12 research outputs found

    Modifications of diflunisal and meclofenamate carboxyl groups affect their allosteric effects on GABAA receptor ligand binding

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    Gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAAR) are allosterically modulated by the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs diflunisal and fenamates. The carboxyl group of these compounds is charged at physiological pH and therefore penetration of the compounds into the brain is low. In the present study we have transformed the carboxyl group of diflunisal and meclofenamate into non-ionizable functional groups and analyzed the effects of the modifications on stimulation of [(3)H]muscimol binding and on potentiation of &gamma;-aminobutyric acid-induced displacement of 4&#39;-ethenyl-4-n-[2,3-(3)H]propylbicycloorthobenzoate. N-Butylamide derivative of diflunisal modulated radioligand binding with equal or higher potency than the parent compound, while diflunisalamide showed reduced allosteric effect as compared to diflunisal. Amide derivative of meclofenamate equally affected radioligand binding parameters, while both diflunisal and meclofenamate methyl esters were less active than the parent compounds. Our study clearly demonstrates that an intact carboxyl group in diflunisal and meclofenamate is not indispensable for their positive GABAAR modulation. Further derivatization of the compound might yield compounds with higher selectivity for GABAARs that could be utilized in drug development.</p

    Humulone Modulation of GABAA Receptors and Its Role in Hops Sleep-Promoting Activity

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    Humulus lupulus L. (hops) is a major constituent of beer. It exhibits neuroactive properties that make it useful as a sleeping aid. These effects are hypothesized to be mediated by an increase in GABAA receptor function. In the quest to uncover the constituents responsible for the sedative and hypnotic properties of hops, recent evidence revealed that humulone, a prenylated phloroglucinol derivative comprising 35–70% of hops alpha acids, may act as a positive modulator of GABAA receptors at low micromolar concentrations. This raises the question whether humulone plays a key role in hops pharmacological activity and potentially interacts with other modulators such as ethanol, bringing further enhancement in GABAA receptor-mediated effects of beer. Here we assessed electrophysiologically the positive modulatory activity of humulone on recombinant GABAA receptors expressed in HEK293 cells. We then examined humulone interactions with other active hops compounds and ethanol on GABA-induced displacement of [3H]EBOB binding to native GABAA receptors in rat brain membranes. Using BALB/c mice, we assessed humulone’s hypnotic behavior with pentobarbital- and ethanol-induced sleep as well as sedation in spontaneous locomotion with open field test. We demonstrated for the first time that humulone potentiates GABA-induced currents in α1β3γ2 receptors. In radioligand binding to native GABAA receptors, the inclusion of ethanol enhanced humulone modulation of GABA-induced displacement of [3H]EBOB binding in rat forebrain and cerebellum as it produced a leftward shift in [3H]EBOB displacement curves. Moreover, the additive modulatory effects between humulone, isoxanthohumol and 6-prenylnaringenin were evident and corresponded to the sum of [3H]EBOB displacement by each compound individually. In behavioral tests, humulone shortened sleep onset and increased the duration of sleep induced by pentobarbital and decreased the spontaneous locomotion in open field at 20 mg/kg (i.p.). Despite the absence of humulone effects on ethanol-induced sleep onset, sleep duration was increased dose-dependently down to 10 mg/kg (i.p.). Our findings confirmed humulone’s positive allosteric modulation of GABAA receptor function and displayed its sedative and hypnotic behavior. Humulone modulation can be potentially enhanced by ethanol and hops modulators suggesting a probable enhancement in the intoxicating effects of ethanol in hops-enriched beer.</p

    The Influence of AA29504 on GABA A Receptor Ligand Binding Properties and Its Implications on Subtype Selectivity

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    The unique pharmacological properties of δ-containing γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (δ-GABAARs) make them an attractive target for selective and persistent modulation of neuronal excitability. However, the availability of selective modulators targeting δ-GABAARs remains limited. AA29504 ([2-amino-4-(2,4,6-trimethylbenzylamino)-phenyl]-carbamic acid ethyl ester), an analog of K+ channel opener retigabine, acts as an agonist and a positive allosteric modulator (Ago-PAM) of δ-GABAARs. Based on electrophysiological studies using recombinant receptors, AA29504 was found to be a more potent and effective agonist in δ-GABAARs than in γ2-GABAARs. In comparison, AA29504 positively modulated the activity of recombinant δ-GABAARs more effectively than γ2-GABAARs, with no significant differences in potency. The impact of AA29504's efficacy- and potency-associated GABAAR subtype selectivity on radioligand binding properties remain unexplored. Using [3H]4'-ethynyl-4-n-propylbicycloorthobenzoate ([3H]EBOB) binding assay, we found no difference in the modulatory potency of AA29504 on GABA- and THIP (4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-3-ol)-induced responses between native forebrain GABAARs of wild type and δ knock-out mice. In recombinant receptors expressed in HEK293 cells, AA29504 showed higher efficacy on δ- than γ2-GABAARs in the GABA-independent displacement of [3H]EBOB binding. Interestingly, AA29504 showed a concentration-dependent stimulation of [3H]muscimol binding to γ2-GABAARs, which was absent in δ-GABAARs. This was explained by AA29504 shifting the low-affinity γ2-GABAAR towards a higher affinity desensitized state, thereby rising new sites capable of binding GABAAR agonists with low nanomolar affinity. Hence, the potential of AA29504 to act as a desensitization-modifying allosteric modulator of γ2-GABAARs deserves further investigation for its promising influence on shaping efficacy, duration and plasticity of GABAAR synaptic responses

    Hops compounds modulatory effects and 6-prenylnaringenin dual mode of action on GABAA receptors

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    Hops (Humulus lupulus L.), a major component of beer, contain potentially neuroactive compounds that made it useful in traditional medicine as a sleeping aid. The present study aims to investigate the individual components in hops acting as allosteric modulators in GABAA receptors and bring further insight into the mode of action behind the sedative properties of hops. GABA-potentiating effects were measured using [3H]ethynylbicycloorthobenzoate (EBOB) radioligand binding assay in native GABAA receptors. Flumazenil sensitivity of GABA-potentiating effects, [3H]Ro 15–4513, and [3H]flunitrazepam binding assays were used to examine the binding to the classical benzodiazepines site. Humulone (alpha acid) and 6-prenylnaringenin (prenylflavonoid) were the most potent compounds displaying a modulatory activity at low micromolar concentrations. Humulone and 6-prenylnaringenin potentiated GABA-induced displacement of [3H]EBOB binding in a concentration-dependent manner where the IC50 values for this potentiation in native GABAA receptors were 3.2 μM and 3.7 μM, respectively. Flumazenil had no significant effects on humulone- or 6-prenylnaringenin-induced displacement of [3H]EBOB binding. [3H]Ro 15–4513 and [3H]flunitrazepam displacements were only minor with humulone but surprisingly prominent with 6-prenylnaringenin despite its flumazenil-insensitive modulatory activity. Thus, we applied molecular docking methods to investigate putative binding sites and poses of 6-prenylnaringenin at the GABAA receptor α1β2γ2 isoform. Radioligand binding and docking results suggest a dual mode of action by 6-prenylnaringenin on GABAA receptors where it may act as a positive allosteric modulator at α+β- binding interface as well as a null modulator at the flumazenil-sensitive α+γ2- binding interface.</ul

    Morphine-induced dependence and sensitization are altered in mice deficient in AMPA-type glutamate receptor-A subunits

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    AMPA-type glutamate receptors have been suggested to be involved in the neurobiological mechanisms of drug addiction. We have made use of two mouse lines, which both have modulated AMPA receptor responses. The first line is entirely deficient in glutamate receptor-A (GluR-A) subunits (A-/- knock-out line) and, in the second one, the Q582 residue of GluR-A subunits is replaced by an arginine residue (R/R mutants), which reduces the calcium permeability and channel conductance of the receptors containing this mutated subunit. Mice of both lines are healthy, but they show slightly increased locomotor activity. Acute morphine administration enhanced locomotor activity of the GluR-A-/- and GluR-A(R/R) mice, at least as much as that of their wild-type littermates. Only in the GluR-A-/- mice did we observe reduced tolerance development in tail-flick antinociception and less severe naloxone-precipitated withdrawal symptoms after treatment with increasing morphine doses, without differences in plasma and brain morphine levels when compared with wild type. Repeated daily morphine administration sensitized the locomotor activity responses in the GluR-A-/- and GluR-A(R/R) mice only when given in the measuring cages, whereas the wild-type mice showed slightly increased responses also when the repeated treatment was given in their home cages. Normal or even enhanced context-dependent sensitization was observed also with repeated amphetamine administration in the GluR-A subunit-deficient mice. The results indicate that AMPA receptors are involved in the acute and chronic effects of morphine, including context-independent sensitization, and that the GluR-A subunit itself is important for morphine tolerance and dependence