136 research outputs found

    On the Seiberg-Witten map of N=2{\cal N}=2 SYM theory in Non(anti)commutative Harmonic Superspace

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    We consider N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory in a nonanticommutative N=2{\cal N}=2 harmonic superspace with the singlet deformation. We generalize analytic superfield and gauge parameter to the nonanticommutative theory so that gauge transformations act on the component fields in a canonical form (Seiberg-Witten map). This superfield, upon a field redefinition transforms under supersymmetry in a standard way.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Deformed Supersymmetry in Non(anti)commutative N=2 Supersymmetric U(1) Gauge Theory

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    We study N=2 supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory in non(anti)commutative N=2 harmonic superspace with the chirality preserving non-singlet deformation parameter. By solving the Wess-Zumino gauge preserving conditions for the analytic superfield, we construct the deformed N=(1,0) supersymmetry transformation for component fields up to the first order in the deformation parameter.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    L'impact de la pédagogie de l'enseignant et du milieu familial sur la vie physique de l'enfant (Une approche conative de l'éducation à la santé chez les professeurs des écoles)

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    Cette recherche a pour objet de mesurer l'impact de la pédagogie de l'enseignant et celui du milieu familial sur la vie physique de l'élève, afin de repérer des modalités d'intervention en éducation à la santé notamment par la mobilisation de l'EPS. L'originalité de ce travail est d'appréhender la domination d'une influence sur une autre, conscient que l'enfant est au carrefour de nombre d'entres elles. Le cadre conceptuel repose sur l'approche conative (ce qui pousse à agir) et la construction d'un curriculum conatif en éducation à la santé comme référentiel des analyses et interprétations. À partir d'un observable identifié (le recours aux projets pluridisciplinaires en éducation à la santé, incluant l'EPS), qui caractérise l'appartenance aux étapes élevées du curriculum, nous montrons que l'influence du professeur est limitée dans le cas où ses élèves sont issus de familles totalement non sportives, ou extrêmement sportives. En revanche, pour les jeunes issus de familles modérément sportives, en fonction de l'étape conative dans laquelle se situe le professeur, on constate que son impact est directement quantifiable en termes de développement de la vie physique des élèves. Le développement de la vie physique est l'une des nombreuses composantes de l'éducation à la santé que nous avons retenue dans cette recherche. Cette thèse amène donc l'enseignant à réfléchir, situer et proposer des actions à mettre en œuvre pour toucher efficacement les familles plutôt insensibles à l'éducation à la santé. Elle permet également d'observer des pratiques efficaces auprès d'un public modérément sportif.This research aims to measure the impact of both teacher's pedagogy and family environment over the student physical life, in order to find some means of action in terms of health education, especially through the use of sports at school. The originality of this research lies in the apprehension of the domination of one given influence on another one, keeping in mind that the child is at the crossroad of many of them. The conceptual framework is based on the conative approach (what makes you act) and the construction of a conative curriculum in the field of health education as a system of reference of the analyses and interpretations. Starting from a defined observable phenomenon (the use of health education multidisciplinary projects, includind sports at school), which is a feature of the final steps of the curriculum, we prove that the influence of the teacher is limited when his students come from either non-athletic families or extremely athletic families. On the other hand, for young people coming from moderately athletic families, and depending on the current teacher's conative step, we note that his impact is directly quantifiable in terms of development of the physical life of the students. The development of the physical life is one of the numerous components of the health education that we have chosen during this research. This thesis invites the teacher to think, place, and propose some actions to implement in order to effectively reach families that are rather insensible to health education. It also gives the opportunity to examine some effective practices towards a moderately sporting audience.DUNKERQUE-SCD-Bib.electronique (591839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A conative educational model for an intervention program in obese youth

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    Background Obesity in children has increased in recent years throughout the world and is associated with adverse health consequences. Early interventions, including appropriate pedagogy strategies, are important for a successful intervention program. The aim of this study was to assess changes in body mass index, the ability to perform sport activities, behavior in the classroom and academic performance following one year of a health-wellness intervention program in obese youth. Methods The CEMHaVi program included 37 obese children (19 girls and 18 boys). Participants received an intervention program consisting of physical activity and health education. Assessment included body mass index, academic performance, classroom performance and ability to perform sport activities. Paired t tests were used to assess the effects of intervention, and chi square was used to assess inter-action between measures. Results Findings of the study suggest significant decrease in Z scores of Body Mass Index and an improvement of academic performance, classroom behavior and the ability to perform sport activities (p \u3c 0.05). Chi square testing showed significant positive inter-actions between body mass index, classroom behavior and academic performance. Conclusions Results following year one of CEMHaVi showed that a program of physical activity and health education had positive effects on obesity, behavior in the classroom and the ability to perform sport activities in obese adolescents. Significant inter-action in changes between variables was observed. Findings are important for designing intervention models to improve health in obese youth

    Comparison of two ActiGraph accelerometer generations in the assessment of physical activity in free living conditions.

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    International audienceUNLABELLED: ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare physical activity measured using GT1M ActiGraph and GT3X ActiGraph accelerometers in free living conditions. FINDINGS: Twenty-five adults wore GT1M and GT3X Actigraph accelerometers simultaneously during a typical weekday of activity. Data were uploaded from the monitor to a computer at the end of test (one day). Previously established thresholds were used for defining time spent at each level of physical activity, physical activity was assessed at varying intensities comparing data from the two accelerometers by ANOVA and Bland and Altman statistical analysis. The concordance correlation coefficient between accelerometers at each intensity level was 0.99. There were no significant differences between accelerometers at any of the activity levels. Differences between data obtained in minutes with the GT1M accelerometer and the GT3X monitor were to 0.56, 0.36, 0.52 and 0.44% for sedentary, light, moderate and vigorous, respectively. The Bland and Altman method showed good agreement between data obtained for the two accelerometers. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that the two accelerometers provided similar results and therefore the GT3X may be used in clinical and epidemiological studies without additional calibration or validation studies

    La culture du handicap peut-elle être une culture du métissage ?

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    La notion de métissage peut-elle éclairer celle de culture du handicap ? Il faut pour cela reprendre sa trajectoire. C’est d’abord la stigmatisation et l’exclusion qui sont à l’origine du regroupement des personnes handicapées, et par là de leur identité, de leur culture. Si la revendication du groupe constitué est de faire valoir son droit à l’indifférence, elle est paradoxalement aussi celle du droit à la différence. C’est d’ailleurs cette différence qui sera d’abord reconnue par le droit même, avant de fonder l’illégitime et les mesures pour y faire face. Penser ainsi le handicap c’est penser la lutte contre toutes les discriminations. Cela pourrait constituer un préalable au métissage culturel, à condition toutefois que les solutions proposées ne renforcent pas les stigmates originels et leur classification.Can the concept of interbreeding highlight the culture of the handicap ? It is necessary, in this case, to take again its trajectory. It is initially the stigmatization and the exclusion which are at the origin of the regrouping of the handicapped people, and by there, their identity and their culture. If the claim of the group is to take advantage of its right to the indifference, it is paradoxically also the right to the difference. It is besides this difference which will be initially recognized by the law, before founding the illegitimate and measurements to face there. To think the handicap thus is to think the fight against all discriminations. That could constitute a precondition to the cultural interbreeding, in condition however that the solutions suggested do not reinforce the original marks and their classification

    Validation of the Vivago Wrist-Worn accelerometer in the assessment of physical activity

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    BACKGROUND: Most accelerometers are worn around the waist (hip or lower back) to assess habitual physical activity. Wrist-worn accelerometers may be an alternative to the waist-worn monitors and may improve compliance in studies with prolonged wear. The aim of this study was to validate the Vivago® Wrist-Worn Accelerometer at various intensities of physical activity (PA) in adults. METHODS: Twenty-one healthy adults aged 20–34 years were recruited for the study. Accelerometer data and oxygen uptake (VO(2)) were measured at sedentary, light, moderate and vigorous levels of PA. RESULTS: Activity categories and accelerometer counts were: sedentary, 0–15 counts·min(−1); light, 16–40 counts·min(−1); moderate, 41–85 counts·min(−1); and vigorous activity, >; 85 counts·min(−1). ANOVA repeated measures was used to determine the relationship between accelerometry data output and oxygen consumption (r = .89; p <; .001). The Bland and Altman method showed good agreement in the assessment of energy expenditure between the indirect calorimetry and the data obtained by the accelerometer. CONCLUSIONS: Results of the study suggest that the Vivago® wrist-worn accelerometer is a valid measure of PA at varying levels of intensity. The study has also defined threshold values at 4 intensities and hence te Vivago® accelerometer may be used to quantify PA in free living conditions among adults. This device has possible application in treating a variety of important health concerns

    Corps et exclusion : la redynamisation du sujet handicapé - chômeur

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    Au cours de stages "d'orientation et d'adaptation à l'emploi" de travailleurs handicapés, chômeurs de longue durée, une intervention spécifique sur le CORPS semble avoir ouvert la voie à une redynamisation des sujets. Cette intervention a induit de nouveaux modèles, rejetant provisoirement les traditionnelles formations professionnelles qualifiantes, au profit de tout ce qui pousse le sujet à agir, et notamment la restauration d'un sentiment de compétence, une déculpabilisation, et un engagement autonome. Cette méthode a conduit ces personnes à un véritable reconditionnement à l'effort tant physique que sociétal. Il faut toutefois relativiser les succès de la réinsertion au regard des profils psychosociologiques qui président à des stratégies singulières, parfois subtiles, de préservation de soi.During "employment's orientation and adaptation" training periods for disabled workers, long since unemployed, a specific intervention on the body seems to have opened the track to a subjects re-dynamisation process. This intervention has led to new patterns, temporarily throwing away the traditional qualifying professional's formations, in favour of everything which induces the subject to act, and especially the restoration of the self-efficacy, a guilt's obliteration, and a self-governing commitment. This approach has led people to get back into the habit of physical effort as well as societal effort. However, we need to bring a shade of meaning about the reinsertion success according to some psychosociological profiles which are linked with self-protection's specific strategies, sometimes subtle
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