10 research outputs found

    Influence of the presence of B chromosomes on DNA damage in Crepis capillaris

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    The sensitivity of different plant species to mutagenic agents is related to the DNA content and organization of the chromatin, which have been described in ABCW and bodyguard hypotheses, respectively. Plant species that have B chromosomes are good models for the study of these hypotheses. This study presents an analysis of the correlation between the occurrence of B chromosomes and the DNA damage that is induced by the chemical mutagen, maleic hydrazide (MH), in Crepis capillaris plants using comet assay. The presence of B chromosomes has a detectable impact on the level of DNA damage. The level of DNA damage after MH treatment was correlated with the number of B chromosomes and it was observed that it increased significantly in plants with 3B chromosomes. We did not find evidence of the protective role from chemical mutagens of the constitutive heterochromatin for euchromatin in relation to DNA damage. The DNA damage involving the 25S rDNA sequences was analyzed using the comet-FISH technique. Fragmentation within or near the 25S rDNA involved the loci on the A and B chromosomes. The presence of B chromosomes in C. capillaris cells had an influence on the level of DNA damage that involves the 25S rDNA region

    Zaangażowanie laikatu. Ruchy odnowy życia religijnego we współczesnym kościele katolickim

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    "Kościół katolicki w swych początkach tworzył jedynie zespoły braterskich wspólnot, me dokonując wewnątrz nich podziałów. Decydującą rolę odgrywały charyzmaty przynależących do nich członków. Dopiero w III w. wykreowany został obraz laikatu, lecz na temat świeckich tamtego okresu wiadomo niewiele. Jednak już uchwały synodu w Tarragonie (517) zobowiązały biskupów do zapraszania świeckich do udziału w obradach synodalnych, a zachowane opisy wyboru biskupów potwierdzają ich istotną rolę w proponowaniu kandydatów do tej posługi. Byli oni często konsultantami w ważnych dla Kościoła sprawach, kierowali renomowanymi szkołami teologicznymi, głosili nauki w kościołach. Z czasem powstał, pogłębiający się powoli, rozdźwięk między klerem a laikatem."(...

    Denture-related stomatitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction

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    Oral inflammation, such as periodontitis, can lead to endothelial dysfunction, accelerated atherosclerosis, and vascular dysfunction. The relationship between vascular dysfunction and other common forms of oral infections such as denture-related stomatitis (DRS) is unknown. Similar risk factors predispose to both conditions including smoking, diabetes, age, and obesity. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate endothelial function and major vascular disease risk factors in 44 consecutive patients with dentures with clinical and microbiological features of DRS (n = 20) and without DRS (n = 24). While there was a tendency for higher occurrence of diabetes and smoking, groups did not differ significantly in respect to major vascular disease risk factors. Groups did not differ in main ambulatory blood pressure, total cholesterol, or even CRP. Importantly, flow mediated dilatation (FMD) was significantly lower in DRS than in non-DRS subjects, while nitroglycerin induced vasorelaxation (NMD) or intima-media thickness (IMT) was similar. Interestingly, while triglyceride levels were normal in both groups, they were higher in DRS subjects, although they did not correlate with either FMD or NMD. Conclusions. Denture related stomatitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction in elderly patients with dentures. This is in part related to the fact that diabetes and smoking increase risk of both DRS and cardiovascular disease

    Analysis of the geological control on the spatial distribution of potentially toxic concentrations of As and F- in groundwater on a Pan-European scale

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    The distribution of the high concentrations of arsenic (As) and fluoride (F-) in groundwater on a Pan-European scale could be explained by the geological European context (lithology and structural faults). To test this hypothesis, seventeen countries and eighteen geological survey organizations (GSOs) have participated in the dataset. The methodology has used the HydroGeoToxicity (HGT) and the Baseline Concentration (BLC) index. The results prove that most of the waters considered in this study are in good conditions for drinking water consumption, in terms of As and/or F- content. A low proportion of the analysed samples present HGT≥ 1 levels (4% and 7% for As and F-, respectively). The spatial distribution of the highest As and/or F- concentrations (via BLC values) has been analysed using GIS tools. The highest values are identified associated with fissured hard rock outcrops (crystalline rocks) or Cenozoic sedimentary zones, where basement fractures seems to have an obvious control on the distribution of maximum concentrations of these elements in groundwaters.This research was co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (GeoERA HOVER project) under grant agreement number 731166. D. Voutchkova, B. Hansen, and J. Schullehner were also supported by Innovation Fund Denmark (funding agreement number 8055- 00073B). N. Rman participation was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency, research program P1-0020 Groundwaters and Geochemistry. A. Felter, J. Cabalska and A. Mikołajczyk participation was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. E. Giménez-Forcada is grateful for the support received from the CIPROM/2021/032 Project. Valencian Government. University of Valencia (Spain)

    Limitation of the right to initiate proceedings after the inspection of the carriage of goods in the light of the jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza aktualnej sytuacji prawnej związanej ze stosowaniem instytucji przedawnienia wszczęcia postępowania, ujętej w art. 165b § 1 ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. – Ordynacja podatkowa1, w kontekście postępowań w sprawie nakładania kar pieniężnych za nieprawidłowości wynikłe w toku kontroli przewozu towarów, dokonywanej na podstawie art. 13 ustawy z dnia 9 marca 2017 r. o systemie monitorowania drogowego i kolejowego przewozu towarów oraz obrotu paliwami opałowymi2. W opracowaniu przedstawiono dwie rozbieżne linie orzecznicze Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego (NSA), a także postanowienie NSA (wydane przez skład siedmiu sędziów), które – mimo że nie jest uchwałą – niejako rozstrzyga, która ze wskazanych linii orzeczniczych została uznana za prawidłową.The purpose of the study is analyze the current legal situation related to the application of the statute of limitations for initiating proceedings, included in Art. 165b of the Act of August 29, 1997 – Tax Ordinance in the context of proceedings on the imposition of fines for irregularities arising in the course of the inspection of the carriage of goods, carried out on the basis of art. 13 of the Act of March 9, 2017 on the monitoring system for the road and rail transport of goods and trading in heating fuels. The study presents two divergent lines of jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court, as well as the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court (issued by a panel of seven judges), which – although it is not a resolution – to some extent decides which of the indicated jurisprudence lines was considered correct

    History of the groundwater monitoring at the Polish Geological Institute

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    The Polish Geological Institute has been carrying out the tasks of the geological survey since its establishment in 1919. Hydrogeology was present from the very beginning and the groundwater monitoring became the systematic activity in the 2nd fifty years of the Institute’s life. Groundwater quantity monitoring expressed as measurements of groundwater table fluctuations was put into practice in 1972, while the groundwater quality monitoring that includes determination of chemical composition of water started in 1991. Both types of monitoring cover the entire area of Poland. Systematic hydrogeological observations and tests are one of the most important tasks carried out by hydrogeologists of the Polish Geological Institute. Results of these observations are used for many studies, analyses and forecasts carried out as part of the tasks of the hydrogeological survey, often in cooperation with universities and geological enterprises, for the needs of governmental and local administration and for reporting to the EU structures