85 research outputs found

    Treatment of Wastewater from Backwashing Process Sand Filters

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    U procesu obrade sirove vode za potrebe petrokemijske industrije jedan od najvažnijih postupaka je filtracija pomoću pječeanih filtara. Prilikom filtracije sirove vode pjeŔčanim filtrima osim obrađene sirove vode nastaju i otpadne vode tehnoloÅ”kim procesom pranja pjeŔčanih filtara. Tako nastala otpadna voda neprikladna je za daljnju uporabu budući da je onečiŔćena zaostalim suspendiranim tvarima te kemijskim spojevima koji se dodaju u tehnoloÅ”kom procesu bistrenja sirove vode. Kako bi se smanjio negativan utjecaj na okoliÅ” ispuÅ”tanjem takve otpadne vode te poboljÅ”ao cjelokupni sustav obrade sirove vode, u radu je prikazan tehnički postupak obrade otpadne vode nastale ispiranjem pjeŔčanih filtara. Odabranim tehnoloÅ”kim postupkom uz naknadno taloženje suspendiranih tvari iz otpadne vode omogućava se njezino potpuno iskoriÅ”tenje vraćanjem u procesni tok. U radu je prikazan sustav obrade otpadne vode koji se sastoji od prihvatnog betonskog spremnika za taloženje, pumpi, cjevovoda te flokulatora za krajnji prihvat otpadne vode. U sustav obrade otpadne vode od pranja pjeŔčanih filtara uključena je otpadna voda od pranja pjeŔčanih filtara za filtraciju vode nakon procesa bistrenja sirove vode, pjeŔčanih filtara za filtriranje rashladne vode te pjeŔčanih filtara za filtriranje izbistrene vode prije obrade ionskom dekarbonatizacijom. Cjelokupni tehnički postupak dimenzioniran je učinkovito uz potpuno automatsko vođenje procesa. Obradom otpadne vode nastale pranjem pjeŔčanih filtara uspjeÅ”no se kontinuirano vraća u procesni tok pročiŔćena voda protokom Q od 80 m3h-1 do 85 m3h-1, bez negativna utjecaja na bistrenje sirove vode. Izvedenim tehnoloÅ”kim rjeÅ”enjem postignuta je uÅ”teda u potroÅ”nji sirove vode iz akumulacijskog jezera Pakra od 12 %, uz 50 % uÅ”tede prilikom ispuÅ”tanja otpadne vode u prirodne vodotoke.In the process of raw water treatment for use in the petrochemical industry, one of the most important treatments is the filtration process with process sand filters. A by-product of the filtration process of raw water is wastewater. The wastewater results from the technological process of backwashing process sand filters. Wastewater from backwashing sand filters is unsuitable for further use, since it is contaminated with residual suspended matter and chemical compounds that are added in the process of raw water clarification. To reduce the environmental impact of such wastewater and improve overall system processing of raw water, this paper presents the technological treatment of wastewater from backwashing process sand filters. The selected technological process with subsequent sedimentation of suspended matter from the wastewater enables it to be returned into the process stream. This paper also presents a wastewater treatment system, which consists of a concrete sedimentation tank, pumps, pipelines, and flocculator for the final acceptance of the wastewater. The treatment system of wastewater from backwashing process sand filters includes the wastewater from backwashing sand filters for the filtration of the clarified water after clarification of the raw water, sand filters for the filtration of the cooling water and sand filters for filtration of clarified water prior to ion decarbonatisation. The overall technological process is efficiently sized and fully automated. The treatment of wastewater from backwashing process sand filters allows the successful and continuous return of the water in a volume flow, Q, from 80 m3h-1 to 85 m3 h-1, with no negative impact on the clarification of raw water. The constructed technological solution resulted in 12-percent less use of raw water from the Pakra accumulation lake, as well as 50-percent less discharge of the wastewater into natural watercourses

    Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons - in vitro study

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    Pollution of the environment by petroleum products is a global problem, since its extensive exploitation in broad areas.Microorganisms can degrade or transform toxic, petroleum derivates into harmless products with high efficiency.This study aimed to investigate the biodegradation process of petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated sediment usingindigenous and a combination of indigenous and allochthonous microorganisms.The allochthonous microorganisms that were added belonged to the genera Acinetobacter and Citrobacter. The experiment lasted two weeks, and the degradation process took place in a closed vessel on a Micro-Oxymax respirometer.Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were extracted and determined using a gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. The number of microorganisms at the beginning and end of the experiment was also determined.The results on the respirometer and gas chromatography indicated that the microorganisms were metabolically active.Indigenous microorganisms reduce the amount of TPH by 32.0% and the combination of indigenous-allochthonousmicroorganisms by 33.6%. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the application of autochthonous and the combination of indigenous-allochthonous microorganisms for the reduction of TPH in contaminatedsediment, suggesting a high potential of autochthonous microorganisms for bioremediation processes

    Neki funkcionalni dodaci u mleku i proizvodima od mleka namenjeni poboljŔanju zdravlja

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    Functional foods have boldly entered the global market during the past decade and still continue to gain market share as value added products at a rapid pace. Although the term "functional foods" currently lacks a common definition, this category is generally thought to include products that influence specific functions in the body and thereby offer benefits for health, well-being or performance, beyond their regular nutritional value. Functional foods have been developed in almost all food categories and dairy industry is the leader in this field. Added-value dairy products have revitalized the European traditional dairy sector. Probiotic beverages were the youngest dairy sector, having been launched in the mid-1990s, and they "remain the core focus for the category." But recent new product development has focused on the "provision of alternative health benefits, with products aimed at cholesterol reduction and slimming" as well as "recent launches in the area of blood-pressure control. Growth rates of these products remain very dynamic and growing in popularity is also evident.Mleko i mlečni proizvodi danas su besumnje lideri u oblasti funkcionalne hrane koja je nesumnjivo postala jedan od najznačajnijih pokretača razvoja prehrambene industrije. Tome je doprinela i suplementacija sa većim brojem ingredijenata, među kojima, pored probiotika, značajno mesto pripada i Omega 3 masnim kiselinama kao i fitostanolima i fitosterolima. Njihova uloga prvenstveno se ogleda u prevenciji od kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, odnosno u redukciji LDL holesterola. Ako se ima u vidu da se populacija starijih osoba naglo povećava kao i njihova svest o pravilnoj ishrani a da istovremeno i ostale populacije sve viÅ”e vode računa o uticaju hrane na zdravlje, jasno je da funkcionalni mlečni proizvodi mogu u određenom stepenu da doprinesu poboljÅ”anju opÅ”teg zdravstvenog stanja. U istu grupu proizvoda spadaju i oni koji sadrže bioaktivne peptide nastale razgradnjom kazeina u toku procesa fermentacije kao rezultat aktivnosti određenih sojeva bakterija mlečne kiseline. Sigurno je da nova saznanja u ovoj oblasti mogu samo da ubrzaju navedeni trend

    Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons - in vitro study

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    Pollution of the environment by petroleum products is a global problem, since its extensive exploitation in broad areas. Microorganisms can degrade or transform toxic, petroleum derivates into harmless products with high efficiency. This study aimed to investigate the biodegradation process of petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated sediment using indigenous and a combination of indigenous and allochthonous microorganisms. The allochthonous microorganisms that were added belonged to the genera Acinetobacter and Citrobacter. The experiment lasted two weeks, and the degradation process took place in a closed vessel on a Micro-Oxymax respirometer. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were extracted and determined using a gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. The number of microorganisms at the beginning and end of the experiment was also determined. The results on the respirometer and gas chromatography indicated that the microorganisms were metabolically active. Indigenous microorganisms reduce the amount of TPH by 32.0% and the combination of indigenous-allochthonous microorganisms by 33.6%. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the application of autochthonous and the combination of indigenous-allochthonous microorganisms for the reduction of TPH in contaminated sediment, suggesting a high potential of autochthonous microorganisms for bioremediation processes

    Immune response to gut escherichia coli and susceptibility to adjuvant arthritis in the rats

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    We have investigated the humoral immune response to antigens of predominant gut aerobic bacterial strains (i.e. Escherichia coli) over the course of adjuvant arthritis and oil-induced arthritis in two inbred rat strains: Dark Agouti (DA) and Albino Oxford (AO). We report the presence of antibodies specific to proteins of Escherichia coli in molecular weight range between 20-30 kDa in sera of diseased DA rats, and the absence of these antibodies in the sera of AO rats. In DA rats, CFA and IFA provoked a stronger antibody response to Escherichia coli, especially of the IgG2b antibody class. Intramuscular administration of Escherichia coli preceding the adjuvant arthritis induction had no effect on the development and course of disease, as well as on the activation of T cells in the draining inguinal lymph nodes. Higher serum levels of natural and induced IgA antibodies, combined with a higher CD3(+)CD26(+) cell percentage were found in AO rats. The observed correlation between the serologic response to commensal flora and rats' genetic background as a defining factor for arthritis susceptibility may contribute to the process of creating a favorable (or less favorable) milieu for arthritis development

    Dance as a Risk Factor for Injuries and Development of Occupational Diseases

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    Ozljede i bolesti mogu znatno utjecati na stvaralačku sposobnost, kreativnost i dostignuća umjetnika. Povezanost uvjeta i načina rada s pojavom bolesti u umjetnika prepoznata je već u srednjem vijeku. Tjelesna zahtjevnost izvedbe, gdje se tijelo koristi kao instrument izražavanja, može uzrokovati ozljede i razvoj profesionalnih bolesti koje mogu dovesti do nemogućnosti umjetničke interpretacije na očekivanoj razini, prekinuti aktivnosti i onemogućiti nastavak profesionalne karijere. Plesači su jedna od skupina umjetnika/izvođača koji su izloženi specifičnim rizicima i kojima treba specifična zdravstvena zaÅ”tita, Å”to nije moguće ostvariti bez poznavanja mehanizama nastajanja ozljeda i uvažavanja posebnosti potreba plesača. Mnogi plesači teže visokim umjetničkim i estetskim kriterijima izvedbe, pri čemu često protežu svoje tjelesne mogućnosti i izdržljivost i zanemaruju vlastita tjelesna ograničenja. Zdravstveni problemi plesača obuhvaćaju čitav niz ozljeda, profesionalnih bolesti i bolesti vezanih uz rad koji se kreću od stresa i straha od nastupa sve do poremećaja u prehrambenim navikama. Također obuhvaćaju ozljede miÅ”ićno-koÅ”tanoga sustava, sindrome prenaprezanja i trenažnoga preopterećenja koje može uzrokovati karakterističnu topoloÅ”ku pojavu boli, koja je često početak kroničnih zdravstvenih problema kod plesača. Navedeni zdravstveni problemi plesača sve su čeŔće područje zanimanja liječnika različitih specijalizacija, unaprjeđenja i provođenja preventivnih programa, dijagnostičkih metoda i liječenja u tom djelu populacije.Injuries and diseases can significantly affect the creativity and artistic performance. The link between working conditions and artistic performance had been recognised as early as the medieval age. Physically demanding performance arts such as dance can sometimes result in injuries, illnesses, inability to perform, and even end artistā€™s career. Dancers are exposed to specific risks and in need of specific medical care. Many dancers often stretch their physical capabilities and endurance and neglect their physical limitations. Their health problems include a number of work-related illnesses that range from stress and stage fright to metabolic and nutritional disorders. They also include musculoskeletal injuries due to overload training that are often the beginning of chronic health problems

    Over-Stabilization of Chemically Modified and Cross-Linked Candida antarctica Lipase B Using Various Epoxides and Diepoxides

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    Candida antarctica lipase B, Cal-B, was (i) chemically modified with various epoxides, or (ii) cross-linked with various diepoxides in order to improve enzyme activity and thermal stability. Changed enzyme structure was confirmed by kinetic resolution of p-nitrophenol acetate with methanol and determination of the kinetic parameters. Thermal stability measurements were carried out for each Cal-B derivative, proving that Cal-B modified with 1,2-epoxypropane and 1,2-epoxypentane, and cross-linked with 1,2,7,8-diepoxyoctane and 1,2,9,10-diepoxydecane showed higher stability than soluble enzyme. The influence of the length of the epoxide arm in the modification process, as well as the length of the spacer arm in the cross-linking process, on the final enzyme preparation properties was investigated. The amount of epoxides and diepoxides used for structural rearrangement played an important role in the derivatives' characteristics. The influence of the precipitant used and the presence of additives, such as surfactant or crown-ether, during modification and cross-linking processes was also revealed
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