Possibilities of producing biodiesel fuel and oilseed rape in the Republic of Croatia


I dok se u gotovo svim europskim državama proizvodi i koristi biodizelsko gorivo (repičin metil ester), u R. Hrvatskoj će tek ove godine biti donesena zakonska regulativa o uvozu i/ili njegovoj domaćoj proizvodnji i korištenju. Na obveznu uporabu alternativnih goriva u cestovnom prometu ukazuje i direktiva europske unije, koje će se morati pridržavati i R. Hrvatska kada postane njezina članica. Zanimanje za proizvodnju biodizela iz domaće sirovine postoji, no nužno je ekonomskim i drugim mjerama povećati proizvodnju i osobito prinose uljane repice. Ukupna proizvodnja uljane repice u posljednjih pet godina (2000.-2004.) u R. Hrvatskoj kretala se od 22.000 do 28.000 tona, što je podmirivalo bilančne potrebe naših tvornica ulja za ovom sirovinom. Daljnje povećanje površina pod uljanom repicom za neprehrambeni lanac (biodizel) moguće je promjenom u strukturi sjetve na postojećim obradivim površinama i rekultivacijom zapuštenih i neobrađivanih površina kojih je u R. Hrvatskoj oko 370.000 ha. Današnje, vrlo kvalitetne 00-sorte uljane repice treba postupno zamijeniti novim i u proizvodnju uvesti hibridne sorte uz odgovarajuću tehnologiju proizvodnje.While biodiesel fuel (rape methyl ester) is produced and used in almost all European countries, it is only in this year that legislation on import and/or its domestic production and use will be passed in the Republic of Croatia. Mandatory use of alternative fuels in road traffic is postulated by the relevant EU directive, which will have to be observed also in Croatia once it becomes a member. Interest in biodiesel production from domestic raw materials is present, but the production and especially yields of oilseed rape should be increased through economic and other measures. Overall oilseed rape production in the last five years in Croatia ranged from 22,000 to 28,000 tons, which covered the raw material requirements of our oil factories. Areas under oilseed rape for the non-food chain (biodiesel) can be further extended by changing the sowing structure on the existing arable areas and by recultivation of neglected and uncultivated areas (ca 370,000 ha in Croatia). The current high-quality 00-cultivars of oilseed rape should be gradually replaced with new ones and hybrid cultivars should be included into production along with adequate production technologies

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