13 research outputs found

    Chemical, functional and sensory properties of beer enriched with biologically active compounds of grape

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    Многе студије су се бавиле истраживањем утицаја алкохолних пића на здравље људи, а као општи закључак може се констатовати да умерено конзумирање алкохолних пића (пива, вина и јаких алкохолних пића) може имати протективно деловање на појаву кардиоваскуларних болести, као најчешћих узрочника смртности савременог човека. Крајем XX века почела су систематска истраживања здравствено промотивног ефекта конзумирања вина, а резултати су показали да његова позитивна активност у великој мери зависи од садржаја и усвојивости полифенолних једињења. Истраживања која укључују преко 3700 публикованих радова показују да је и пиво исто тако значајан извор фенолних и других биоактивних једињења са профилактичким деловањем и позитивним ефектом на здравље. Полифенолна једињења пива и вина се и квантитативно и квалитативно разликују, при чему црвена вина садрже далеко већу концентрацију ових једињења у поређењу са пивом. Основни циљ истраживања ове дисертације је било испитивање могућности удруживања позитивних ефеката ова два пића кроз допринос развоју и оптимизацији технолошког процеса производње специјалног типа пива од сладовине и кљука грожђа. Главна претпоставка је била да ће добијени производи имати већу биолошку вредност и повећану функционалност у односу на комерцијална лагер пива, али и допадљиве сензорне карактеристике и прихватљиву цену на тржишту. У експерименталној производњи специјалних типова пива са грожђем коришћене су три сорте грожђа: прокупац, cabernet sauvignon и pinot noir. Испитивани су следећи параметри производње: оптимални удео грожђа у медијуму за ферментацију, могућност употребе различитих врста квасца у производњи, динамика ферментације, утицај аутохотне микрофлоре грожђа на квалитет производа и динамика екстракције фенолних једињења...Many studies have dealt with the investigation of the impact of alcoholic beverages on human health, and a general conclusion is that moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine and spirits) may have a protective effects on the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, the most common causes of death in modern society. At the end of the XX century, systematic investigations of health promotion effects of wine were began. The obtained results showed that positive activity of wine directly depends on the content and bioavailability of phenolic compounds. Researches, involving more than 3,700 published papers, indicate that beer is also a significant source of phenolic and other bioactive compounds with prophylactic action and positive effects on human health. The phenolic compounds in beer and wine are quantitatively and qualitatively different, but red wines contain a much higher concentration of these compounds compared with beer. The main objective of this dissertation was to investigate the possibility of unite of positive effects of these two beverages through the contribution to the development and optimization of technological production process of special type of beer from wort and grape mash. The basic hypotesis was that the resulting grape beers will have higher biological value and increased functionality compared to commercial lager beer, but also pleasant sensory characteristics and an acceptable price in the market. In the experimental production of special grape beers three grape varieties were used: prokupac, cabernet sauvignon and pinot noir. The following parameters of production were examined: the optimal proportion of grapes in the fermentation medium, the possibility of using different yeast strains in the production, dynamic of fermentations, the impact of autochthonous grape microflora on the products quality, and dynamics of phenolic compounds extraction. Twelve different grape beers (four beers from each grape variety) and two control beers without the addition of grape were produced. Also, wines from each grape variety were produced according to the procedure for the production of red wines..

    Serbian aromatized wine “Bermet”: Electrochemical, chemiluminescent and spectrophotometric determination of antioxidant activity

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    Serbian aromatized wine “Bermet” from grapes grown on Fruška Gora Mountain has been in production since the 15th century. Ten commercial Bermets produced according to the traditional procedure by different manufacturers, and six prepared within the scope of this study were assessed for antioxidant (AO) activity using electrochemical, chemiluminescent and spectrophotometric AO assays. Direct current polarographic assay based on the decrease of anodic current of [hydrogen(peroxido)(1-)]hydroxidomercury(II) complex formation in alkaline H2O2 solution at potential of mercury oxidation, chemiluminescent H2O2 scavenging assay, as well as commonly used spectrophotometric assays (2,2’-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) based Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)) were used. Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined by Folin–Ciocalteu assay. The results obtained were correlated using regression analysis, ANOVA and F-test. An integrated approach to AO capacity determination allowed a more comprehensive comparison between samples. The approach is based on the introduction of the relative antioxidant capacity index, calculated by assigning each AO assay equal weight, and by PCA analysis. In addition, the introduction of phenolic antioxidant coefficients, calculated as the ratio between individual AO capacity and TPC, enabled a better understanding of their relation

    Chemical, functional and sensory properties of beer enriched with biologically active compounds of grape

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    Многе студије су се бавиле истраживањем утицаја алкохолних пића на здравље људи, а као општи закључак може се констатовати да умерено конзумирање алкохолних пића (пива, вина и јаких алкохолних пића) може имати протективно деловање на појаву кардиоваскуларних болести, као најчешћих узрочника смртности савременог човека. Крајем XX века почела су систематска истраживања здравствено промотивног ефекта конзумирања вина, а резултати су показали да његова позитивна активност у великој мери зависи од садржаја и усвојивости полифенолних једињења. Истраживања која укључују преко 3700 публикованих радова показују да је и пиво исто тако значајан извор фенолних и других биоактивних једињења са профилактичким деловањем и позитивним ефектом на здравље. Полифенолна једињења пива и вина се и квантитативно и квалитативно разликују, при чему црвена вина садрже далеко већу концентрацију ових једињења у поређењу са пивом. Основни циљ истраживања ове дисертације је било испитивање могућности удруживања позитивних ефеката ова два пића кроз допринос развоју и оптимизацији технолошког процеса производње специјалног типа пива од сладовине и кљука грожђа. Главна претпоставка је била да ће добијени производи имати већу биолошку вредност и повећану функционалност у односу на комерцијална лагер пива, али и допадљиве сензорне карактеристике и прихватљиву цену на тржишту. У експерименталној производњи специјалних типова пива са грожђем коришћене су три сорте грожђа: прокупац, cabernet sauvignon и pinot noir. Испитивани су следећи параметри производње: оптимални удео грожђа у медијуму за ферментацију, могућност употребе различитих врста квасца у производњи, динамика ферментације, утицај аутохотне микрофлоре грожђа на квалитет производа и динамика екстракције фенолних једињења...Many studies have dealt with the investigation of the impact of alcoholic beverages on human health, and a general conclusion is that moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine and spirits) may have a protective effects on the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, the most common causes of death in modern society. At the end of the XX century, systematic investigations of health promotion effects of wine were began. The obtained results showed that positive activity of wine directly depends on the content and bioavailability of phenolic compounds. Researches, involving more than 3,700 published papers, indicate that beer is also a significant source of phenolic and other bioactive compounds with prophylactic action and positive effects on human health. The phenolic compounds in beer and wine are quantitatively and qualitatively different, but red wines contain a much higher concentration of these compounds compared with beer. The main objective of this dissertation was to investigate the possibility of unite of positive effects of these two beverages through the contribution to the development and optimization of technological production process of special type of beer from wort and grape mash. The basic hypotesis was that the resulting grape beers will have higher biological value and increased functionality compared to commercial lager beer, but also pleasant sensory characteristics and an acceptable price in the market. In the experimental production of special grape beers three grape varieties were used: prokupac, cabernet sauvignon and pinot noir. The following parameters of production were examined: the optimal proportion of grapes in the fermentation medium, the possibility of using different yeast strains in the production, dynamic of fermentations, the impact of autochthonous grape microflora on the products quality, and dynamics of phenolic compounds extraction. Twelve different grape beers (four beers from each grape variety) and two control beers without the addition of grape were produced. Also, wines from each grape variety were produced according to the procedure for the production of red wines..

    The Possibility of Producing a Special Type of Beer Made from Wort with the Addition of Grape Must

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    J. Inst. Brew. 116(4), 440-444, 2010 The possibility of producing a beverage by wort fermentation enriched with grape must was examined. Must, from two different varieties of grapes, was added to conventional brewer's wort. The fermentation was carried out using a traditional method for lager beer production with the entire process taking thirty days. Following the fermentation process, a sensory analysis of the final product was performed and the total polyphenol content was determined. The results obtained suggest that it is possible to produce a pleasant beverage with some sensory properties similar to conventional beer. In addition to acceptable sensory properties, this drink was characterized by a higher alcohol (7-7.5% v/v) and polyphenol content

    Lycopene content and antioxidant capacity of tomato jam

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is the world's second largest vegetable crop after the potato and a major source of lycopene. Lycopene is a red carotenoid and an efficient free radical scavenger, which presence in the diet positively correlates with reduced risk of chronic diseases. Although tomatoes are usually used as a salad vegetable, more than 80 % of tomatoes consumption comes from processed products such as ketchup, tomato juice, pickled tomatoes, sauces etc. Jam is another possibility of tomato processing. Tomato jam was produced in an open 120 liters oil jacketed stainless steel kettle. The proportion of sugar to fruit was 1:2.5, while the final concentration was 65°Brix (Bx). Lycopene content was estimated spectophotometrically at 503 nm and concentration was calculated using molar extinction coefficient of 17.2 × 104 M-1cm-1. An examination of the antioxidant capacity of samples was performed using DPPH assay. Obtained results indicate that lycopene content of tomato jam was slightly lower compared to fresh ones (79.66 mg/kg in fresh tomatoes and 75.54 mg/kg in tomato jam), while antioxidant capacity has increased during processing (0.335 and 1.195 mM Trolox equivalents per kilogram of samples for fresh tomatoes and tomato jam, respectively). Moreover, heat processing of tomatoes could result in increased bioavailability of lycopene. Based on the results, it may be concluded that tomato jam can be a high-quality product which can be a desirable component of healthy diet

    The sensory properties of special brandy with ganoderma lucidum

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    Ganoderma lucidum has been used for more than 2000 years in traditional Chinese medicine. It is not edible mushroom since its fruiting bodies are tough and corky, but the extract of this mushroom can be used as additives for food or drinks. The reason for great attention of this mushroom is due to the wide variety of its bioactive compounds, such as triterpenes, polysaccharides (β-glucans), proteins, steroids etc. In the production of beverages, very important fact is that the Ganoderma is a rich source of bitter triterpenoids and bioactive polysaccharides. Brandy is an alcoholic beverage with a very long tradition in Serbia and it is produced by distillation of fermented fruits. Brandy can be mixed with different medicinal herbs, and according to Serbian tradition, these products are treated as forms of folk medicine. In this study, we investigated the sensory properties of special type of grape brandy and wine distillate, which were obtained by maceration of various amounts (0.5-2.5%) of fruit bodies of Ganoderma lucidum. The origin of strain of G. lucidum was from wild Bojčinska forest near Belgrade. Sensory characteristics of the brandies were determined using modified Bux-baum model of positive ranking (20 score max.). The samples of brandies were subject for sensory evaluation by a panel comprising 5 qualified testers. The results of the evaluation showed that total sensory quality of samples were between 16.7 and 17.85, which we consider as very good score. The best rated was the sample of grape brandy with 2.5% G. lucidum. The obtained results suggest that sensory properties of these special brandies were completely acceptable for the tasters. Supplementation of this mushroom with different kind of brandy can improve the sensory characteristics and health properties of spirit drinks

    The influence of raw materials and fermentation conditions on the polyphenol content of grape beer

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    Over the last decades, there has been an increased interest in studying the potential health benefits of moderate wine and beer consumption. Studies indicate that wine and beer consumed moderately can have a very favorable effect on the overall health condition. The effect can be explained by a high content of antioxidants and other biologically active compounds, particularly polyphenols, which can prevent the occurrence of some diseases, especially cardiovascular disease. In this research, a special type of beer, the grape beer, was produced using three different grape varieties Prokupac, Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon. Beer samples were fermented using conventional brewer's wort and 20 % w/w and 30 % w/w of crushed grape. The fermentation was carried out using two different yeasts: Saccharomyces pastorianus industrial strain obtained from one of the Serbian breweries and wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae K1-V1116. The influence of grape variety, the wort-to-grape ratio and yeast strains on the polyphenol content was examined. The total polyphenol content was determined according to the official EBC (European Brewery Convention) spectrophotometric method. The results suggested that grape varieties, their contents, as well as yeast strains had a very significant influence on the total polyphenol content of the obtained beer. The polyphenol content rang in samples went from 95.94 mg/L in beer without grape fermented by brewing yeast and up to 754.40 mg/L in beer with 30 % of Cabernet Sauvignon grape fermented by wine yeast

    Antioxidant capacity and sensory characteristics of special herb brandy

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    Plum brandy is traditional Serbian alcoholic beverage, made by distillation of fermented plum variety Prunus domestica. Distillate is colorless and has characteristic fruit aroma, which originates from the component of the inner layer of the plum skin. According to the Serbian tradition, plum brandy is sometimes mixed with different medicinal herbs, and these products are treated as forms of herbal medicine. Medicinal herbs are rich source of polyphenols and other valuable compounds, which can contribute to the functional properties of brandies. These products are usually produced from a large number of herbs and spices, which, also, change the aroma complex and contribute to the color. In this study, it was investigated the effects of two herbal compositions which were consisted of 44 plants with different ratio of aromatic and bitter herbs on sensory characteristics and antioxidant capacity of herbal brandies. Sensory assessment of samples was performed by using modified Buxbaum model of positive ranking. The total phenolic content of samples was determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu spectrophotometric method. The antioxidant capacity (ATC) was tested by using two methods: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP). The total sensory quality of samples was 17.85 and 17.95, which were very good scores. The total phenolic content of samples was 145.56 and 130 mg/L gallic acid equivalents, while the antioxidant capacity was 0.69 and 0.61 mM Trolox according to DPPH assay, and 2.08 and 1.75 FRAP units according to FRAP method. The obtained results suggested that higher content of the bitter herb significantly influenced the antioxidant capacity and not significantly affected the sensory profile of special brandy. Based on sensory assessments, the sensory properties of these special brandies were completely acceptable for the assessors

    Antioxidant Capacity Determination of Complex Samples and Individual Phenolics - Multilateral Approach

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    Antioxidant (AO) capacity of various medicinal plants extracts and phenolic compounds was assessed by the most widely used spectrophotometric assays such as ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and scavenging of 2,2-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). In addition, two direct current (DC) polarographic assays, one based on a decrease of anodic current of [Hg(O2H)(OH)]-HydroxoPerhydroxoMercury(II) Complex (HPMC) formation in alkaline solution of H2O2, at the potential of mercury dissolution and another recently developed Mercury Reduction Antioxidant Power (MRAP), based on a a decrease of cathodic current of Hg(II) reduction were employed. Percentage of both currents decrease was plotted versus the volume of gradually added complex samples or the amount of individual ones and the slopes of these plots were used to express AO capacity. Total phenolic content (TPC) of extracts was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) assay. Correlations between applied assays were calculated by regression analysis. Relative Antioxidant Capacity Index (RACI), calculated by assigning equal weight to all applied assays and Phenolic Antioxidant Coefficients (PAC), calculated as a ratio between particular AO capacity and TPC, were used to achieve more comprehensive comparison between analyzed samples, as well as applied assays

    Quantitative determination of total anthocyanins and flavonoids in natural products obtained from grapes and malt

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    Wines and beers are a rich source of different compounds that show beneficial effects to the human body and their consummation in reasonable amounts can improve health. Among them, the most important are phenolic compounds (nonflavonoids, flavonoids, tannins), which possess antioxidative properties and could be responsible for prevention of many diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the content of total flavonoids, monomeric and total anthocyanins in samples of wines from different grape varieties produced in Serbia and beers produced with the addition of grapes. Analysis was performed on 14 samples including 5 red wines made from grape varieties from Serbia, one regular beer, and 7 beer samples enriched with different grape varieties and percentage of grape. Monomeric and total anthocyanins were determined spectrofotometrically by the pH differential method, while the total flavonoid content was determined according to the colorimetric Folin-Ciocalteu method after precipitation with formaldehyde. Anthocyanins were quantified in all analyzed samples, except in regular beer. The highest values were found in wines made from variety Prokupac (270,80 mg/l and 388,79 mg/l malvidine-3-glucoside equivalents, for monomeric and total anthocyanins, respectively). Flavonoids were present in all analyzed samples. Wine samples showed higher content of flavonoids (the highest in Merlot wine) than beer and drinks from beer and grapes. The content of anthocyanins and flavonoids in beer samples enriched with grapes increased with the increase of added amount of grapes. Obtained results showed that relatively high concentrations of flavonoids and anthocyanins are present in wines produced in Serbia. Also, addition of grape in beer increased content of these beneficial phenolic compounds, which can be important factor for quality of a new developed product