284 research outputs found

    Discerning Trends in Performance Across Multiple Events

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    Mass Data is a computer program that enables rapid, easy discernment of trends in performance data across multiple flights and ground tests. The program can perform Fourier analysis and other functions for the purposes of frequency analysis and trending of all variables. These functions facilitate identification of past use of diagnosed systems and of anomalies in such systems, and enable rapid assessment of related current problems. Many variables, for computation of which it is usually necessary to perform extensive manual manipulation of raw downlist data, are automatically computed and made available to all users, regularly eliminating the need for what would otherwise be an extensive amount of engineering analysis. Data from flight, ground test, and simulation are preprocessed and stored in one central location for instantaneous access and comparison for diagnostic and trending purposes. Rules are created so that an event log is created for every flight, making it easy to locate information on similar maneuvers across many flights. The same rules can be created for test sets and simulations, and are searchable, so that information on like events is easily accessible

    Diverse CD81 proteins support hepatitis C virus infection.

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) entry is dependent on CD81. To investigate whether the CD81 sequence is a determinant of HCV host range, we expressed a panel of diverse CD81 proteins and tested their ability to interact with HCV. CD81 large extracellular loop (LEL) sequences were expressed as recombinant proteins; the human and, to a low level, the African green monkey sequences bound soluble HCV E2 (sE2) and inhibited infection by retrovirus pseudotype particles bearing HCV glycoproteins (HCVpp). In contrast, mouse or rat CD81 proteins failed to bind sE2 or to inhibit HCVpp infection. However, CD81 proteins from all species, when expressed in HepG2 cells, conferred susceptibility to infection by HCVpp and cell culture-grown HCV to various levels, with the rat sequence being the least efficient. Recombinant human CD81 LEL inhibited HCVpp infectivity only if present during the virus-cell incubation, consistent with a role for CD81 after virus attachment. Amino acid changes that abrogate sE2 binding (I182F, N184Y, and F186S, alone or in combination) were introduced into human CD81. All three amino acid changes in human CD81 resulted in a molecule that still supported HCVpp infection, albeit with reduced efficiency. In summary, there is a remarkable plasticity in the range of CD81 sequences that can support HCV entry, suggesting that CD81 polymorphism may contribute to, but alone does not define, the HCV susceptibility of a species. In addition, the capacity to support viral entry is only partially reflected by assays measuring sE2 interaction with recombinant or full-length CD81 proteins

    Rapidly Connecting You to the World: Improving NASAs Worldview to Enhance Discovery and Access to Near Real-Time Imagery

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    The world around us is constantly in motion. Storms swirl, fires rage, volcanoes erupt and icebergs calve. NASAs fleet of Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites are there to capture this. Within hours of satellite overpass, NASAs Worldview (https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov) delivers this global, near-real time imagery through an interactive web map application. Provided through NASAs Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) (https://earthdata.nasa.gov/lance) via NASAs Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) (https://earthdata.nasa.gov/gibs), the near real-time satellite imagery provides a launching point to discover where the latest wildfires, severe storms, volcanic eruptions, and calving ice shelves are happening. This poster will explore the newest near real-time satellite imagery and soon-to-be available imagery in Worldview, including imagery from geostationary satellites - GOES-East/West and Himawari-8. The poster will cover recent and future improvements to Worldview aimed to enhance the discovery and interaction with near real-time imagery and show how it is used by people from researchers, to meteorologists to the science-minded public around the world

    NASA GIBS and Worldview: Visualizing NASA's Earth Science Data for All to Explore

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    For more than 20 years, the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) has operated dozens of remote sensing satellites collecting nearly 15 Petabytes of data that span thousands of science parameters. Within these observations are keys the Earth Scientists have used to unlock many discoveries that we now understand about our planet. Also contained within these observations are a myriad of opportunities for learning and education. The challenge is making them accessible to educators and students in intuitive and simple ways so that effort can be spent on lesson enrichment and not overcoming technical hurdles.The NASA Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) system and NASA Worldview interactive mapping site provide a unique view into EOS data through daily full resolution visualizations of hundreds of Earth science parameters. For many of these parameters, visualizations are available within hours of acquisition from the satellite. For others, visualizations are available for the entire mission of the satellite. Accompanying the visualizations are visual aids such as color legends, place names, and orbit tracks. By using these visualizations, educators and students can observe natural phenomena that enrich a scientific education.This presentation will provide an overview of the visualizations available in NASA GIBS and Worldview and how they are accessed. Specific attention will be given to the newer capabilities and accomplishments, including: Support for geostationary sub-daily visualizations, Enhanced support for vector-based visualizations, Improved Worldview tour and snapshot capabilities, New imagery products across a growing set of scientific areas

    Identifying Nearby, Young, Late-type Stars by Means of Their Circumstellar Disks

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    It has recently been shown that a significant fraction of late-type members of nearby, very young associations (age <10 Myr) display excess emission at mid-IR wavelengths indicative of dusty circumstellar disks. We demonstrate that the detection of mid-IR excess emission can be utilized to identify new nearby, young, late-type stars including two definite new members ("TWA 33" and "TWA 34") of the TW Hydrae Association. Both new TWA members display mid-IR excess emission in the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) catalog and they show proper motion and youthful spectroscopic characteristics -- namely H\alpha emission, strong lithium absorption, and low surface gravity features consistent with known TWA members. We also detect mid-IR excess -- the first unambiguous evidence of a dusty circumstellar disk -- around a previously identified UV-bright, young, accreting star (2M1337) that is a likely member of the Lower-Centaurus Crux region of the Scorpius Centaurus Complex.Comment: ApJ, Accepte

    Testing SOAR Tools in Use

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    Modern security operation centers (SOCs) rely on operators and a tapestry of logging and alerting tools with large scale collection and query abilities. SOC investigations are tedious as they rely on manual efforts to query diverse data sources, overlay related logs, and correlate the data into information and then document results in a ticketing system. Security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) tools are a new technology that promise to collect, filter, and display needed data; automate common tasks that require SOC analysts' time; facilitate SOC collaboration; and, improve both efficiency and consistency of SOCs. SOAR tools have never been tested in practice to evaluate their effect and understand them in use. In this paper, we design and administer the first hands-on user study of SOAR tools, involving 24 participants and 6 commercial SOAR tools. Our contributions include the experimental design, itemizing six characteristics of SOAR tools and a methodology for testing them. We describe configuration of the test environment in a cyber range, including network, user, and threat emulation; a full SOC tool suite; and creation of artifacts allowing multiple representative investigation scenarios to permit testing. We present the first research results on SOAR tools. We found that SOAR configuration is critical, as it involves creative design for data display and automation. We found that SOAR tools increased efficiency and reduced context switching during investigations, although ticket accuracy and completeness (indicating investigation quality) decreased with SOAR use. Our findings indicated that user preferences are slightly negatively correlated with their performance with the tool; overautomation was a concern of senior analysts, and SOAR tools that balanced automation with assisting a user to make decisions were preferred

    The Healthcare and Societal Costs of Familial Intellectual Disability

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    Most of the studies on the cost of intellectual disability are limited to a healthcare perspective or cohorts composed of individuals where the etiology of the condition is a mixture of genetic and non-genetic factors. When used in policy development, these can impact the decisions made on the optimal allocation of resources. In our study, we have developed a static microsimulation model to estimate the healthcare, societal, and lifetime cost of individuals with familial intellectual disability, an inheritable form of the condition, to families and government. The results from our modeling show that the societal costs outweighed the health costs (approximately 89.2% and 10.8%, respectively). The lifetime cost of familial intellectual disability is approximately AUD 7 million per person and AUD 10.8 million per household. The lifetime costs to families are second to those of the Australian Commonwealth government (AUD 4.2 million and AUD 9.3 million per household, respectively). These findings suggest that familial intellectual disability is a very expensive condition, representing a significant cost to families and government. Understanding the drivers of familial intellectual disability, especially societal, can assist us in the development of policies aimed at improving health outcomes and greater access to social care for affected individuals and their families

    Whole genome linkage scan of recurrent depressive disorder from the depression network study

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    Genome-wide linkage analysis was carried out in a sample of 497 sib pairs concordant for recurrent major depressive disorder (MDD). There was suggestive evidence for linkage on chromosome 1p36 where the LOD score for female-female pairs exceeded 3 (but reduced to 2.73 when corrected for multiple testing). The region includes a gene, MTHFR, that in previous studies has been associated with depressive symptoms. Two other regions, on chromosomes 12q23.3-q24.11 and 13q31.1-q31.3, showed evidence for linkage with a nominal P<0.01. The 12q peak overlaps with a region previously implicated by linkage studies of unipolar and bipolar disorders and contains a gene, DAO, that has been associated with both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The 13q peak lies within a region previously linked strongly to panic disorder. A fourth modest peak with an LOD of greater than 1 on chromosome 15q lies within a region that showed genome-wide significant evidence of a recurrent depression locus in a previous sib-pair study. Both the 12q and the 15q findings remained significant at genome-wide level when the data from the present study and the previous reports were combine

    What's It like to See Earth from Space? Viewing Your World with NASA's Worldview!

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    When you first see Earth from space, you'll realize it's largely covered in white - our world is quite cloudy! Look closer and you'll discern landmasses, oceans, and regions covered in snow. Look closer still and you'll notice that our world is in constant motion - storms brewing and tracing paths over the oceans, plumes of smoke from wildfires and plumes of ash from volcanic eruptions billowing with the wind, dust storms blowing across the deserts, phytoplankton swirling in the oceans, icebergs floating in the oceans, and you'll see the human footprint on the earth's surface: cities connected by roads and vast swaths of agriculture. NASA's Worldview (https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov) interactive web map application provides a platform to view the world as it has been every day for the past 18 years, using data from NASA's fleet of Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites.This presentation will cover the history and development of the Worldview web map application; the 700+ imagery layers that are provided by the Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) (https://earthdata.nasa.gov/gibs); current and new features that are in Worldview to constantly improve the user experience; the interdisciplinary nature of the app and how it helps a broad range of user communities discover and interact with NASA satellite imagery; and ongoing efforts to improve Worldview and serve user communities
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