30 research outputs found


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    This article is a continuation of previously published articles. This paper briefly describes the positive and negative qualities of asymmetric gearing from the point of view of loading conditions applied at the gearset, and the development and latest update of the software for designing this special involute gearing. The precise profile of the manufacturing tool is also described. All display options, and the option of gear mesh animation using this program, is shown. All equations necessary for the gearing geometry description, and a special approach with respect to x-shift coefficients distribution, are also mentioned in this paper

    Energy Security and the Blackout Issue

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na energetickou bezpečnost a nebezpečí blackoutu v ČR. Součástí práce je vymezení základních pojmů v oblasti bezpečnosti a kritické infrastruktury. Energetická bezpečnost je zkoumána z obecného hlediska a se zaměřením na ČR. Základním nástrojem pro zhodnocení energetické bezpečnosti a připravenosti podniků ČR na blackout je dotazníkové šetření respondentů a následné zkoumání vztahů mezi výsledky dotazování. Dalším nástrojem pro zhodnocení energetické bezpečnosti ČR a připravenosti země na blackout je zkoumání strategických dokumentů.This thesis focuses on energy security and threat of blackout in Czech Republic Definition of basic terms related to security and critical infrastructure is part of the thesis. Energy security is examineted from general perspective and with the focus on the Czech Republic. An essential tool for evaluating energy security and preparedness of companies for possible blackout is survey of respondents and following examination of relationships between the results of polling. Another tool for assessing the energy security of the Czech Republic and the country's readiness for the blackout is investigation of strategic documents.Ústav regionálních a bezpečnostních vědV bakalářské práci chybí  souhrnné zhodnocení poznatků vzealých z dotazníkového aetření, pokuste se jej alespoň stručně naformulovat. V kapitole 3.1.1 se věnujete elektrárnám na území ČR. Jaký je ve vztahu k energetické bezpečnosti Váa názor na jadernou energetiku, její současnost a budoucnost v České republice? Jaký je význam jaderných elektráren v České republice? Jak by se postupovalo v případě blackoutu v nemocnicích

    Possibilities of using selected logistics technologies and methods in the chosen company

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    This bachelor thesis investigates possibilities of using selected logistics technologies and methods in the manufacturing company Meta Skladovací Technika, s.r.o. It is focused on the material and information flows, including analysis of key factors for successful implementation of selected technologies and logistics management approaches. In the thesis are used data obtained through structured interviews, direct participant observation and data processing from the operating records of enterprise applications. The work describes the processes within the investigated subject before the introduction of selected approaches and after their introduction, including a comparison of relevant indicators. Carrying out the research, it was found that some of the logistics activities in the organization do not run optimally. Generated solutions recommend the introduction of a number of logistics methods, which lead to lower costs and increase the competitiveness and profitability of the company

    Variabilita molekulární diversity a proteinové struktury Toll-like receptorů v populacích galapážských drozdců

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    Fragmentation of populations and habitat loss is a hallmark of ongoing 6th mass extinction, and in terms of conservation genetics, it is necessary to understand the changes that it entails. It is essential to understand the impact of population size on the variability of the immune genes for the future in conservation genetics. In order to better understand genetic variability, it is not enough to analyze DNA sequences only, but focus on functional protein variability. This paper examines the physiochemical properties and structures of the individual haplotypes of Toll-like receptors in allopatric populations of Galapagos mockingbirds (Mimus sp.). Toll-like receptors play a key role in the immune system, where they form the link between innate and adaptive immune responses, by the detection of pathogens. The data in this work reveal the variability of their diversity across the small Galapagos populations and the large continental populations of the northern mockingbird (M. polyglottos). Comparison of heterozygosity of populations revealed that the proportion of heterozygotes is smaller in galapagos populations than in the continental population. This suggests a greater impact of diversifying selection in the continental population, or a reduction in genetic variability in Galapagos populations due to founder effect and smaller population size. In addition to the description of genetic diversity, the physiochemical properties of the discovered haplotypes were described, the structures of all TLR1B, TLR4 and TLR15 haplotypes were modeled and compared

    Analysis of Corporate Culture of Non-for-Profit Organization

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    This graduation thesis is considered with an analysis of corporate culture at non-for-profit organization. Present knowledge about corporate culture and methodical procedure of analysis of corporate culture in general are summarized at the theoretical part. Corporate culture of particular non-for-profit organization at stage of transformation is analyze at the practical part. There are described differences between corporate culture of commercial and non-for-profit organization. Final goal is to propose a procedure of turnover of corporate culture so the organization should get a competitive advantage

    Comparison of Global Fintech Companies and Banks

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    Bakalářská práce zkoumá aktuální vzestup finančních technologií a patřičné společnosti analyzuje a porovnává s bankovními institucemi. Stěžejní část a přínos práce je zhodnocení růstového potenciálu finančních technologií a nastínění možného vývoje finančního trhu v budoucích letech. První část práce definuje termín „Fintech“ a následně staví teoretické základy pro analýzu společností. Analýza je tvořena několika částmi, jejichž struktura je koncipována tak, aby bylo možné provést srovnání institucí na první pohled velmi vzdálených. Finální část této práce, komparace Fintech společností a bank, odhaluje slabiny bankovního sektoru a naproti tomu obrovskou převahu finančních technologií v určitých relevantních aspektech. Vzniká hrozba pro bankovní systém v jeho klasickém pojetí, přičemž budoucnost nabízí dva scénáře. Jednotlivé bankovní domy se buď adaptují na nové podmínky na trhu nebo v krajním případě hrozí jejich zánik.This bachelor thesis discusses the current trend of thriving Fintech companies and analyses the respective institutions. The purpose of the thesis and the outcome would be to valorise the growth potential of Fintech and to outline the possible evolution of financial markets over the next years. The first part defines the term “Fintech” and furthermore lays out a theoretical background indispensable for the analysis of the companies. The analysis comprises of several parts which are compiled to allow further comparison of, at first glance, entirely different institutions. The final part of the thesis, the comparison of Fintech companies and Banks, reveals weaknesses of the banking industry and a vast superiority of Fintech companies over banks in particular relevant aspects. A considerable threat to the banking system emerges on the market, which leaves us with two scenarios. Banks either have to adapt to the newly set market conditions or at worst banks could even disappear from the financial market

    Novel Agonists of the Juvenile Hormone Signaling

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    Juvenile hormone (JH) plays a key role in insect development. In larval stage, JH prevents the insect to metamorphose. While JH is unique to arthropods and absent from vertebrates, it represents potential tool for insect control. Combination of cell-based assay and high-throughput screening enabled to find candidate JH agonists (JHags) that activate JH signaling via juvenile hormone receptor (JHR). This thesis aims to elucidate the effect of these JHags on three evolutionary distinct insect species in vivo and possible selectivity of the JHags for individual insect species in vitro. In addition, we provide evidence that JHR from hemimetabolous species Blattella germanica and Prorhinotermes simplex binds JH in vitro. This thesis provides useful findings and tools for development of new JHags that could be selective for particular insect taxa

    Empirical Analysis of Perpetuity Growth Rate Predictive Methods

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje empirickému ověření funkčnosti vybraných standardně využívaných modelů a metod pro predikci dlouhodobého tempa růstu v rámci perpetuitních modelů. Cílem této práce je vybrané metody komplexně zhodnotit a doporučit postup pro stanovení dlouhodobého tempa růstu. Pro splnění těchto cílů byla použita celá škála nástrojů, přičemž se jedná zejména o základní statistické metody, grafickou ilustraci a vysvětlení jevů a kvalitativní analýzu. Úvodní část práce shrnuje teoretické základy stanovení dlouhodobého tempa růstu v rámci perpetuitních modelů a popisu standardně používané metody predikce. Dále pokračuje práce empirickou analýzou predikčních metod. Analyzované metody jsou regresní analýza, dlouhodobé průměry a pomocný poměrový ukazatel, převzetí odhadu a test poučky profesora Damodarana. Veškeré analýzy byly provedeny s důrazem na aplikaci v českém prostředí. Následující část práce shrnuje stěžejní výsledky analýz a formuluje doporučení pro oceňovatele, a to jednak z hlediska použití jednotlivých metod, a také z hlediska postupu pro základní odvětví.The thesis is focused on the empirical verification of the functionality of selected commonly used models and methods for the prediction of terminal long-term growth rates used in perpetuity models. The objective of this thesis is to comprehensively evaluate the selected methods and recommend an approach for determining the long-term growth rate. A variety of tools have been used to accomplish these objectives, including basic statistical methods, graphical illustration and explanation of observed phenomena, and qualitative analysis. The introductory part of the thesis summarizes the theoretical foundations of the long-term growth rate estimation in perpetuity models and describes commonly used prediction methods. The thesis then proceeds with an empirical analysis of the prediction methods. The methods analyzed are regression analysis, long-run averages and an auxiliary ratio, adoption of an external forecast, and a test of Professor Damodaran's theorem. All analyses have been performed with emphasis on application in the Czech environment. The following section of the thesis summarizes the main results of the analyses and presents recommendations, both in terms of the application of each method and in terms of the approach for the underlying industry