354 research outputs found

    A Simple Heliodon System for Horizontal Placed Models

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    Most probably, all our buildings are affected by sunlight. Hence, the ignorance of the sun’s impact results in overheating, glare, and missed opportunities for the positive use of daylight, leading to wasted energy. Heliodon is considered to be a powerful tool that can aid students, professionals, building developers and users to better understand the relationship between the sun’s path and its effects on the architectural model(s). Most of the heliodons are relatively expensive and complex in operation. Thus, the need to design and build a simple and relatively inexpensive one emerged. It was proposed to work on this heliodon as a team project in the environmental control class “fall-2016”. The authors put the design concept and introduced a mathematical calculations table to be used with the physical heliodon, while nine students participated in the manufacturing process. The design concept is based on determining the sun’s position by converting the Altitude and Azimuth angels to their corresponding measurements on the (X, Y & Z) coordinates (in relation to the observer’s location). One light source can be moved on a set of graded tubes assembled in the shape of a wireframe box (thus the X, Y & Z distances could be measured) to simulate the sun’s position and its lighting conditions for any latitude, at any time for any chosen day

    A Simple Heliodon System for Horizontal Placed Models

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    Most probably, all our buildings are affected by sunlight. Hence, the ignorance of the sun's impact results in overheating, glare, and missed opportunities for the positive use of daylight, leading to wasted energy. Heliodon is considered to be a powerful tool that can aid students, professionals, building developers and users to better understand the relationship between the sun's path and its effects on the architectural model(s). Most of the heliodons are relatively expensive and complex in operation. Thus, the need to design and build a simple and relatively inexpensive one emerged. It was proposed to work on this heliodon as a team project in the environmental control class “fall-2016”. The authors put the design concept and introduced a mathematical calculations table to be used with the physical heliodon, while nine students participated in the manufacturing process. The design concept is based on determining the sun's position by converting the Altitude and Azimuth angels to their corresponding measurements on the (X, Y & Z) coordinates (in relation to the observer's location). One light source can be moved on a set of graded tubes assembled in the shape of a wire frame box (thus the X, Y & Z distances could be measured) to simulate the sun's position and its lighting conditions for any latitude, at any time for any chosen day

    Nasogastric Tube Feeding-Induced Esophageal Bezoar: Case Description

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    Background. Bezoars are well established entities causing gastrointestinal obstructions. Depending on the prominent constituent of these bezoars, the latter are divided into four subtypes: pharmacobezoars, lactobezoars, trichobezoars, and phytobezoars. Less frequently reported types of bezoars are reported including those formed secondary to nasogastric tube feeding with casein-based formulas. Case Presentation. A 69-year-old male presented following cardiac arrest postmyocardial infarction. Patient sustained anoxic brain injury after resuscitation, rendering him ventilator dependant along with nasogastric tube feeding, initially. Dislodging of the nasogastric tube at one time rendered it difficult to reinsert it, with investigation showing the presence of calcified material within the distal oesophagus, mainly composed of casein-based products secondary to enteral feeding. Conclusion. Bezoars are well known to cause gastrointestinal obstructions due to their indigestible characteristics within the alimentary tract. More rare causes of bezoars include those formed from casein-based feeding formulas administered to patients with sustained enteral feeding. Esophageal obstruction, secondary to casein-based bezoars, occurs due to multiple risk factors, especially in those necessitating intensive care. Approach in such scenarios requires a multiteam approach

    Gas storage using fullerene based adsorbents

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    This invention is directed to the synthesis of high bulk density high gas absorption capacity adsorbents for gas storage applications. Specifically, this invention is concerned with novel gas absorbents with high gravimetric and volumetric gas adsorption capacities which are made from fullerene-based materials. By pressing fullerene powder into pellet form using a conventional press, then polymerizing it by subjecting the fullerene to high temperature and high inert gas pressure, the resulting fullerene-based materials have high bulk densities and high gas adsorption capacities. By pre-chemical modification or post-polymerization activation processes, the gas adsorption capacities of the fullerene-based adsorbents can be further enhanced. These materials are suitable for low pressure gas storage applications, such as oxygen storage for home oxygen therapy uses or on-board vehicle natural gas storage. They are also suitable for storing gases and vapors such as hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor

    Functional neuroanatomy of intuitive physical inference

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    To engage with the world - to understand the scene in front of us, plan actions, and predict what will happen next - we must have an intuitive grasp of the world's physical structure and dynamics. How do the objects in front of us rest on and support each other, how much force would be required to move them, and how will they behave when they fall, roll, or collide? Despite the centrality of physical inferences in daily life, little is known about the brain mechanisms recruited to interpret the physical structure of a scene and predict how physical events will unfold. Here, in a series of fMRI experiments, we identified a set of cortical regions that are selectively engaged when people watch and predict the unfolding of physical events - a "physics engine" in the brain. These brain regions are selective to physical inferences relative to nonphysical but otherwise highly similar scenes and tasks. However, these regions are not exclusively engaged in physical inferences per se or, indeed, even in scene understanding; they overlap with the domain-general "multiple demand" system, especially the parts of that system involved in action planning and tool use, pointing to a close relationship between the cognitive and neural mechanisms involved in parsing the physical content of a scene and preparing an appropriate action.Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.) (Grant F32-HD075427)National Eye Institute (Grant EY13455)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1231216

    Isatuximab plus carfilzomib/dexamethasone versus carfilzomib/dexamethasone in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: IKEMA Phase III study design

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    Although the treatment of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma has improved dramatically over the past decade, the disease remains incurable; therefore, additional therapies are needed. Novel combination therapies incorporating monoclonal antibodies have shown significant promise. Here we describe the design of a Phase III study (NCT03275285, IKEMA), which is evaluating isatuximab plus carfilzomib and low-dose dexamethasone, versus carfilzomib/dexamethasone in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. The primary end point is progression-free survival. Responses are being determined by an independent review committee using 2016 International Myeloma Working Group criteria, and safety will be assessed throughout. The first patient was recruited in November 2017, and the last patient was recruited in March 2019; 302 patients have been randomized, and the study is ongoing. / Clinical trial registration: NCT0327528

    Imported feminism: problematizing the Westernized image of the feminist in Arab social media

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    Purpose – This paper aims to analyze the discourse of Arab feminism social media pages as a form of real-time new media. This is to be conducted culturally to understand the Westernized character these pages tend to propagate and the politico-cultural significations of such a propagation. Design/methodology/approach – Using visual and content analysis the paper analyzes both the written and visual contents of two popular Arab feminist Facebook pages, “Thory” and “Feminist doodles” to explore its culture relevance/Westernization via the categories of “re-employing the binary second wave feminism, the historical relevance and the Westernized tone of both pages. Findings – The pages showed a tendency toward second wave, Westernized, anti-orient feminism. Such importation of feminism made the pages’ message not only a bit irrelevant but also conceptually violent to a large extent. Starting from alien contexts, the two pages dislocate the Arab women experiences of their situation for the sake of comprehending and adapting to heavily Westernized images. Originality/value – The paper contributes to the ongoing debate over the gender issue in the Arab context after 2011, what it originally offers is discussing the cultural relevance of popular feminist Facebook pages claiming to represent the everyday struggles of the Arab women. In addition, it shows the impact of real-time media on identity formulation

    Treatments for improving tree growth, yield and fruit quality and for reducing double fruit and deep suture incidence in “Desert red” peach trees

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    Five years old “Desert red” peach trees budded on Nemaguard rootstock and grown in sandy soil at commercial orchard Al-Nubariacity, El-Behira Governorate-Egypt were treated with some agricultural treatments involving thinning out pruning, fruit thinning and foliarapplication of potassium silicate (25% S +10% K2O) at 0.1% and super grow (20% N, 20% P2O5 and 20% K2O) at 0.3% in 2014 and 2015seasons, to study their effects on yield and fruit quality and the relationship between nutrient balance and yield of “Desert red” peach trees.Beside, testing the influence of used treatments on two physiological disorder, double fruit and deep suture %. Also, economic evaluationof different treatments was done. All obtained data were statistically analyzed using a randomized complete block design. Depending on theobtained results in this study, it could be concluded that application of thinning out pruning 35%, fruit thinning by leaving 15 cm betweenfruits on one-year old shoot at 20 days after full bloom and foliar application of potassium silicate which sprayed five times during eachgrowing season at fruit set, the second fruit development stage, the beginning of the fruit color change and twice after month from harvest,most profitable treatment for peach trees grown under conditions of this investigation. This treatment gave the best vegetative growth, yield,fruit quality, higher crop value with high net income /fed. from “Desert red” peach trees, in addition, reduced the percentage of double fruitand deep suture by more than 50% in both seasons, therefore, the study recommends this treatment for “Desert red” peach growers

    Treatments for improving tree growth, yield and fruit quality and for reducing double fruit and deep suture incidence in “Desert red” peach trees

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    Five years old “Desert red” peach trees budded on Nemaguard rootstock and grown in sandy soil at commercial orchard Al-Nubaria city, El-Behira Governorate-Egypt were treated with some agricultural treatments involving thinning out pruning, fruit thinning and foliar application of potassium silicate (25% S +10% K2O) at 0.1% and super grow (20% N, 20% P2O5 and 20% K2O) at 0.3% in 2014 and 2015 seasons, to study their effects on yield and fruit quality and the relationship between nutrient balance and yield of “Desert red” peach trees. Beside, testing the influence of used treatments on two physiological disorder, double fruit and deep suture %. Also, economic evaluation of different treatments was done. All obtained data were statistically analyzed using a randomized complete block design. Depending on the obtained results in this study, it could be concluded that application of thinning out pruning 35%, fruit thinning by leaving 15 cm between fruits on one-year old shoot at 20 days after full bloom and foliar application of potassium silicate which sprayed five times during each growing season at fruit set, the second fruit development stage, the beginning of the fruit color change and twice after month from harvest, most profitable treatment for peach trees grown under conditions of this investigation. This treatment gave the best vegetative growth, yield, fruit quality, higher crop value with high net income /fed. from “Desert red” peach trees, in addition, reduced the percentage of double fruit and deep suture by more than 50% in both seasons, therefore, the study recommends this treatment for “Desert red” peach growers

    Highly Efficient and Scalable Separation of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes via Weak Field Centrifugation

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    The identification of scalable processes that transfer random mixtures of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) into fractions featuring a high content of semiconducting species is crucial for future application of SWCNTs in high-performance electronics. Herein we demonstrate a highly efficient and simple separation method that relies on selective interactions between tailor-made amphiphilic polymers and semiconducting SWCNTs in the presence of low viscosity separation media. High purity individualized semiconducting SWCNTs or even self-organized semiconducting sheets are separated from an as-produced SWCNT dispersion via a single weak field centrifugation run. Absorption and Raman spectroscopy are applied to verify the high purity of the obtained SWCNTs. Furthermore SWCNT - network field-effect transistors were fabricated, which exhibit high ON/OFF ratios (105^{5}) and field-effect mobilities (17 cm2^{2}/Vs). In addition to demonstrating the feasibility of high purity separation by a novel low complexity process, our method can be readily transferred to large scale production
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