions (LC i LE) for maxillary infiltration anestehesia, in cross over-manner with washout period of 14 days, in the setting without oral surgical procedure. Tested parameters were: pulpal blood flow, parameters of pulpal anaesthesia and cardiovascular functions. Following part of the study involved 106 healthy (ASA I) i 127 DM tip 2 patients (ASA II i ASA III), divided into 8 groups according to health status, anaesthesia technique (infiltration, block) and tested anesthetic solution (LC, LE). In this study population the tested parameters were: soft tissue anaesthesia, postoperative analgesia, local side effects and cardiovascular parameters after infiltration and block application of either LC or LE, for extraction of single-rooted teeth in upper and lower jaw. Pulpal blood flow of maxillary central incisors was measured by laser Dopler flowmetry prior to, as well as 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after maxillary infiltration anaesthesia..

    An improved HPLC-DAD method for simultaneously measuring phenolics in the leaves of Tilia platyphyllos and Ailanthus altissima

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    Phenolic compounds are one of the most important groups of secondary metabolites in plants, with various physiological functions. Their diverse chemical structure and susceptibility to auto-oxidation, and their ability to act as both antioxidants and prooxidants in the presence of metal ions, are some of the main reasons why it is difficult to measure phenolic groups in plant tissues accurately. We present an optimized extraction and hydrolysis procedure which preserves the original chemical structure of phenolics. The presented HPLC method was improved to enable the simultaneous separation and quantification of 39 compounds from different phenolic subclasses (benzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavones, flavonols, flavanones, flavanols, isoflavones, anthocyanidins; aglycones and glycosides). Recovery after extraction and complete hydrolysis of glycosides was more than 95% and 84%, respectively. The method was applied to the analysis and comparison of phenolic profiles in the leaves of two species, Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle and Tilia platyphyllos Scop. from an urban forest park and busy traffic area. The presence of cyanidin glycosides in A. altissima leaves was reported for the first time. Results indicated higher accumulation of phenolics, with two hydroxyl groups in the ortho- position, than flavonoids, with a monohydroxy substitution in the leaves of both species from a busy traffic area

    Stanje tvrdog i mekog periimplantnog tkiva u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice posle prezervacije alveolarnog grebena beta-trikalcijum fosfatom sa kolagenom tip I - studija sa jednogodišnjim periodom praćenja

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    Background/Aim. Alveolar ridge dimensional alterations following tooth extraction in the anterior maxilla often result in an inadequate bone volume for a correct implant placement. In order to obtain optimal bone volume various bone graft substitutes have become commercially available and widely used for socket grafting. The aim of this study was to examine and compare long-term clinical outcomes of dental implant therapy in the maxillary esthetic zone, after socket grafting with beta-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) combined with collagen type I, either with or without barrier membrane and flap surgery, after a 12-month follow-up. Methods. Twenty healthy patients were allocated to either C group (beta-TCP and type I collagen without mucoperiosteal flap coverage) or C+M group (beta-TCP and type I collagen barrier membrane with mucoperiosteal flap coverage). Following clinical parameters were assessed: implant stability (evaluated by a resonance frequency analysis - RFA), periimplant soft tissue stability (sulcus bleeding index - SBI, Mombelli sulcus bleeding index - MBI, periimplant sulcus depth, keratinized gingiva width, gingival level) and marginal bone level at the retroalveolar radiograms. Results. Within C+M group, RFA values significantly increased 12 weeks after implant installation compared to primary RFA values. Comparison between investigated groups showed a significantly reduced keratinized gingiva width in the C+M group compared to the C group after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Comparison between groups revealed significantly lower gingival level values in the C+M group at 9th and 12th month when compared to the C group. Conclusion. Implant treatment in the anterior maxilla could be effective when using a 9 months alveolar ridge preservation healing with combined treatment with beta-tricalcium phosphate and type I collagen, with regard to the peri-implant soft and hard tissue stability.Uvod/Cilj. Posle ekstrakcije zuba, dimenzionalne promene alveolarnog grebena u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice za posledicu često imaju nedovoljnu količinu kosti za ugradnju zubnih implanata. U vezi sa tim, primenjuju se različiti koštani zamenici sa ciljem očuvanja dimenzija alveolarnog grebena posle ekstrakcije zuba. Cilj rada bio je da se, posle prezervacije alveolarnog grebena beta-trikalcijum fosfatom (TCP) sa kolagenom tip 1, sa barijernom membranom i mukoperiostalnim režnjem i bez nje, ispitaju i uporede klinički ishodi zarastanja posle ugradnje zubnih implanata u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice, tokom jednogodišnjeg perioda praćenja. Metode. Dvadeset zdravih bolesnika podeljeno je u dve grupe: C (beta TCP/kolagen tip 1 bez barijerne membrane i mukoperiostalnog režnja) i C+M (beta TCP/kolagen tip 1 sa barijernom membranom i mukoperiostalnim režnjem). Praćeni su uobičajeni klinički parametri ishoda terapije: implantna stabilnost (analiza rezonantne frekvence), stanje mekih tkiva (indeks krvarenja, plak indeks, širina pripojne mukoze, recesija gingive) i nivo periimplantnog koštanog tkiva na retroalveolarnom radiogramu. Rezultati. U C+M grupi, implantna stabilnost posle 12 nedelja bila je značajno veća u odnosu na primarnu stabilnost. U C+M grupi, širina keratinizovane gingive bila je značajno manja posle 3, 6, 9 i 12 meseci u odnosu na C grupu. Recesija gingive bila je značajno veća u C+M grupi u odnosu na C grupu posle 9 i 12 meseci. Zaključak. Razmatrajući stabilnost mekog i tvrdog periimplantnog tkiva, terapija zubnim implantima može biti uspešna prilikom ugradnje u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice

    Fatty acid in colorectal cancer in adult and aged patients of both sexes

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    Purpose: Colorectal cancer represents the second most common type of cancer in Serbia. Alteration of lipid metabolism begins early, and can represent a central hallmark in cancer evolution. Fatty acids have various important functions as building components of cell membranes, as signaling molecules in immune responses and also manage the general cancer signaling network. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of various fatty acids content between colorectal cancer and adjacent healthy intestinal tissue in adult and aged patients of both sexes. Methods: 52 subjects participated in this study. Healthy colon mucosa and tumor tissue samples were obtained from patients previously diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma. Simplified method of Berstad et al was used for direct transesterification of total lipids in tumor and healthy mucosa tissue samples and separations of the methyl esters was carried out using a gas chromatograph equipped with a split/ splitless injector and a flame ionization detector. Results: 18 0, 18 1 n7, 20 3, 20 4, 20 5, 22 4, 22 5 22 6, SFA, PUFA, n6, n3 and AA/EPA were significantly higher in tumor tissue. On the other hand, 18 1 n9, 18 2, 18 3 n3, MUFA, n6/ n3 were significantly higher in healthy tissue. Conclusions: Saturation index (SI) could be a valuable tool to delineate robust immune response and worse prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer. Our study demonstrated significant differences in fatty acid profiles between tumor tissue and healthy mucosa. Parameters, such as gender, age, stage and mucinous component didn't influence altered fatty acid content

    UV-B radiation alters interactions between photosynthesis and secondary metabolism in variegated Plectranthus coleoides

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    This study is based on the results obtained from the experiments conducted within two Short Term Science Missions (STSMs) in the Research Unit Environmental Simulation, Helmholtz Zentrum München during 2011 and 2012. Our aim was to investigate the effects of realistic UV-B doses on photosynthesis and secondary metabolism in variegated leaves. Variegated Plectranthus coleoides plants were exposed to UV-B radiation (0.90 W m-2) under two photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) intensities (LL: 395 and HL: 1350 μmol m-2 s-1) for nine days in the sun simulators at the Helmholtz Zentrum München. In the green leaf portions, UV-B radiation stimulated photosynthetic rates in P. coleoides at both PAR intensities and doubled the size of plastoglobuli whereas the contents of photosynthetic pigments were slightly increased at HL. The concentrations of phenylpropanoids, catechins and hydroxybenzoic acids, were preferentially accumulated in green leaf portions, independently on radiation regimes. A hallmark of UV-B induced changes in plant metabolism, the induction of flavonoid pathway, was evidenced in P. coleoides by accumulation of apigenin and cyanidin glycosides in the whole leaf at both background PARs. UV-B induced accumulation of apigenin and cyanidin glycosides was more pronounced in the white leaf portions, compared to green one. Moreover, we observed differential response of H2O2 scavenging system to high PAR and UV-B in relation to tissue type. Alteration of linear electron flow, provoked by acclimation to UV-B at HL was associated with decreased ascorbate redox state and APX activity. In summary, UV-B radiation stimulated CO2 assimilation and increased fixed carbon flow into photosynthetic pigments, phenylpropanoids and flavonoids/anthocyanins which might be important for photoprotection of photosynthetic machinery under high light intensity.Abstracts of the Final Netwotk Meeting of COST Action FA0906 UV4growth - Bled, Slovenia, 30 March - 2 April 2014

    Efficacy and safety of lidocaine with clonidine for intraoral local anaesthesia in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2

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    Uvod Pacijenti sa dijabetes melitusom (DM), zbog pratećih makrovaskularnih i mikrovaskularnih komplikacija osnovnog oboljenja, koje zahvataju i periferne nerve (dijabetična neuropatija), predstavljaju pacijente rizika za primenu regionalne anestezije. Pokazano je u eksperimentalnim uslovima da lokalni anestetici, u klinički primenljivim koncentracijama, izazivaju veća oštećenja na nervima izmenjenim dijabetičnom neuropatijom, što se u kliničkim uslovima manifestuje promenjenim parametrima regionalne anestezije. Promene koje DM izaziva na krvnim sudovima i nervima su zapažene i u tkivima i organima orofacijalne regije. Za sada nema podataka o parametrima i bezbednosti primene intraoralne lokalne anestezije u uslovima DM. Ciljevi Ovo istraživanje je imalo za ciljeve da ispita i uporedi efikasnost i bezbednost intraoralne lokalne anestezije postignute primenom 2% lidokaina sa klonidinom (15 mcg / ml) (LC) i 2% lidokaina sa epinefrinom (1:80 000) (LE) kod zdravih i ispitanika sa DM tip 2, praćenjem kliničkih parametara anestezije zubne pulpe i mekih tkiva, protoka krvi kroz zubnu pulpu, parametara postoperativne analgezije, učestalosti lokalnih neželjenih efekata, kao i parametara kardiovaskularne funkcije u uslovima sa i bez oralnohirurške intervencije. Materijal i metod Ova prospektivna, dvostruko slepa, randomizovana, kontrolisana klinička studija je izvedena u dva dela. U jednom delu studije učestvovalo je 36 zdravih (ASA I) i 36 ispitanika sa DM tip 2 (ASA II i ASA III), koji su u ukrštenom dizajnu istraživanja bez oralnohirurške intervencije, u razmaku od 14 dana dobili ispitivane anestetičke rastvore (LC i LE) za maksilarnu infiltracionu anesteziju, pri čemu su ispitivani protok krvi kroz zubnu pulpu maksilarnih centralnih sekutića, kao i parametri anestezije zubne pulpe i kardiovaskularne funkcije. U drugom delu studije učestvovalo je 106 zdravih (ASA I) i 127 ispitanika sa DM tip 2 (ASA II i ASA III), koji su prema zdravstvenom statusu, tehnici anestezije (infiltraciona, sprovodna) i vrsti anestetičkog rastvora (LC, LE) podeljeni u 8 grupa...Introduction Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 are at increased risk for performance of regional anaesthesia, due to macrovascular and microvascular complications of DM, including changes in small blood vessels of peripheral nerves (diabetic neuropathy). Results of experimental studies show that local anesthetics, even in clinically applicable concentrations, cause more pronounced damage to the nerves in the presence of DM, with clinically observable changes in parameters of regional anaesthesia. Neuropathic and microangiopathic changes caused by DM are also observed in the oral cavity tissues of DM patients. To date, there are no available data on efficacy and safety of intraoral local anaestehsia in patients with DM. Aims The aims of this doctoral dissertation were to test and compare efficacy and safety of intraoral local anaesthesia obtained with 2% lidocaine with clonidine (15 mcg / ml) (LC) and 2% lidocaine with epinephrine (1:80 000) (LE) in healthy and DM type 2 participants, by assessing the parameters of pulpal and soft tissues anaesthesia, pulpal blood flow, parameters of postoperative analgesia, presence of local side effects, as well as parameters of cardiovascular functions in the settings with and without oral surgical procedure. Material and method This prospective, double blind, randomized, controlled clinical study was performed in two parts. One part of the study included 36 healthy (ASA I) i 36 DM tip 2 participants (ASA II i ASA III), who received tested anaesthetic solutions (LC i LE) for maxillary infiltration anestehesia, in cross over-manner with washout period of 14 days, in the setting without oral surgical procedure. Tested parameters were: pulpal blood flow, parameters of pulpal anaesthesia and cardiovascular functions. Following part of the study involved 106 healthy (ASA I) i 127 DM tip 2 patients (ASA II i ASA III), divided into 8 groups according to health status, anaesthesia technique (infiltration, block) and tested anesthetic solution (LC, LE). In this study population the tested parameters were: soft tissue anaesthesia, postoperative analgesia, local side effects and cardiovascular parameters after infiltration and block application of either LC or LE, for extraction of single-rooted teeth in upper and lower jaw. Pulpal blood flow of maxillary central incisors was measured by laser Dopler flowmetry prior to, as well as 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after maxillary infiltration anaesthesia..

    Valorization of unexploited artichoke leaves dust for obtaining of extracts rich in natural antioxidants

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    This study has developed an improved and fast microwave-assisted procedure for extraction of high yields of natural antioxidants from artichoke leaves dust. The material is derived as an abundant residue remained after processing for the industrial tea blends preparation, having no commercial value. A key factors for optimization of the total polyphenolic (TPC) and flavonoid content (TFC) and antioxidant activities have been determined by using single factor experiments along with a response surface methodology. The optimal conditions for maximizing the combination of TPC/TFC and antioxidant activity were obtained as follows: ethanol concentration 67.81%, extraction time 50 s, liquid/solid ratio 41.78 mL/g, microwave power 180 W, whereas the corresponding responses resulted in: TPC − 205.59 ± 7.30 mg GAE/g dw, TFC − 79.75 ± 1.12 mg QE/g dw, and FRAP −1008.14 ± 37.15 mmolFe2+/g dw. Only 14.7 µg/mL of the extract concentration is required to inhibit 50% of DPPH free radicals. A comparative study confirmed that the proposed procedure yielded higher TPC, TFC and antioxidant activities than available extraction methods. It highlights a several fold reduced extraction time, caring an eco-friendly principle for obtaining of antioxidants from industrial, medicinal crop residues, which would be further easily valorized in food and pharmaceutical industry

    Oral rehabilitation of a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus using implant-supported fixed dentures: A case report with review of important considerations

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    Introduction. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease with a variety of oral manifestations (dry mouth, reduced salivary flow, painful mucosal lesions and restricted mouth opening, impaired oral hygiene maintenance), as well as possible far-reaching systemic implications. In the context of SLE, oral rehabilitation with dental implants might be the most appropriate solution. However, a lack of available literature, as well as the absence of treatment protocols, often leads to unsatisfactory management of these patients. The aim of this paper was to describe oral rehabilitation of a patient with SLE using dental implants and fixed dentures in both jaws. Case outline. A 66-year-old female patient, who had suffered from SLE for over 30 years, was referred for oral rehabilitation as her chief complaints related to the existing mobile partial dentures in the jaws and poor chewing ability. Proposed oral rehabilitation with fixed dentures supported by six dental implants in the maxilla and four dental implants in the mandible, as well as prosthetic restoration of the mandibular teeth, was accepted by the patient. During the follow-up period of three years, no biological complications were observed related to the performed treatment. Conclusion. Dental implants might be the most suitable treatment modality for oral rehabilitation of patients suffering from SLE

    Logistics - its role, significance and approaches / Роль, значимость и методы изучения логистики / Uloga, značaj i pristupi izučavanju logistike

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    Introduction/purpose:The paper presents the development of logistics as a specific field of military branch, a contemporary field of business and a scientific discipline which inspires many researchers, theorists and practitioners to approach logistical problems from various aspects. The essence of logistics is an integrated approach to all its constituent activities, which reduces costs and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the logistics system in supporting the primary activities of an organization or a technical system. Due to intensive and multidimensional development of logistics and its applications in various fields, the need for highly educated logistics personnel with specialized knowledge for performing a wide range of activities in the logistics system is becoming increasingly necessary. Methods: Based on the description of military, business, national and humanitarian logistics and a comparative analysis, their mutual relationship is shown. Results: Based on the performed analysis, an explanation of the importance of studying logistics as a multidisciplinary science and pointing out the need for specific training of logistics personnel was given. Conclusion: Logistics is intensively developing in various fields depending on the goals of the system (organizational and technical) it supports. In general, commercial logistics is evolving faster than military logistics, and many innovative commercial logistics solutions are being deployed in military logistics. However, certain solutions that produce good results in the commercial sector do not produce adequate results in the military. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out research and study of the functioning of logistics systems in different fields and carefully integrate individual solutions into the military logistics system. As the most complex logistics system, military logistics requires specific staffing and training of logistics professionals. / Введение/цель: В статье представлено развитие логистики как особой области военной отрасли, области современного ведения бизнеса и научной дисциплины, которая вдохновляет многих исследователей, теоретиков и практиков подходить к логистическим проблемам с разных сторон. Сущность логистики заключается в комплексном подходе ко всем составляющим ее видам деятельности, благодаря чему снижаются затраты и повышается эффективность логистической системы в поддержке основных видов деятельности организации или технической системы. В связи с интенсивным и многоплановым развитием логистики и ее применения в различных областях, потребность в высококвалифицированных специалистах по логистике со специальными знаниями и навыками, необходимых для выполнения широкого спектра деятельности в системе логистики становится все более выраженной. Методы: На основании описания военной, деловой, национальной и гуманитарной логистики и результатов сравнительного анализа была выявлена их взаимосвязь. Результаты: На основании проведенного анализа была объяснена значимость изучения логистики как междисциплинарной науки и было указыно на необходимость специальной подготовки персонала логистики. Выводы: Логистика интенсивно развивается в различных областях в зависимости от целей системы (организационной и технической), которую она поддерживает. В целом, коммерческая логистика развивается быстрее, чем военная логистика, но и в военной логистике используются многие инновационные коммерческие логистические решения. Однако некоторые решения, которые дают хорошие результаты в коммерческом секторе, не дают соответствующих результатов в системе вооруженных сил. Поэтому необходимо проводить исследования и изучать функционирование логистических систем в различных областях и тщательно интегрировать индивидуальные решения в систему военной логистики. Как самая сложная система логистики, военная логистика требует привлечения специального персонала и специальной подготовки специалистов по логистике. / Uvod/svrha: U radu je prikazan razvoj logistike, kao specifične oblasti vojne delatnosti, savremene oblasti poslovanja i naučne discipline, koji inspiriše mnoge istraživače, teoretičare i praktičare da logističkim problemima prilaze sa različitih aspekata. Suština logistike je u integrisanom pristupu svim njenim sastavnim aktivnostima, čime se smanjuju troškovi i povećava efikasnost i efektivnost logističkog sistema u pružanju podrške osnovnoj delatnosti posmatrane organizacije, odnosno tehničkog sistema. Zbog intenzivnog i multidimenzionalnog razvoja logistike i njene primene u različitim oblastima, sve češće se javlja potreba za visokoobrazovnim logističkim kadrovima sa specijalizovanim znanjima za obavljanje širokog spektra delatnosti u logističkom sistemu. Metode: Na osnovu deskripcije vojne, poslovne, nacionalne i humanitarne logistike i komparativne analize prikazan je njihov međusobni odnos. Rezultati: Na osnovu izvršene analize objašnjen je značaj izučavanja logistike kao multidisciplinarne nauke i ukazano na potrebu za specifičnim obrazovanjem logističkog kadra. Zaključak: Logistika se intenzivno razvija u različitim oblastima u zavisnosti od ciljeva sistema (organizacionih i tehničkih) koje podržava. Generalno, komercijalna logistika se brže razvija u odnosu na vojnu logistiku, a mnoga inovativna rešenja komercijalne logistike nalaze primenu u vojnoj logistici. Međutim, određena rešenja koja daju dobre rezultate u komercijalnom sektoru ne daju adekvatne rezultate u vojsci. Zbog toga je neophodno vršiti istraživanja i proučavanja funkcionisanja logističkih sistema u različitim oblastima i pojedina rešenja pažljivo ugrađivati u vojni logistički sistem. Kao najkompleksniji logistički sistem, vojna logistika zahteva specifičan kadar i način obrazovanja logističkih stručnjaka