11 research outputs found

    Patterns of bryophyte and vascular plant richness in European subalpine springs

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    The diversity of spring habitats can be determined not only by local environmental conditions, but also by large-scale biogeographical effects. The effects can differ across various groups of organisms. We compared α-, β- and γ-diversity patterns of bryophytes and vascular plants of (sub)alpine springs in three contrasting mountain ranges: Alps (Switzerland), Balkans (Bulgaria), Western Carpathians (Slovakia, Poland). We used univariate and multivariate statistics to test for the effects of pH, conductivity, altitude, slope, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation on diversity patterns of both taxonomic groups and compared diversity patterns among the regions for particular pH and conductivity classes. We identified acidophyte and basiphyte, calcifuge and calcicole species using species response modelling. All regions displayed significant relationship between conductivity and α-diversity of vascular plants. Bulgaria showed the highest α-diversity of vascular plants for the middle part of the conductivity gradient. For both taxonomic groups, the β-diversity in the middle part of gradient was highest in Swiss Alps. The total species pool was lowest in Bulgaria. The percentage of basiphyte and calcicole species was highest in the Alps. In (sub)alpine springs, mineral richness was a better determinant of vascular plant α-diversity than pH, and the extent of the alpine area did not coincide with α-diversity. Observed inter-regional differences in diversity patterns could be explained by the different proportion of limestone bedrock and different biogeographic history. The differences in α-diversity between both taxonomic groups are presumably result of the different rates of adaptation processe

    The annual excursion of the Nordic Bryological Society (NBS) and the Finnish Bryophyte Expert Group to Finnish Lapland in 2019

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    The Nordic Bryological Society held its Annual meeting and excursion from 5 to 9 August 2019 in Sodankylä, Kittilä and Kolari in northern Finland. The excursion was attended by twenty-one participants. Special emphasis was given to boreal aapa mires and their Sphagnum species. A multitude of Sphagnum species typical to the area was encountered. Also, Red Listed species of meso- and eutrophic flark fens were discovered, e.g. Hamatocaulis vernicosus, H. lapponicus, Meesia longiseta, Schistochilopsis grandiretis and Moerckia flotoviana. Sphagnum annulatum, S. flexuosum, S. divinum, Heterogemma laxa and Scapania umbrosa were collected for the first time from Kittilän Lappi biogeographical province. Sphagnum annulatum, S. divinum, Campylium laxifolium, Pohlia sphagnicola, Gymnocolea borealis and Heterogemma laxa were collected for the first time from Sompion Lappi biogeographical province. In total, 54 records of Red Listed species were made.</p

    .Impaired Communication Ability in Premature Infants

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    This Master's thesis deals with the topic of impaired communication skills in premature infants. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part consists of three main chapters devoted to the development of children's speech, premature babies and care for premature babies. The first chapter describes speech and language, the ontogenetic development of speech, language levels in the ontogenesis of speech and impairment of communication skills in childhood. The second chapter defines a premature baby and discusses the most common postpartum complications. The third chapter is devoted to the care of premature babies in the Czech Republic, describes the logopaedic care regarding such children and their prognosis. The practical part is based on the methods of qualitative research. A triangulation of research methods was chosen - document analysis, observation and interview. The main goal was to describe how impaired communication skills are manifested in premature infants. The partial goal was to find out what postpartum complications occur in premature infants. To achieve the goals of the research, five research questions were formulated. Five respondents were included in the survey, namely four boys and one girl. Based on the obtained data, case studies of individual..

    Armenian architecture

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    This dissertation deals with the characteristics of Armenian architecture as a result of specific cultural and geographical conditions of medieval Armenia. The paper shows a basic overview of the Armenian geography, history, language and religion, followed by the chapters describing the development of Armenian architecture from pre-Christian period to the late Middle Ages. Particular attention is paid to the social role of medieval monasteries

    Biology, ecology and invasion characteristics of Campylopus introflexus in the Czech Republic

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    A B S T R A C T Ecological and economic impact of invasive plants to natural ecosystems is the subject of many studies; however, invasive bryophytes have been stud- ied only marginally. Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. is one of the most strongly invasive bryophyte species in Europe. The species appears to be native in the Southern Hemisphere. In Europe, it was collected for the first time in the British Isles in 1941. The moss has expanded eastward and the first collection in the Czech Republic is dated to 1988. This thesis found that more than 70 localities were known known in the Czech Republic in 2006, and more than 100 localities became known by 2011. It has been further demonstrated that the Czech Republic was colonized repeatedly by generative spores and all populations have a unique genetic composition. Genetic variation of the populations is low, the genetic diver- sity of populations within the Czech Republic is not correlated with their geographic position or with any of the monitored environmental variables. At a fine scale within particular localities, the species disperses by vege- tative diaspores, while it uses generative spores for spreading over longer distances. In Central Europe, C. introflexus prefers open coniferous forests, especially plantations of either spruce or pine. It colonizes..

    Strategic analysis of the land district

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    Import 22/11/2006Prezenční115 - Katedra management

    Biologie, ekologie a charakteristiky invaze druhu Campylopus introflexus v České Republice

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    A B S T R A C T Ecological and economic impact of invasive plants to natural ecosystems is the subject of many studies; however, invasive bryophytes have been stud- ied only marginally. Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. is one of the most strongly invasive bryophyte species in Europe. The species appears to be native in the Southern Hemisphere. In Europe, it was collected for the first time in the British Isles in 1941. The moss has expanded eastward and the first collection in the Czech Republic is dated to 1988. This thesis found that more than 70 localities were known known in the Czech Republic in 2006, and more than 100 localities became known by 2011. It has been further demonstrated that the Czech Republic was colonized repeatedly by generative spores and all populations have a unique genetic composition. Genetic variation of the populations is low, the genetic diver- sity of populations within the Czech Republic is not correlated with their geographic position or with any of the monitored environmental variables. At a fine scale within particular localities, the species disperses by vege- tative diaspores, while it uses generative spores for spreading over longer distances. In Central Europe, C. introflexus prefers open coniferous forests, especially plantations of either spruce or pine. It colonizes...A B S T R A K T ( I N C Z E C H ) Ekologický a ekonomický dopad invazních rostlin na přirozené ekosystémy je předmětem mnoha studií, avšak invazní mechorosty jsou studovány pouze okrajově. Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. je nejvýznamnější invazní druh mechorostu v Evropě. Pochází z jižní polokoule a v Evropě byl poprvé zaz- namenán v roce 1941 na Britských ostrovech, odkud se postupně šíří směrem na východ. První údaj z České republiky pochází z roku 1988. V rámci této práce bylo zjištěno, že v roce 2006 bylo v České republice známo přes 70 lokalit, v roce 2011 už bylo známo více než 100 lokalit. Dále je ukazováno, že Česká republika byla kolonizována opakovaně pomocí gener- ativních spor, všechny populace mají unikátní genotyp. Populace mají malou genetickou variabilitu, genetická diverzita v rámci České republiky není ko- relována s geografickou pozicí ani s žádnou ze sledovaných proměnných prostředí. V rámci jemného měřítka jedné dílčí lokality se rozšiřuje pomocí vegetativních diaspor, zatímco pro šíření na větší vzdálenosti využívá gener- ativní spory. Ve střední Evropě C. introflexus preferuje jehličnaté prosvětlené lesy, zvláště monokultury smrku či borovice. Druh kolonizuje paseky, břehy cest, okraje porostů a narušená rašeliniště. Na těchto místech může tvořit...Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Význam revitalizace odvodněných rašelinišť pro nápravu vodního režimu a zachování biodiverzity rašelinišť v šumavské krajině

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    Jedním z hlavních úkolů projektu je analýza hydrochemických poměrů na odvodněných a neodvodněných ombrotrofních i minerotrofních typech rašelinišť. Dalším cílem projektu VaV je vyhodnocení vlastní reakce rašeliništních ekosystémů na provedená revitalizační opatření, včetně širších hydrologických vazeb v rámci povodí. Základní přístup pro realizaci spočívá především v pokračování detailního monitoringu sledovaných odvodněných rašelinišť nastartovaného předchozím projektem VaV SL1/21/04. Tento monitoring je zaměřen na sledování hladiny podzemní vody na rašeliništi a jejího chemismu, které vypovídají o stabilitě vodního režimu a intenzitě rozkladných/degradačních procesů v rašelinném humolitu. Je uveden přehled monitorovaných ploch včetně abiotických parametrů, které byly sledovány. Výsledky projektu bude využívat správa NP a CHKO Šumava jako zpětnou vazbu při realizaci revitalizačních projektů

    Unique Epigenetic Features of Ribosomal RNA Genes (rDNA) in Early Diverging Plants (Bryophytes)

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    Introduction: In plants, the multicopy genes encoding ribosomal RNA (rDNA) typically exhibit heterochromatic features and high level of DNA methylation. Here, we explored rDNA methylation in early diverging land plants from Bryophyta (15 species, 14 families) and Marchantiophyta (4 species, 4 families). DNA methylation was investigated by methylation-sensitive Southern blot hybridization in all species. We also carried out whole genomic bisulfite sequencing in Polytrichum formosum (Polytrichaceae) and Dicranum scoparium (Dicranaceae) and used available model plant methyloms (Physcomitrella patents and Marchantia polymorpha) to determine rDNA unit-wide methylation patterns. Chromatin structure was analyzed using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunoprecipitation (CHIP) assays. Results: In contrast to seed plants, bryophyte rDNAs were efficiently digested with methylation-sensitive enzymes indicating no or low levels of CG and CHG methylation in these loci. The rDNA methylom analyses revealed variation between species ranging from negligible (<3%, P. formosum, P. patens) to moderate (7 and 17% in M. polymorpha and D. scoparium, respectively) methylation levels. There were no differences between coding and noncoding parts of rDNA units and between gametophyte and sporophyte tissues. However, major satellite repeat and transposable elements were heavily methylated in P. formosum and D. scoparium. In P. formosum rDNA, the euchromatic H3K4m3 and heterochromatic H3K9m2 histone marks were nearly balanced contrasting the angiosperms data where H3K9m2 typically dominates rDNA chromatin. In moss interphase nuclei, rDNA was localized at the nucleolar periphery and its condensation level was high. Conclusions: Unlike seed plants, the rRNA genes seem to escape global methylation machinery in bryophytes. Distinct epigenetic features may be related to rDNA expression and the physiology of these early diverging plants that exist in haploid state for most of their life cycles.Depto. de Genética, Fisiología y MicrobiologíaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEpu