208 research outputs found

    Freshwater Bacteria are Stoichiometrically Flexible with a Nutrient Composition Similar to Seston

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    Although aquatic bacteria are assumed to be nutrient-rich, they out-compete other foodweb osmotrophs for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) an apparent contradiction to resource ratio theory. This paradox could be resolved if aquatic bacteria were demonstrated to be nutrient-poor relative other portions of the planktonic food web. In a survey of >120 lakes in the upper Midwest of the USA, the nutrient content of bacteria was lower than previously reported and very similar to the Redfield ratio, with a mean biomass composition of 102:12:1 (C:N:P). Individual freshwater bacterial isolates grown under P-limiting and P-replete conditions had even higher C:P and N:P ratios with a mean community biomass composition ratio of 875C:179N:1P suggesting that individual strains can be extremely nutrient-poor, especially with respect to P. Cell-specific measurements of individual cells from one lake confirmed that low P content could be observed at the community level in natural systems with a mean biomass composition of 259C:69N:1P. Variability in bacterial stoichiometry is typically not recognized in the literature as most studies assume constant and nutrient-rich bacterial biomass composition. We present evidence that bacteria can be extremely P-poor in individual systems and in culture, suggesting that bacteria in freshwater ecosystems can either play a role as regenerators or consumers of inorganic nutrients and that this role could switch depending on the relationship between bacterial biomass stoichiometry and resource stoichiometry. This ability to switch roles between nutrient retention and regeneration likely facilitates processing of terrestrial organic matter in lakes and rivers and has important implications for a wide range of bacterially mediated biogeochemical processes

    Somali Bantu Refugees in Southwest Idaho: Assessment Using Participatory Research

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    Each year, refugees are forced to leave their homes and country due to result of wars or political turmoil. According to the National Office of Refugees, 2.6 million refugees have settled in the United States (U.S.) since 19751. Idaho is a state in which refugees are resettled. The majority of refugees in Idaho are located in the capitol city of Boise. The refugees come from over the globe including Latin America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. African refugees represent a unique population in the United States and throughout the world. Many African refugees represent a preliterate population; they have no native written language. The refugees speak several different African dialects, with few African refugees who speak English. Many of these refugees are from countries embroiled in civil war, and they have spent years in resettlement camps in countries such as Kenya before achieving permanent placement in the United States (U.S.)

    Possibilities for an Aerial Biosphere in Temperate Sub Neptune-Sized Exoplanet Atmospheres

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    The search for signs of life through the detection of exoplanet atmosphere biosignature gases is gaining momentum. Yet, only a handful of rocky exoplanet atmospheres are suitable for observation with planned next-generation telescopes. To broaden prospects, we describe the possibilities for an aerial, liquid water cloud-based biosphere in the atmospheres of sub Neptune-sized temperate exoplanets, those receiving Earth-like irradiation from their host stars. One such planet is known (K2-18b) and other candidates are being followed up. Sub Neptunes are common and easier to study observationally than rocky exoplanets because of their larger sizes, lower densities, and extended atmospheres or envelopes. Yet, sub Neptunes lack any solid surface as we know it, so it is worthwhile considering whether their atmospheres can support an aerial biosphere. We review, synthesize, and build upon existing research. Passive microbial-like life particles must persist aloft in a region with liquid water clouds for long enough to metabolize, reproduce, and spread before downward transport to lower altitudes that may be too hot for life of any kind to survive. Dynamical studies are needed to flesh out quantitative details of life particle residence times. A sub Neptune would need to be a part of a planetary system with an unstable asteroid belt in order for meteoritic material to provide nutrients, though life would also need to efficiently reuse and recycle metals. The origin of life may be the most severe limiting challenge. Regardless of the uncertainties, we can keep an open mind to the search for biosignature gases as a part of general observational studies of sub Neptune exoplanets.Comment: Published in Universe: https://www.mdpi.com/2218-1997/7/6/17

    Формирование приоритетов интенсификации факторов производства угольного предприятия на основе структурно-иерархического анализа

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    Проведено оцінку взаємного впливу чинників виробництва і пріоритетів їх формування на базі підприємств вугільної галузі на основі структурно-ієрархічного підходу. Обґрунтовано можливості йі умови аналізу багатоваріантності впливів чинників праці і капіталу на зниження трудомісткості і капіталомісткості очисних робіт. Доведено доцільність застосування методу аналізу ієрархій, за допомогою якого побудовано матриці парних порівнянь. Ключові слова: інтенсифікація чинників виробництва, матриця попарних порівнянь, метод аналізу ієрархій, структурно-ієрархічний метод, чинники виробництва.Проведена оценка взаимного влияния факторов производства и приоритетов их формирования на базе предприятий угольной отрасли на основе структурно-иерархического подхода. Обоснованы возможности и условия анализа многовариантности воздействия факторов труда и капитала на снижение трудоемкости и капиталоемкости очистных работ. Доказана целесообразность применения метода анализа иерархий, с помощью которого построены матрицы парных сравнений. Ключевые слова: интенсификация факторов производства, матрица попарных сравнений, метод анализа иерархий, структурно-иерархический метод, факторы производства.In new economics which is based on the knowledge system the level and complicity of innovation development of industrial complexenterprise is determined by such deep transformational phenomena as change of structure of technological modes in world economy, change of qualitative and quantitative proportions of production factors and, in particular, intensification of production factors, which is able to solve such actual problem as migration to primary intensive way of development. That is why the purpose of this research is development and improvement of methodological approach to formation of priority variants of production factors intensification on the basis of method of hierarchies analysis. For solution ofthis task the method of hierarchies analysis is usedwhich is systematic procedure for hierarchical expressing the elements determining the essence of any problem. The assessment of mutual influence of production factors and priorities of their formation by the example of coal industry enterprise on the basis of structural-hierarchic approach is given in the article. On the basis of structural-hierarchic approach the criteriawere formed, which, each in different ways and with different level of intensity, make influence on meaning of coal enterprise factors. There were proved the possibilities and conditions of multipart influence of labor factors and capital on decrease of labor and capital intensity of coal-face works, which will allow giving rise in increasing effectiveness while securing necessary labor safety. Practicability of method of hierarchies analysis, with the help of which the comparison-of-pairs matrix were built, was proved. Investigation conducted allowed choosing the directions of capital investments for the purpose of getting maximum effect. Keywords: production factors intensification, comparison-of-pairs matrix, method of hierarchies analysis, structural-hierarchic method, production factors

    Overcast on Osiris: 3D radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of a cloudy hot Jupiter using the parametrized, phase-equilibrium cloud formation code EDDYSED (article)

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    This is the final version. Available from OUP via the DOI in this recordThe dataset associated with this article is available in ORE: https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.1483We present results from 3D radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of HD 209458b with a fully coupled treatment of clouds using the EDDYSED code, critically, including cloud radiative feedback via absorption and scattering. We demonstrate that the thermal and optical structure of the simulated atmosphere is markedly different, for the majority of our simulations, when including cloud radiative effects, suggesting this important mechanism cannot be neglected. Additionally, we further demonstrate that the cloud structure is sensitive to not only the cloud sedimentation efficiency (termed fsed in EDDYSED), but also the temperature–pressure profile of the deeper atmosphere. We briefly discuss the large difference between the resolved cloud structures of this work, adopting a phase-equilibrium and parametrized cloud model, and our previous work incorporating a cloud microphysical model, although a fairer comparison where, for example, the same list of constituent condensates is included in both treatments is reserved for a future work. Our results underline the importance of further study into the potential condensate size distributions and vertical structures, as both strongly influence the radiative impact of clouds on the atmosphere. Finally, we present synthetic observations from our simulations reporting an improved match, over our previous cloud-free simulations, to the observed transmission, HST WFC3 emission, and 4.5 μm Spitzer phase curve of HD 209458b. Additionally, we find all our cloudy simulations have an apparent albedo consistent with observations.Leverhulme TrustScience and Technology Facilities Council (STFC

    Into the UV: A Precise Transmission Spectrum of HAT-P-41b Using Hubble’s WFC3/UVIS G280 Grism

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    The ultraviolet–visible wavelength range holds critical spectral diagnostics for the chemistry and physics at work in planetary atmospheres. To date, time-series studies of exoplanets to characterize their atmospheres have relied on several combinations of modes on the Hubble Space Telescope's STIS/COS instruments to access this wavelength regime. Here for the first time, we apply the Hubble WFC3/UVIS G280 grism mode to obtain exoplanet spectroscopy from 200 to 800 nm in a single observation. We test the G280 grism mode on the hot Jupiter HAT-P-41b over two consecutive transits to determine its viability for the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres. We obtain a broadband transit depth precision of 29–33 ppm and a precision of on average 200 ppm in 10 nm spectroscopic bins. Spectral information from the G280 grism can be extracted from both the positive and negative first-order spectra, resulting in a 60% increase in the measurable flux. Additionally, the first Hubble Space Telescope orbit can be fully utilized in the time-series analysis. We present detailed extraction and reduction methods for use by future investigations with this mode, testing multiple techniques. We find the results to be fully consistent with STIS measurements of HAT-P-41b from 310 to 800 nm, with the G280 results representing a more observationally efficient and precise spectrum. HAT-P-41b's transmission spectrum is best fit with a model with T eq = 2091 K, high metallicity, and significant scattering and cloud opacity. With these first-of-their-kind observations, we demonstrate that WFC3/UVIS G280 is a powerful new tool to obtain UV–optical spectra of exoplanet atmospheres, adding to the UV legacy of Hubble and complementing future observations with the James Webb Space Telescope

    Into the UV: A Precise Transmission Spectrum of HAT-P-41b Using Hubble’s WFC3/UVIS G280 Grism

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    The ultraviolet–visible wavelength range holds critical spectral diagnostics for the chemistry and physics at work in planetary atmospheres. To date, time-series studies of exoplanets to characterize their atmospheres have relied on several combinations of modes on the Hubble Space Telescope's STIS/COS instruments to access this wavelength regime. Here for the first time, we apply the Hubble WFC3/UVIS G280 grism mode to obtain exoplanet spectroscopy from 200 to 800 nm in a single observation. We test the G280 grism mode on the hot Jupiter HAT-P-41b over two consecutive transits to determine its viability for the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres. We obtain a broadband transit depth precision of 29–33 ppm and a precision of on average 200 ppm in 10 nm spectroscopic bins. Spectral information from the G280 grism can be extracted from both the positive and negative first-order spectra, resulting in a 60% increase in the measurable flux. Additionally, the first Hubble Space Telescope orbit can be fully utilized in the time-series analysis. We present detailed extraction and reduction methods for use by future investigations with this mode, testing multiple techniques. We find the results to be fully consistent with STIS measurements of HAT-P-41b from 310 to 800 nm, with the G280 results representing a more observationally efficient and precise spectrum. HAT-P-41b's transmission spectrum is best fit with a model with T eq = 2091 K, high metallicity, and significant scattering and cloud opacity. With these first-of-their-kind observations, we demonstrate that WFC3/UVIS G280 is a powerful new tool to obtain UV–optical spectra of exoplanet atmospheres, adding to the UV legacy of Hubble and complementing future observations with the James Webb Space Telescope