1,221 research outputs found

    Regulating Complacency: Human Limitations and Legal Efficacy

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    This Article examines how insights into limited human rationality can improve financial regulation. The Article identifies four categories of limitations—herd behavior, cognitive biases, overreliance on heuristics, and a proclivity to panic—that undermine the perfect-market regulatory assumptions that parties have full information and will act in their rational self-interest. The Article then analyzes how insights into these limitations can be used to correct resulting market failures. Requiring more robust disclosure and due diligence, for example, can help to reduce reliance on misleading information cascades that motivate herd behavior. Debiasing through law, such as requiring more specific, poignant, and concrete disclosure of risks and their consequences, can help to correct cognitive biases. Requiring firms to engage in more self-aware operational risk management and reporting can reduce the likelihood that parties will over-rely on heuristics. And legislating backstop market liquidity and other stabilizing controls can help to minimize panics. Regulation, however, can only partly overcome these limitations. Effective financial regulation should therefore be designed not only to address these limitations but also to try to mitigate the harm of inevitable financial failures

    Superfluidity and Supersolidity in Ultracold Atomic Gases Beyond Mean Field

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    This thesis investigates ultracold bosonic systems using an extended mean-field formalism with a focus on their superfluid and supersolid properties. The dissertation comprises five chapters and four articles, where the chapters provide some background to the research put forward in articles.Paper I demonstrates the existence of multiple singly-quantized vortices in two-dimensional droplets made out of binary Bose mixtures, and discusses the possibility of using metastable persistent currents to generate self-bound vortex-carrying states.Paper II studies metastable persistent flow in dipolar supersolids in ring-shaped trapping potentials and gives a criterion for when such flow can exist. Hysteretic effects are investigated and found to depend qualitatively on the fraction of non-classical rotational inertia of the system.Paper III presents results regarding the validity of using a super-Gaussian ansatz when describing two-dimensional self-bound droplets in Bose-Bose mixtures, and it is found that most quantities are well-described by employing such an ansatz. Furthermore, the breathing mode of droplets with and without vorticity is studied.Paper IV investigates droplet-superfluid compounds in one-dimensional binary Bose mixtures trapped by means of periodic boundary conditions. It is found that such configurations have a fraction of non-classical rotational inertia larger than zero but smaller than unity at zero temperature. It is demonstrated that this fraction is not equal to the residual superfluid part of the system due to the superfluid's response to the motion of the localized parts

    The mental work environment and social work environment on the senior workforce

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    Introduction: The Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise commissioned researchers atLund University, Kristianstad University and Malmö University to conduct a systematic reviewfocusing on the impact of the psychosocial work environment on the senior workforce (≥55 years ofage) in a Swedish context.Aims: To provide an overview of how psychosocial work environment and occupational healthfactors affect the senior workforce, and describe interventions designed to improve the workenvironment.Methods: The guidelines on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses(PRISMA) were followed. The data bases: Pubmed, Cinahl, Scopus and Medline were searched forarticles published until 2021-07-10.Results: After deduplication 846 articles remained, of which 49 were selected for full text screening.After exclusion of studies with low quality 20 remained. The studies included in this literature reviewhave been thematized and analysed based on the nine determinant areas of the swAge model1, forthe ability and willingness to work in relation to ageing, to explain the complexity of predictors forthe senior workforce’s working life. These determinant areas are divided into predictors of: the workenvironment’s effects on health; the personal financial situation; the social support, relationships,and participation; as well as the execution of work tasks and activities.Conclusions: Several of the articles included in the literature review did not consider the definition ofage in relation to the senior workforce, despite age being the factor that characterizes anddistinguishes a senior employee. However, there were articles highlighting the significance ofconsidering the senior workforce based on their biological age, social age, and cognitive age ratherthan just their chronological age (i.e. how many years had passed since they were born). Severalgeneral suggestions were discernable in the articles included in the literature review that will bediscussed

    Vision-Based Control of the Overhead Crane

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    Through the years, cranes have been used extensively for many different tasks. For example construction work, shipbuilding and cargo transportation. One of the tedious tasks that cranes perform is loading and unloading containers. This is a process which can be optimized with the aid of control theory. While moving cargo, the crane operator must make sure that crane motion does not cause the cargo to accelerate too quickly, as the cargo may then start to oscillate. Such motion may disrupt unsecured cargo and put unnecessary stress on secured cargo. Today the crane movement is directly controlled by the crane operator; this however severely limits the crane speed due to human inability to control the crane optimally. This thesis presents and investigates a method of controlling the crane movement. The method utilizes computer vision to determine cargo position which is used to control crane movement optimally

    Realizing strong light-matter interactions between single nanoparticle plasmons and molecular excitons at ambient conditions

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    Realizing strong light-matter interactions between individual 2-level systems and resonating cavities in atomic and solid state systems opens up possibilities to study optical nonlinearities on a single photon level, which can be useful for future quantum information processing networks. However, these efforts have been hampered by the unfavorable experimental conditions, such as cryogenic temperatures and ultrahigh vacuum, required to study such systems and phenomena. Although several attempts to realize strong light-matter interactions at room-temperature using so-called plasmon resonances have been made, successful realizations on the single nanoparticle level are still lacking. Here, we demonstrate strong coupling between plasmons confined within a single silver nanoprism and excitons in molecular J-aggregates at ambient conditions. Our findings show that the deep subwavelength mode volumes, VV, together with high quality factors, QQ, associated with plasmons in the nanoprisms result in strong coupling figure-of-merit -- Q/VQ/\sqrt{V} as high as ∼6×103\sim6\times10^{3}~μ\mum−3/2^{-3/2} -- a value comparable to state-of-art photonic crystal and microring resonator cavities, thereby suggesting that plasmonic nanocavities and specifically silver nanoprisms can be used for room-temperature quantum optics

    Territory size and habitat selection of breeding Common Cranes (Grus grus) in a boreal landscape

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    Information on how birds use different types of habitat and move within landscapes is crucial for avian ecology, conservation and management. The Common Crane Grus grus has the widest distribution of all crane species and covers both increasing and decreasing populations. Ecological knowledge is therefore necessary both for conservation and to mitigate bird-human conflicts. We studied territory size and habitat selection of breeding Common Cranes (n=11) at two spatial scales in south-central Sweden by using VHF and UPS transmitters. Breeding families of Cranes were strongly associated with farmlands and wetlands independent of spatial scale. However, 41% of positions were within forested habitats. According to a compositional analysis, moist and wet forests were selected more frequently than dry forests. Territory size was on average 250 ha +/- 47.8 SE. The territories showed little overlap between neighboring breeding pairs. Our study provides information necessary for estimating densities of breeding pairs, but also to indicate habitat types worth special attention by landscape managers and conservationists

    Quantized conductance and its correlation to the supercurrent in a nanowire connected to superconductors

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    We report conductance and supercurrent of InAs nanowires coupled to Al-superconducting electrodes with short channel lengths and good Ohmic contacts. The nanowires are suspended 15\,nm above a local gate electrode. The charge density in the nanowires can be controlled by a small change in the gate voltage. For large negative gate voltages, the number of conducting channels is reduced gradually and we observe a stepwise decrease of both conductance and critical current before the conductance vanishes completely
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