79 research outputs found

    Possibilities of producing biodiesel fuel and oilseed rape in the Republic of Croatia

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    I dok se u gotovo svim europskim državama proizvodi i koristi biodizelsko gorivo (repičin metil ester), u R. Hrvatskoj će tek ove godine biti donesena zakonska regulativa o uvozu i/ili njegovoj domaćoj proizvodnji i korištenju. Na obveznu uporabu alternativnih goriva u cestovnom prometu ukazuje i direktiva europske unije, koje će se morati pridržavati i R. Hrvatska kada postane njezina članica. Zanimanje za proizvodnju biodizela iz domaće sirovine postoji, no nužno je ekonomskim i drugim mjerama povećati proizvodnju i osobito prinose uljane repice. Ukupna proizvodnja uljane repice u posljednjih pet godina (2000.-2004.) u R. Hrvatskoj kretala se od 22.000 do 28.000 tona, što je podmirivalo bilančne potrebe naših tvornica ulja za ovom sirovinom. Daljnje povećanje površina pod uljanom repicom za neprehrambeni lanac (biodizel) moguće je promjenom u strukturi sjetve na postojećim obradivim površinama i rekultivacijom zapuštenih i neobrađivanih površina kojih je u R. Hrvatskoj oko 370.000 ha. Današnje, vrlo kvalitetne 00-sorte uljane repice treba postupno zamijeniti novim i u proizvodnju uvesti hibridne sorte uz odgovarajuću tehnologiju proizvodnje.While biodiesel fuel (rape methyl ester) is produced and used in almost all European countries, it is only in this year that legislation on import and/or its domestic production and use will be passed in the Republic of Croatia. Mandatory use of alternative fuels in road traffic is postulated by the relevant EU directive, which will have to be observed also in Croatia once it becomes a member. Interest in biodiesel production from domestic raw materials is present, but the production and especially yields of oilseed rape should be increased through economic and other measures. Overall oilseed rape production in the last five years in Croatia ranged from 22,000 to 28,000 tons, which covered the raw material requirements of our oil factories. Areas under oilseed rape for the non-food chain (biodiesel) can be further extended by changing the sowing structure on the existing arable areas and by recultivation of neglected and uncultivated areas (ca 370,000 ha in Croatia). The current high-quality 00-cultivars of oilseed rape should be gradually replaced with new ones and hybrid cultivars should be included into production along with adequate production technologies

    Selection of sugar- beet varieties and sowing

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    Jedna od najvažnijih agrotehničkih mjera u proizvodnji šećerne repe je sjetva i izbor sorata. U Hrvatskoj se siju inozemne sorte, odnosno hibridi šećerne repe pet selekcijskih kuća iz zapadne Europe. Trenutno su u proizvodnji najviše zastupljene sorte Z-tipa tolerantne na Cercosporu, Rhizomaniju i/ili Rhizoctoniju. Za sjetvu se koristi kvalitetno dorađeno, pilirano sjeme šećerne repe. Sjeme nekih sorata je dorađeno specifičnim metodama (EPD, Energ hill, Start up, 3D plus) koje omogućuju brže i ujednačenije nicanje. Rok sjetve šećerne repe u istočnoj Hrvatskoj je od druge dekade ožujka do 5. travnja, ovisno o stanju tla i vremenskim prilikama. Sjetva se obavlja na konačan sklop, tj. razmak u redu od 17-21 cm. Razmak u redu treba biti tako odabran da se osigura sklop od 90.000 do 100.000 biljaka/ha u vađenju.One of the most important agrotechnical measures in sugar- beet production is sowing and the selection of varieties. Foreign varieties, i.e. sugar- beet hybrids of five breeding institutions from Western Europe, are sown in Croatia. The most represented varieties in the production nowadays are those varieties of Z-type which are tolerant to Cercospora, Rhizomania and/or Rhizoctonia. Sugar- beet seed which has been finally processed with high quality and pelleted is used for sowing. Some varieties’ seed has been finally processed by specific methods (EPD, Energ hill, Start up, 3D plus) which enable a quicker and more balanced germination. Sugar- beet sowing term in Eastern Croatia is from the second ten- day period of March to 5th April, depending on the soil and weather conditions. The sowing is done in the final plant density in the way that sowing distance in the row is from 17 to 21 cm. The sowing distance in the row should be chosen in such a way to ensure plant density of 90.000 to 100.000 plants/ha during harvest

    Selection of sugar- beet varieties and sowing

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    Jedna od najvažnijih agrotehničkih mjera u proizvodnji šećerne repe je sjetva i izbor sorata. U Hrvatskoj se siju inozemne sorte, odnosno hibridi šećerne repe pet selekcijskih kuća iz zapadne Europe. Trenutno su u proizvodnji najviše zastupljene sorte Z-tipa tolerantne na Cercosporu, Rhizomaniju i/ili Rhizoctoniju. Za sjetvu se koristi kvalitetno dorađeno, pilirano sjeme šećerne repe. Sjeme nekih sorata je dorađeno specifičnim metodama (EPD, Energ hill, Start up, 3D plus) koje omogućuju brže i ujednačenije nicanje. Rok sjetve šećerne repe u istočnoj Hrvatskoj je od druge dekade ožujka do 5. travnja, ovisno o stanju tla i vremenskim prilikama. Sjetva se obavlja na konačan sklop, tj. razmak u redu od 17-21 cm. Razmak u redu treba biti tako odabran da se osigura sklop od 90.000 do 100.000 biljaka/ha u vađenju.One of the most important agrotechnical measures in sugar- beet production is sowing and the selection of varieties. Foreign varieties, i.e. sugar- beet hybrids of five breeding institutions from Western Europe, are sown in Croatia. The most represented varieties in the production nowadays are those varieties of Z-type which are tolerant to Cercospora, Rhizomania and/or Rhizoctonia. Sugar- beet seed which has been finally processed with high quality and pelleted is used for sowing. Some varieties’ seed has been finally processed by specific methods (EPD, Energ hill, Start up, 3D plus) which enable a quicker and more balanced germination. Sugar- beet sowing term in Eastern Croatia is from the second ten- day period of March to 5th April, depending on the soil and weather conditions. The sowing is done in the final plant density in the way that sowing distance in the row is from 17 to 21 cm. The sowing distance in the row should be chosen in such a way to ensure plant density of 90.000 to 100.000 plants/ha during harvest


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    Cilj istraživanja provedenih na pokušalištu Agronomskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu tijekom 2012. i 2013. godine bio je utvrditi utjecaj gnojidbe organskim i mineralnim gnojivima na agronomska svojstva krumpira. U istraživanju su bila dva organska gnojiva, Biorex i Italpollina, mineralna gnojiva te kombinacija mineralnih i organskih gnojiva. Najveći prinos gomolja i prinos suhe tvari ostvareni su gnojidbom samo mineralnim gnojivima i mineralnim i organskim gnojivima. U ukupnome prinosu gomolja krumpira najveći udio imala je frakcija 35-55 mm. Gnojidba mineralnim gnojivima i kombinacija mineralnih i organskih gnojiva imale su pozitivan učinak na udio frakcije ˃55 mm, osobito u vremenski povoljnijoj 2012. godini.The aim of research conducted on the experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb during 2012 and 2013 was to determine the influence of organic and mineral fertilizers on the agronomic properties of potato. The research comprised two organic fertilizers, Biorex and Italpollina, mineral fertilizers and a combination of mineral and organic fertilizers. The highest yield of tuber and dry matter was achieved when the fertilization was conducted using solely mineral fertilizers or a combination of mineral and organic fertilizers. Fraction 35-55 mm had the highest share in the total tuber yield. Fertilization with mineral fertilizers and with the combination of mineral and organic fertilizers had a positive effect on the share of fractions ˃55 mm particularly in favourable 2012 year

    Sunflower sowing

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    Jedna od najvažnijih agrotehničkih mjera u proizvodnji suncokreta je sjetva i izbor hibrida. U Hrvatskoj se uglavnom siju inozemni hibridi, koji se nalaze na sortnoj listi RH. Rok sjetve i gustoća sklopa trebaju biti prilagođeni ekološkim uvjetima uzgoja i svakom hibridu. U radu su opisani svi elementi sjetve suncokreta: izbor hibrida, kvaliteta sjemena, rok sjetve, gustoća sklopa, količina sjemena, način sjetve i dubina sjetve.One of the most important agro technical measures in sunflowers production is sowing and hybrid selection. In Croatia, foreign hybrids are mostly sown, which are found on Croatia sort list. Sowing period and plant density should be matched with environmental conditions of cultivation and to each hybrid. All elements of sunflower sowing are described in this paper: choosing a hybrid, seed quality, sowing period, plant density, seeding rates, sowing method and sowing depth

    Fertilization of oilseed rape

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    Optimalna gnojidba uljane repice osnovni je preduvjet za postizanje visokih i stabilnih prinosa. Za primjenu fiziološki ispravne i gospodarski opravdane gnojidbe uljane repice potrebno je poznavati kako dinamiku akumulacije suhe tvari tako i dinamiku apsorpcije pojedinih hraniva tijekom vegetacije, kao i efekte pojedinih hraniva na kvantitet i kvalitet prinosa. Osnova pri određivanju količina i odnosa kao i vremena i načina primjene kako glavnih, tako i mikro hraniva, moraju biti analize tla i dinamika apsorpcije istih, odnosno potreba biljke na pojedinim hranivima tijekom vegetacije. Pri gnojidbi uljane repice, jednu polovinu kompleksnih NPK mineralnih gnojiva treba primijeniti u osnovnoj obradi tla, a drugu polovinu u predsjetvenoj pripremi tla. Ukupne količine dušika primijenjene u jesen ne bi trebale biti veće od 50 do 60 kg/ha. Veći dio dušika primjenjuje se u dvije prihrane, neposredo prije kretanje vegetacije u proljeće i u početku porasta stabljike.Optimal fertilization of oilseed rape is a basic precondition for achieving high and stabile crops. For the use of physiologically right and economically justified fertilization of oilseed rape, it is necessary to know both the dynamics of accumulation of dry matter and the dynamics of absorption of individual nutrients during vegetation, as well as the effects of certain nutrients on quantity and quality of crops. During defining of quantities and relations, as well as the time and manner of applying as the main so the micro fertilizers, the basis must be soil analysis and dynamics of absorption of the very same, that is, plant’s needs for certain nutrients during vegetation. When fertilizing oilseed rape, one half of complex NPK mineral fertilizers should be used in basic soil cultivation, and the other half in pre-sowing soil preparation. The total amount of nitrogen used in autumn, shouldn’t be more than 50 to 60 kilos per acre. Most of the nitrogen is used in two nutrition reinforcements, just before the beginning of vegetation in spring and at the beginning of the stem upgrowth