18 research outputs found

    Pilgrimage as post-secular therapy

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    This article describes the institutionalized pilgrim role and then turns to the therapeutic discourse which is so prominent in the modern pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Both the role and the discourse can be related to the concept of post-secularity, demonstrating that complex cultural fields such as religion and therapy, become intertwined in new ways through modern pilgrimage. This article also shows that churches cooperating in this type of pilgrimage are adapting to the post-secular age, finding a new sort of raison d’être in a multi-religious, international world. Here the author refers to the Church of Norway and its role in Norwegian pilgrimage. The latter is modelled upon the Santiago example

    Caminoization at Sea: The Fjord Pilgrim route in Norway

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    Based on official church and public-sector documents and texts related to the Fjord Pilgrim Route, we discuss how a process of Caminoization is expressed in Norway, both in relation to how this new invention relates to the medieval pilgrimage culture of the country, and how it inspires developments in the so-called pilgrimage renaissance in modern, Protestant Norway. The new construction of the Fjord Route demonstrates not only the Camino’s influence on contemporary pilgrimage in Europe, but also its scope for innovation in a broad field that encompasses state, church, country, and tourist organization actors. Focusing on the role of history and heritage in the Fjord Pilgrim Route, we argue that Caminoization, traditionalization, and heritagization are key factors that affected the establishment of the new Fjord Route and Norwegian pilgrim culture.acceptedVersio

    Gjenfødsel på caminoen til Santiago de Compostela

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    Caminoen til Santiago de Compostela er i dag Europas viktigste pilegrimsvei. Den tiltrekker seg reisende fra store deler av verden med ulik religiøs og livssynsmessig bakgrunn. Artikkelen fokuserer på oppfatninger av caminoen som et liminalt, transformativt rom. Kildene er vandringsberetninger og refleksjoner i tidsskriftet Pilegrimen, medlemsbladet til Pilegrimsfellesskapet St. Jakob. Hensikten er å vise noe av variasjonen i hvordan vandrere opplever fornyelse og gjenfødsel ved å gå caminoen, og hvordan bladets formidling gjenspeiler en forskyvning mot individualisert, kroppsorientert åndelighet, som mange forskere hevder er karakteristisk for senmoderne religionsutvikling

    Ordenen Stjernen i Øst og julens budskap

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    The article is based on a close reading of the Christmas issues of the Norwegian theosophical magazine Stjernebladet/Stjernen in order to examine its approach to Christmas. The magazine was the mouthpiece of the Norwegian branch of the Order of the Star in the East (1910–1929). This fellowship was established within Theosophical Society in order to prepare its members for the imminent appearance of the theosophical messiah, the Indian youth Krishnamurti. He was thought to be a reincarnation of the so-called world teacher, who according to theosophical doctrine had incarnated before in such figures as Buddha and Christ. Our study showed that in Stjernebladet/Stjernen the Christian myth of the birth of Christ was used as an allegory for central ideas in theosophical messianism

    Nyreligiøsitet i Norge â en bibliografisk oversikt

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    Her presenteres en bibliografisk oversikt over den forskning som har blitt gjort på nyreligiøsitet i Norge siden 1970-tallet. Oversikten dekker bøker, artikler, doktorgradsavhandlinger og hovedoppgaver/ masteroppgaver

    Vebjørn Horsfjord: Religion i praksis

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    Prester og pilegrims­vandring

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    In later decades pilgrimage has become a privileged activity in the Norwegian state church in spite of its Lutheran confession and anti-pilgrimage history since the Reformation in 1536/37. This article is concerned with influential clerical pilgrimage actors in the Church and asks what opinions about pilgrimage are  expressed by them in public media aimed at people at large and pilgrim enthusiasts.  The examination finds that discourse which values pilgrimage as the answer to various challenges in contemporary society is central