82 research outputs found

    The Investigation of E-beam Deposited Titanium Dioxide and Calcium Titanate Thin Films

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    Thin titanium dioxide and calcium titanate films were deposited using electron beam evaporation technique. The substrate temperature during the deposition was changed from room temperature to 600 °C to test its influence on TiO2 film formation and optical properties. The properties of CaTiO3 were investigated also. For the evaluation of the structural properties the formed thin ceramic films were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Optical properties of thin TiO2 ceramics were investigated using optical spectroscope and the experimental data were collected in the ultraviolet-visible and near-infrared ranges with a step width of 1 nm. Electrical properties were investigated by impedance spectroscopy.It was found that substrate temperature has influence on the formed thin films density. The density increased when the substrate temperature increased. Substrate temperature had influence on the crystallographic, structural and optical properties also. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ms.19.3.1805</p

    Modified graphene sheet stacks for hydrogen binding

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    Results are partially obtained using infrastructure of Lithuanian Energy Institute with support of COST Action MP1103 “Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage”. Latvian National Research program IMIS2 is greatly acknowledged for financial supportGraphene sheet stacks were obtained using electrochemical exfoliation method. The morphology, distribution of elements and structure of the obtained samples were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller methods. The graphene sheet stacks mostly have been formed with open stack structures having surface area of 124 m2/g. Mg intercalation in graphene sheet structures was obtained adding MgCl2 during exfoliation process. Hydrogen desorption were measured in the temperature range 100 – 473 K at the pressure 2 bar reaching maximal desorbed hydrogen amount of 0.12 – 0.43 wt.%.European Cooperation in Science and Technology MP1103; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Koks turėtų būti taikomas teisinis reguliavimas energijos saugojimo technologijoms, siekiant pilnai integruoti atsinaujinančius energijos šaltinius į energetikos rinką?

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    Renewable energy technologies can play main role in future energy systems. Most of these technologies could be considered as green and can be easily installed for domestic and industrial use. Unfortunately renewable energy sources are unstable in theirs nature and usually it is impossible to use them without energy storage systems in between generation source and end - user. Potential role of renewable energy technologies to contribute to low carbon EU energy and transport system is recognized by EU policy-makers and described in A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050, Energy roadmap 2050, SET-Plan , Transport White paper , Proposal for directive Alternative Fuels infrastructure and Directive of 2009 on the Promotion of the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources. All these documents serve as basis for current EU energy policy and the basic rules for introduction, maintenance and promotion of renewable energy in the Member States. Unfortunately, energy storage subject is quite new for EU policy makers. There is only European Commission DG ENER Working paper on energy storage which describes current situation and challenges. It envisages that the main challenge for energy storage development is economic. However importance of regulatory framework is pointed out and how the regulatory framework could be adjusted to integrate storage better in the supply chain described in details. The importance of energy storage technologies is widely recognized among politicians and members of G8 nations. According to theirs request International Energy Agency prepared Roadmap for the Energy Storage technologies for up to the year 2050. Some countries (USA, Germany etc.) also recognize importance of energy storage for renewables integration and developed unique regulatory instruments for energy storage technologies. Unfortunately there is no well described regulatory framework for energy storage technologies in Lithuania. The main objectives of this work is related to analysis of the legal regulatory framework for energy storage technologies worldwide with the determination of which energy policy and regulatory instruments serves best for integration of renewable energy sources into energy market. The work concentrates on Germany and USA cases on energy storage and EU experience on promotion of energy storage technologies. Join EU and USA initiatives also investigated. Lots of efforts were dedicated in order to understand limiting factors for renewable energy and energy storage technologies integration into energy market. The legal regulatory framework for energy storage technologies in Lithuania discussed in details.Atsinaujinantys energijos šaltiniai gali tapti labiausiai paplitusiomisenergijos generavimo technologijomis ateities energetikos technologijų sistemose. Daugelis iš šių technologijų gali būti laikomos aplinkai draugiškomis ir gali būti lengvai panaudojamos tiek namų ūkiams tiek pramonei. Nepaisant visų privalumų, atsinaujinantys energijos šaltiniai yra nepastovūs ir paprastai juos sunku sėkmingai panaudoti be tarpinių energijos saugojimo sistemų. Atsinaujinančių energijos šaltinių galimybė turėti esminės įtakos siekiant Europos Sąjungos tikslų mažinant CO2 emisiją yra plačiai pripažinta ES politikų ir aprašyta šiuose dokumentuose: „Konkurencingos mažo anglies dioksido kiekio technologijų ekonomikos sukūrimo iki 2050 m. planas”, „Energijos kelrodis 2050”, „Strateginių energetikos technologijų planas”, „Transporto baltoji knyga”, „Pasiūlymai alternatyvaus kuro infrastruktūros direktyvai” ir „2009 m. direktyva dėl skatinimo naudoti atsinaujinančių išteklių energiją”. Visi šie dokumentai yra ES energetikos politikos pagrindas ir aprašo kaip sėkmingai taikyti, palaikyti ir paremti atsinaujinančios energetikos technologijas šalyse narėse. Deja, energijos saugojimo technologijos yra mažai žinomos technologijos ES politikams. Yra tik vienas dokumentas ES „DG ENER Working paper”, skirtas energijos saugojimui, kuriame yra analizuojama dabartinė technologijų padėtis ir pagrindiniai taikymo iššūkiai. Atkreipiamas dėmesys,kad pagrindiniai saugojimo iššūkiai yra susiję su ekonominiais faktoriais. Taip pat pažymima teisinio reguliavimo susijusio su saugojimo technologijų įvedimo į rinką svarba. Energijos saugojimo svarba yra plačiai pripažinta G8 šalių politikų. Atsižvelgiant į šių šalių politikųkreipimąsi Tarptautinė energetikos agentūra parengė specialų dokumentą „Roadmap for the Energy Storage technologies for up to the year 2050”. Kai kurios šalys (JAV, Vokietyje) taip pat pripažįsta energijos saugojimo technologijų, skirtų atsinaujinančioms energijos technologijoms svarbą. Siekiant kuo labiau integruoti šias technologijas į energetikos rinką šiose šalyse yra sukurti unikalūs teisinio reguliavimo instrumentai. Deja, nėra pakankamo teisinio reguliavimo, skirto energijos saugojimo technologijų integravimui Lietuvoje Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti energijos saugojimo technologijų teisinio reguliavimo aplinką pasaulyje, siekiant suprasti kokie teisiniai instrumentai leidžia geriausiai integruoti šias technologijas į energetikos rinką, tuo pačiu didinant atsinaujinančių energijos technologijų panaudojimą. Darbe ypatingas dėmesys yra skiriamas Vokietijos ir JAV patirties integruojant energijos saugojimo technologijas analizei. Aptariama ES politika paremiant energijos saugojimo technologijas. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas identifikuoti pagrindinius atsinaujinančios energetikos ir energijos saugojimo technologijų plėtrą ribojančius faktorius. Darbe yra aptariamaenergijos saugojimo technologijų teisinio reguliavimo situacija Lietuvos energetikos rinkoje.Teisės fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Synthesis of Mg(AlH4)(2) in bilayer Mg/Al thin films under plasma immersion hydrogen ion implantation and thermal desorption processes

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    The behavior of hydrogen in Mg/Al bilayer films introduced by 1 kV pulsed hydrogen plasma immersion ion implantation has been studied. The changes in structure and composition of hydrogenated films were analyzed by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy, Xray diffraction (XRD) technique and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The XRD studies show that samples implanted to saturation at temperature below 370 K exhibit nanocrystalline magnesium alanate, Mg(AlH4)(2), which is potential hydrogen storage material. The hydrogenated films demonstrate homogeneous distribution of matrix elements and hydrogen across their thickness. The thin 3-5 nm thick layer of the natural Al2O3 oxide protects magnesium alanate from the direct contact with air. The correlation between the effusion of implanted hydrogen and the evolution of surface morphology was studied by the thermal desorption plasma spectroscopy and SEM. In 400-600 K temperature region there is only a weak effusion of hydrogen because the surface oxide layer is not permeable. SEM analysis reveals bubbles at a temperature of 500 K and the increase of their number density and size up to a temperature of similar to 575 K. The major part of hydrogen effuses at similar to 640 K. The effusion process has an activation energy of 1.85 +/- 0.05 eV which is very close to the activation energy for hydrogen diffusion in gamma -Al2O3. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reservedLietuvos energetikos institutas, [email protected] Didžiojo universiteta

    Hydrogen storage in Mg-based nanocrystalline metal hydrides

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    In this paper, attention in focused on the nanostructured magnesium films for hydrogen storage.It is shown that 2um thick Mg film is transformed into MgH2 film under highflux and fluence hydrogen plasma immersion ion implantation at 450K for 15min. All hydrogen desorbs around 530K temperature, which corresponds to the decomposition of MgH2 Mg+H2. The Mg-based hydrides compounds are too stable for practical applications and can be destabilized by adding small amount of transition metals (Ti, V, Ni).The results provide new aspects of hydriding of thin nanocrystalline film materials under highly nonequalibrium conditions on the surface and destabilization oh hydrides using additivesLietuvos energetikos instituta

    Hydrogen storage in Mg-based nanocrystalline metal hydrides

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    In this paper, attention in focused on the nanostructured magnesium films for hydrogen storage.It is shown that 2um thick Mg film is transformed into MgH2 film under highflux and fluence hydrogen plasma immersion ion implantation at 450K for 15min. All hydrogen desorbs around 530K temperature, which corresponds to the decomposition of MgH2 Mg+H2. The Mg-based hydrides compounds are too stable for practical applications and can be destabilized by adding small amount of transition metals (Ti, V, Ni).The results provide new aspects of hydriding of thin nanocrystalline film materials under highly nonequalibrium conditions on the surface and destabilization oh hydrides using additivesLietuvos energetikos instituta

    Study of redox processes in water vapour plasma treated titanium films

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    Fizikos katedraLietuvos energetikos institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Vandenilio išskyrimo iš vandens garų būdas

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    Paraiškos Nr. 2010 100; paraiškos padavimo data 2010 11 12; patento Nr. LT 5852 BIšradimas skirtas vandenilio energetikos technologijoms ir konkrečiai, vandenilio gavybos iš vandens būdui. Šio išradimo būdas skiriasi tuo, kad vandens molekulių skaldymas vyksta plazminės joninės implantacijos būdu. Tai pasiekiama formuojant plazmą vandens garų ir inertinių dujų (Ar ar He) mišinyje prie 1-5 Pa slėgio, iš kurios, suteikiant membranai impulsinį neigiamą potencialą (500-1000 eV) plazmos potencialo atžvilgiu, ištraukiami, greitinami ir nukreipiami į membraną molekuliniai jonai, savo sudėtyje turintys vandenilio atomus. Molekuliniai jonai skyla membranos paviršiniame sluoksnyje, kurio storis neviršija 10 nm, į juos sudarančius atomus ir Iokalizuojasi gardelės tarpmazgiuose. Dėl skirtingų vandenilio ir deguonies atomų difuzijos koeficientų membranos medžiagoje vyksta jų erdvinis atskyrimas, deguonies atomai kaupiasi membranos paviršiuje, o vandenilio atomai juda išilgai visos membranos ir ją palieka kitoje jos pusėje, sudarydami vandenilio molekulesFizikos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta