1,331 research outputs found


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    The geotechnical engineering calculations are usually carried out according to the small deformation and displacement theory (infinitesimal strain theory) i.e. first-order theory. A linear relationship between componental displacements and deformations is adopted. The well-known conditions for equilibrium are defined for an undeformed system i.e. undeformed structure. Therefore, the geometric and static linearity assumptions are usually valid in geotechnical engineering calculations. These linearities are collectively referred to as kinematic linearity. In other words, engineers believe that results of quite satisfactory accuracy are obtained if only material nonlinearity is taken into account in the engineering calculations, regardless of the type of geotechnical problem being analysed. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply the large (finite) deformation theory with the assumption of material nonlinearity. The main aim of this paper is to verify the previous statement in the case of some characteristic problems of Geotechnics. In the first part of this paper, the large deformation theory, which is mostly unknown to the wider professional public, is briefly presented. After that, simple numerical analyses of some characteristic problems of Geotechnics were carried out in the well-known software FLAC 2D software with the aim of comparing the results obtained for the cases of kinematic linearity and kinematic nonlinearity. The obtained results point to the fact that kinematic nonlinearity should not always be ignored in the usual geotechnical engineering calculations. Therefore, engineers are urged to be careful

    Aleksandar Mikić: Haiku poems about legumes, International Legume Society; 2019

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    Heroes, Traitors, and Survivors in the Borderlands of Empire

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    Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhundert bildete der aus zahlreichen Grenzgebieten bestehende und zwischen der Habsburgermonarchie, Serbien und Montenegro befindliche Sandžak die nördlichsten Teile der osmanischen Provinz Kosovo. Dessen multikonfessionelle und mehrsprachige Einwohner waren bis zu frühen 1920er Jahren den Regierungspraktiken von fünf Staaten unterworfen: dem Osmanischen Reich, Montenegro, Serbien, der Habsburgermonarchie und dem Königreich der Serben, Kroaten und Slowenen. Es gelang jedem dieser Staaten, die Einheimische für ihre eigenen militärischen Zwecke zu mobilisieren. Bislang hat sich die Geschichtsschreibung entweder auf eine imaginäre Gemeinschaft oder auf Regierungsstrukturen konzentriert. Die vorliegende Dissertation bietet einen umfassenderen und differenzierteren Ansatz, indem sie eine lokale Perspektive einnimmt und bei den Mobilmachungsbemühungen des Staates nach dem „Großen im Kleinen“ sucht. Die Studie zeigt, dass die militärischen Mobilisierungen ein Feld konstruierten, das er ermöglicht, verschiedene Staatsziele zu analysieren, einschließlich der Figurationen zwischen der herrschenden Eliten und den Einheimischen. Die Erzählung konzentriert sich auf staatliche Pläne, die die Mobilmachungen zu verschleiern versuchten, und auf die Lebenswelten der Einheimischen. Hierzu werden verschiedene Ebenen des Regimewechsels, die Vorstellungen von Loyalität, Sicherheit und Ungewissheit im Wandel untersucht. Die Dissertation befasst sich mit Praktiken der Abgrenzung und Verdinglichung auferlegter Kategorien, mit Strategien der herrschenden Eliten, mit Widerstandstaktiken der Einheimischen, mit der Position von Frauen und Kindern in diesem Kontext. Die militärischen Mobilmachungen des Staates zielen darauf ab, den Übergang von Grenzgebieten als Ort, an dem gesellschaftliche Gefüge verschwommen sind, zu angrenzendem Land, wo feste ethnonationale Hierarchien und die Verwaltung von Ressourcen – in staatlicher Hand etablieret sind, zu erleichtern. Die Studie zeigt, dass dies kein eindimensionaler Prozess war.At the beginning of the 20th century, the Sandžak, a mental map that consisted of numerous borderlands, made up the northmost parts of the Ottoman province of Kosovo. By the early 1920s, its multi-confessional and multi-lingual inhabitants were subject to the governmental practices of the five polities: The Ottoman Empire, Montenegro, Serbia, the Habsburg Monarchy, and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Each of these states managed to mobilize the locals for their own military purposes (the Balkans Wars (1912/13) and World War I). The historiography has dealt namely with the broader setting, either by focusing on one imagined community or on governmental structures. The present study offers a more nuanced approach by attending to a local perspective and searching for the “big in the small” in the state’s mobilization efforts. The study contents that the military mobilizations constructed a field through which analyzing various states' goals, including figurations between the ruling elites and the locals of various forms of capital and gender, is feasible. The narrative is centered on the state’s hidden plans, which the mobilizations aptly veiled, and on the lifeworld of the locals by investigating various levels of regime change and the notions of loyalty, security, and uncertainty from Ottoman to SCS rule. The study deals with the practices of demarcation and/or reification of imposed categories; its strategies for achieving mobilization of the borderlands’ inhabitants; how the tactics of the latter, regardless of confession, were used to defy the governance policies; the position of women and children in this game; and all their local social networks. The state’s military mobilizations were aimed at facilitating the transition of borderlands, as a place where societal boundaries were blurred, to bordered land, where fixed ethno-national hierarchizations and the management of resource – in the hands of the state – were achieved. The dissertation shows that this transition was not a one-dimensional process


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    This study examines contemporary processes of harmonization and unification of law and the relationship between these processes and the natural right to difference which all individuals have. The author tries to find the source of natural individual's right to difference and to find the philosophical foundation of this right as well. Philosophers Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel wrote about the Reason, the Freedom and the natural right to difference. From the fact that the man is reasonable being it follows necessarily the right to difference, uniqueness and individuality of all individuals. The fact is, the Reason and the Freedom are the birthplace of the natural right to difference. The author puts into the limelight the question of whether this right - the right to difference belongs also to the nations and whether this right stems from the right to a proper national legislation. From the analysis it follows the conclusion that right to difference belongs both to individuals and nations, but nations are entitled, whether spontaneous or organized, to harmonize their national legislation with the right of others nations or international communities.Autor se u tekstu bavi savremenim procesima harmonizacije i unifikacije prava, ali samo kao polaznom osnovom za postavljanje ključnog pitanja koje se tiče odnosa između ovih procesa i prirodnog i neospornog prava na razlikovanje. Autor nastoji da nađe izvorište prirodnog prava pojedinaca na razlikovanje i različitost, kao i da ukaže na filozofsko utemeljenje ovog prava. O prirodnom pravu na razlikovanje pisali su poznati filozofi kao što je Imanuel Kant, Artur Šopenhauer i Georg Vilhelm Fridrih Hegel. Iz činjenice da je čovjek umno biće nužno proizilazi i parvo svakog pojedinca na razlikovanje, jedinstvenost i individualnost. Um i Sloboda su “rodno mjesto" prirodnog prava na razlikovanje. Autor u centar pažnje, ipak, stavlja pitanje da li ovo pravo – pravo na razlikovanje, pripada i narodima i da li iz njega proizilazi i pravo na vlastito, nacionalno zakonodavstvo. Iz analiza slijedi zaključak da pravo na razlikovanje pripada kako pojedincima tako i narodima, ali da narodima iz ovog ovog osnovnog derivira i pravo da odlučuju o načinu i obimu usklađivanja svog nacionalno zakonodavstvo sa nacionalnim zakonodavstima drugih naroda ili nadnacionalnih zajednica

    The case of scurvy from Singidunum

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    In 2014, at the Belgrade Fortress, the bones of a female individual, aged 3-4 years were discovered in Grave no. 1, in sondage 2/2014. Dental and paleopathological analysis revealed traces of enamel hypoplasia on the teeth, while the bones of the cranial and postcranial skeleton showed traces of scurvy and tuberculosis

    Korelacija upotrebljene municije sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva Savezne Republike Jugoslavije tokom agresije NATO 1999. godine

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    This paper explores the correlation of the number of used depleted uranium (DU) projectiles with the ethnic composition of the population in the municipalities (N=208) of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), specifically the type, intensity, and reliability of the correlation and the time dynamics of the use of DU projectiles during the NATO aggression on FRY in 1999. Since the number of citizens and the share of Albanian and non-Albanian populations in the total population of the former FRY do not represent the homogenous characteristics of the observed area, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine the level of correlation between the number of DU missiles and the population of Albanian and non-Albanian ethnic origin in the observed municipalities. The research yielded the results that indicate direct proportionality between the number of DU missiles and the number of Albanians (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) and inverse proportionality between the number of specified missiles and the number of non-Albanians (r = -0.320, p = 0.000003. The determined spatial distribution of DU projectile seriously and lastingly contaminated the living space of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, and thus the area of temporary residence of NATO, UNMIK, and EULEX forces in this part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The results also revealed that, in the last eleven days of the aggression, NATO forces fired more than a half (54%) of all DU projectiles fired within FRY.Radom se istražuje korelacija upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i etničke strukture stanovništva po opštinama (N=208) bivše Savezne Republike Jugoslavije (SRJ), odnosno vrsta, intenzitet i pouzdanost te korelacije i vremenska dinamika upotrebe navedenih projektila tokom agresije NATO na SRJ, 1999. godine. S obzirom na to da zastupljenost stanovništva albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti u ukupnom broju stanovnika bivše SRJ, ne predstavljaju homogena obeležja posmatranog prostora, za utvrđivanje stepena povezanosti broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja stanovnika albanske i nealbanske etničke pripadnosti po opštinama, korišćen je Spirmanov (Spearman) koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja ukazuju na to da postoji direktna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja Albanaca (r = 0.514, p = 0.000000) i inverzna proporcionalnost između broja upotrebljenih projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom i broja nealbanaca (r = - 0.320, r = 0.000003). Tako utvrđenom prostornom distribucijom projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom, pre svega je, ozbiljno i dugoročno, kontaminiran životni prostor Albanaca na Kosovu i Metohiji, a time i prostor privremenog boravka snaga NATO, UNMIK i EULEX, na tom delu teritorije Republike Srbije. Takođe, rezultatima sprovedenog istraživanja, utvrđeno je da su NATO snage, u poslednjih 11 dana agresije, upotrebile više od polovine (54%) od ukupnog broja projektila sa osiromašenim uranijumom upotrebljenih tokom agresije na SRJ