8 research outputs found

    Udruživanje, svojina i teritorija: o čemu govorimo kada govorimo o imigraciji?

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    It is often claimed that states have territorial rights, and that these rights include the right to exclude people who seek admission to their territory. In this paper I will examine whether the most defensible account of territorial rights can provide support to the right to exclude. I will discuss three types of theories of territorial rights. The first account links the right of states to exclude to the prior right of individuals to freedom of association, which is said to include the right not to associate and to dissociate. The second is a Lockean theory that grounds the territorial rights of states, and hence their right to exclude, in the prior right of individuals to private property in the land that constitutes the territory of the state. I argue that these accounts have independently implausible implications, regardless of their implications for the immigration debate. The third account is a Kantian theory that bases the territorial jurisdiction of states on individuals’ duty to create, sustain and submit themselves to a shared system of law that is a necessary condition of guaranteeing their rights and of discharging their duties towards one another. I will argue that the Kantian account is superior to its current alternatives. However, I also suggest that it cannot ground a broad right to exclude.Često se tvrdi da države imaju teritorijalna prava, odnosno da ta prava podrazumevaju i pravo na isključivanje ljudi koji bi želeli da budu primljeni u teritorije pojedinih država. U ovom članku ćemo proučavati pitanje da li najviše odbranjiva teza o teritorijalnim pravima može da pruži podršku isključivanju. Analiziraću tri tipa teorije o teritorijalnim pravima. Prva teorija povezuje pravo država na isključivanje sa osnovnijem pravom pojedinica na udruživanje. Druga teorija je lokovska teorija u kojoj se teritorijalna prava država, uključujući pravo na isključivanje, baziraju na osnovnijem pravu pojedinaca na privatnu svojinu na zemlji koja konstituiše teritoriju države. Tvrdim da ove teorije imaju posledice koje nisu plauzibilne, bez obzira na njihove implikacije u odnosu na rasprave o imigraciji. Treća teorija je kantijanska teorija koja se zasniva na teritorijalnoj jurisdikciji država, imajući u vidu obaveze pojedinaca u stvaranju i održavanju pravnog sistema koji je nužni uslov u garantovanju njihovih prava, odnosno u pogledu izvršavanja njihovih obaveza. Moja teza je da je kantijanska teorija superiorna u odnosu na njene alternative, zatim da se pomoću nje ne može zasnivati šire pravo na isključivanje

    A politikai felelősség

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    Felvilágosodás és ellenfelvilágosodás = Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment

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    2007 decemberében elkészült a FELVILÁGOSODÁS ÁLMAI ÉS ÁRNYAI című kötet, mely a tudományos iskolák tematika fő célja volt. A tanulmánykötet több mini-konferencián is bemutattuk, a szerző kiselőadásban ismertették november folyamán tanulmányaikat ill. a kötet szerkesztőjeként a MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY NAPJA rendezvényén én tartottam egy előadást a magyar felvilágosodás-kutatások állásáról a tanulmánykötet tükrében. Konferenciát tartunk a FORRADALOM SZÓ JELENTÉSE ÉS JELENTÉSVÁLTOZÁSAI címmel, melynek két előadása megjelent a MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY-ban 2008/8: 1. Ludassy Mária: "A forradalom szó két fajta fogalmáról" 2. Hahner Péter: "A forradalom fogalmáról". Újabb felvilágosodás-kutatásaimat a FELVILÁGOSODÁS-ÉRTELMEZÉSEK címmel az ÁRON KIADÓ-nál 2008 decemberében megjelent kötetben foglaltam össze. ISBN 978 963 921O 59/2. Folyóiratokban megjelent publikációim a felvilágosodás témakörében: MIÉRT ROUSSEAU? MOZGÓ VILÁG 2OO8/8 CASSIRER A FELVILÁGOSODÁS FILOZÓFIÁJÁRÓL HOLMI 2OO8/július A KÖZÖMBÖS TERMÉSZET FUNDAMENTUM 2OO8/3-4. STAROBINSKI SZIMBÓLUMAI BUKSZ 2OO8 tavasz | After the publication of the common volum SHADOWS AND DREAMS OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT /2OO7/, we presented the articles in several conferences. There was a congress in the DAY OF THE HUNGARIANN SCIENCE: on the meaning of the revolution, appeared in the academic organ MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY 2OO8/8. Appered my monography FELVILÁGOSODÁS-ÉRTELMEZÉSEK /ENLIGHTENMENT,s INTERPRETATIONS/ Áron kiadó, 2008 and several studies: WHY ROUSSEAU? MOZGÓ VILÁG 2OO9/8 CASSIRER ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF ENLIGHTENMENT HOLMI 2008/7 THE INDIFFERENT NATURE FUNDAMENTUM 2008/3-4 THE SYMBOLS OF STAROBINSKI BUKSZ 2008 sprin

    A Novel Application of the 3D VirCA Environment: Modeling a Standard Ethological Test of Dog-Human Interactions

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    The concept of ‘Future Internet’, ‘Internet of Things’ and ‘3D Internet’ opens a novel way for modeling ethological tests by rebuilding models of human-animal interaction in an augmented environment as an interactive mixture of virtual actors and real human observers. On the one hand these experiments can serve as a proof of concept, as a kind of experimental validation of formal ethological models, but on the other hand they can also serve as examples for the ways a human can communicate with things (i.e., with everyday objects) in a virtual environment (e.g. on the Internet). These kinds of experiments can also support Cognitive Infocommunication related research, the field that investigates how a human can co-evolve with artificially cognitive systems through infocommunications devices. The goal of the paper is to introduce an example for such an ethological test system, a possible way for embedding a prototype ethological model described as a fuzzy automaton in MATLAB to the 3D VirCA collaborative augmented reality environment. Some details of the applied ethological experiment paradigm developed for studying the dog-owner relationship in a standard laboratory procedure, as a demonstrative example for ethological model implementation, will also be discussed briefly in this paper

    An emotional engine model inspired by human-dog interaction

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    The paradise fish, an advanced animal model for behavioral genetics and evolutionary developmental biology

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    Paradise fish ( Macropodus opercularis ) is an air‐breathing freshwater fish species with a signature labyrinth organ capable of extracting oxygen from the air that helps these fish to survive in hypoxic environments. The appearance of this evolutionary innovation in anabantoids resulted in a rewired circulatory system, but also in the emergence of species‐specific behaviors, such as territorial display, courtship and parental care in the case of the paradise fish. Early zoologists were intrigued by the structure and function of the labyrinth apparatus and a series of detailed descriptive histological studies at the beginning of the 20th century revealed the ontogenesis and function of this specialized system. A few decades later, these fish became the subject of numerous ethological studies, and detailed ethograms of their behavior were constructed. These latter studies also demonstrated a strong genetic component underlying their behavior, but due to lack of adequate molecular tools, the fine genetic dissection of the behavior was not possible at the time. The technological breakthroughs that transformed developmental biology and behavioral genetics in the past decades, however, give us now a unique opportunity to revisit these old questions. Building on the classic descriptive studies, the new methodologies will allow us to follow the development of the labyrinth apparatus at a cellular resolution, reveal the genes involved in this process and also the genetic architecture behind the complex behaviors that we can observe in this species