42 research outputs found

    Design of mechanical ventilation system with variable ait flow for a school building

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    Predmet ovog rada je projekt ventilacije škole. Kvaliteta zraka u školama može predstavljati ne samo smanjen učinak učenja nego i zdravstvene probleme djece, ako se problem ne rješava adekvatnim sustavom pripreme zraka. Ventilacija je izvedena sa rekuperatorom stupnja povrata topline 78% i VAV sustavom radi uštede energije . Zgrada se opskrbljuje sa 37200 m2/h . Sustav prati koncentraciju CO2 sa osjetnicima te prema potrebi regulira dovedeni protok u prostorije. Takvim radom omogućuje uštedu energije na pogonu grijača i ventilatora bez da kompromitira kvalitetu zraka u prostoriji. Provjerom zvučnih snaga pojedinih dijelova sustava dimenzioniran je i prigušivač koji osigurava ugodnost sa stajališta buke.The subject of this paper is the school ventilation project. Air quality in schools can represent not only a diminished learning impact but also children's health problems if the problem is not addressed by an adequate air preparation system. Ventilation was performed with a heat recovery rate of 78% and a VAV system to save energy. The building is supplied with 37200 m2/h. The system monitors the concentration of CO2 with the sensors and adjusts the flow to the rooms as needed. Such work saves energy on the heater and fan drive without compromising the air quality of the room. By checking the sound power of individual parts of the system, a silencer is also designed to provide comfort from a noise standpoint

    Breeding progress in grain filling and grain yield components of six-rowed winter barley

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    The objectives of this study were to quantify the grain yield breeding progress and identify the changes in numerical yield components and grain filling traits of six-rowed winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars under different nitrogen (N) fertilization treatments: 0 kg ha(-1) N (0N, control) and 100 kg ha(-1) N (100N). Field trials were conducted during two (2015-2016 and 2016-2017) growing seasons in a southern Pannonian location, Novi Sad, Serbia with fifteen six-rowed winter barley cultivars. The rate of genetic gain in grain yield was 0.055 t ha(-1) yr(-1) at 0N, while at 100N genetic gain was 0.061 t ha(-1) yr(-1), indicating that modern winter barley cultivars use the applied N fertilizer more efficiently than older cultivars. Grain yield progress was mainly associated with increased grain number per unit area, grain number per spike, grain weight and harvest index. A positive linear correlation was determined between fruiting efficiency and the year of cultivar release, while changes in spike dry weight at anthesis as influenced by the year of cultivar release were not significant. Breeding progress in grain weight was more related with grain filling and maximum grain filling rate, while grain weight association with grain filling duration was less pronounced. Therefore, further grain yield improvement in six-rowed winter barley should be achieved by simultaneous increase in grain weight and grain number per spike, while maintaining high values of harvest index

    Intramuscular hemangioma of the retropharyngeal space

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    Background. Intramuscular hemangioma (IMH) is a distinctive type of hemangioma occurring within skeletal muscle. Most IMH are located in the lower extremity, particularly in the muscles of the thigh. When present in the head and neck region, the masseter and trapezius muscle are the most frequently involved sites. Case report. We reported a case of unusual localization of the head and neck IMH occurring within the retropharyngeal space (RPS). To our knowledge, this is the second such case reported in the English literature. The tumor presented as a left-sided neck mass with bulging of the posterior and left lateral oropharyngeal wall on indirect laryngoscopy. Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed an ill-defined mass in the RPS at the oropharyngeal level. The lesion was excised via a transoral approach and microscopically diagnosed as IMH, the complex malformation subtype. Although surgical margins were positive, no recurrence of the tumor was noted in the 17-month follow-up. Conclusion. Intramuscular hemangioma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of deep head and neck masses. The knowledge of the infiltrative nature and recurrence rate of an IMH is useful for appropriate management.

    Changes in leaf appearance and developmental phases associated with breeding progress in six-rowed barley in the Pannonian Plain

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    The aim of this study was to analyze traits of leaf appearance and phenological development related to grain yield gain in winter barley cultivars released over the past 50 years. Field trials with 15 six-rowed winter barley cultivars were conducted during two growing seasons. The main leaf appearance and developmental traits were studied. The duration of the emergence-anthesis and emergence-physiological maturity phases decreased by 2.35 and 2.16 GDD yr(1), respectively. The duration of the stem elongation-anthesis phase was 10% longer in modern cultivars. The results showed no clear trend of improvement in final leaf number and phyllochron. The duration of the stem elongation-anthesis phase was positively related with grain number and yield. Constant improvements in grain number and grain weight by fine manipulation of the crop developmental phases could represent an essential strategy for further increases in barley grain yield potential


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj hranjive podloge (krumpir dekstrozni agar (PDA), podloga od mrkve) i temperature (15, 22 i 30ºC) na rast i razvoj micelija i formiranje sklerocija gljive Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Istraživanje je provedeno u laboratorijskim uvjetima 2013. godine. Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđeno je da podloga i temperatura značajno utječu na porast micelija i formiranje sklerocija. Utvrđen je statistički značajno bolji razvoj micelija na PDA podlozi te na temperaturama 15 i 20ºC, nego na drugom ispitivanom supstratu i temperaturi 30ºC. Sklerociji su se, također, formirali samo na PDA podlozi i na dvije niže temperature. Sklerociji formirani na 15ºC bili su veći od sklerocija formiranih na 20ºC.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of nutrition media (PDA, carrot agar) and temperature (15, 22 and 30ºC) on growth and mycelium development As well as sclerotium formation of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The experiment was set up under laboratory conditions in year 2013. Statistical analysis showed that nutrition media and temperature had significant influence on mycelim development and formation on sclerotia. Mycelial growth was significantly higher on PDA and at 15 and 20ºC. Sclerotia are formed only on PDA and the two lower temperatures. Sclerotia formed at 15ºC were bigger than sclerotia formed at 20ºC


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    In this assignment investigates the reliability analysis of robotic systems based on the diagnosis of the condition of roller bearings. Analysis reliability was based on diagnostic testing parameters (temperature, vibration, clearance) on the rolling bearings. For the purposes of the research, a special one was used laboratory equipment intended for testing bearings which have oscillatory movements, or other devices mechanisms that have articular connections. The results of the research are showed that the measured values of diagnostic parameters temperatures describing the operating condition of the tested bearings, very well monitored parameters care vibration, axial radial clearances


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    Međunarodna filozofska konferencija AGENT CAUSATION, POWERS, AND SOURCEHOOD Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb, svibanj 2018. Interdisciplinarna studentska konferencija POLITIKA I EKOLOGIJA Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 28. - 29. svibnja 2018. Ciklus tribina “Paralelni svjetovi” ETIKA I UMJETNA INTELIGENCIJA Knjižnica i čitaonica Bogdana Ogrizovića, 2018. Ciklus tribina “Paralelni svjetovi” KULTURA USAMLJENOSTI: FILOZOFSKO-KNJIŽEVNI RAZGOVOR Knjižnica i čitaonica Bogdana Ogrizovića, 2018. Predstavljanje knjige PREDSTAVLJANJE ZBORNIKA RADOVA POSVEĆENIH KARLU MARXU POVODOM DVJESTOTE OBLJETNICE NJEGOVA ROĐENJA Knjižnica i čitaonica Bogdana Ogrizovića, Zagreb, 2018 Tribina Inicijative za Feministički Filozofski ROD I SPOL Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, 2018. Tribina USFF-a Virtus POLOŽAJ ŽENA U MONOTEISTIČKIM RELIGIJAMA1 Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, 2019. Predavanje u sklopu Subversive Film Festivala Terry EAGLETON: NADA BEZ OPTIMIZMA Kino Europa, Zagreb, 2018. Predavanje Alan HÁJEK: MOST COUNTERFACTUALS ARE STILL FALSE Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb, 23. 5. 2018