29 research outputs found

    Politik Dan Perempuan: Perjuangan Politik Perempuan Di Iran Pasca Revolusi Islam 1979

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    Politik Lokal dan Patronase di Pilkada Serentak 2019 Desa Aremantai Semende Darat Muara Enim

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    Artikel ini berjudul POLITIK LOKAL DAN PATRONASE (Studi Kasus Keterlibatan Tuan Guru Kiai dalam Pemilihan Umum Serentak Tahun 2019 di Desa Aremantai Kecamatan Semende Darat Ulu Kabupaten Muara Enim). Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bahwa sejatinya eksistensi politik lokal yang membentuk patronase tidak selamanya menghambat laju perkembangan demokrasi modern. Kemudian peneltian ini juga membantah tuduhan terhadap lokalitas yang diklaim sebagai otoritas tradisional yang menghambat laju perkembangan demokrasi modern. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan deskriptif studi kasus. Peneliti langsung terjuan ke lapangan dengan melakkan metode observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa eksistensi kearifan lokal tidak sekedar menjadi aktivitas cipta karya manusia saja, melainkan juga menjadi sistem sosial yang solutif dalam menggandeng demokrasi pancasila yang berkeadilan. Lebih dari itu, kearifan lokal juga dimaknai sebagai buah mufakat yang mengkonstruk tatanan sistem nilai dan memeberikan bobot politis yang potensial. Nilai-nilai kearifan lokal ini menjadi alternatif untuk mengatasi problematika sosial yang bersifat normatif atau bahkan malampaui dari pada itu (konstitusional)

    IRAN DI TENGAH HEGEMONI BARAT (Studi Politik Luar Negeri Iran Pasca Revolusi 1979)

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    Abstract:This Paper to explain the foreign affairs policies that taken by Iranian Goverment from the begining of Islamic revolution in Iran through the presidency of Hassan rouhani period. Goals of Islamic government of Iran had been fluctuated between interests of Islamic world and interests of Iran; or in other word, between interests of Islam Umma (the nation of Islam) and national interests of Iran. Islamic principles have dominated on foreign policy of Iran but different conditions made the government to change its priorities of Foreign policy. in other word, Iran's foreign policy is always different according to the presiden although still based on revolution values

    Sistem Politik Iran Kontemporer: dari Westernisasi hingga Islamisasi

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    Tulisan ini mengkaji sistem politik Iran pada masa revolusi Islam. Tujuan utama dari tulisan ini adalah mendeskripsikan bagaimana perubahan system politik Iran yang beigtu cepat sehingga menjadi musuh utama Amerka Serikat. Dengan kebijakan Iran yang anti barat untuk kemandirian politik-ekonomi, maka dihadirkan sebuah sistem politik wilayatul faqih. Sistem ini menjadikan seorang ulama mengendalikan pemerintahan Iran, baik di tingkat pusat hingga ke seluruh daerah Iran. Dengan demikian, cita cita revolusi yang dimaksudkan untuk menguatkan keislaman terjaga dengan baik karena dikelola oleh ulama yang faham tentang agama


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    This research aims at exploring the dynamics of Islamic politics during Suharto’s New Order Regime, particularly when the regime simplifies political parties into merely three parties. This political shift, then, caused Muslim figures in Palembang, who were initially involved in Islamic political parties, to move their political vehicles and began to take a role in the management of Golkar party in one side, andremained consistent with the struggle of Islamic political parties in another side. This involvement was a middle ground for bridging the political interests of Muslims in Palembang and in the same time following the political flow of the central government

    Analisis Kebijakan Peraturan Daerah Yang Mengandung Materi Muatan Ajaran Islam Di Kota Palembang

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    This research is analytical descriptive research. This study places policy analysis and as the main and free variable that will influence the process of establishing a Regional Regulation as a dependent variable. In article 5 of the Republic of Indonesia Constitution states that the regional government has the right to determine regional regulations or other regulations in order to carry out regional autonomy.The local government of Palembang has issued three local government regulations that have Islamic sharia laws, namely regional regulation number 2 of 2004 concerning the eradication of prostitution, regional regulation number 11 of 2006 concerning the prohibition of circulation and sale of alcoholic products and local regulations on zakat. in order to be right on target and more effective, some variables need to be considered by Palembang stakeholders so that the Regional Regulations that are stipulated are not just legality, but more than that it must be a general rule that all local regulations are made in order for the common good Palembang community. Keywords : Political Analys, local goverment regulations, local autonomy, the politics of sharia la

    IRAN DI TENGAH HEGEMONI BARAT (Studi Politik Luar Negeri Iran Pasca Revolusi 1979)

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    This Paper to explain the foreign affairs policies that taken by Iranian Goverment from the begining of Islamic revolution in Iran through the presidency of Hassan Rouhani period. Goals of Islamic government of Iran had been fluctuated between interests of Islamic world and interests of Iran; or in other word, between interests of Islam Umma (the nation of Islam) and national interests of Iran. Islamic principles have dominated on foreign policy of Iran but different conditions made the government to change its priorities of Foreign policy. in other word, Iran's foreign policy is always different according to the presiden although still based on revolution values

    PEMILU DAN PARTAI POLITIK DI INDONESIA: Menanti Kebangkitan Partai Politik Islam di Tahun 2019

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    Indonesian democratic transition in the post-reform era has change the feature of Indonesia's politics. During the New Order, the power of Islam politics had been experiencing fluctuations and dynamics. In the early New Order, Islam was marginalized from the state. In the meantime Islam found many difficulties in evolving social political ideas because of the repressive new order regime. But the most interesting thing of Indonesian political is the dominance of nationalist political parties in every election even though the majority of Indonesian people are Muslim. However, its interesting to look forward how is the oppurtunity of islamic political parties in 2019 election

    IRAN DI TENGAH HEGEMONI BARAT (Studi Politik Luar Negeri Iran Pasca Revolusi 1979)

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    Abstract:This Paper to explain the foreign affairs policies that taken by Iranian Goverment from the begining of Islamic revolution in Iran through the presidency of Hassan rouhani period. Goals of Islamic government of Iran had been fluctuated between interests of Islamic world and interests of Iran; or in other word, between interests of Islam Umma (the nation of Islam) and national interests of Iran. Islamic principles have dominated on foreign policy of Iran but different conditions made the government to change its priorities of Foreign policy. in other word, Iran's foreign policy is always different according to the presiden although still based on revolution values