35 research outputs found

    Physiological complexity of EEG as a proxy for dementia risk prediction: a review and preliminary cross-section analysis

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    The aim of this work is to give the readers a review (perspective) of prior work on this kind of complexity-based detection from resting-state EEG and present our preliminary cross-section analysis results on how EEG complexity of supposedly healthy senior persons can serve as an early warning to clinicians. Together with the use of wearables for health, this approach to early detection can be done out of clinical setting improving the chances of increasing the quality of life in seniors.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Relationship of adipokine to insulin sensitivity and glycemic regulation in obese women: The effect of body weight reduction by caloric restriction

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    Bacground/Aim. Visceral fat is highly active metabolic and endocrine tissue which secretes many adipokines that act both on local and systemic level. It is believed that adipokines and "low-grade inflammatory state" represent a potential link between obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. Leptin and adiponectin are considered to be the most important adipokines with the potential metabolic and cardiovascular effects. Body weight loss improves insulin sensitivity and decreases risk for most complications associated with obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of moderate loss of body weight on the level of leptin and adiponectin, insulin sensitivity and abnormalities of glycoregulation in obese women, to determine whether and to what extent the secretory products of adipose tissue, leptin and adiponectin contribute to insulin sensitivity, as well as to assess their relationship and influence on glycemia and insulinemia during the period of losing body weight using a calorie restricted diet. Methods. The study involved 90 obese female subjects (BM


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    The vertebral artery (VA), as the first upstream branch of the subclavian artery on both sides courses having four topographical parts ― prevertebral, cervical, atlantic and intracranial to the interlocking connection into basilar artery. However, its amenability to the variations can be at the origin, and/or course and/or termination. The review of postnatal features of variable VA origin and its prevertebral part was performed according to the 171 literature case reports. Among them, 94 cases of variable left VA, 30 cases of variable left and right VAs and 47 cases of variable right VA have been analyzed. The left and/or right VAs were showed as simple or common vessels or segmentally duplicated at their origin from the aorta and/or subclavian or common carotid or external carotid artery or unusual arterial stems. Different patterns of single VA origin and/or arrangement associated with main supra-aortic arteries variants were presented as 30 primary (basic) and 32 complementary models. Nine different vascular and/or visceral pathological processes were common independently of unilateral or bilateral variability of the VA; however, there were only eight patients with pathological changes in variable VA.Key words: Human vertebral artery, morphologic variants, postnatal status, associated disorder

    Fenotyp typu „talia hipertriglicerydemiczna“ i zespół metaboliczny określany na podstawie różnych kryteriów oraz zależności między tymi zaburzeniami a kontrolą stężeń lipidów i glikemii u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) describes clustering of obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and hypertension and increases risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The ‘hypertriglyceridemic waist’ phenotype (HTGW) represents a simple approach to identifying individuals with increased risk. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of HTGW and MetS in type 2 diabetic patients, and to examine their relation to lipids and blood glucose control. Material and methods: 300 type 2 diabetic patients were analysed, and their history of diabetes, anthropometric measures, measurements of blood pressure (BP), lipids and glycemic control parameters were taken. Results: In type 2 diabetic patients, the prevalence of MetS was 71.0% by the AHA/NHLBI definition and 75.33% by the IDF definition. The prevalence was 62.58% and 66.45% in men, and 80% and 84.83% in women by the same definitions, respectively. There were 41.33% of patients with HTGW (42.76% among women and 40% among men). There were statistically significant differences of age, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and postprandial glucose (PPG) in women with and without MetS according to both definitions, and of total and LDL cholesterol with and without MetS according to AHA/NHLBI (but not IDF). In men, there were statistically significant differences of total cholesterol and of HbA1c with and without MetS according to AHA/NHLBI (but not IDF). Women with HTGW had higher levels of total and LDL cholesterol, systolic and diastolic BP. Men with HTGW had higher levels of total cholesterol, diastolic BP, HbA1c, FPG and PPG. Conclusions: Determining MetS or HTGW helps identify those with increased cardiovascular risk. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (4): 316–323)Wstęp: Zespół metaboliczny (MetS) obejmujący otyłość, dyslipidemię, hiperglikemię i nadciśnienie tętnicze zwiększa ryzyko chorób sercowo-naczyniowych i cukrzycy typu 2. Określanie fenotypu „talii hipertriglicemicznej” (HTGW) jest prostą metodą identyfikowania chorych z grupy wysokiego ryzyka. Celem badania było ustalenie częstości HTGW i MetS u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 oraz ocena zależności miedzy tymi zaburzeniami a kontrolą stężeń lipidów i glikemii. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 300 chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 i przeanalizowano dane dotyczące przebiegu cukrzycy, parametrów antropometrycznych, wartości ciśnienia tętniczego, stężeń lipidów i kontroli glikemii. Wyniki: U chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 kryteria MetS według definicji AHA/NHLBI spełniało71,0%, a kryteria IDF — 75,33%; odsetek chorych z MetS wynosił wśród mężczyzn odpowiednio 62,58% i 66,45%, a wśród kobiet 80% i 84,83%. U 41,33% chorych stwierdzono cechy HTGW, 42,76% tej grupy stanowiły kobiety, a 40% mężczyźni. U kobiet wykazano istotne statystycznie różnice w zakresie wieku, glikemii na czczo (FPG) i glikemii poposiłkowej (PPG) między grupami z MetS i bez niego, rozpoznanym na podstawie obu definicji, natomiast w zakresie stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego i frakcji LDL różniły się one tylko między grupami z MetS i bez niego wydzielonymi na podstawie definicji AHA/NHLBI (a nie na podstawie kryteriów IDF). U mężczyzn wykazano statystycznie istotne różnice stężeń cholesterolu całkowitego HbA1c między grupami z MetS i bez niego określonym według AHA/NHLBI (ale nie według IDF). U kobiet z HTGW stwierdzono wyższe stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego i cholesterolu frakcji LDL oraz wyższe wartości ciśnienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego. U mężczyzn z HTGW odnotowano wyższe wartości stężeń cholesterolu całkowitego, rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego, HbA1c, FPG i PPG. Wnioski: Rozpoznanie MetS lub HTGW pozwala zidentyfikować osoby obciążone zwiększonym ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (4): 316–323

    Applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering – concepts and perspective

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    Regenerative medicine (RM) exploits the innate potential of the human body to effectively repair and regenerate damaged tissues and organs with the help of various biomaterials. Tissue engineering (TE) makes it possible to replace damaged tissues and organs with new ones. Research in the field of biomaterials has significantly improved the area of RM and TE. Biomaterials are used as orthopedic, dental, cardiovascular implants, medical devices, in the fields of reconstructive and regenerative medicine, among others. Important preconditions for the biomaterial to be used for implantation are its biocompatibility and biofunctionality. Biomaterials should enable adhesion, migration, proliferation and differentiation of cells. The biological properties of biomaterials are a reflection of their physicochemical properties, such as internal architecture, surface characteristics and charge. Biomaterials used in tissue regeneration should mimic the natural structure of the extracellular matrix and represent a physiological microenvironment for normal cellular functions. These biomaterials should also have adequate biodegradability properties to facilitate the formation and growth of new tissue. Biomaterials for use in RM can be of natural or synthetic origin, polymers by structural properties, ceramic and composite type, and based on bioreactivity they can be bioinert or bioactive. In RM and TE, polymers of different classes, natural and synthetic, are used, which can be made as intelligent materials. The structure of hydrogels in the form of a porous network represents a good matrix for cell activity. Ceramic biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite (HAp) are selected for use in RM and TE, especially solid tissues. Properties, such as composition, particle size, material shape, porosity, surface charge, topography, etc., are relevant for the proper use of HAp materials. The properties of HAp allow modification of its structure, surface, particle size design at the micro and nano level, hybridization with polymers, metals, etc. which is very important for its applications. Designed micro-nanohybrid HAp structure is most similar to the bone structure, making the cell environment closest to natural. Bone tissue engineering (BTE) is based on the combined use of cells, osteostimulating (osteoinductive) factors and biomaterials as a scaffolds and carriers for bone regeneration and defects repair. In BTE adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) are often used that are induced in vitro towards osteogenic cells or endothelial cells, and freshly isolated stromal vascular fraction can also be used. Blood components (PRP, blood plasma or blood clot) can be included in the composition of the BTE construct as a source of osteoinductive factors. In vitro models and methods were used to examine the biocompatibility, immunomodulatory and regenerative potential of biomaterials, as well as their influence on cellular functions. After in vitro methods, and before clinical studies, various in vivo animal models are used to examine the regenerative potential of biomaterials, such as subcutaneous implantations and bone defects in tibia, femur and calvaria in experimental animals (mouse, rat, rabbit)


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    The utilization of fish bioindicators has become of crucial importance for ecosystem contamination assessment. Bleak (Alburnus alburnus) is a widely distributed epipelagic fish species characterized as very active with fast metabolism which can lead to a high accumulation of pollutants in tissues. Bleak is easy to sample, identify in the field by morphological characteristics, and easy to work within the laboratory. This study deals with the bleak sensitivity in detecting the pressure of the potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the large lowland Great Morava River. The Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, and Zn were estimated in whole body composite (wbc) of bleak. The study was conducted at Great Morava River, near the city of Paraćin in Serbia. The highest concentrations of essential elements Zn and Fe were detected. The most toxic elements As and Hg were below detection limits. The metal pollution index (MPI) was 0.39. In large lowland rivers, point sources of pollution such as municipal wastewaters of smaller settlements usually have only local impact due to high dilution by the main watercourse. Since bleak is a site-specific species, results in this study indicated that this stretch of the Great Morava River is slightly affected by PTEs. None of the elements above the maximum permitted concentrations (MPC) in fish meat for use in the human diet, prescribed by the Official Gazette and European Commission Regulation, were not recorded

    Comparative assessment of fish diversity indices in protected Vlasina Reservoir and unprotected Gruža Reservoir

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    The species diversity indices, namely the Shannon Index (H), Reciprocal Simpson's Index (1/D), Fisher's Alpha Diversity Index (A), and Pielou's Evenness Index (J), were calculated for both the protected Vlasina Reservoir and the unprotected Gruža Reservoir. A total of 15 fish species were identified in the Vlasina Reservoir during the investigation period from 2003 to 2022, while the Gruža Reservoir revealed 10 fish species within the period from 2013 to 2021. The obtained values of the H, 1/D, and A indices, were not considerably high, sometimes even lower than expected, showing a slight increase in recent years for both reservoirs. In Vlasina Reservoir, the J Index was in a range from 0.2488 to 0.3348, while in Gruža Reservoir it varied from 0.1834 to 0.3832, indicating the low homogeneity in terms of well-balanced fish assemblage structure. Moreover, an increasing trend in recent years has been observed, which favors the dominance of some fish species against the balanced fish structure. Our results provide valuable information about fish diversity and evenness in the investigated areas under high anthropogenic threats, considering the importance of both reservoirs in Serbia.Publishe