Selection of sugar- beet varieties and sowing


Jedna od najvažnijih agrotehničkih mjera u proizvodnji šećerne repe je sjetva i izbor sorata. U Hrvatskoj se siju inozemne sorte, odnosno hibridi šećerne repe pet selekcijskih kuća iz zapadne Europe. Trenutno su u proizvodnji najviše zastupljene sorte Z-tipa tolerantne na Cercosporu, Rhizomaniju i/ili Rhizoctoniju. Za sjetvu se koristi kvalitetno dorađeno, pilirano sjeme šećerne repe. Sjeme nekih sorata je dorađeno specifičnim metodama (EPD, Energ hill, Start up, 3D plus) koje omogućuju brže i ujednačenije nicanje. Rok sjetve šećerne repe u istočnoj Hrvatskoj je od druge dekade ožujka do 5. travnja, ovisno o stanju tla i vremenskim prilikama. Sjetva se obavlja na konačan sklop, tj. razmak u redu od 17-21 cm. Razmak u redu treba biti tako odabran da se osigura sklop od 90.000 do 100.000 biljaka/ha u vađenju.One of the most important agrotechnical measures in sugar- beet production is sowing and the selection of varieties. Foreign varieties, i.e. sugar- beet hybrids of five breeding institutions from Western Europe, are sown in Croatia. The most represented varieties in the production nowadays are those varieties of Z-type which are tolerant to Cercospora, Rhizomania and/or Rhizoctonia. Sugar- beet seed which has been finally processed with high quality and pelleted is used for sowing. Some varieties’ seed has been finally processed by specific methods (EPD, Energ hill, Start up, 3D plus) which enable a quicker and more balanced germination. Sugar- beet sowing term in Eastern Croatia is from the second ten- day period of March to 5th April, depending on the soil and weather conditions. The sowing is done in the final plant density in the way that sowing distance in the row is from 17 to 21 cm. The sowing distance in the row should be chosen in such a way to ensure plant density of 90.000 to 100.000 plants/ha during harvest

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