University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Predmet ovog rada je projekt ventilacije škole. Kvaliteta zraka u školama može predstavljati ne samo smanjen učinak učenja nego i zdravstvene probleme djece, ako se problem ne rješava adekvatnim sustavom pripreme zraka. Ventilacija je izvedena sa rekuperatorom stupnja povrata topline 78% i VAV sustavom radi uštede energije . Zgrada se opskrbljuje sa 37200 m2/h .
Sustav prati koncentraciju CO2 sa osjetnicima te prema potrebi regulira dovedeni protok u prostorije. Takvim radom omogućuje uštedu energije na pogonu grijača i ventilatora bez da kompromitira kvalitetu zraka u prostoriji.
Provjerom zvučnih snaga pojedinih dijelova sustava dimenzioniran je i prigušivač koji osigurava ugodnost sa stajališta buke.The subject of this paper is the school ventilation project. Air quality in schools can represent not only a diminished learning impact but also children's health problems if the problem is not addressed by an adequate air preparation system. Ventilation was performed with a heat recovery rate of 78% and a VAV system to save energy. The building is supplied with 37200 m2/h.
The system monitors the concentration of CO2 with the sensors and adjusts the flow to the rooms as needed. Such work saves energy on the heater and fan drive without compromising the air quality of the room.
By checking the sound power of individual parts of the system, a silencer is also designed to provide comfort from a noise standpoint