35 research outputs found

    Research on the compatibility of the calculation methods of rolling‐stock brakes

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    One of the main tasks approached by the European Union is the liberalisation of railway transport service market. The foremost problem solved in this paper is the interoperability of various railway systems in the countries of the European Union. Thus, the immediate goal is to solve the problem of the interoperability of different railway systems used in the European Union. A distinction between railway track gauges (from 1435 to 1668 mm), particular couples of wagons, various clearances of rolling stock, different systems of infrastructure etc. are the main impediments. One of the problems in the nearest future will be the evaluation of the brakes of different wagons produced in Western Europe and the former Soviet Union. Freight trains in Lithuania consist of these two types of wagons, and therefore some problems of correcting the results of calculating braking distances and brake force may arise. The main object of this research is to investigate the methods evaluating the brakes of rolling‐stock and to assess the possibilities of integrating and harmonizing these different methods. The reliability of the methods evaluating the brakes of rolling‐stock is one of the most important components enabling the interoperability of railway transport in the EU network. The brakes of Russian wagons are calculated by MPS Rules for Traction Calculations, approved by the Russian Ministry of Transport (till 2004 ‐ Ministry of Communication Ways of Russia)). On the other hand, the brakes of the wagons produced in Western Europe should be calculated applying TSI (Technical Specifications for Interoperability) methodology. The main parameter following TSI (Technical Specifications for Interoperability) methodology is braked mass and following MPS (Railway Transport Ministry of Russia) method ‐ a pressing force of the brake shoes. The questions of determining the braked mass of wagons and correcting mean braking distance are presented. The compatibility of two different evaluating methods is discussed. Finally, the basic conclusions are given. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    Modelling of collisions of the automobiles

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    The graphic analytical modelling and the computer modelling of collisions of the automobiles are compared in this article. The examples of modelling of collisions of the automobiles are given. The computer modelling of collision of the automobiles with the help of the program PC CRASH is introduced. The possibilities and advantages of this computer program, the inserted parameters and their optimization are investigated. The possibilities of applying the computer modelling program in the experts’ examination of traffic accidents while modelling collisions of the automobiles, the items and requirements raised towards the experts, who work with such programs, on reliability of the obtained results are considered. First Published Online: 27 Oct 201

    Reikalavimų automatizuotų ogranizacinių procesų valdymui analizė

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    The selection and implementation of an automated system into business processes for SME leads to the problem of decision, evaluation and reliability of the system. In order to solve such problems adequate applied research is required, along with software analysis. Reliable, integrated, flexible and open management system for different organizational processes is an indispensable condition for the growth for the enterprise’s competitiveness. The article presents the principles and aspects of requirements analysis, coming from organizational processes and leading to potencial decisions. Apart from dealing with the factors expressing the reliability of chosen decisions, it also estimates IT enterprises efforts of such system integration. It considers the information technology system requirements for four possible decision options considered: a) a universal system developed from scratch, b) an existing system which is improved by adding some minor add-ons, c) a system best suitable only for a specific company, d) a platform suitable for development and integration of flexible and adjustable components, covering all aspects of SME activities. The analysis of the organizational management systems‘ functionality of components requirements strongly favours to the decision of design of a platform suitable for the development and integration of flexible and adjustable components. This work is supported by the project “Integrated, flexible and open automated organizational processes management system for small and medium enterprises: applied research and development of software demo version” (project identification number BPD04-ERPF-3.1.7-03-05/0019), in realization of Lithuanian 2004-2006 single programming document 3 priority “Development of productive sector” 1 measure “Direct support for business” action group “Research and development activities (applied research and development of technologies)” for industry and business.Kiekvienai įmonei, atsižvelgiant į jos veiklą, svarbu valdyti procesus: pardavimo, pirkimo, projektų, paslaugų, personalo, kanceliarijos, sutarčių ir kt. Jie turi būti valdomi greitai, patogiai, logiškai, kad būtų patenkinti įmonės darbuotojai ir klientai, užtikrintas produktyvumas, pelno augimas ir darbuotojų tobulėjimas. Straipsnyje analizuojami automatizuotų organizacinių procesų valdymo sistemų reikalavimai vidutinėms ir mažoms verslo įmonėms. Analizė paremta informacinių technologijų sektoriaus plėtros tendencijomis Lietuvoje ir kitose šalyse, autorių patirtimi informacinių technologijų srityje bei atliktais rinkos tyrimais. Tyrimų metodai – klasifikacinė ir kategorinė analizė, apklausos metodai, o jų tikslas – pateikti konkrečias reikalavimų tenkinimo rekomendacijas. Gautus rezultatus tikslinga naudoti atliekant tolesnius taikomuosius mokslinius tyrimus ir kuriant programinės įrangos produktus – organizacines procesų valdymo sistemas. Šis straipsnis parengtas vykdant projektą „Integruota, lanksti bei atvira automatizuotų organizacinių procesų valdymo sistema mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms: moksliniai taikomieji tyrimai ir bandomojo programinės įrangos produkto kūrimas“ (identifikacijos projekto Nr. BPD04-ERPF-3.1.7-03-05/0019), įgyvendinant Lietuvos 2004–2006 m. bendrojo programavimo dokumento 3 prioriteto „Gamybos sektoriaus plėtra“ 1 priemonės „Tiesioginė parama verslui“ veiklų grupę „Mokslinių tyrimų ir plėtros veikla (taikomieji tyrimai ir technologinė plėtra)“, skirtą pramonei ir verslui


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    In this study, spark ignition engine fuelled with buthanol-gasoline mixture and a hydrogen-enriched air was investigated. Engine performance, emissions and combustion characteristics were investigated with different buthanol (10% and 20% by volume) gasoline mixtures and additionally supplied oxygen and hydrogen (HHO) gas mixture (3.6 l/min) in the sucked air. Hydrogen, which is in the HHO gas, improves gasoline and gasoline-buthanol mixture combustion, increases indicated pressure during combustion phase and decreases effective specific fuel consumption. Buthanol addition decreases the rate of heat release, the combustion temperature and pressure are lower which have an influence on lower nitrous oxide (NOx) emission in exhaust gases. Buthanol lowers hydrocarbon (HC) formation, but it increases carbon monoxide (CO) concentration and fuel consumption. Combustion process analysis was carried out using AVL BOOST software. Experimental research and combustion process numerical simulation showed that using balanced buthanol and hydrogen addition, optimal efficient and ecological parameters could be achieved when engine is working with optimal spark timing, as it would work on gasoline fuel

    Methods for numerical calculation of parameters pertaining to the microscopic following-the-leader model of traffic flow: using the fast spline transformation

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    As known in transport engineering, civil engineering, transport planning and mathematics, traffic flow is the study of interactions between vehicles, drivers and infrastructure (including highways, signage and traffic control devices), with the aim of understanding and developing an optimal road network with efficient movement of traffic and minimal traffic congestion problems. The presented paper discusses a small part of a traffic flow study – the development of the methodology for assessing the speed and acceleration of a car during the column movement followingthe-leader, based on a new mathematical method. Two methods – (1) the numerical calculation of the first derivative, i.e. speed of the car movement; (2) the numerical calculation of the second derivative, i.e. acceleration of the car movement – were developed, using the fast spline transformation. In the future, parameters obtained with the help of two new methods, can be used to solve complex transportation problems, such as: (1) control of traffic flows; (2) organisation of harmonised work of traffic lights; (3) analysis of psycho-physiological condition of a driver, etc

    The Analysis of Rail Traffic Control Systems

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    <p>The systems used for rail traffic control are compared. Their advantages and disadvantages are analysed. <br />The present and future development of rail traffic control systems in various countries is considered. <br />The possibility of adapting these microprocessor-based traffic control systems to the conditions of Lithuania is analysed. For this purpose, the analysis of goods transported by Lithuanian railways is made, and the non-uniform amount of goods transported on different road sections is evaluated. <br />The number of the delayed trains due to the failure of traffic control systems in recent years is determined, the cost of installing a new microprocessor-based traffic control system at the railway station, as well as its repay time and the demand for employees are calculated. </p><div class="nav_keywords"><p>Article in Lithuanian</p></div

    The analysis of rail traffic control systems

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    Straipsnyje lyginamos geležinkelyje naudojamos eismo valdymo sistemos. Analizuojami jų privalumai ir trūkumai. Apžvelgta įvairiose šalyse naudojamų geležinkelio eismo valdymo sistemų raida bei aptariamas tolesnis jų plėtojimas. Analizuojamos šių mikroprocesorinių eismo valdymo sistemų pritaikymo Lietuvoje galimybės. Siekiant pagrįstai tai išsiaiškinti atlikta Lietuvos geležinkeliais vežtų krovinių analizė ir įvertintas įvairiais kelio ruožais vežtų krovinių skaičiaus netolygumas. Analizuota kiek traukinių sulaikyta dėl eismo valdymo sistemų gedimų per paskutinius kelerius metus. Apskaičiuotos naujai įrengiamos mikroprocesorinės eismo valdymo sistemos įdiegimo geležinkelio stotyje sąnaudos bei šių sistemų atsipirkimo laikas ir darbuotojų poreikis.Abstract in English. The systems used for rail traffic control are compared. Their advantages and disadvantages are analysed. The present and future development of rail traffic control systems in various countries is considered. The possibility of adapting these microprocessor-based traffic control systems to the conditions of Lithuania is analysed. For this purpose, the analysis of goods transported by Lithuanian railways is made, and the non-uniform amount of goods transported on different road sections is evaluated. The number of the delayed trains due to the failure of traffic control systems in recent years is determined, the cost of installing a new microprocessor-based traffic control system at the railway station, as well as its repay time and the demand for employees are calculated

    Metallographic investigation into the aluminothermic welding of rail joint R65

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    The article describes inherent defects to aluminothermic welds, the origin of reasons and the ways of avoidance. The paper presents visual surface and fracture testing of rail joint R65 applying the method of aluminothermic welded joints. Article in Lithuanian. R65 tipo bėgio termitinio suvirinimo jungties metalografinis tyrimas Santrauka.&nbsp;Straipsnyje nagrinėjami galimi termitiniu būdu suvirintų jungčių defektai, jų atsiradimo priežastys ir nurodomi būdai, kaip jų išvengti. Atlikti R65 tipo bėgių termitiniu būdu suvirintų jungčių vizualiniai paviršiaus ir lūžio tyrimai. Raktiniai žodžiai: bėgiai, termitinis suvirinimas, defektai