148 research outputs found

    Povratno dejstvo krivičnog zakona – aktuelno pitanje sudske prakse u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    The paper analyses very complex, both from theoretical and practical point of view, issue of retroactiveness in criminal law. In this sense, the authors provide comparative overview of ways of determining the principle of legality in international law, especially referring to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789), Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Geneva Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (1949), European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (EKLJP, Convention, 1950). The paper provides special chronological overview of legal determination of the principle of legality and retroactive application of laws in general and analyses in depth the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia.U članku se analizira veoma složeno, i sa teorijskog i sa praktičnog gledišta, pitanje retroaktivnosti u krivičnom pravu. U tom smislu, autori, daju komparativni pregled načina određivanja načela zakonitosti na međunarodnom planu, a posebno govore o Deklaraciji o pravima čovjeka i građanina(1789); Univerzalnoj deklaraciji o ljudskim pravima (1948); Ženevskoj konvenciji (IV) o zaštiti građanskih lica za vrijeme rata (1949), Evropskoj konvenciji za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda (EKLJP, Konvencija, 1950). Daje se i poseban hronološki pregled zakonskog određivanja principa legaliteta i retroaktivne primjene krivičnog zakona uopšte, a posebno se analizira Krivični zakonik Republike Srpske


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    This paper explains the process of using neural networks, as one of numerous data mining techniques, for the classification of electricity consumers. The processed data comprised more than a million recordings of electricity consumption for 21,643 consumers over the period of four years and eight months. Using a data subset (70% of the entire dataset), the network was trained for the classification of consumers according to the type of the electric meter they possess (single-rate or dual-rate) and the zone they live in (city or village). The network input data in both cases included: consumer code, reading period from-to, current and previous meter reading for both low and high tariff, dual and single rate tariff consumption for that period and their total amount, as independent variables, whereas the network output comprised dependent variable classes (zone or type of electric meter). The results show that a network created in this way can be trained so well that it achieves high precision when evaluated using the test dataset. Using the available recordings about electricity consumption, the type of the electric meter consumers possess and the zone they live in can be predicted with the accuracy of 77% and 82%, respectively. These findings can provide the basis for further research using other data mining techniques

    Oligarsi u Ruskoj politici

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    U ovom tekstu autor pokušava da istakne značaj i uticaj nove ruske političke elite, finansijskih oligarha, koji su se iz ruševina sovjetskog komunizma uzdigli kao najrelevantnija politička snaga u zemlji. Kao ključni učesnici na političkoj sceni Jeljcinove tranzicione Rusije, oligarsi poput Hodorhovskog ili Prohorova su tokom devedesetih akumulirali ogromnu količinu ekonomske i političke moći. Iako se razvojni put ruskih oligarha može uklopiti u jedan opšti model postkomunističkih društava, potrebno je napraviti poseban osvrt na slučaj ruskih oligarha zbog globalnog političkog značaj države kojom su indirektno upravljali. Ovaj tekst se delimično bavi i razvojnim tendencijama odnosa vlasti i oligarhijskih grupa, što je posebno značajno u svetlu novog Putinovog predsedničkog mandata i njegovog odnosa prema unutrašnjim i spoljašnjim faktorima ruske politike


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    Our time is characterised, among other things, by different kind of processes of associating of states in the world, as well as their integration into different international organisations. To the area where we live, and as it has been shown many time in political practise, striving that this area be integrated into European Union structures is of special importance. One of the questions related to that striving, the question that is being put for a long time, is not only what kind of governmental structure has Bosnia and Herzegovina but with what kind of governmental structure this state can become a member of European Union. This paper is devoted to this question. In the work the author, inter alia, points out on the experiences of the states (Belgium and Spain) whose complex governmental structure is not obstacle for their membership in European Union. For that reason neither Dayton Constitution is obstacle for membership of Bosnia and Herzegovina in that organisation (it is not obstacle for membership of this state in other international organisation as well), and exactly this is a main message of this paper.Вријеме у којем живимо карактеришу, између осталог, разноврсни процеси повезивања држава у свијету, као и њиховог интегрисања у различите међународне организације. За простор на којем живимо од посебне важности су настојања да се он интегрише у структуре Европске уније. Једно од питања које се с тим у вези поставља већ дуже вријеме је не само то какво државно уређење има БиХ него и са каквим обликом тог уређења она може постати чланица поменуте уније. Том питању је посвећен овај рад. У њему аутор, између осталог, указује на искуства држава (Белгије и Шпаније) чије сложено државно уређење није препрека за њихово чланство у Европској унији. Због тога ни дејтонски Устав није препрека за чланство Босне и Херцеговине у тој организацији (као ни у другим међународним организацијама), што је и најважнија порука овог рада

    Soil weed seed banks in vineyards established by intensive and extensive cultivation methods

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    Korovi su posebna grupa biljaka, pratioci gajenih biljaka, koji u vinogradima negativno utiču na rast, razvoj i prinos vinove loze. Semena korova nakon dospevanja na zemlju ostaju na površini, a potom postepeno prodiru u dublje slojeve zemlje i stvaraju zemljišnu banku semena korova. U zavisnosti od načina suzbijanja korovske vegetacije, razlikujemo ekstenzivan i intenzivan način gajenja vinove loze. U okviru ovog rada prikazana su istraživanja koja se odnose na uticaj različitih mera suzbijanja korova - obrade zemljišta i primene herbicida, na korovsku vegetaciju odnosno na zemljišnu banku semena u vinogradima. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u periodu od 2011. do 2013. godine u tri vinogorja (Subotičko-Horgoško, Fruškogorsko i Erdutsko vinogorje) u vinogradima intenzivnog načina uzgoja, koji su namenjeni komercijalnoj proizvodnji grožđa, kao i u vinogradima ekstenzivnog načina uzgoja. Na odabranim lokalitetima vršeno je uzorkovanje zemljišta u međurednom i rednom prostoru, u deset ponavljanja sa dubine 0-30cm. Uzorci zemljišta su ispirani vodom kroz bakarna sita određenih promera i sušeni na sobnoj temperaturi, a zatim je izdvojeno i determinisano seme korova. Poređenjem banke semena korova u vinogradima sa različitim načinima gajenja vinove loze, utvrđeno je da postoji značajna razlika u brojnosti semena korova u ekstenzivnom i intenzivnom vinogradarenju - od 45332 semena/m2 na lokalitetu Sremski Karlovci u međuredu intenzivnog vinograda do 72338 semena/m2 na lokalitetu Subotica u međuredu ekstenzivnog vinograda. Iako je determinisano ukupno 48 korovskih vrsta, čija su semena izdvojena iz uzoraka zemljišta, samo nekoliko vrsta dominiralo je sa većom brojnošću semena u onosu na druge korovske vrste: Amaranthus retroflexus L., Portulaca oleracea L., Chenopodium album L. i Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Nakon naklijavanja determinisanih semena, dominantne korovske vrste su imale znatno veću klijavost u odnosu na sve druge korovske vrste. Prosečna klijavost semena korova iz vinograda ekstenzivnog načina gajenja iznosila je 8,31%, dok je klijavost semena iz vinograda intenzivnog načina gajenja iznosila 6,01%. Nakon analize zemljišta na prisustvo bakra i ispitivanja njegovog uticaja na klijavost semena, utvrđeno je da bakarna jedinjenja inhibitorno utiču klijavost semena korovskih vrsta (od 34,86% do 48,63%) u ispitivanim koncentracijama 0,4 i 0,8 g/l kao ekvivalentom sadržaja utvrđenog Cu u zemljištu. Analizom semena korova iz zemljišta, utvrđeno je prisustvo bakterija Bacillus sp. i Pseudomonas sp., i gljiva Fusarium sp., Alternaria sp., Epiccocum purpurescens, Rhizopus stolanifer, Penicilium sp i Aspergillus sp., koji inhibitorno utiču na klijavost, i to u znatno većem broju u vinogradima ekstenzivnog načina gajenja. Na ispitivanim lokalitetima utvrđeni su ostaci herbicida glifosat u količinama od 0,0834 mg/kg, 0,1486 mg/kg i 0,1956 mg/kg zemljišta.Weeds are a unique group of plants that accompany cultivated plant species and thus adversely affect grapevine growth, development and yield in vineyards. After reaching the soil, weed seeds remain on the surface before gradually penetrating the deeper soil layers to create a soil bank of weed seeds. Depending on the weed vegetation control method, extensive and intensive grapevine cultivation types can be distinguished. In this work, a study of the impact of different weed control measures—land treatment and herbicide application—on the weed vegetation, i.e., on the seed land bank in vineyards, is presented. The research was carried out in the 2011−2013 period, in three regions (Subotica-Horgoš, Fruška Gora and Erdut) in vineyards established by intensive farming method intended for commercial grape production, as well as in vineyards based on extensive cultivation method. At selected sites, soil sampling was performed in inter-and intra-row spaces, in ten replications from 0−30 cm depth. Oil samples were washed with water through copper sieves of certain diameter and dried at room temperature, after which the weed seeds were separated and determined. A comparison of weed seed banks in vineyards established by different grapevine cultivation methods revealed a significant difference between the weed seed abundance in extensive and intensive vineyards—from 45,332 seeds/m2 at the Sremski Karlovci site in the inter-row spacing of an intensively grown vineyard to 72,338 seeds/m2 at the Subotica site, in the inter-row spacing of vineyard established by the extensive method. Although 48 weed species were determined among the seeds separated from the soil samples, only a few species were predominant, based on a higher number of seeds relative to other weed species, namely: Amaranthus retroflexus L., Portulaca oleracea L., Chenopodium album L. and Stellaria media (L.) Vill. After germinating, the dominant weed species had significantly higher germination rate compared to all other determined weed species. The weeds obtained from the vineyards based on extensive cultivation had an average 8.31% germination rate, compared to 6.01% measured for the seeds sourced from the vineyards established by intensive cultivation method. Soil analysis for the presence of copper and assessment of its impact on seed germination indicated that copper compounds inhibit seed germination in weed species (from 34.86% to 48.63%) in the tested concentrations of 0.4 g/l and 0.8 g/l as the equivalent of the Cu content determined in the soil. By analyzing the weed seeds extracted from the soil, the presence of bacteria Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp., as well as fungi Fusarium sp., Alternaria sp., Epiccocum purpurescens, Rhizopus stolanifer, Penicilium sp. and Aspergillus sp., was noted, all of which inhibit germination. They were present in much greater numbers in vineyards established by extensive cultivation method. Residues of herbicide glyphosate were found at the studied sites, in the quantities of 0.0834 mg/kg, 0.1486 mg/kg and 0.1956 mg/kg of soil

    Faith, Ideology and the Information Age: Universal Spirituality of Generation Y

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    Observing the period of recent history, it is clear that no previous generation has ever lived with such information accessibility and in such a connected word as the millennials, an age cohort of those who were, roughly determined, born between early ’80s and late ‘90s. This is a generation that is, according to the data of Pew Research Center, characterized by a high degree of individual spirituality without a formal religious affiliation, best described by the motto spiritual but not religious (SBNR) that is often associated with them. Ideological attitudes of millennials reflect their distance to church membership since they are, at the surprise of conservative and economically rightwing baby boomers and Gen X members, predominantly leaning towards left-liberal progressivism, which was evident during 2016 US election. Exploring millennial religious beliefs opens up a series of interesting questions. First, is this exclusively an Anglo-American phenomenon and how deep are generational divisions today? How is the spirituality of a leftist generation defined by consumer logic? Do millennials really suffer more from depression and anxiety and how can that be attributed to overchoice, an almost 50-year old concept of American futurologist Alvin Toffler? Finally, is the spiritual world less important to those of age between 18 and 35 then it was to their predecessors, or do they have more in common then they think