52 research outputs found


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    In determining the postural status of the spinal column of preschool age children or young school age children, early detection of bad posture is necessary, so that it could be rectified through the proper corrective exercise. The aim of this study is to determine the state of the postural disorders of the spinal column, viewed in the sagittal plane, on a population of preschool children, and young school age children, living on the territory of the municipality of Knjaževac. The sample of participants consisted of 515 young school age and  125 preschool children. In order to determine the postural status of the spinal column in the sagittal plane, we used the ‘Spinal Mouse’ measuring instrument. The results have shown that in both age groups, more than 50% of the children have some form of postural disorder in the sagittal plane. The most widely distributed disorders are the kyphotic and lordotic posture, followed by kypholordosis. In terms of gender, younger school age girls have a more pronounced kypholordotic posture when compared to the boys, with 6% and 1.6% respectively. The frequency of the other postural disorders is almost identical. In the case of female preschool children, the kyphotic posture is  more predominant, while in the case of the boys the lordotic posture is more frequent. The obtained data are important for designing a proper corrective gymnastics program for the improvement of the postural status of the spinal column in the sagittal plane of children living in Knjaževac.Key words: kyphosis, lordosis, straight back, gender, difference


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    Osteogenesis is the process of bone tissue forming, i.e. bone or callus regeneration. This process is influenced by many factors, and the degree of bone fragments’ stability and vascularization in the fracture area are the basic local factors which determine the nature of reparative process. Regenerative process of all bone structures increases with increasing of blood supply.The distal lower leg has its specific biomechanical features, and plays an important role in the transfer of body weight to foot. The distal part of tibia has a small diameter, which as a consequence has reduced diameter in medullar cave. Through this anatomic feature, the medullar network in the lower tibia part is also reduced.As for anatomic aspect, vascularization in the lower end of tibia is poor. It primarily depends on periosteal vascularization, because medullar vascularization is reduced. Fasciae, tendons and skin cover the lower part of the leg, and there is no muscle mass. These tissues have poor vascular network and that is why the extraosseous blood circulation in tibia is poor, and does not participate in the osteogenesis process. For these reasons, distal lower leg represents a predelection site for delayed osteogenesis and pseudoarthrosys development.Osteosynthesis causes secondary damage to bone and soft tissue circulation. The screw plate damages the periosteal circulation – in the lower part of tibia it is the main source of vascularization, and for this reason, this method of osteosynthesis should not be applied. The external fixator has a sparing role regarding vascularization, and that is the reason why this method is recommended for fracture stabilization at the level of distal lower leg

    Raznovrsnost biljnih vaši (Homoptera: Aphididae) u jugoistočnoj Srbiji

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    Aphids represent one of the most significant pest species in agroecosystems. In this study we investigated aphid diversity in Southeastern Serbia. We recorded 132 species, mostly infesting host plants from the families Asteraceae and Rosaceae. The most diverse genus was Aphis Linnaeus with 34 species. Within this genus, the most frequently sampled species was A. fabae Scopoli. Genera Uroleucon Mordvilko, Brachycaudus van der Goot and Dysaphis Börner were also represented by a large number of species.Biljne vaši predstavljaju jednu od najznačajnijih grupa štetočina u agroekosistemima. U ovoj studiji istraživali smo raznovrsnost biljnih vaši u jugoistočnoj Srbiji. Zabeležili smo 132 vrste, koje uglavnom zaražavaju biljke domaćine iz porodice Asteraceae i Rosaceae. Najraznovrsniji rod je Aphis Linnaeus sa 34 vrste. U ovom rodu, najčešće uzorkovana vrsta je A. fabae Scopoli. Rodovi Uroleucon Mordvilko, Brachicaudus van der Goot i Disaphis Borner takođe su predstavljeni velikim brojem vrsta

    Ispitivanje karakteristika ratarskih prskalica u Rasinskom okrugu

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    In agricultural production, pests and diseases of agricultural crops, as well as weed plants, cause significant losses in the yield and quality of agricultural products. One of the most effective ways of fighting is the use of a wide range of chemicals called pesticides. In accordance with the EU Directives 2009/128/EC and 2006/42/EC underlying the standard EN 13790, the Plant Protection Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment of the Republic of Serbia has established a framework for the control of sprayers and mist blowers. Maintaining sprayers for pesticide application in a good state of repair and proper working order reduces their harmful effects on human health and the environment. The nozzle is one of the most important parts of plant protection machines, responsible for the following major functions: delivery of a given amount of liquid in a unit of time, dispersion of the liquid by making droplets of different sizes and forming a stream of a particular shape. Testing of the working safety of sprayers and nozzles was carried out in accordance with the European Standard EN 13790 which specifies the methods and equipment for inspection. The flow rate of nozzles was measured by an S001 nozzle tester (AAMS-Salvarani, Belgium). The measuring equipment used for testing the pesticide application device can accurately determine any deviation and irregularity in the application.U poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, štetočine i bolesti poljoprivrednih kultura, kao i korovske biljke svake godine prouzrokuju značajne gubitke u prinosu i kvalitetu poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Jedan od najefikasnijih načina borbe jeste primena brojnih i različitih hemijskih sredstava, koja se nazivaju opštim nazivom pesticidi. U skladu sa Direktivama Evropskog parlamenta 2009/128/EC i 2006/42/EC, kojima je osnova standard EN 13790, koji propisuje obavezni pregled mašina za zaštitu bilja, Uprava za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede i životne sredine Republike Srbije uspostavlja okvir za kontrolu sistema prskalica i orošivača. Upotrebom tehnički ispravnih i kontrolisanih ratarskih prskalica za primenu pesticida smanjuje se njihov štetni uticaj na zdravlje ljudi i životnu okolinu. Jedan od najznačajnijih delova mašina za zaštitu bilja predstavljaju rasprskivači. Oni obavljaju najvažnije funkcije, kao što su: propuštaju zadate količine tečnosti u jedinici vremena, raspršuju tečnost praveći kapljice odgovarajućih veličina i formiraju mlaz odgovarajućeg oblika. Testiranje radne ispravnosti prskalice i rasprskivača vršeno je u skladu sa evropskim normativom EN 13790, koji propisuje metode i opremu kojom se obavlja inspekcija. Protok rasprskivača je meren pomoću ispitivača pojedinačnih rasprskivača S001 belgijskog proizvođača 'AAMS-Salvarani'. Primenom merne opreme za ispitivanje ispravnosti rada uređaja za primenu pesticida, merenjem je moguće tačno ustanoviti svako odstupanje i nepravilnost u radu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da postoje značajna odstupanja ispitivanih parametara

    The Influence of Cabernet Sauvignon Ripeness, Healthy State and Maceration Time on Wine and Fermented Pomace Phenolic Profile

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    The phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of wine and fermented pomace (FP) from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes harvested at three ripening stages were evaluated using LC-MS/MS and spectrophotometric analyses. An investigation of grey mold’s (Botrytis cinerea) influence on wine phenolic content modulation was conducted as well. Finally, the influence of the plant’s ripening stage on the dynamics of the phenolic compounds extracted from wine and FP obtained from fully ripe grapes was evaluated. In this study, the content of catechin, epicatechin, quercetin, and p-coumaric, gallic, and syringic acids was analyzed. Wine and FP were obtained after extended maceration during the spontaneous and inoculated fermentation of fully ripe grapes. When comparing the wine and FP obtained from véraison, fully ripe, and overripe grapes, catechin was the most abundant in wine (40.13 ± 3.25 mg/L) and quercetin in FP (10.96 ± 0.14 mg/kg). A decrease in analyzed phenolic compounds was noticed in wine produced from grapes affected by Botrytis cinerea, and the highest depletion was found for quercetin. The use of a winemaking technique that involved differing maceration periods and inoculation using yeasts as well as spontaneous fermentation significantly modulated the phenolic content of derived wines and FP. The dynamics of the phenolic compounds extracted into wine, evaluated using a principal component analysis (PCA), highlighted contents of catechin and epicatechin. After a decrease in maceration, the PCA revealed a notable content of gallic and syringic acids, as well as quercetin, in samples of FP. This study offers a perspective for future research and the development of functional food with a high content of phenolic compounds originating from red grape products, such as wine and fermented pomace

    Standardi u oblasti geoinformacija

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    The paper gives information about the standards that support current standardization initiatives in geoinformation field. Increasing the reliability of the goods and effectiveness of the services which we use depend on standardization level. Aim of standardization process is getting people to agree on an acceptable technical solution. Standards are an important basis for development and implementation of the infrastructure for geodata. They facilitate the development, sharing, and use of geospatial data. In fact, they are ensuring that electronic data content and services are implemented to common standards in order to become easily accessible data. Standardization into geosector has to be coordinated with ongoing work on formulation of the INSPIRE implementing rules and the data sets specifications. The Law on Standardization establishes the legal bases of standardization in the Republic Serbia and defining competence of participants, as well as regulates the principles of preparation and application of standardization normative documents. The Institute for Standardization of Serbia is the only recognized national standardization body with aim to develop and promote standards contributing improvement of products and services of Serbia. Republic Geodetic Authority has started an initiative for establishing standardization Committee. The Institute for Standardization of Serbia formed the Technical Committee for standards in the field of geographic information, marked KS I 211. This Committee deals with standards regarding geographic information through following work of the Technical Committee ISO/TC 211 and CEN/TC 287.U radu su date informacije o standardima koji podržavaju trenutne inicijative za standardizaciju u oblasti geoinformacija. Povećanje pouzdanosti dobara i efektivnosti usluga koje koristimo zavisi od nivoa standardizacije. Cilj procesa standardizacije je da se postigne dogovor između učesnika o prihvatljivom tehničkom rešenju. Standardi su važna osnova za razvoj i implementaciju infrastrukture geopodataka. Oni omogućavaju razvoj, razmenu i korišćenje prostornih podataka. Zapravo, osiguranje da su sadržaj digitalnih podataka i servisa implementirani sa zajedničkim standardima radi lakšeg pristupa podacima. Standardizacija u geosektoru mora biti koordinirana sa tekućim radom na formulisanju INSPIRE implementacionih pravila i tehničkih specifikacija za skupove podataka. Zakon o standardizaciji uspostavlja legalnu osnovu za standardizaciju u Republici Srbiji, definiše nadležnosti učesnika i reguliše načela pripreme i primene standarda. Institut za standardizaciju Srbije, kao nadležno nacionalno telo za standardizaciju, razvija i promoviše standarde doprinoseći unapređenju proizvoda i usluga u Srbiji. Republički geodetski zavod je pokrenuo inicijativu za osnivanje komisije za standardizaciju. Institut za standardizaciju Srbije formirao je Komisiju za standarde iz oblasti geografskih informacija sa oznakom KS I 211. Predmet rada ove komisije su standardi iz oblasti geografskih informacija kroz praćenje rada tehničkih komiteta ISO/TC 211 i CEN/TC 287

    Standardi u oblasti geoinformacija

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    The paper gives information about the standards that support current standardization initiatives in geoinformation field. Increasing the reliability of the goods and effectiveness of the services which we use depend on standardization level. Aim of standardization process is getting people to agree on an acceptable technical solution. Standards are an important basis for development and implementation of the infrastructure for geodata. They facilitate the development, sharing, and use of geospatial data. In fact, they are ensuring that electronic data content and services are implemented to common standards in order to become easily accessible data. Standardization into geosector has to be coordinated with ongoing work on formulation of the INSPIRE implementing rules and the data sets specifications. The Law on Standardization establishes the legal bases of standardization in the Republic Serbia and defining competence of participants, as well as regulates the principles of preparation and application of standardization normative documents. The Institute for Standardization of Serbia is the only recognized national standardization body with aim to develop and promote standards contributing improvement of products and services of Serbia. Republic Geodetic Authority has started an initiative for establishing standardization Committee. The Institute for Standardization of Serbia formed the Technical Committee for standards in the field of geographic information, marked KS I 211. This Committee deals with standards regarding geographic information through following work of the Technical Committee ISO/TC 211 and CEN/TC 287.U radu su date informacije o standardima koji podržavaju trenutne inicijative za standardizaciju u oblasti geoinformacija. Povećanje pouzdanosti dobara i efektivnosti usluga koje koristimo zavisi od nivoa standardizacije. Cilj procesa standardizacije je da se postigne dogovor između učesnika o prihvatljivom tehničkom rešenju. Standardi su važna osnova za razvoj i implementaciju infrastrukture geopodataka. Oni omogućavaju razvoj, razmenu i korišćenje prostornih podataka. Zapravo, osiguranje da su sadržaj digitalnih podataka i servisa implementirani sa zajedničkim standardima radi lakšeg pristupa podacima. Standardizacija u geosektoru mora biti koordinirana sa tekućim radom na formulisanju INSPIRE implementacionih pravila i tehničkih specifikacija za skupove podataka. Zakon o standardizaciji uspostavlja legalnu osnovu za standardizaciju u Republici Srbiji, definiše nadležnosti učesnika i reguliše načela pripreme i primene standarda. Institut za standardizaciju Srbije, kao nadležno nacionalno telo za standardizaciju, razvija i promoviše standarde doprinoseći unapređenju proizvoda i usluga u Srbiji. Republički geodetski zavod je pokrenuo inicijativu za osnivanje komisije za standardizaciju. Institut za standardizaciju Srbije formirao je Komisiju za standarde iz oblasti geografskih informacija sa oznakom KS I 211. Predmet rada ove komisije su standardi iz oblasti geografskih informacija kroz praćenje rada tehničkih komiteta ISO/TC 211 i CEN/TC 287

    Theoretical and experimental analysis of dynamic processes of pipe branch for supply water to the Pelton turbine

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    The paper presents the results of the analysis of pipe branch A6 to feed the Hydropower Plant ”Perućica” with integrated action Pelton turbines. The analysis was conducted experimentally (tensometric) and numerically. The basis of the experimental research is the numerical finite element analysis of pipe branch A6 in pipeline C3. Pipe branch research was conducted in order to set the experiment and to determine extreme stress states. The analysis was used to perform the determination of the stress state of a geometrically complex assembly. This was done in detail as it had never been done before, even in the design phase. The actual states of the body pipe branch were established, along with the possible occurrence of water hammer accompanied by the appearance of hydraulic oscillation. This provides better energetic efficiency of the turbine devices. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR35049 and br. TR 33040


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    The water lily aphid is a cosmopolitan species that feeds on various plants. Its primary hosts are Prunus species from which they migrate to their secondary hosts – aquatic and semi-aquatic plants. So far, in Serbia, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae is recorded to attack only three plant species as secondary hosts. In our study, conducted in September 2020, we have researched the association of water lily aphid with secondary hosts in wetland habitats. A total of 44 samples were collected from 16 localities. In addition to the plant species previously reported, in this study 11 secondary hosts are documented for the first time in Serbia. The most common trophic association of R. nymphaeae was with Salvinia natans which was registered in 13 localities. There is a high possibility of finding new records of secondary hosts, therefore, more research is needed to complete the information about the water lily aphid and its hosts in Serbia

    Distal tibial pilon fractures (AO/OTA type B, and C) treated with the external skeletal and minimal internal fixation method

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    Background/Aim. Distal tibial pilon fractures include extra-articular fractures of the tibial metaphysis and the more severe intra-articular tibial pilon fractures. There is no universal method for treating distal tibial pilon fractures. These fractures are treated by means of open reduction, internal fixation (ORIF) and external skeletal fixation. The high rate of soft-tissue complications associated with primary ORIF of pilon fractures led to the use of external skeletal fixation, with limited internal fixation as an alternative technique for definitive management. The aim of this study was to estimate efficacy of distal tibial pilon fratures treatment using the external skeletal and minimal internal fixation method. Methods. We presented a series of 31 operated patients with tibial pilon fractures. The patients were operated on using the method of external skeletal fixation with a minimal internal fixation. According to the AO/OTA classification, 17 patients had type B fracture and 14 patients type C fractures. The rigid external skeletal fixation was transformed into a dynamic external skeletal fixation 6 weeks post-surgery. Results. This retrospective study involved 31 patients with tibial pilon fractures, average age 41.81 (from 21 to 60) years. The average follow-up was 21.86 (from 12 to 48) months. The percentage of union was 90.32%, nonunion 3.22% and malunion 6.45%. The mean to fracture union was 14 (range 12-20) weeks. There were 4 (12.19%) infections around the pins of the external skeletal fixator and one (3.22%) deep infections. The ankle joint arthrosis as a late complication appeared in 4 (12.90%) patients. All arthroses appeared in patients who had type C fractures. The final functional results based on the AOFAS score were excellent in 51.61%, good in 32.25%, average in 12.90% and bad in 3.22% of the patients. Conclusion. External skeletal fixation and minimal internal fixation of distal tibial pilon fractures is a good method for treating all types of inta-articular pilon fractures. In fractures types B and C dynamic external skeletal fixation allows early mobility in the ankle joint. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III41017