28 research outputs found

    Full Newton-Step Interior-Point Method for Linear Complementarity Problems

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    In this paper we consider an Infeasible Full Newton-step Interior-Point Method (IFNS-IPM) for monotone Linear Complementarity Problems (LCP). The method does not require a strictly feasible starting point. In addition, the method avoids calculation of the step size and instead takes full Newton-steps at each iteration. Iterates are kept close to the central path by suitable choice of parameters. The algorithm is globally convergent and the iteration bound matches the best known iteration bound for these types of methods

    Simulation of linear business processes

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    Business processes are applied in business organizations, with interconnected and interactively working activities, which convert input into output elements. These are sets of linked and structured activities or tasks that create a specific process outcome. Characteristics of business processes are: definition, orderliness, user knowledge, identification of additional values for users, connection in the organizational structure and functionality of the activity. In a business activity, it is usual to differentiate business processes, production and service processes. Business Process Management focuses on workflow optimization and business process optimization, which usually includes any combination: modeling, simulation, automation, execution, verification and optimization of business activity flows to achieve the goals. Business processes in the new Six Sigma System apply process simulations, which enable rapid checking of the effectiveness and efficiency of the process, with certain levels of trust and risk. Simulation is the imitation of physical and abstract processes or systems, in the real world over time, with a developed model that represents the system itself, with the application of certain analytical and computer techniques. The best known is the computer simulation technique of linear business processes, which is quite detailed here so it can be routinely applied in practice of compressed air flow


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    In this paper we consider an Infeasible Full Newton-step Interior-Point Method (IFNS-IPM) for monotone Linear Complementarity Problems (LCP). The method does not require a strictly feasible starting point. In addition, the method avoids calculation of the step size and instead takes full Newton-steps at each iteration. Iterates are kept close to the central path by suitable choice of parameters. The algorithm is globally convergent and the iteration bound matches the best known iteration bound for these types of methods


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    In the global competition in agriculture, countries must allocate considerable financial resources in order to create preconditions for the continuous development of agriculture. Bearing in mind the unfavorable competitive position, the low investment rating, insufficient foreign direct investments, the Republic of Serbia can see its development opportunity in the application of public-private partnership in agriculture. Cooperation models are conditioned by investor plans and regulations created by the state. The mutually significant and complex relationship between the private and public partner beside economic and legal aspects, also acquires significant social and political dimensions. That is why through public-private partnership operations, there is an opportunity to improve the operations of economic entities. The authors conducted a survey of business entities in the territory of Srem, analyzed a successful case and concluded that the mentioned partnership can lead to an improvement in the competitiveness of business entities in the field of agriculture

    Research of the influence of socio-economic conditions of work on results of business operations of hotel enterprises

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    The aim of the research is to examine the correlation between the socioeconomic variables of employees (gender, age, level of education, monthly personal income of respondents and monthly personal income of the respondent household, number of members in the household and number of household members who generate income) and opinion of the respondents on the influence of the activities of the presumed on their work and the work of other employees in their hotel, opinions on the satisfaction of dense services, and opinions on the rational use of natural resources by their hotel companies. A total of 205 respondents participated in the survey, out of which 17 questionnaires did not meet the criteria for further analysis, while 188 questionnaires were further analyzed, 120 of them (63.8%) male and 68 respondents (36.2%) female sex. The T-test shows that respondents have different opinions about the services provided to guests and whether they meet their expectations. Namely, men are more satisfied than women in terms of the opinion that guests are satisfied with their work. Also, the obtained results show that more educated men with higher personal monthly income consider that their hotel has a good image of guests, partners and the public, but other groups of respondents. On the basis of the obtained results, it is concluded that the linear combination of predictors used is shown to be significant for predicting all the dependent variables that were examined by the respondents' opinion

    Herpesviruses in Periapical Pathoses: An Updated Systematic Review

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    Apical periodontitis represents a chronic inflammation and destruction of periradicular tissue caused by polymicrobial infection of endodontic origin. The aim of this systematic review was to make an update on findings related to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) presence in periapical pathoses and to correlate these findings with clinical, histopathological and radiographic features of periapical lesions. Methods were based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. A search was performed using PubMed, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Search key words included the following medical subjects heading terms: (periapical disease OR apical periodontitis OR periapical lesions OR periapical abscess) AND (viruses OR herpesvir*). A manual search involved references from articles retrieved for possible inclusion. The search, evaluation, and critical appraisal of articles were performed by two independent judges. Collected data were analyzed using the measures of descriptive statistics. The final review has included twenty nine articles related to herpesviral presence periapical pathoses. Qualitative analysis indicated that EBV HCMV, and HHV-8 were the most prevalent species in periapical pathoses. Our findings suggest that there is wide variety of herpesviruses detection rates in periapical pathoses in relation to their clinical, histopathological and radiographic features

    Antimicrobial Effect of Different Intracanal Dressings in Endodontic Treatment

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    Na četiri hraniliÅ”ta kontaktnim testom in vitro ispitan je utjecaj pet različitih intrakanalnih medikamentoznih uložaka: kalcij-hidroksida, klorheksidin glukonata u obliku gela 1% i otopine 0,2%, paraklorfenolkamfora i 1% metronidazola. Mikroorganizmi kojima se arteficijalno inficirao korijenski kanal 40 ispitanih ekstrahiranih zuba bile su: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus i Candida albicans. Rezultati su pokazali znatne razlike među utjecajima pet ispitanih intrakanalnih uložaka na brojnost mikroorganizama P. aeruginosa nakon tri i sedam dana (p < 0,05) te C. albicans nakon tri dana (p < 0,05). Preparati na temelju kalcij-hidroksida i paraklorfenolkamfora imaju veliku antimikrobnu učinkovitost. Paraklorfenolkamfor je znatno reducirao broj svih ispitanih mikroorganizama P. aeruginosa i C. albicans, nakon tri i nakon sedam dana u usporedbi s ostalim materijalima (p < 0,05). Kalcijev hidroksid je pokazao isti učinak na P. aeruginosa kao i paraklorfenomkamfor, s obzirom na to da je djelovao nakon tri dana (p < 0,05). Klorheksidin gel je imao najslabije antibakterijsko djelovanje na P. aeruginosa nakon tri dana u odnosu prema svim ispitanim materijalima, ali njegovo antibakterijsko djelovanje nakon sedam dana bilo je statistički znatno veće u usporedbi s ostalim materijalima (p < 0,05), osim paraklorfenokamfora. Svi testirani materijali imali su dobar antimikotski učinak na C. albicans, osim metronidazola koji - kao Å”to se i očekivalo - uopće nije djelovao na gljivu (p < 0,05). Može se zaključiti da klorheksidin gel povećava antibakterijsko djelovanje s duljinom primjene, a paraklorfenolkamfor i kalcij-hidroksid pokazuju najbrže i najjače antimikrobno djelovanje.The effect of five intracanal dressings, calcium hydroxide, chlorhexidine gluconate (1% gel and 0.2% solution), camphorated parachlorphenole and 1% metronidazole was tested in vitro in four media. The canals of 40 test teeth were artificially infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Significant differences were observed between five intracanal dressings regarding the number of P. aeruginosa after 3 and 7 days (p < 0.05) and C. albicans after 3 days (p < 0.05). Specimens with calcium hydroxide and camphorated parachlorphenole have significant antibacterial efficacy. Camphorated parachlorphenole has significantly reduced the number of all tested microorganisms P. aeruginosa and C. albicans after 3 and 7 days in comparison with other materials (p < 0.05). Calcium hydroxide has shown similar effect on P. aeruginosa as camphorated parachlorphenole regarding the efficacy after 3 days (p < 0.05). Chlorhexidine gel has shown the weakest efficacy on P. aeruginosa after 3 days, compared to all tested materials, but its antibacterial efficacy after 7 days was statistically greater compared to other materials (p < 0.05), except for camphorated parachlorphenole. All tested materials had good antimycotic efficacy against C. albicans except metronidazole that, as was expected, had no efficacy against yeast (p < 0.05). We can conclude that the antibacterial efficacy of chlorhexidine gel is enhanced with time, while camphorated parachlorphenole and calcium hydroxide have fastest and strongest antimicrobial efficacy

    Antimicrobial Effect of Different Intracanal Dressings in Endodontic Treatment

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    Na četiri hraniliÅ”ta kontaktnim testom in vitro ispitan je utjecaj pet različitih intrakanalnih medikamentoznih uložaka: kalcij-hidroksida, klorheksidin glukonata u obliku gela 1% i otopine 0,2%, paraklorfenolkamfora i 1% metronidazola. Mikroorganizmi kojima se arteficijalno inficirao korijenski kanal 40 ispitanih ekstrahiranih zuba bile su: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus i Candida albicans. Rezultati su pokazali znatne razlike među utjecajima pet ispitanih intrakanalnih uložaka na brojnost mikroorganizama P. aeruginosa nakon tri i sedam dana (p < 0,05) te C. albicans nakon tri dana (p < 0,05). Preparati na temelju kalcij-hidroksida i paraklorfenolkamfora imaju veliku antimikrobnu učinkovitost. Paraklorfenolkamfor je znatno reducirao broj svih ispitanih mikroorganizama P. aeruginosa i C. albicans, nakon tri i nakon sedam dana u usporedbi s ostalim materijalima (p < 0,05). Kalcijev hidroksid je pokazao isti učinak na P. aeruginosa kao i paraklorfenomkamfor, s obzirom na to da je djelovao nakon tri dana (p < 0,05). Klorheksidin gel je imao najslabije antibakterijsko djelovanje na P. aeruginosa nakon tri dana u odnosu prema svim ispitanim materijalima, ali njegovo antibakterijsko djelovanje nakon sedam dana bilo je statistički znatno veće u usporedbi s ostalim materijalima (p < 0,05), osim paraklorfenokamfora. Svi testirani materijali imali su dobar antimikotski učinak na C. albicans, osim metronidazola koji - kao Å”to se i očekivalo - uopće nije djelovao na gljivu (p < 0,05). Može se zaključiti da klorheksidin gel povećava antibakterijsko djelovanje s duljinom primjene, a paraklorfenolkamfor i kalcij-hidroksid pokazuju najbrže i najjače antimikrobno djelovanje.The effect of five intracanal dressings, calcium hydroxide, chlorhexidine gluconate (1% gel and 0.2% solution), camphorated parachlorphenole and 1% metronidazole was tested in vitro in four media. The canals of 40 test teeth were artificially infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Significant differences were observed between five intracanal dressings regarding the number of P. aeruginosa after 3 and 7 days (p < 0.05) and C. albicans after 3 days (p < 0.05). Specimens with calcium hydroxide and camphorated parachlorphenole have significant antibacterial efficacy. Camphorated parachlorphenole has significantly reduced the number of all tested microorganisms P. aeruginosa and C. albicans after 3 and 7 days in comparison with other materials (p < 0.05). Calcium hydroxide has shown similar effect on P. aeruginosa as camphorated parachlorphenole regarding the efficacy after 3 days (p < 0.05). Chlorhexidine gel has shown the weakest efficacy on P. aeruginosa after 3 days, compared to all tested materials, but its antibacterial efficacy after 7 days was statistically greater compared to other materials (p < 0.05), except for camphorated parachlorphenole. All tested materials had good antimycotic efficacy against C. albicans except metronidazole that, as was expected, had no efficacy against yeast (p < 0.05). We can conclude that the antibacterial efficacy of chlorhexidine gel is enhanced with time, while camphorated parachlorphenole and calcium hydroxide have fastest and strongest antimicrobial efficacy