133 research outputs found

    Concept of translation exposure to the foreign-exchange risk

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    Multinational companies encounter with translation type of foreign exchange risk exposure owing to the need to periodically consolidate parents' and foreign subsidiaries' financial statements. Translation exposure is determined by taking the difference between a subsidiary exposed foreign currency assets and liabilities. Exposed foreign currency balance sheet items are those items that are translated at current exchange rates. Keeping in mind the fact that translation exposure results in unrealized translation gains and losses, one may ask why are their figures considered important? Although translation gains and losses are paper character, translation exposure effects affect company ability to raise capital, stock price and key financial ratios. Hence, significant attention has to be paid to their properly measurement

    Tipologija grešaka u rešavanju zadataka iz geometrije

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    Upoznavanje karakteristika, prostornih odnosa i relacija između geometrijskih objekata jedan je od elemenata matematičke pismenosti. Ova znanja i veštine čine teorijsku podlogu za rešavanje praktičnih problema u oblastima geometrije i merenja i istovremeno omogućavaju uspešan nastavak matematičkog obrazovanja (Corcoran, Mosher & Rogat, 2009). U ovom poglavlju analizirano je postignuće učenika u oblasti geometrije i merenja u istraživanju TIMSS 2019, da bi se detaljnije upoznali sa ključnim elementima koji su neophodni za uspešno rešavanje problema iz geometrije, kao i sa poteškoćama i zabludama u razumevanju geometrijskih pojmova. U uvodnom delu ćemo prikazati osnovne odrednice teorijskih postavki u vezi sa razvojem geometrijskog mišljenja i oblasti merenja i ukazati na rezultate nekih istraživanja u ovom domenu.Naziv zbirke: Biblioteka „Pedagoška teorija i praksa” 53Za materijale Međunarodne asocijacije za evaluaciju obrazovnih postignuća (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement – IEA) koji su prikazani u ovoj knjizi dobijena je dozvola pod brojem IEA-21-021.Komisija za ocenu etičnosti u naučnoistraživačkom radu Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja donela je odluku 23. aprila 2021. godine da je tematski zbornik TIMSS 2019 u Srbiji u skladu sa Pravilnikom o etičnosti u naučnoistraživačkom radu Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja

    Study of red clover wild populations from the territory of Serbia for the purpose of pre-selection

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the agronomic value of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) wild populations. The analyzed material was gathered on the territory of Serbia and it was estimated which populations could be involved in the breeding program. 17 red clover populations were included in the research. Investigation was carried out at the experimental field of the Institute for forage crops, Krusevac, Serbia. The field trial was performed during three years (2008 - 2010) when data about morphological (green mass, dry mater, plant height, number of stems, number of lateral branches, number of internodes, length and width of a middle leaf lamina) and basic chemical parameters (quantity of crude proteins, crude fiber, ash, fat, NFE) were collected. In this paper, results of the research were processed by application of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariation methods. Cluster analysis based on morphological traits resulted in formation of three clusters and the traits with the largest influence on grouping were: green mass, plant height, length and width of a leaf. Principal component method confirmed this separation and resulted in even more clear grouping of populations. Cluster analysis and PCA method were also applied to the traits of dry matter quality, when four clusters were formed, and the traits with the largest influence on grouping were percentages of protein, fat and fiber. Using both set of traits and several types of analyses contribute to grouping of populations which promise most and whose positive traits such as: high green mass yield, number of stems as well as the percentage of proteins can be combined for the purpose of getting synthetic varieties

    Teorijsko ispitivanje antiradikalske aktivnosti delfinidina

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    Delphinidin, one of the natural anthocyanin pigments was theoretically (at M05-2X/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory) investigated for its ability scavange potentially highly damaging hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. Theoretical calculations point to HAT and SPLET mechanisms as operative for delphinidin in all solvents under investigations.Teoretski (na M05-2X/6-311+G(d,p) nivou teorije) je ispitivana sposobnost delfinidina, prirodnog antocijaninskog pigmenta, da reaguje sa potencijalno veoma štetnim hidroksi i superoksid anjon radikalima. Proračuni su pokazali da su HAT i SPLET mogući mehanizmi u svim rastvaračima

    Ispitivanje antioksidativnih mehanizama kempferola sa hidroksi radikalom i superoksid radikal anjonom

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    Kaempferol, one of the most bioactive plant flavonoids was theoretically (at M05-2X/6-311G(d,p) level of theory) investigated for its ability scavange potentially highly damaging hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. Theoretical calculations point to HAT and SPLET mechanisms as operative for kaempferol in all solvents under investigations.Teoretski (na M05-2X/6-311G(d,p) nivou teorije) je ispitivana sposobnost kempferola, važnog bioaktivnog biljnog jedinjenja flavonoida, da reaguje sa potencijalno veoma štetnim hidroksi radikalom i superoksid radikal anjonom. Proračuni su pokazali da su HAT i SPLET mogući mehanizmi u svim rastvaračima

    Inhibitory effect of propafenone derivatives on pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm and pyocyanin production

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    Introduction/Objective Biofilm and pyocyanin production are essential components of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence and antibiotic resistance.Our objective was to examine inhibitory effect of synthetized propafenone derivatives 3-(2-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2- (2-hydroxy-3-propylamino-propoxy)-phenyl)-propan-1-one hydrochloride (5OF) and3-(2-Trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-1-(2-(2-hydroxy-3-propylamino-propoxy)-phenyl)-propan-1-one hydrochloride (5CF3) on biofilm and pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains.Methods Effects were tested on nine clinical isolates and one control laboratory strain of P. aeruginosa. In vitro analysis of biofilm growing was performed by incubating bacteria (0.5 McFarland) with 5OF and 5CF3 (500–31.2 μg/ml) and measuring optical density (OD) at 570 nm. Bacteria in medium without com-pounds were positive control. Blank medium (an uninoculated medium without test compounds) was used as negative control. Pyocyanin production was estimated by OD at 520 nm, after bacteria incubated with 5CF3 and 5OF (250 and 500 μg/ml), treated with chloroform, and chloroform layer mixed with HCl. Results A total of 500 μg/ml of 5OF and 5CF3 completely inhibited biofilm formation in 10/10 and 4/10 strains, respectively. A total of 250 μg/ml of 5OF and 5CF3 strongly inhibited biofilm formation in 7/10 strains, while inhibition with 125 μg/ml of 5OF and 5CF3 was moderate. Lower concentrations had almost no effect on biofilm production. Pyocyanin production was reduced to less than 40% of the control value in 6/9, and less than 50% of the control in 7/9 strains with 500 μg/ml of 5OF and 5CF3, respectively. At 250 μg/ml 5OF and 5CF3, most strains had pyocyanin production above 50% of the control value.Conclusion Synthetized propafenone derivatives, 5OF and 5CF3, inhibited biofilms and pyocyanin produc-tion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains. Presented results suggest that propafenone derivatives are potential lead-compounds for synthesis of novel antipseudomonal drugs.Увод/Циљ Производња биофилма и пиоцијанина je важан фактор вируленције и антибиотске резистенције бактерије Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Циљ рада је био да се испита инхибиторни ефекат синте-тисаних пропафенонских деривата, 3-(2-флуоро-фенил)-1-[2-(2-хидрокси-3-пропиламино-пропокси)-фенил]-про-пан-1-он-хидрохлорид) (5OF) и 3-(2-трифлуорометилфенил)-1-[2-(2-хидрокси-3-пропиламино-пропокси)-фенил]-про-пан-1-он-хидрохлорид) (5CF3), на продукцију биофилма и пиоцијанина код клиничких изолата бактерије Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Методе Ефекат пропафенонских деривата испитан је на девет клиничких изолата и једном стандардном соју бакте-рије P. aeruginosa. Утицај на продукцију биофилма испитан је in vitro, инкубацијом бактерија (0,5 по Макфарланду) са 5OF и 5CF3 (500–31,2 μg/ml), и мерењем оптичке густине на 570 nm. Бактерије у медијуму без испитиваних једињења су биле позитивна контрола, а сам медијум негативна контро-ла. Производени пиоцијанин, који је одређиван мерењем оптичке густине на 520 nm, на коинкубације бактерија са 5CF3 или 5OF (250 и 500 μg/ml), третиран је хлороформом и мешањем хлороформског слојa са HCl.Резултати При концентрацији од 500 μg/ml 5OF је довео до потпуне инхибиције продукције биофилма код свих испи-тиваних сојева (10/10). Инхибиција биофилма са 500 μg/ml5CF3 била је потпуна код 4/10 сојева. При концентрацији 5OF и 5CF3 од 250 μg/ml продукција биофилма код већине испитаних изолата била је слаба, док је при концентрацији 125 μg/ml 5OF односно 5CF3 продукција била умерена. Ниже концентрације 5OF и 5CF3 нису имале инхибиторни ефекат на формирање биофилма. У присуству 500 μg/ml 5OF у 6/10 испитиваних сојева продукција пиоцијанина пала је на мање од 40% у односу на контролну вредност. Иста концентрација (500 μg/ml) 5CF3 снизила је продукцију пиоцијанина на мање од 50% од контроле у 7/9 сојева. При концентрацији 250 μg/ml 5OF или 5CF3 већина сојева продуковала је пиоцијанин изнад 50% у односу на позитивну контролу.Закључак Синтетисани пропафенонски деривати, 5OF и 5CF3, инхибирају продукцију биофилма и пиоцијанина код клиничких сојева бактерије Pseudomonas aeruginosa. До-бијени резултати указују на то да пропафенонски деривати представљају могућа полазна једињења за синтезу нових антипсеудомонасних агенаса.This work is a part of Jasmina Bašić’s PhD thesis “Ex-amination of correlation between chemical structure, physicochemical properties and retention parameters and antimicrobial activity of newly synthesized derivatives of propiophenone,“ defended at the Department of Phar-maceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade on September 19, 2016

    Determination of relevant parameters in the red clover seed processing (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    The paper presents the results of the seed processing of the natural red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seed with different initial purity in the seed processing center in the Institute for forage crops in Kruševac. Seeds of red clover for sowing must be clean, with high germination and high genetic value. Most of these requirements can be achieved through the seed processing, by the removal of impurities and seeds of poorer quality. In this process, there are number of technical-technological operations such as: cleaning, declarations, packaging in appropriate wrapping material and storage. The task of cleansing seeds is to remove all other seeds, weeds, impurities and extracts pure seed of the basic culture. In this way, the seed is prepared in a timely manner for good germination, sprouting, and cropping. During the processing of the red clover seeds, the relevant parameters on the equipment were determined: pure seed (%), weeds and seed of other cultures (%), inert matter (%), amount of processed seed (kg), seed losses (%) and processing output of the seed processing (%). The losses of red clover seeds in seed processing are in direct dependence on the type and quantity of weeds and other impurities present in the natural seed. On the basis of the obtained results, it is possible to optimally adjust and select the appropriate equipment for the red clover processing, depending on the quantity and type of weeds and other ingredients in the natural red clover seeds.Rad prikazuje rezultate ispitivanja pri doradi naturalnog semena crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) različitih početnih čistoća u doradnom centru Instituta za krmno bilje u Kruševcu. Seme crvene deteline za setvu mora biti čisto, visoke klijavosti i genetske vrednosti. Najveći deo ovih zahteva je moguće ostvariti kroz doradu, odnosno odstranjivanjem nečistoća i semena lošijeg kvaliteta. Pri procesu dorade semena crvene deteline postoji veći broj tehničko-tehnoloških operacija kao što su: čišćenje, deklarisanje, pakovanje u odgovarajuću ambalažu i skladištenje. Zadatak čišćenja semena je da se iz naturalnog semena sa primesama odstrane sva semena drugih kultura, korovi, primese i izdvoji samo čisto seme osnovne kulture. Ovakvim načinom seme se blagovremeno priprema u povoljno stanje za kvalitetnu setvu, klijanje i nicanje. Relevantni parametri na mašinama za doradu određivani su pri procesu dorade semena crvene deteline. Određivani su sledeći parametri: čisto seme crvene deteline (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), gubici semena (%) i randman dorade (%). Kod dorade semena crvene deteline gubici su u direktnoj zavisnosti od vrste i količine korova i ostalih nečistoća prisutnih u naturalnom semenu deteline, odnosno početne čistoće. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ispitivanja moguće je izvršiti kvalitetno podešavanje i izbor odgovarajućih mašina za doradu semena crvene deteline, u zavisnosti od količine i vrste korova i primesa u naturalnom semenu crvene deteline

    Spectrophotometric and uplc study of reaction between [AuCl4] - and quercetin

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    The equilibrium and kinetics of the reaction between tetrachloroaurate(III) ion (AuCl4 - ) and quercetin in 0.1 M HClO4 were studied spectrophotometrically. The fast and the slow reaction steps were distinguished in the reaction mechanism, depending on the ratio of AuCl4 - and quercetin concentration. The stoichiometry of reaction, determined by molar ratio and Jobb’s methods, was 1:1. The kinetics of complex formation was followed under the pseudo-first order conditions by measuring the absorbance at 294 nm vs. time as the function of quercetin concentration in 5 – 15 fold excess.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Uticaj gustine setve na prinos i broj klijavih zrna u semenskom kukuruzu

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    The trials were carried out in the regular production of the seed maize ZP 680 at the agricultural estate "Nova Budućnost" Žarkovac during 2001 and 2002. Sowing densities (71,400, 85,500, 99,900 plants ha"1) affected varying of yields (4.01, 4.38. 4.40 t ha"1). The 1000-seed weight decreased over increased densities (305.6, 2912, 282.5 g). Germination was even over densities (95.0, 94.9, 94.7 %). A greater number of germinated seeds per area unit (13,122,000, 15,022,000, 15,569,000) was obtained in greater densities. The percentile share of fractions in the weight was uniform over all sowing densities.Ogledi su izvedeni u PD "Nova Budućnost" Žarkovac 2001 i 2002. godine u prirodnim uslovima gajenja semenskog kukuruza ZP 680. Gustine setve (714.00, 85.500, 99.9.00 bilj/ha) su uticale na variranje prinosa (4.01, 4.38. 4.40 t/ha). Masa 1000 semena opadala je sa povećanjem gustine (305.6, 2912, 282.5 g). Klijavost je bila ujednačena po gustinama (95.0, 94.9, 94.7 %). U većim gustinama dobijen je veći broj klijavih semena po jedinici površine (13.122.000, 15.022.000, 15.569.000). U sve tri gustine procentualno učešće frakcija u masi bilo je ujednačeno

    Ispitivanje karakteristika ratarskih prskalica u Rasinskom okrugu

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    In agricultural production, pests and diseases of agricultural crops, as well as weed plants, cause significant losses in the yield and quality of agricultural products. One of the most effective ways of fighting is the use of a wide range of chemicals called pesticides. In accordance with the EU Directives 2009/128/EC and 2006/42/EC underlying the standard EN 13790, the Plant Protection Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment of the Republic of Serbia has established a framework for the control of sprayers and mist blowers. Maintaining sprayers for pesticide application in a good state of repair and proper working order reduces their harmful effects on human health and the environment. The nozzle is one of the most important parts of plant protection machines, responsible for the following major functions: delivery of a given amount of liquid in a unit of time, dispersion of the liquid by making droplets of different sizes and forming a stream of a particular shape. Testing of the working safety of sprayers and nozzles was carried out in accordance with the European Standard EN 13790 which specifies the methods and equipment for inspection. The flow rate of nozzles was measured by an S001 nozzle tester (AAMS-Salvarani, Belgium). The measuring equipment used for testing the pesticide application device can accurately determine any deviation and irregularity in the application.U poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, štetočine i bolesti poljoprivrednih kultura, kao i korovske biljke svake godine prouzrokuju značajne gubitke u prinosu i kvalitetu poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Jedan od najefikasnijih načina borbe jeste primena brojnih i različitih hemijskih sredstava, koja se nazivaju opštim nazivom pesticidi. U skladu sa Direktivama Evropskog parlamenta 2009/128/EC i 2006/42/EC, kojima je osnova standard EN 13790, koji propisuje obavezni pregled mašina za zaštitu bilja, Uprava za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede i životne sredine Republike Srbije uspostavlja okvir za kontrolu sistema prskalica i orošivača. Upotrebom tehnički ispravnih i kontrolisanih ratarskih prskalica za primenu pesticida smanjuje se njihov štetni uticaj na zdravlje ljudi i životnu okolinu. Jedan od najznačajnijih delova mašina za zaštitu bilja predstavljaju rasprskivači. Oni obavljaju najvažnije funkcije, kao što su: propuštaju zadate količine tečnosti u jedinici vremena, raspršuju tečnost praveći kapljice odgovarajućih veličina i formiraju mlaz odgovarajućeg oblika. Testiranje radne ispravnosti prskalice i rasprskivača vršeno je u skladu sa evropskim normativom EN 13790, koji propisuje metode i opremu kojom se obavlja inspekcija. Protok rasprskivača je meren pomoću ispitivača pojedinačnih rasprskivača S001 belgijskog proizvođača 'AAMS-Salvarani'. Primenom merne opreme za ispitivanje ispravnosti rada uređaja za primenu pesticida, merenjem je moguće tačno ustanoviti svako odstupanje i nepravilnost u radu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da postoje značajna odstupanja ispitivanih parametara