21 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Biochemical Effects of Phenol in the Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fry

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    This study was conducted to investigate the possible side effects of phenol on biochemical param-eters of carp (Cyprinus carpio) fry with an average weight of 0.474±0.04 g. Fishes were treated with 0 (control), 5, 10 and 20 ppm of phenol during 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours. We have tested the effects of phenol on the biochemical profile, i.e., the total protein, lipid and glycogen levels, in the whole body of the carp samples. They showed change as total protein (p lt;0.05), glycogen (p gt;0.05) and lipids (p gt;0.05) content in the whole body. In view of results, the present study reports metabolic dysfunction in response to phenol toxicity in carp

    Investigation of infection Hafnia alvei in Rainbow trout cage facilities in the Down Fırat Basin

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    Some trout cage facilities in the Down Fırat Basin were observed an infection with high mortality in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, W., 1792) fry weighing 10-25 g January - March 2019. Ill fish were observed in a yellowish pus-filled exudate and bloody intestines, blackening of the spleen and liver, red spots in the liver, grayish-white abscesses in the kidney, ascites in the abdomen, epizootic hemorrhagic septicemia, darkening of the skin. Eye, liver, spleen, kidney and intestines were made with Tryptic Soy Agar and incubated at 24ºC for 48 hours. 10 suspicious Hafnia alvei were detected isolates. These isolates were identified bacteria by applying 94 biochemical tests in the Biolog (The biolog GENIII micro plate) microbial identification system

    An Intraoral Repair Method for Chipping Fracture of a Multi-unit Fixed Zirconia Reconstruction: A Direct Dental Technique

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    Fracture or chipping of veneering ceramic is one of the most frequent clinical failures in dentistry in fixed dental and implant-borne prostheses. Due to the friable nature of the ceramic material, chippings may result in an aesthetic and functional problem for the patient requiring a rapid solution. Direct repairs have been indicated for the restoration of function, aesthetics and comfort, especially in cases where the fractured prosthesis presents good adaptation and satisfactory aesthetics. This case report aims to present and discuss the techniques of the direct reveneering method, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the importance of adhesive procedures in the success of these restorative approaches. Success in repairing the fractured area, regardless of the technique used, is fundamental to establish a strong and stable adhesion between the repaired and the fractured areas, since the longevity of the repair will depend on the quality of the interface generated

    A comparative anatomical study on two endemic Nepeta L. species (N. baytopii and N. sorgerae)

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    Nepeta baytopii (sect. Schizocalyx) and N. sorgerae (sect. Subinterruptae) are the two endemic species of the genus Nepeta L. in Turkey. In this paper, this two Nepeta species which are in two different sections are examined anatomically. In this study, it was investigated on stem-leaf anatomy and trichomes micromorphology of these Nepeta species in order to improve our knowledge of its anatomy for systematics and to help separate the species. The anatomical characters of the species, such as stem and leaf are described in detail. The anatomical results were compared to the same investigations done before. In anatomical studies, cross-sections of stems and leaves were examined and are supported by illustrations and photographs. Also, trichomes in stems and leaves were investigated by LM and SEM. Anatomical characters of the species were observed to be similar to the usual features of Lamiaceae anatomy. Finally, these two species are different for serriate of pericycle, collenchyma, xylem and phloem. And the trichome covers of these two species are different from each other

    Use of Chicken Egg White Treated Under Different pH Conditions as a Source of Lysozyme in Bacterial DNA Isolation

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    Lysozyme (EC. is an enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of beta-1,4 glucosidic linkages between N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) and N-acetyl muramic acid (NAM) in the peptidoglucan heteropolymers of prokaryotic cell walls. In this study, lysozyme enzyme found in chicken egg white was treated under different pH conditions (pH 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0) and the results were observed as electrophoretic. Electrophoretic results revealed that egg white lysozyme was best yielded at pH 4.0. As a result of dropping the egg white solution on the Bacillus subtilis spreaded on the LB-agar plates with a glass rod, it was observed that the bacteria could not developed due to the lysozyme of egg white. On the other hand, genomic and plasmid DNAs were isolated from the bacteria in DNA isolation studies in which the egg white solution was replaced by commercial lysozyme. The results showed that, in the absence of commercial lysozyme under laboratory conditions, chicken egg white can be used as a lysozyme source in DNA isolation from bacteria.Lizozim (EC., prokaryotik hücre duvarlarının peptidoglukan heteropolimerlerinde Nasetil glukozamin (NAG) ve N-asetil muramik asit (NAM) arasındaki beta-1,4 glukosidik bağların hidrolizini katalizleyen bir enzimdir. Bu çalışmada, tavuk yumurtası beyazında bulunan lizozim enzimi farklı pH koşulları altında (pH 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0) muamele edilmiş ve sonuçlar elektroforetik olarak gözlenmiştir. Elektroforetik sonuçlar, yumurta akı lizoziminin en iyi pH 4.0’da izole edildiğini ortaya koymuştur. Bacillus subtilis bakterisinin cam çubukla yayma yöntemiyle ekildiği plaklara yumurta akı solüsyonu damlatılması sonucunda, damlatmanın olduğu bölgede bakterilerin yumurta akı lizoziminden dolayı lize olarak üreyemediği gözlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan, yumurta akı solüsyonunun ticari lizozimle ikame edildiği DNA izolasyonu çalışmalarında, bakterilerden genomik ve plazmit DNA’lar izole edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, laboratuvar koşullarında ticari lizozimin yokluğunda, tavuk yumurtası beyazının, bakterilerden DNA izolasyonunda bir lizozim kaynağı olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir

    The Effects of Dietary Inclusion of Probiotic Protexin on Egg Yield Parameters of Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica)

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    The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of grower diets, dietary three different levels of probiotic (protexin) in grower diet on egg production parameters and egg shell quality of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). In this study, 225 female Japanese quails were used. The experimental quails were divided into three dietary groups of similar mean weight comprising 75 birds each, consisted of 3 subgroup containing 25 birds each. Treatment groups were assigned control Group A (unsupplemented diet), Group B (0.5 kg per tonne “Protexin” supplemented diet) and Group C (1.0 kg per tonne “Protexin” supplemented diet) for 5 weeks. After 5 weeks, probiotic treatment was ceased and then all groups were allowed to nourish standard layer diet. Results showed that age and body live weight of quails at the first laying was found significant (P<0.05) but the first 10 eggs weight and shape index of the first 10 eggs were not found significant (P>0.05) different between groups. During the egg production period, probiotic supplementation to the diet did not affect feed intake, feed conversion efficiency, average egg weight, egg shell thickness and egg shape index (P>0.05), but affected egg production and egg shell weight (P<0.05)

    A microstrain comparison of passively fitting screw-retained and cemented titanium frameworks

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    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM An imprecise fit between frameworks and supporting dental implants in loaded protocols increases the strain transferred to the periimplant bone, which may impair healing or generate microgaps. PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the microstrain between premachined 1-piece screw-retained frameworks (group STF) and screw-retained frameworks fabricated by cementing titanium cylinders to the prefabricated framework (group CTF). This procedure was developed to correct the misfit between frameworks and loaded implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS Four internal hexagon cylindrical implants were placed 10 mm apart in a polyurethane block by using the surgical guides of the corresponding implant system. Previously fabricated titanium frameworks (n=10) were divided into 2 groups. In group STF, prefabricated machined frameworks were used (n=5), and, in group CTF, the frameworks were fabricated by using a passive fit procedure, which was developed to correct the misfit between the cast titanium frameworks and supporting dental implants (n=5). Both groups were screw-retained under torque control (10 Ncm). Six strain gauges were placed on the upper surface of the polyurethane block, and 3 strain measurements were recorded for each framework. Data were analyzed with the Student t test (α=.05). RESULTS The mean microstrain values between the framework and the implants were significantly higher for group STF (2517 mε) than for group CTF (844 mε) (P<.05). CONCLUSIONS Complete-arch implant frameworks designed for load application and fabricated by using the passive fit procedure decreased the strain between the frameworks and implants more than 1 piece prefabricated machined frameworks