70 research outputs found

    Development and investigation of the technological process of plasma carbothermal reduction of slag from secondary metallurgy of aluminum

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    Based on a critical analysis of the current state and prospects of development of the problem of pyrometallurgical recovery/extraction of aluminum from aluminum-bearing industrial waste, the need to replace traditional, electrocarbonothermic processes and melting process units with innovative, plasma carbothermal processes and furnace-reactors, with the possibility of reverse feeding and recovery of gasified during melting metal and metal oxide components is substantiated. On the basis of this analysis a new technological scheme of smelting with a new design of plasma-arc furnace-reactor, which provides a solution to the problem using a special hollow double-shell graphite cathode connected to the system of circulating supply of gases separated from the reaction zone, was developed and presented. The proposed technological scheme also differs in the use of such highly active liquid and gaseous reagents as carbon-containing reducing agents as calcium carbide (CaC2) and methane (CH4). The main features of chemism of reducing processes are described. It is shown that by replacing traditional coke with anodized calcium carbide and natural gas (methane) the recovery rate of aluminum oxide (Al 29-34%) and silica (SiO2) and hematite (Fe2O3) present with it increases to 80-99%. Specific power consumption is reduced by 35-40%, the 90-95% reduction in the loss of target elements, the 80% reduction in the emission of greenhouse carbon dioxide, which is replaced by a very valuable recyclable synthesis gas - CO-H2. By additionally feeding separate portions of quartzite and steel-rolling scale in the furnace-reactor, a complex alloy-ligature of Fe-Si-Al-Ca system is melted, with the ratio of components: 1:[1.3-2]:[1.3-1.2]:[0.9-1.25]. With the introduction into industrial practice of the plasma carbothermal process of aluminum reduction from secondary aluminum dumping slags accumulated in the world (4 million tons/year), it will be possible to return up to 1-1.5 million tons/year of aluminum to the production processing cycle

    L'Islam en Adjarie : trajectoire historique et implications contemporaines

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    Après des décennies d'interdits, dans un contexte politique et culturel marqué par une grande difficulté à accepter la différence religieuse, cette étude est l'une des toutes premières à s'attaquer à la question de l'Islam au sein de la nation géorgienne. Dans sa partie historique, elle s`appuie essentiellement sur les sources géorgiennes. Pour l'auteur, exploiter les travaux et les témoignages des chercheurs et des voyageurs géorgiens de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle est essentiel. Cela lui permet non seulement d'approcher des sources jusque-là inédites ou tabou, mais aussi de mieux cerner les représentations géorgiennes des Géorgiens musulmans, en particulier des Adjars, dans une Géorgie alors engagée dans la construction / reconstruction de son histoire. Toutefois un certain nombre de ces sources, en particulier Zakaria Cicinadze, sont aujourd'hui l'objet de vives discussions et de critiques en Géorgie

    L'Islam en Adjarie : trajectoire historique et implications contemporaines

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    Après des décennies d'interdits, dans un contexte politique et culturel marqué par une grande difficulté à accepter la différence religieuse, cette étude est l'une des toutes premières à s'attaquer à la question de l'Islam au sein de la nation géorgienne. Dans sa partie historique, elle s`appuie essentiellement sur les sources géorgiennes. Pour l'auteur, exploiter les travaux et les témoignages des chercheurs et des voyageurs géorgiens de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle est essentiel. Cela lui permet non seulement d'approcher des sources jusque-là inédites ou tabou, mais aussi de mieux cerner les représentations géorgiennes des Géorgiens musulmans, en particulier des Adjars, dans une Géorgie alors engagée dans la construction / reconstruction de son histoire. Toutefois un certain nombre de ces sources, en particulier Zakaria Cicinadze, sont aujourd'hui l'objet de vives discussions et de critiques en Géorgie

    Thermodynamic Modelling of Oxide Conversion Processes for Metals of Life

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    In the presented work, the environmentally friendly production processes of pure metals via reduction from the respective oxides in the atmosphere of ultra-low oxidation potential (PO₂=10¹⁶—10²⁶ atm) are offered. We propose the formation of such an environment by injection of ethyl alcohol in the reactor and interaction of its vapour with oxygen. Such conditions promote dissociation of oxides of almost any kind. Using this method, the pure, so-called ‘metals of life’ are obtained: Cu, Fe, Ni, and Co, which are used in medicine as the essential nutrients. In the case of chromium conversion, this process is completed with the synthesis of carbide phases. Production of pure Cr is possible by using the similar methodology with the help of oxygen pump. For identification of the reduced products, an X-ray phase analysis is used. The purity of the converted products is characterized by spectrochemical analysis. The experimental data are in a good conformity with the thermodynamic calculations of optimal temperature ranges of conversion reactions and the ratio of the initial ingredients.У запропонованій роботі розглянуто екологічно безпечні процеси одержання чистих металів шляхом їх відновлення з відповідних оксидів у атмосфері з ультранизьким окиснювальним потенціялом (PO₂=10¹⁶—10²⁶атм.). Ми пропонуємо створення такого середовища інжекцією етилового спирту в замкнений контур реактора внаслідок взаємодії пари спирту з киснем. Такі умови сприяють дисоціяції оксидів майже будь-якого виду. Цією методою одержано так звані «метали життя»: Cu, Fe, Ni и Co, які використовуються в медицині як поживні нутрієнти. У випадку конверсії оксиду хрому процес завершується синтезою карбідних фаз. Одержання чистого Cr можливе застосуванням подібної методології за допомогою кисневої помпи. Ідентифікація продуктів конверсії відбувається рентґенофазовою структурною аналізою, а їхня чистота контролюється спектрохемічною методою. Експериментальні дані добре узгоджуються з термодинамічними обчисленнями оптимальних температур конверсійних реакцій і молярних часток початкових інґредієнтів.В предложенной работе рассмотрены экологически безопасные процессы получения чистых металлов путём их восстановления из соответствующих оксидов в атмосфере с ультранизким окислительным потенциалом (PO₂=10¹⁶—10²⁶ атм.). Мы предлагаем создание такой среды инжекцией этилового спирта в замкнутый контур реактора в результате взаимодействия паров спирта с кислородом. Такие условия способствуют диссоциации оксидов почти любого вида. Этим методом получены так называемые «металлы жизни»: Cu, Fe, Ni и Co, применяемые в медицине как питательные нутриенты. В случае конверсии оксида хрома процесс завершается синтезом карбидных фаз. Получение чистого Cr возможно применением подобной методологии с помощью кислородного насоса. Идентификация продуктов конверсии происходит рентгенофазовым структурным анализом, а их чистота контролируется спектрохимическим методом. Экспериментальные данные находятся в хорошем согласии с термодинамическими вычислениями оптимальных температур конверсионных реакций и молярных долей начальных ингредиентов


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    Aflatoxins represent aggressive group of mycotoxins. They are really toxic, carcinogenic and dangerous for human health. There are mechanical, physical and chemical methods for their detoxification. Aflatoxins could be also neutralized by means of various adsorbents as well. We do some research work in the direction of aflatoxin adsorption by presence of lignin, which is quite affordable and gives an effective result.Aflatoxins represent aggressive group of mycotoxins. They are really toxic, carcinogenic and dangerous for human health. There are mechanical, physical and chemical methods for their detoxification. Aflatoxins could be also neutralized by means of various adsorbents as well. We do some research work in the direction of aflatoxin adsorption by presence of lignin, which is quite affordable and gives an effective result


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    Waste generated due to the growth of the modern industry is undergoing natural disposal in the environment for a long period of time. A special danger is caused by heavy metals that do not undergo biodegradation. Known purification methods of soils are not always effective and profitable. Correct selection of soil remediation methods contaminated with heavy metals ensures effective cleaning and restoration of soils. For this purpose, selecting representatives of various taxonomic groups of microorganisms binding heavy metals in the soil is carrying out. A complex method of purification of soils contaminated with have metals is being developed. Modified forms of humic acids were developed, geochemical barriers using local clays were created. Works to biostimulate local microorganisms required for bioremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals are conducted. Remediation and increasing the fertility of soils contaminated with heavy metals are necessary for the prevention of further penetration of these metals into agricultural crops.Waste generated due to the growth of the modern industry is undergoing natural disposal in the environment for a long period of time. A special danger is caused by heavy metals that do not undergo biodegradation. Known purification methods of soils are not always effective and profitable. Correct selection of soil remediation methods contaminated with heavy metals ensures effective cleaning and restoration of soils. For this purpose, selecting representatives of various taxonomic groups of microorganisms binding heavy metals in the soil is carrying out. A complex method of purification of soils contaminated with have metals is being developed. Modified forms of humic acids were developed, geochemical barriers using local clays were created. Works to biostimulate local microorganisms required for bioremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals are conducted. Remediation and increasing the fertility of soils contaminated with heavy metals are necessary for the prevention of further penetration of these metals into agricultural crops


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    The aim of our study was the identification of the thermostable protein complexes in the cells of infant’s hemangiomas. In order to identify the TPC from children capillary hemangioma components the TPC from adult rat pancreas as a control were used. In compare to control sample the TPC from the children capillary hemangioma is different in the quantitative content, as its low molecular weight (12-17 KD), as well as a relatively high-molecular component. The effect of the TPC from Children capillary hemangioma on the proliferative activity of the brain cells of the infant rats also were studied. It has been determined that the intraperitoneal injection of mentioned TPC decreases the mitotic activity of heterotypic cells (rat brain)

    Epilepsy mortality in Wales during COVID-19

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    Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has increased mortality worldwide and those with chronic conditions may have been disproportionally affected. However, it is unknown whether the pandemic has changed mortality rates for people with epilepsy. We aimed to compare mortality rates in people with epilepsy in Wales during the pandemic with pre-pandemic rates. Methods: We performed a retrospective study using individual-level linked population-scale anonymised electronic health records. We identified deaths in people with epilepsy (DPWE), i.e. those with a diagnosis of epilepsy, and deaths associated with epilepsy (DAE), where epilepsy was recorded as a cause of death on death certificates. We compared death rates in 2020 with average rates in 2015–2019 using Poisson models to calculate death rate ratios. Results: There were 188 DAE and 628 DPWE in Wales in 2020 (death rates: 7.7/100,000/year and 25.7/100,000/year). The average rates for DAE and DPWE from 2015 to 2019 were 5.8/100,000/year and 23.8/100,000/year, respectively. Death rate ratios (2020 compared to 2015–2019) for DAE were 1.34 (95%CI 1.14–1.57, p<0.001) and for DPWE were 1.08 (0.99–1.17, p = 0.09). The death rate ratios for non-COVID deaths (deaths without COVID mentioned on death certificates) for DAE were 1.17 (0.99–1.39, p = 0.06) and for DPWE were 0.96 (0.87–1.05, p = 0.37). Conclusions: The significant increase in DAE in Wales during 2020 could be explained by the direct effect of COVID-19 infection. Non-COVID-19 deaths have not increased significantly but further work is needed to assess the longer-term impact