495 research outputs found


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    New viscoelastic/viscoplastic material models, such as Bergström-Boyce (BB) model, are known to bring advantages in finite element analysis (FEA) of rubber-based components. To test if the same is true in FEA of tires, a study was performed in which the hyperelastic Yeoh model, BB and dynamic Bergström-Boyce (DBB) models were used to characterize the tread of an existing 205/65 R16 tire. Curve fitting results for all material models as well as the results of the footprint and steady state rolling tire analyses are presented in the paper. There are notable differences between the obtained results at higher strain rates, when viscoelastic material behavior is dominant


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    Traditionally, railway inspection and monitoring are considered a crucial aspect of the system and are done by human inspectors. Rapid progress of the machine vision-based systems enables automated and autonomous rail track detection and railway infrastructure monitoring and inspection with flexibility and ease of use. In recent years, several prototypes of vision based inspection system have been proposed, where most have various vision sensors mounted on locomotives or wagons. This paper explores the usage of the UAVs (drones) in railways and computer vision based monitoring of railway infrastructure. Employing drones for such monitoring systems enables more robust and reliable visual inspection while providing a cost effective and accurate means for monitoring of the tracks. By means of a camera placed on a drone the images of the rail tracks and the railway infrastructure are taken. On these images, the edge and feature extraction methods are applied to determine the rails. The preliminary obtained results are promising

    Donacija organa bolesnika s bakterijskim meningoencefalitisom – prvi slučaj u Hrvatskoj

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    The growing number of patients with terminal organ failure waiting for transplantation and the limited number of available organs demand that explantation teams see braindead patients with infectious diseases such as bacterial meningoencephalitis as potential donors, although until recently organ explantation from such donors has been contraindicated. This paper presents the first case of successful organ explantation from a donor with confirmed bacterial meningoencephalitis in our country. In this previously healthy patient (only with mild arterial hypertension in personal history), bacterial meningoencephalitis caused fulminant worsening and he deteriorated from mild disorder of consciousness (GCS 12) to brain death within only 24 hours. After the transplantation of organs was performed (heart, kidneys, liver and corneas were explanted), antibiotic therapy was continued in all organ recipients and two days after the transplantation none of the recipients showed any signs of infectious complications. This paper proves that this type of patients should also be treated as potential donors, under condition of appropriate microbiological diagnosis, antibiotic therapy and sustained hemodynamic stability, which should enlarge the number of organs available for transplantation.Sve veći broj bolesnika s terminalnim zatajenjem organa koji čekaju na presađivanje organa i ograničeni broj dostupnih organa nalažu da timovi za eksplantaciju razmatraju moždano mrtve bolesnike infektivnim bolestima kao što je bakterijski meningoencefalitis kao potencijalne donore organa, iako je eksplantacija organa kod takvih donora donedavno bila kontraindicirana. Ovdje se prikazuje prvi slučaj uspješne eksplantacije organa kod donora s potvrđenim bakterijskim meningoencefalitisom u našoj zemlji. Bolesnik je prethodno bio zdrav (samo s blagom arterijskom hipertenzijom u anamnezi), ali je meningoencefalitis uzrokovao veoma naglo pogoršanje koje je od blažeg poremećaja svijesti (Glasgowska ljestvica za komu, GCS 12) dovelo do moždane smrti u samo 24 sata. Nakon transplantacije organa (eksplantirani su srce, bubrezi, jetra i rožnice) nastavilo se s antibiotskom terapijom kod svih primatelja organa i dva dana nakon presađivanja nijedan od primatelja organa nije imao nikakvih znakova infektivnih komplikacija. Ovaj rad pokazuje kako se ove bolesnike treba isto tako smatrati potencijalnim donorima, uz primjerenu mikrobiološku dijagnostiku, antibiotsku terapiju i održavanje hemodinamske stabilnosti, čime bi se povećao broj organa dostupnih za presađivanje

    The effect of genetic parameters on inheritance of the first pod hight in snap bean - Phaseolus vulgaris L.

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    In order to research the inheritance, gene effect, combination abilities and genetic variance components, we investigated six divergent snap bean genotypes (Supernor, Darija, Grinkrop, Palanačka rana, Šumadinka and Zora) and their F1 progeny created by diallel crossing without reciprocals. For the trait of height of forming the first pod, variance of average value of parents and hybrids was highly significant. The value of dominant components (H1 and H2) was higher than additive component (D), meaning that dominant genes control the inheritance of number of pods per plant. The average level of domination √Hl/D is higher than 1, pointing to superdomination. Heritability in broader sence amounts 90% pointing to high contribution in inheriting the number of pods per plant

    Memory architectures for exaflop computing systems

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    Most computing systems are heavily dependent on their main memories, as their primary storage, or as an intermediate cache for slower storage systems (HDDs). The capacity of memory systems, as well as their performance, have a direct impact on overall computing capabilities of the system, and are also major contributors to its initial and operating costs. Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) technology has been dominating the main memory landscape since its beginnings in 1970s until today. However, due to DRAM's inherent limitations, its steady rate of development has saturated over the past decade, creating a disparity between CPU and main memory performance, known as the memory wall. Modern parallel architectures, such as High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters and manycore solutions, create even more stress on their memory systems. It is not trivial to estimate memory requirements that these systems will have in the future, and if DRAM technology would be able to meet them, or we would need to look for a novel memory solution. This thesis attempts to give insight in the most important technological challenges that future memory systems need to address, in order to meet the ever growing requirements of users and their applications, in manycore and HPC context. We try to describe the limitations of DRAM, as the dominant technology in today's main memory systems, that may impede performance or increase cost of future systems. We discuss some of the emerging memory technologies, and by comparing them with DRAM, we try to estimate their potential usage in future memory systems. The thesis evaluates the requirements of manycore scientific applications, in terms of memory bandwidth and footprint, and estimates how these requirements may change in the future. With this evaulation in mind, we propose a hybrid memory solution that employs DRAM and PCM, as well as several page placement and page migration policies, to bridge the gap between fast and small DRAM and larger but slower non-volatile memory. As the aforementioned evaluations required custom software solutions, we present tools we produced over the course of this PhD, which continue to be used in Heterogeneous Computer Architectures group in Barcelona Supercomputing Center. First, Limpio - a LIghtweight MPI instrumentatiOn framework, that provides an interface for low-overhead instrumentation and profiling of MPI applications with user-defined routines. Second, MemTraceMPI, a Valgrind tool, used to produce memory access traces of MPI applications, with several innovative concepts included (filter-cache, iteration tracing, compressed trace files).La mayoría de los sistemas de computación dependen en gran medida de sus principales recuerdos, como su almacenamiento primario, o como un caché intermedio para sistemas de almacenamiento más lentos (discos duros). La capacidad de los sistemas de memoria, así como su rendimiento, tienen un impacto directo en las capacidades globales de computación del sistema, y también son los principales contribuyentes a sus costos iniciales y de operación. Tecnología Dynamic Random Access memoria (DRAM) ha estado dominando el principal paisaje de memoria desde sus inicios en 1970 hasta la actualidad. Sin embargo, debido a las limitaciones inherentes de DRAM, su tasa constante de desarrollo ha saturado durante la última década, creando una disparidad entre la CPU y el rendimiento de la memoria principal, conocido como el muro de la memoria. Arquitecturas modernas paralelas, como la computación (HPC) de alto rendimiento y soluciones manycore, crear aún más presión sobre sus sistemas de memoria. No es trivial para estimar los requisitos de memoria que estos sistemas tendrán en el futuro, y si la tecnología DRAM sería capaz de cumplir con ellas, o que tendría que buscar una solución de memoria novela. En esta tesis se intenta dar una idea de los más importantes retos tecnológicos que los sistemas de memoria futuras deben abordar, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades cada vez mayores de los usuarios y sus aplicaciones, en Manycore y HPC contexto. Intentamos describir las limitaciones de memoria DRAM, como la tecnología dominante en los sistemas de memoria principal de hoy en día, que pueden impedir el rendimiento o el aumento de los costos de los sistemas futuros. Se discuten algunas de las tecnologías de memoria emergentes, y comparándolos con DRAM, tratamos de estimar su uso potencial en sistemas de memoria futuras. La tesis evalúa los requisitos de las aplicaciones científicas manycore, en términos de ancho de banda de memoria y huella, y estima cómo estos requisitos pueden cambiar en el futuro. Con esta evaulation en mente, proponemos una solución de memoria híbrida que emplea DRAM y PCM, así como varias políticas de colocación de la página y la página de la migración, para cerrar la brecha entre la DRAM rápido y pequeño y más grande pero la memoria más lenta no volátil. Como las evaluaciones mencionadas necesarias soluciones de software personalizadas, se presentan las herramientas que hemos producido en el transcurso de esta tesis doctoral, que se siguen utilizando en el grupo heterogéneo de computadoras Arquitecturas en Barcelona Supercomputing Center. En primer lugar, Limpio - un marco MPI Instrumentación ligero, que proporciona una interfaz para la instrumentación de baja sobrecarga y perfilado de aplicaciones MPI con rutinas definidas por el usuario. En segundo lugar, MemTraceMPI, una herramienta Valgrind, utilizado para producir los rastros de acceso a memoria de aplicaciones MPI, con varios conceptos innovadores incluido (filtro-cache, trazado iteración, archivos de seguimiento comprimido)