234 research outputs found

    Impacts of population growth and economic development on food security in low-income and middle-income countries

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    Attention to addressing undernourishment in low-and middle-income countries has expanded notably since the beginning of the 21st century. Population growth increases the overall demand for food, while income growth affects consumption patterns. Using annual aggregate data from the World Bank in 2001–2020 and econometric approaches, this research investigates the changes in the growth rates in rural and urban populations and GDP per capita and the prevalence of undernourishment as % of the population in low-income countries, lower-middle-income countries, and upper-middle income countries. The main goal of the study is to convey a deeper understanding by quantifying the impacts of rural and urban population growth as well as GDP per capita growth on the prevalence of undernourishment. The robust regression models showed that the prevalence of undernourishment in these countries was strongly associated with rural and urban population growth. A positive impact of rural population growth on undernutrition was found in all three groups of countries, with the most significant positive effects found in upper-middle-income countries. The negative effect of urban population growth on undernourishment was largest for the upper middle-income countries. Furthermore, fully modified ordinary least squares results revealed that the changes in the prevalence of undernourishment are mostly associated with long-term changes in the rural and urban population growth. The Difference in Difference (DiD) estimation confirmed only the causal effect of rural population growth on the prevalence of undernourishment in the panel of these countries. The findings of this study have both methodological and policy implications

    Pannenbergova Srbija na meti kritike

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    Dana 30. svibnja 2006. održana je na Katoličkoj bogosloviji u Rijeci promocija knjige Wolfharta Pannenberga: Apostolsko vjerovanje pred pitanjima sadašnjice (Das Glaubensbekenntnis: ausgelegt und verantwortet vor den Fragen der Gegenwart, Gütersloh, 1995.), koju je u prijevodu Kirila Miladinova objavio Teološki fakultet „Matija Vlačić Ilirik“ kao prvo izdanje u novoj biblioteci Flaciana

    Gelatin Manufacturing Process and Product

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    The present invention overcomes the deficiencies of the prior art by providing a process for manufacturing gelatin including cleaning a fowl-based source of collagen; subjecting the fowl-based source of collagen to at least one water extraction to extract gelatin from the collagen source; and separating the gelatin from any resulting by-products, wherein the process does not require an initial acid or lime pretreatment step. The present invention also includes a product made from this process

    Analyses of prt genes regulation in the natural isolate Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29

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    Prirodni izolat Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29 produkuje kiselu proteinazu PI tipa i bakteriocin IS29. Prisustvo kazitona u minimalnom medijumu (MM) ima specifičan uticaj na regulaciju aktivnosti gena za proteinazu soja BGIS29. Transkripcione genske fuzijc sa E. coli ß-glukuronidaznim genom (gusA) su korišćene za izučavanje medijum zavisne ekspresije promotora prt gena (VpnP i PprtM). Merenjem aktivnosti enzima ß-glukuronidaze i kvantitativnom Northern blot analizom je pokazano da je aktivnost oba (VprtP i ?pnM) promotora kontrolisana kazitonom na transkripcionom nivou, ali je stepen njihove regulacije različit. Kada PpnF promotor kontroliše ekspresiju gusA gena, aktivnost enzima ß-glukuronidaze lineamo opada sa porastom koncentracije kazitona u medijumu za rast bakterija (0.1% do 2%). U slučaju PpnM promotora regulacija nije tako jaka kao u slučaju PpnP promotora. Visoka koncentracija kazitona prisutna u MM ima inhibitoran efekat na aktivnost P prtM promotora, ali nema lineame korelacije. Deleciona analiza regulatomog regiona prt gena je pokazala da je celokupna informacija neophodna za punu aktivnost i regulaciju P pnM promotora sadržana u sekvenci regiona dužine 180 bp koji sadrži oba prt promotora. Izucavan je uticaj nukleotidne sekvence na krivljenje DNK. Eksperimenti pokretljivosti DNK fragmenata u gelu su korišćeni u kombinaciji sa kompjuterskom predikcijom potencijalnih zakrivljenih regiona DNK. Kompjuterska predikcija krivljenja DNK je pokazala da region uzvodno od -35 i -10 regiona Pprtp promotora sadrži potencijalni centar krivljenja. Eksperimenti pokretljivosti DNK fragmenata u gelu su pokazali da je PCR fragment veličine 350 bp, koji sadrži kompletan regulatomi region, zakrivljen. Koeficijent retardacije (R) je 1.2 u odsustvu MgCl2 i 1.4 u prisustvu MgCl2. Kraći PCR fragment (270 bp) koji sadrži oba prt promotora je, takode, zakrivljen, R je 1.1 u odsustvu MgCl2 i 1.5 u prisustvu MgCl2. Inaktivacija (“knock-out”) potencijalnog regulatomog gena, prtR, je uradena insercijom plazmida pGGiostOzISN/ u hromozom soja Lactococcus lactis NZ9000. Merenjem aktivnosti enzima ß-glukuronidaze je pokazano da nema aktivnosti PpnP promotora u ”knock-out” soju. Rezultati ukazuju da je potencijalni regulatomi gen aktivator.Natural isolate Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29 produces the Pi-type proteinase and bacteriocin IS29. The presence~of uasitone in chemically defined medium (CDM) has a specific influence on the regulation of the proteinase activity in the strain BGIS29. Transcriptional gene fusion’s with E. coli ß-glucuronidase gene (gusA) were used to study medium dependent expression of both ¥pnP and ¥prtM promoters. The ß-glucuronidase.assays and the quantitative Northern blot analysis showed that activities of PpnP and VpnM promoters are controlled by casitone at the transcriptional level but their regulation is occurring in different manner. When the ¥prtP promoter controlled the gusA gene expression, the ß-glucuronidase activity was gradually decreasing with increase of casitone in the growth medium (0.1% to 2%). In the case of the ¥ pnM promoter the regulation is not that strong as in the case of the ¥ prtP promoter. Higher concentrations of casitone present in CDM had an inhibitory effect on the ¥pnM promoter but there is no linear correlation. Deletion analysis of regulatory region of the prt genes revealed that all information needed for full activity and regulation of the ¥ prtM promoter is retained within 180-bp region that contains both the PortP and P^^promoters sequences. The influence of nucleotide sequence context on the DNA bending was investigated. Gel mobility experiments are used together with the computer-assisted prediction of a putative DNA bending. Computer-assisted prediction of the DNA bending showed that the region upstream of the —35 and -10 regions of the ¥prtP promoter contains a putative center of the bending. Gel mobility experiments revealed that the PCR fragment of 350 bp containing intact regulatory region is curved, the retardation value (R) was 1.2 in the absence of the MgCl2 and 1.4 in the presence of the MgCl2. Shorter PCR fragment (270 bp) containing both prt promoters is also curved, R were 1.1 and 1.5 in the absence and presence of MgCl2, respectively. A knockout of a putative regulatory gene, prtR, was done by insertion of the plasmid pG+host9::IS.S7 into chromosome of the strain Lactococcus lactis NZ9000. There was no the ß-glucuronidase activity controlled by ¥prtP promoter in the knock-out strain. The results indicates that a putative regulatory gene could be an activator

    Function of narrative in poems of Lyrical ballads by William Wordsworth

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    Doktorska disertacija Funkcija naracije u pesmama Lirskih balada Williama Wordswortha bavi se naratološkim pristupom poeziji, a kroz naratološku analizu reprezentativnih pesama iz Lirskih balada utvrđuje osobenosti kako narativnih postupaka koje William Wordsworth primenjuje, tako i međusobnih odnosa u koje narativno i lirsko stupaju unutar jedne pesme. Budući da je reč o pristupu u kojem se vrši prekoračivanje žanrovskih granica, bilo je najpre neophodno uspostaviti adekvatan analitički model sačinjen od pojmova i procedura jedne discipline, a zatim ga aplicirati na materijal kojim se obično bavi druga disciplina. Otuda je u radu preuzeto iscrpno preispitivanje kako teorije žanrova – koja utvrđuje podele i granice – tako i naratologije u onom domenu u kojem se, naročitim određenjem pojma narativnosti, otvara mogućnost transžanrovskih analiza...In doctoral dissertation Functions of Narrative in Poems of Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth narratological approach to poetry is assumed, and narratological analysis of representative poems of Lyrical Ballads is set to determine Wordsworth’s narrative procedures, as well as the interrelation of narrative and lyric within a poem. Since the approach is subversive concerning limits of the domain – generic in this case – establishing an adequate analytical model of concepts and procedures pertaining to the discipline is compulsory for its application to the material of the other discipline. Therefore, it has been performed an elaborate research of genre theory – entitled for setting the limits and classification – as well as narratology in the fraction which, by employing certain definitions of narrativity, opens up to a possibility of trespassing..

    SMAD4-201 transcript as a putative biomarker in colorectal cancer

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    Background: Transcripts with alternative 5'-untranslated regions (UTRs) result from the activity of alternative promoters and they can determine gene expression by influencing its stability and translational efficiency, thus executing complex regulation of developmental, physiological and pathological processes. Transcriptional regulation of human SMAD4, a key tumor suppressor deregulated in most gastrointestinal cancers, entails four alternative promoters. These promoters and alternative transcripts they generate remain unexplored as contributors to the SMAD4 deregulation in cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the relative abundance of the transcript SMAD4-201 in colorectal cell lines and tissues in order to establish if its fluctuations may be associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: Relative abundance of SMAD4-201 in total SMAD4 mRNA was analyzed using quantitative PCR in a set of permanent human colon cell lines and tumor and corresponding healthy tissue samples from patients with CRC. Results: The relative abundance of SMAD4-201 in analyzed cell lines varied between 16 and 47%. A similar relative abundance of SMAD4-201 transcript was found in the majority of analyzed human tumor tissue samples, and it was averagely 20% lower in non-malignant in comparison to malignant tissue samples (p = 0.001). Transcript SMAD4-202 was not detectable in any of the analyzed samples, so the observed fluctuations in the composition of SMAD4 transcripts can be attributed to transcripts other than SMAD4-201 and SMAD4-202. Conclusion: The expression profile of SMAD4-201 in human tumor and non-tumor tissue samples may indicate the translational potential of this molecule in CRC, but further research is needed to clarify its usability as a potential biomarker for early diagnosis

    Characterisation of natural isolate Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29, a strain producing bacteriocin IS29 and cell wall-associated proteinase

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    Soj Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29 je prirodni izolat iz sira proizvedenog u domaćinstvu koji proizvodi bakteriocin IS29 i proteinazu PI-tipa. Rezultati dobijeni biohemijskom karakterizacijom bakteriocina IS29 sugerišu da on pripada klasi II bakteriocina. DNK-DNK hibridizacija i PFGE analiza su pokazali da su geni za proteinazu i proizvodnju bakteriocina locirani na različitim genetičkim elem- entima. Proizvodila proteinaze coja BGIS29 i bakteriocina IS29 zavise od koncentracije kazitona u medijumu za rast bakterija. Veće koncentracije kazitona imaju inhibitorni efekat na aktivnost proteinaze. Nasuprot tome, proizvodila bakteriocina IS29 je izraženija u medijumu koji sadrži veće koncentracije kazitona.Strain Lactacoccus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29, a natural isolate from homemade cheese produces the bacteriocin IS29 and the Pi-type proteinase. The results obtained by biochemical characterization of bacteriocin IS29 suggest that it belongs to class II of bacteriocins. The DNA-DNA hybridization and PFGE analysis showed that the genes for proteinase and bacteriocin production are located on separate genetic elements. Production of the proteinase of BGIS29 and the bacteriocin IS29 depend on the concentration of casitone in medium. Higher concentrations of casitone expressed an inhibitory effect on the proteinase activity. In contrast, production of bacteriocin IS29 was more pronounced in medium containing high casitone concentrations

    An Example for Integrated Knowledge

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    Augmented reality (AR) technologies offer new ways for presenting cultural heritage. As a technology platform and interaction style, AR is still in its infancy. Many applications are mere proof-of-concept rather than robust solutions integrat-ed into museums’ existence. But this does not diminish its potential for creating engaging and meaningful experiences for visitors. AR may have been overhyped to begin with but we are now entering a more serious phase during which its useful-ness will become evident. A new concept of mobile application based on AR is developed using the visitors’ smartphones and tablets. Instead investing in expen-sive hardware, museums strategies for modernization include software application and online database which are part of an automated self-aware guide

    Priming seeds-method for increasing the germination of soybean seeds under drought stress conditions

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    Drought is one of the most important factors limiting the successful production of cultivated plants. One of the most sensitive stage to the water deficit in plants is seed germination. There are various methods of pre-sowing treatments that aim to reduce the negative impact of drought stress and improve seed germination. One of them is priming seeds. The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of priming seeds in solutions - KNO3 (1%), ascorbic acid - AsA (100 mgl-1) and potassium chloride KCl (1%) on the reduction of the negative effect of drought stress. The effect of drought stress was simulated using different concentrations of PEG 6000 (0 (control), -0.30, -0.51, -0.80 MPa). The results of the research showed that with the increase of water deficiency, the effect of priming seeds is greater. At the water potential of the solution of -0.30 MPa, germination energy and seed germination increased on average by 6.77% and 5.08%, while at the water potential of the solution of -0.80 MPa, the increase was 19.28% and 16.75%, respectively. Also, priming seeds significantly reduced the intensity of lipid peroxidation and the content of free proline. From all the above, it can be concluded that priming of seeds is a method that can serve to improve the germination of soybean seeds in conditions of drought stress.Suša je jedan od najvažnijih faktora koji ograničava uspešnu proizvodnju kulturnih biljaka. Jedna od najosetljivijih faza na nedostatak vode kod biljaka je klijanje semena. Postoje razne metode odnosno predsetveni tretmani koj imaju cilj da smanje negativan uticaj nedostatka vode i poboljšaju klijanje semena. Jedan od njih je potapanje semena. Cilj ovog eksperimenta bio je da se ispita uticaj potapanja semena u rastvore - KNO3 (1%), askorbinsku kiselinu - AsA (100mgl-1) i kalijum hlorid KCl (1%) na smanjenje negativnog uticaja suše. Dejstvo suše simulirano je primenom različitih koncentracija PEG-a 6000 (0 (kontrola), -0,30, -0,51, -0,80 MPa). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je sa povećanjem nedostatka vode efekat potapanja semena veći. Pri vodnom potencijalu rastvora od -0,30 MPa enerija klijanja i klijavost semena povećani su, u proseku, za 6,77% odnosno 5,08% dok je pri vodnom potencijalu rastvora od - 0,80 MPa povećanje iznosilo 19,28% odnosno 16,75%. Takođe, potapanje semena značajno je smanjilo intenzitet lipidne peroksiacije i sadržaj slobodnog prolina. Iz svega navedenog može se zaključiti da je potapanje semena metod koji može da poboljša klijanje semena soje u uslovima suše