22 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of natural deep eutectic solvent

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    Prirodna eutektična otapala (eng. Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents, NADES) su nova generacija ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljivih otapala sa mogućim primjenama u različitim industrijskim područjima. Definiraju se kao smjesa dviju ili viÅ”e komponenata koje se međusobno mogu povezati vodikovim vezama te koje u određenom omjeru imaju niže taliÅ”te nego pojedinačne komponente smjese. Zbog mogućnosti tvorbe NADES iz Å”irokog spektra spojeva moguće je prilagoditi njihova svojstva određenoj primjeni. U ovom radu pripravljeno je osam različitih NADES u različitim molarnim odnosima (kolin klorid:jabučna kiselina, prolin:jabučna kiselina, kolin klorid:prolin:jabučna kiselina, betain:jabučna kiselina, jabučna kiselina:glukoza, jabučna kiselina:glukoza:glicerol, kolin klorid:limunska kiselina, betain:limunska kiselina). Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva kao Å”to su gustoća, viskoznost, indeks loma, električna vodljivost i pH su izmjerena i analizirana kao funkcija različitih udjela vode u otapalima (10, 30 i 50 % v/v). Također, provedena je i bioloÅ”ka karakterizacija ispitivanjem njihove in vitro citotoksičnosti na humanim stanicama HeLa i HEK293T te je izmjeren njihov antioksidacijski kapacitet ORAC metodom. Budući da pripravljeni NADES ne pokazuju citotoksični učinak na tretirane stanice, imaju antioksidativna svojstva, te se fizikalno-kemijska svojstva mogu pozitivno prilagoditi povećanjem udjela vode postoji mogućnost njihove primjene u raznim tehnoloÅ”kim procesima.Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) are new generation of environmentally friendly solvents with possible applications in various industrial fields. They are defined as a mixture of two or more components which can be connected to each other by hydrogen bonds, and which in a certain ratio have lower melting points than the individual components of the mixture. Because of the possibility of forming NADES from a wide range of compounds it is possible to adjust their properties to particular application. In this study, eight different NADES was prepared at different molar ratios (choline chloride: malic acid, proline: malic acid, choline chloride: proline: malic acid, betaine: malic acid, malic acid: glucose, malic acid: glucose: glycerol, choline chloride: citric acid, betaine: citric acid). Physico-chemical properties such as density, viscosity, refractive index, electrical conductivity and pH were measured and analyzed as a function of water content in the solvent (10, 30 and 50% v/v). Also, a biological characterization was conducted by exemination of their in vitro cytotoxicity on human cells HeLa and HEK293T and measurement of their antioxidant capacity with ORAC method. Because prepared NADES doesn't show cytotoxic effects toward treated cells, has antioxidant properties and the physico-chemical properties can be positively adjusted by increasing the water content, there is a possibility of their application in various technological processes

    Professional training in nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe: current status and opportunities for capacity development

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    Objective: To examine the availability of academic programmes in nutrition and identify nutrition training needs in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Design: A questionnaire with close-ended and open-ended questions was distributed to the members of the United Nations University Standing Committee on Nutrition, Regional Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in CEE (NCDN CEE). Setting: Participants' responses to the questionnaire including the comments of their colleagues from home institutions were obtained in group discussions during NCDN CEE meetings in 2010-2013. Subjects: Sixteen CEE countries' experts and their colleagues from home institutions involved in NCDN CEE activities 2007-2013. Results: The responses were obtained from fourteen out of sixteen participating countries; five countries have established Bachelor, Master and PhD studies in nutrition (Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia), whereas in Latvia and Republic of Macedonia only Bachelor and Master studies are set up. Seven countries have no Bachelor, Master or PhD studies: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia. Introduction to data analysis and Nutritional epidemiology are the most needed nutrition trainings that would increase working competence of nutritionists and nutrition-related professionals in CEE. Conclusions: Availability of academic programmes in nutrition in CEE countries is limited. Opportunities for improving the competence of existing and future nutrition-related professionals should be addressed at national and regional level; distance learning courses and creation of a regional centre for nutrition training were seen as opportunities for sustainable capacity development in nutrition in CEE

    Implementation of Harmonized Food Consumption Data Collection in the Balkan Region According to the EFSA EU Menu Methodology Standards

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    Initiatives in the Capacity Development in Nutrition Research in the Balkan region in the last decade have been toward the creation of contemporary, harmonized Research Infrastructure (RI) compliant with European standards. This study describes the process of creation and implementation of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) EU Menu methodology in the Balkan region during the EFSA support projects for food consumption data collection in four countries (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia). This process entailed the application and improvement of an innovative tool, the DIET ASSESS and PLAN (DAP), a platform for standardized food consumption data collection and dietary intake assessment. DAP comprises computerized food consumption, anthropometric measurements, and physical activity questionnaires, validated food picture book, and FoodEx2 exposure hierarchy with sets of facet descriptors of the interest. It hosts the Balkan food platform with a Serbian food composition database (FCDB) and Regional FCDB, compliant with European Food Information Resource (EuroFIRā„¢) standards. The implementation of the DAP platform in national dietary surveys conducted with the support of the EFSA EU Menu project in Balkan countries enabled harmonized food consumption data compilation and reporting. Application of the methodology entailed the development of study protocol and extensive education and training of study personnel. The entire data collection process was managed by internal and external survey coordinators. A pilot study was conducted to test the entire data collection and control process and was afterward used to make necessary improvements and adjustments to meet EU Menu requirements. Data collected are internationally comparable with food consumption data in other European countries within the framework of the EU Menu program. The existence of such data in the Balkan region will catalyze research activities in emerging topics, such as identification of dietary patterns, the establishment of national nutrient reference values and food-based dietary guidelines (not only in Serbia, but in the whole Balkan region), dietary exposure assessments, the endorsement and evaluation of new food legislations, the environmental and other effects of diet on the food system. The developed and implemented methodology underpins evidence-based policy-making processes lacking in the field of public health nutrition in the region

    Identifying Critical Nutrient Intake in Groups at Risk of Poverty in Europe: The CHANCE Project Approach

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    The aim of the CHANCE project is to develop novel and affordable nutritious foods to optimize the diet and reduce the risk of diet-related diseases among groups at risk of poverty (ROP). This paper describes the methodology used in the two initial steps to accomplish the project's objective as follows: 1. a literature review of existing data and 2. an identification of ROP groups with which to design and perform the CHANCE nutritional survey, which will supply new data that is useful for formulating the new CHANCE food. Based on the literature review, a low intake of fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, fish, energy, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and C, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc and a high intake of starchy foods, processed meat and sodium were apparent. However, the available data appeared fragmented because of the different methodologies used in the studies. A more global vision of the main nutritional problems that are present among low-income people in Europe is needed, and the first step to achieve this goal is the use of common criteria to define the risk of poverty. The scoring system described here represents novel criteria for defining at-risk-of-poverty groups not only in the CHANCE-participating countries but also all over Europe

    Vitamin D and cardio-metabolic biomarkers: small-scale comparative study between Libyan migrants and resident women in Serbia

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    Libyan women are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency, mostly due to their lifestyle and low exposure to sun. In the last decades, Libyan residents have been forced to seek refuge in countries such as Serbia, a country with high incidence of cardio-metabolic diseases. Serbian residents tend to be deficient in vitamin D, mostly due to the lack of vitamin D fortification policy. The aim of this study was to evaluate vitamin D status in Libyan adult women migrating to Serbia, with the assessment of cardio-metabolic and nutritional biomarkers, including erythrocytes fatty acid composition, magnesium concentration, and dietary intake. The same markers were measured in Serbian women, and comparisons between the groups were made. Despite low vitamin D dietary intake in both study groups, we observed lower plasma vitamin D status in Libyan women. This was accompanied by a significantly lower concentration of magnesium in Libyan women. Libyan women had significantly higher omega-3 index and lower n-6/n-3 ratio in erythrocytes' phospholipids. We observed significant negative correlation between vitamin D and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) concentrations in both study groups. Despite lower vitamin D status in the Libyan group, erythrocyte fatty acid composition, along with blood lipids' concentrations, indicated a lower cardiovascular risk. Based on our results, the discrepancy in the vitamin D status could not be ascribed to the participants' dietary intake of the micronutrient, rather is potentially associated with ethnic-specific cardio-metabolic profile, which should be confirmed in larger cohorts

    State-of-the-art of the Bone Morphogenetic Protein research field: 13th International BMP Conference, Dubrovnik 2022

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    The 13th International BMP Conference was held in October 2022 in Dubrovnik. The conference was attended by more than 240 participants from North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia who got an insight into the latest achievements in basic, translational, and clinical research of BMP mol- ecules through 75 lectures categorized into several scientific sections. This review paper provides the most important novel findings on the structure, function, and signaling of BMPs, the role of BMPs in patterning and organoids as well as the role of BMP in metabolism. Moreover, we discussed the role of BMPs in various diseases including cancer pathogenesis, pulmonary arterial hyperten- sion, and fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). Finally, we provided an overview of the new BMP-based therapies in regenerative medicine that are currently in different stages of preclinical and clinical trials

    Assessment of vitamin D intake among Libyan women - adaptation and validation of specific food frequency questionnaire

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    Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) has pandemic proportions worldwide. Numerous studies report on high prevalence of VDD in sunny regions like Near East and North Africa (NENA). Previous studies indicated that Libyan population was at risk of VDD. To contribute to the body of evidence, measurement of vitamin D status on children, adults, in Misurata region was conducted, and confirmed with validated dietary intake study. Serum 25(OH)D was analysed using electrochemiluminescence protein binding assay. Existing Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ) were adapted to Libyan Women Food Frequency Questionnaire (LW-FFQ). Repeated 24h dietary recalls and LW-FFQ were employed in vitamin D intake evaluation. LW-FFQ was validated using 24h dietary recall and vitamin D status as referent methods. The questionnaires included anthropometry and lifestyle information. Vitamin D status assessment revealed inadequate levels (25(OH)D lt 50nmol/l) in almost 80% of participants. Women (25-64y) were identified as the most vulnerable group with vitamin D inadequacy present in 82% (61.6% had 25(OH)D lt 25nmol/l, and 20.2% had 25-50nmol/l 25(OH)D). Average Vitamin D intake within the study sample (n=316) was 3.9 +/- 7.9 mu g/d, with 92% participants below both Institute of Medicine (IOM) (10 mu g/d) and European Food Safety Authority (15 mu g/d) recommendations. Measured vitamin D status, in 13% of this group, correlated significantly (p=0.015) with intake estimates. Based on self-report, consumption of vitamin D supplements does not exist among study participants. Additional lifestyle factors influencing vitamin D status were analysed. Only 2% of study participants spend approximately 11 min on the sun daily, 60.4% were obese, 23.1% were overweight and 71.2% reported low physical activity. These findings confirm previous reports on high prevalence of VDD in women across NENA, and in Libya. The situation calls for multi-sectoral actions and public health initiatives to address dietary and lifestyle habits

    KoÅ”tani morfogenetski proteini (BMP): Od otkrića do razvoja nove autologne koÅ”tane naprave koja se sastoji od rekombinantnog humanog BMP6 u autolognom krvnom ugruÅ”ku kao nosaču

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    Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) are growth and differentiation factors within the TGFĪ² superfam- ily of proteins. They induce ectopic and orthotopic endochondral bone formation and are involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and mesenchymal-epithelial interactions in critical morphogenetic processes of tissues beyond bone. BMP2 and BMP7 osteogenic devices have been approved for enhancing healing in patients with long bone defects and anterior spinal fusion proce- dures. However, due to a high price and various serious adverse events including heterotopic ossifica- tion, retrograde ejaculation and pain their clinical use have been limited. In this review we discuss the BMP discovery, biology and their use in clinical studies with particular reference to the newly developed BMP6 based autologous bone graft substitute (ABGS). A novel ABGS consisting of an autologous bone coagulum (ABC) carrier with dispersed BMP6 to initiate the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into endochondral bone. The ABC met the conditions for an optimal delivery system for BMP6 due to han- dling simplicity, without an immunogenic and inflammatory response at the implantation site. Addition of allograft or synthetic ceramics to ABGS demonstrated in animal models significantly increased volume and better microarchitecture of the newly formed bone. The first clinical study was conducted in patients with distal radial fractures (Phase I study) and the second in patients undergoing high tibial osteotomy (Phase I/II study) and no serious adverse events have been observed. Finally, in the ongoing OSTEO- proSPINE study ABGS enforced with allograft bone is evaluated in patients with chronic back pain due to degenerative disc diseases. The novel ABGS bone mimetic is a major breakthrough and contribution to bone biology and regenerative medicine of skeletal repair.KoÅ”tani morfogenetski proteini (BMP) čine grupu čimbenika rasta i diferencijacije unutar TGFĪ² nado- bitelji. Oni induciraju stvaranje ektopične i ortotopične endohondralne kosti te su uključeni u regulaciju stanične proliferacije, diferencijacije, apoptoze i mezenhimalno-epitelne interakcije u važnim tkivnim morfogenetskim procesima izvan koÅ”tanog sustava. KoÅ”tane naprave koje sadrže BMP2 i BMP7 pro- tein odobrene su za poboljÅ”anje koÅ”tanog cijeljenja kod pacijenata s defektima dugih cjevastih kostiju i kod prednje spinalne fuzije kralježnice. Međutim, zbog visoke cijene i mnogobrojnih nuspojava koje su uključivale pojavu heterotopičnih osifikacija, retrogradnu ejakulaciju i bol, njihova je klinička prim- jena ograničena. U ovom smo preglednom radu raspravili otkriće BMP molekula, njihovu biologiju i primjenu u kliničkim studijama s posebnim osvrtom na nedavno otkrivenu novu autolognu koÅ”tanu napravu (ABGS) koja sadrži BMP6. Novi ABGS sastoji se od nosača autolognog koaguluma (ABC) s otopljenim BMP6 koji je ključan za pokretanje diferencijacije mezenhimalnih stanica u smjeru stvaranja endohondralne kosti. ABC je ispunio sve potrebne uvjete za formulaciju optimalnog nosača za BMP6 isključivo zbog jednostavnosti priprave i primjene te odsustva imunogenog i upalnog odgovora na mjestu implantacije. Uz dodatak alografta ili sintetičke keramike Å”to je potvrđeno na životinjskim modelima doÅ”lo je do značajnog povećanja volumena te poboljÅ”anja mikroarhitekture novonastale kosti. Prvo kliničko ispitivanje provedeno je na pacijentima s distalnim prijelomima radijusa (faza I studije), a drugo na pacijentima koji su podvrgnuti visokoj osteotomiji tibije (faza I/II studije) bez uočenih ozbiljnih nuspojava. Trenutno je u tijeku studija OSTEOproSPINE u kojoj se testira učinkovitost ABGS u kom- binaciji s koÅ”tanim alograftom u bolesnika s kroničnim bolovima u leđima uzrokovanim degenerativnim promjenama intervertebralnog diska. Nova ABGS koÅ”tana naprava značajna je prekretnica i napredak u području koÅ”tane biologije te regenerativne medicine koÅ”tanog sustava