48 research outputs found

    YKTT2018: Yrittäjyyskasvatuspäivät 2018: Artikkelit

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    Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulussa (SAMK) pilotoitiin keväällä 2018 uusi opintojakso Ajattelu ja itsetuntemus, joka on noin sadan ajattelun työkalun kokonaisuus. Opintojakso toteutetaan kymmenen elämyksellisen luennon kokonaisuutena. Tämä artikkeli tarkastelee näkemyksiä tämän opintojakson sisältöjen hyödyntämisessä yrittäjyyskasvatuksessa. Tarkastelun pääkehyksenä on Albert Banduran (1977) minäpystyvyyden käsite. Albert Bandura kehitti teorian, jossa minäpystyvyyden käsite on mielenkiintoinen yrittäjyyden teeman näkökulmasta. Yrittäjän toiminnassa korostuu käsitys omasta kyvykkyydestä. Usko itseensä oman yrittäjyyden toteuttajana on merkittävä tekijä motivaation ja sitä kautta yritystoiminnan onnistumisen kannalta. Tässä casessa kehitetty opintojakso käsittää yli sata ajattelun työkalua, joista osa on yleispäteviä sovellettavaksi mihin tahansa tilanteeseen ja osa on kohdistettu nimenomaan itsetuntemuksen kehittämiseen. Kehitetyn opintojakson päätavoite on nimenomaan ajattelun soveltaminen – sellaisten yksinkertaisten ajattelun työkalujen esittely, joiden kautta kuka vain voi hahmottaa elämässään tapahtuvien asioiden merkityksiä ja kehittää omaa itsetuntemustaan.Ajattelu vaatii aina jonkin kohteen. Esitellyllä opintojaksolla valittu kohde on oman arkemme tilanteiden tarkastelu ja erityisesti uusien kuvakulmien löytäminen arjen tilanteisiin. Arvioimme näiden ajattelun työkalujen joukossa olevan sellaisia, jotka soveltuvat myös yrittäjyyskasvatukseen ja yrittäjyyden minäpystyvyyden kehittämiseen. </p

    The Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) in the archipelago of southern Finland - population growth and nesting dispersal

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    We studied the population growth and expansion of Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) in Helsinki archipelago, southern Finland. Barnacle Goose breeding was first recorded in Helsinki in 1989. During our study 1996-2013 the number of nesting geese increased from 24 to 740 pairs. We analyzed the role of protected islands in the population growth, and the factors behind differences in growth rates. Our study data consisted of 104 islands. Of these, 29 are protected from private recreational activity (nature reserve ormilitary areas) and were established prior to the start of our study. We predicted that protected areas would have a positive impact on Barnacle Goose population growth. In part of the study period (2002-2013) the population growth in our study area was much steeper in protected islands compared to islands with open access. However, breeding densities in those unprotected islands were higher than in protected islands in the early years of the study. We found that the most important factors affecting pair numbers in islands are island size and the time it has been inhabited, in addition to island distance from the islands southeast of Helsinki, where breeding expansion started. Island protection had no effect on the breeding geese numbers or current densities on the islands. Results indicate that early breeders like Barnacle Geese do not benefit from island protection probably because the recreational use of the islands is scant early in the spring.Peer reviewe

    Kinetic and NMR spectroscopic study of the Chemical Stability and Reaction Pathways of Sugar Nucleotides

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    The alkaline cleavage of two types of sugar nucleotides has been studied by 1H and 31P NMR in order to obtain information on the stability and decomposition pathways in in aqueous solutions under alkaline conditions. The reaction of glucose 1-UDP is straightforward, and products are easy to identify. The results obtained with ribose 5-UDP and ribose 5-phosphate reveal, in contrast, a more complex reaction system than expected, and the identification of individual intermediate species was not possible. Even though definite proof for the mechanisms previously proposed could not be obtained, all the spectroscopic evidence is consistent with them. Results also emphasise the significant effect of conditions, pH, ionic strength and temperature, on the reactivity under chemical conditions.</p

    Comparing plastic foils for dew collection : Preparatory laboratory-scale method and field experiment in Kenya

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    Passive dew collection could be a viable option as a source of irrigation water in arid areas. The plastic foil acting as a condensing surface plays a key role in the passive dew collection regime. A laboratory method for comparing various plastic foils for dew collection was prepared and tested. The focus was on creating a method for measuring the attributes affecting dew condensation and the flow of dew droplets on the measured surface. A low-density polyethylene foil designed for dew collection, white polyethylene plastic, black polyethylene plastic, and white polyvinyl chloride plastic were used as the test plastics. The laboratory dew yields were compared with model calculations. In addition, field trials were conducted in arid conditions in Maktau, Kenya, to compare with the laboratory measurement. Results from the hardware model tests were not reflected in the results obtained from the field conditions. The laboratory tests showed that the dew-harvesting quality of plastic foils is difficult to evaluate using the laboratory test rig. A more comprehensive evaluation regime requires tests performed in field conditions or further development of the test rig used here. (C) 2020 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Predictive coding of phonological rules in auditory cortex : A mismatch negativity study

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    The brain is constantly generating predictions of future sensory input to enable efficient adaptation. In the auditory domain, this applies also to the processing of speech. Here we aimed to determine whether the brain predicts the following segments of speech input on the basis of language-specific phonological rules that concern non-adjacent phonemes. Auditory event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded in a mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm, where the Finnish vowel harmony, determined by the first syllables of pseudowords, either constrained or did not constrain the phonological composition of pseudoword endings. The phonological rule of vowel harmony was expected to create predictions about phonologically legal pseudoword endings. Results showed that MMN responses were larger for phonologically illegal than legal pseudowords, and P3a was elicited only for illegal pseudowords. This supports the hypothesis that speech input is evaluated against context-dependent phonological predictions that facilitate speech processing. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe