275 research outputs found

    Isotropically polarized speckle patterns

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    The polarization of the light scattered by an optically dense, random solution of dielectric nanoparticles shows peculiar properties when the scatterers exhibit strong electric and magnetic polarizabilities. While the distribution of the scattering intensity in these systems shows the typical irregular speckle patterns, the helicity of the incident light can be fully conserved when the electric and magnetic polarizabilities of the scatterers are equal. We show that the multiple scattering of helical beams by a random dispersion of "dual" dipolar nano-spheres leads to a speckle pattern exhibiting a perfect isotropic constant polarization, a situation that could be useful in coherent control of light as well as in lasing in random media.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Probing the electromagnetic response of dielectric antennas by vortex electron beams

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    Focused beams of electrons, which act as both sources, and sensors of electric fields, can be used to characterise the electric response of complex photonic systems, by locally probing the induced optical near fields. This functionality can be complemented by embracing the recently developed vortex electron beams (VEBs), made up of electrons with orbital angular momentum, which could in addition probe induced magnetic near fields. In this work we revisit the theoretical description of this technique, dubbed vortex Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (v-EELS). We map the fundamental, quantum-mechanical picture of the scattering of the VEB electrons, to the intuitive classical models which treat the electron beams as superposition of linear electric and magnetic currents. We then apply this formalism to characterise the optical response of dielectric nanoantennas with v-EELS. Our calculations reveal that VEB electrons probe electric or magnetic modes with different efficiency, which can be adjusted by changing either beam vorticity or acceleration voltage, to determine the nature of the probed excitations. We also study a chirally-arranged nanostructure, which in the interaction with electron vortices produces dichroism in electron energy loss spectra. Our theoretical work establishes VEBs as versatile probes that could provide information on optical excitations otherwise inaccessible with conventional electron beams

    Size fluctuations of the initial source and the event-by-event transverse momentum fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We show that the event-by-event fluctuations of the transverse size of the initial source, which follow directly from the Glauber treatment of the earliest stage of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, cause, after hydrodynamic evolution, fluctuations of the transverse flow velocity at hadronic freeze-out. This in turn leads to event-by-event fluctuations of the average transverse momentum, p_T. Simulations with GLISSANDO for the Glauber phase, followed by a realistic hydrodynamic evolution and statistical hadronization carried out with THERMINATOR, lead to agreement with the RHIC data. In particular, the magnitude of the effect, its centrality dependence, and the weak dependence on the incident energy are properly reproduced. Our results show that bulk of the observed event-by-event p_T fluctuations may be explained by the fluctuations of the size of the initial source.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, version accepted in PR

    Antenna resonances in low aspect ratio semiconductor nanowires

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    We present numerical simulations of low aspect ratio gallium phosphide nanowires under plane wave illumination, which reveal the interplay between transverse and longitudinal antenna-like resonances. A comparison to the limiting case of the semiconducting sphere shows a gradual, continuous transition of resonant electric and magnetic spherical Mie modes into Fabry-Pérot cavity modes with mixed electric and magnetic characteristics. As the length of the nanowires further increases, these finite-wire modes converge towards the leaky-mode resonances of an infinite cylindrical wire. Furthermore, we report a large and selective enhancement or suppression of electric and magnetic field in structures comprising two semiconducting nanowires. For an interparticle separation of 20 nm, we observe up to 300-fold enhancement in the electric field intensity and an almost complete quenching of the magnetic field in specific mode configurations. Angle-dependent extinction spectra highlight the importance of symmetry and phase matching in the excitation of cavity modes and show the limited validity of the infinite wire approximation for describing the response of finite length nanowires toward glancing angles

    Functional consequences of Palaeozoic reef collapse

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    Biogenic reefs have been hotspots of biodiversity and evolutionary novelty throughout the Phanerozoic. The largest reef systems in Earth’s history occurred in the Devonian period, but collapsed during the Late Devonian Mass Extinction. However, the consequences for the functional diversity of Palaeozoic reefs have received little attention. Here, we examine changes in the functional diversity of tabulate coral assemblages over a 35 million year period from the middle Devonian to the Carboniferous, straddling the multiphase extinction event to identify the causes and ecological consequences of the extinction for tabulate corals. By examining five key morphological traits, we show a divergent response of taxonomic and functional diversity to the mass extinction: taxonomic richness peaked during the Givetian (~ 388–383 Ma) and coincided with peak reef building, but functional diversity was only moderate because many species had very similar trait combinations. The collapse of taxonomic diversity and reef building in the late Devonian had minimal impact on functional richness of coral assemblages. However, non-random shifts towards species with larger corallites and lower colony integration suggest a shift from photosymbiotic to asymbiotic taxa associated over the study period. Our results suggest that the collapse of the huge Devonian reef systems was correlated with a breakdown of photosymbiosis and extinction of photosymbiotic tabulate coral taxa. Despite the appearance of new tabulate coral species over the next 35 million years, the extinction of taxa with photosymbiotic traits had long-lasting consequences for reef building and, by extension, shallow marine ecosystems in the Palaeozoic

    Isotropically polarized speckle patterns

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).The polarization of the light scattered by an optically dense and random solution of dielectric nanoparticles shows peculiar properties when the scatterers exhibit strong electric and magnetic polarizabilities. While the distribution of the scattering intensity in these systems shows the typical irregular speckle patterns, the helicity of the incident light can be fully conserved when the electric and magnetic polarizabilities of the scatterers are equal. We show that the multiple scattering of helical beams by a random dispersion of >dual> dipolar nanospheres leads to a speckle pattern exhibiting a perfect isotropic constant polarization, a situation that could be useful in coherent control of light as well as in lasing in random media.M. K. S. and J. A. acknowledge funding from Project No. FIS2013-41184-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Project No. ETORTEK IE14-393 NANOGUNE’14 of the Department of Industry of the Government of the Basque Country, Project No. IT756-13 of the Department of Education and Culture of the Basque Country, and Grant No. AP-2012-4204 from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport. J. J. S. acknowledges financial support by the Spanish MINECO (Grant No. FIS2012-36113) and by IKERBASQUE. G. M.-T. is supported by the Australian Research Council (Grant No. FT110100924).Peer Reviewe

    Phyllotactic patterning of gerbera flower heads

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    Phyllotaxis, the distribution of organs such as leaves and flowers on their support, is a key attribute of plant architecture. The geometric regularity of phyllotaxis has attracted multidisciplinary interest for centuries, resulting in an understanding of the patterns in the model plants Arabidopsis and tomato down to the molecular level. Nevertheless, the iconic example of phyllotaxis, the arrangement of individual florets into spirals in the heads of the daisy family of plants (Asteraceae), has not been fully explained. We integrate experimental data and computational models to explain phyllotaxis in Gerbera hybrida. We show that phyllotactic patterning in gerbera is governed by changes in the size of the morphogenetically active zone coordinated with the growth of the head. The dynamics of these changes divides the patterning process into three phases: the development of an approximately circular pattern with a Fibonacci number of primordia near the head rim, its gradual transition to a zigzag pattern, and the development of a spiral pattern that fills the head on the template of this zigzag pattern. Fibonacci spiral numbers arise due to the intercalary insertion and lateral displacement of incipient primordia in the first phase. Our results demonstrate the essential role of the growth and active zone dynamics in the patterning of flower heads.Peer reviewe