66 research outputs found

    Experiences of romantic relationships and desires to marry and have children among youth in a low-fertility society.

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    Introduction: This study aims to explore experiences of romantic relationships and to examine determinants of desires to marry and have children in the future among Japanese university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate students of A University, located in the capital city of a Japanese prefecture, using an anonymous self-administered and structured questionnaire developed by an online survey software. Results: A total of 815 respondents with complete data were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. Over 80% of males and females expressed the desire to marry and have children in the future. It was found that for both female and male respondents, the "desire to marry" was associated with currently being in a romantic relationship or having experience of sexual intercourse. On the contrary, the "desire to have children" was associated with currently being in a romantic relationship or having experience of sexual intercourse only among male respondents, and no significant association was observed among female respondents. Conclusion: "Currently being in a romantic relationship" and "having experience of sexual intercourse" were associated with wanting to marry and have children in the future among male university students. This suggests that these may be important factors in providing a positive perception regarding having children when they attain childbearing age

    Present conditions of evidence-based practices among nursing and midwifery professionals in Tanzania

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    Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding evidence-based practice( EBP) in Tanzania. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire survey regarding EBP was conducted among nurses working in Muhimbili University Hospital, which is a teaching hospital, and three other non-teaching hospitals from October to December 2016. The questionnaire consisted of 10 measures regarding EBP in addition to demographic characteristics and EBP training experience. Results: A total of 143 nurses participated in the questionnaire survey regarding EBP, and 131 completed questionnaires without missing data were included in the analysis. Nurses working inMuhimbili University Hospital were more likely to receive EBP training than those working in the other institutions (chi-square test, P = 0.015). Recognition of the importance of receiving EBP (P = 0.019), frequency of using print information resources( P = 0.009), and frequency of using electronic resources (P = 0.001) were significantly higher among nurses with EBP training. Nurses with EBP training experience reported the use of greater numbers of research articles as well as printed and electronic resources for EBP. EBP training for nurses may improve the capacity for research using appropriateresources and access for EBP. Conclusion: EBP training programs should be targeted toward nurses with a diploma, those not workingin Muhimbili University Hospital, and those without EBP training. The concerns of nurse managers and/or supervisors should also be addressed to achieve EBP among staff nurses in clinical settings

    看護系大学生における外国人保健医療サービス提供に関する認識: 日本と韓国の大学における調査から

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    Aim: This study was performed to examine associations between nursing students’ knowledge and interest regarding foreign nationals’ medical health challenges and international exchange experience among Korean and Japanese undergraduate nursing students. Methods: An anonymous self-administered structured questionnaire survey was conducted among 200 Korean nursing students in April 2016, and 78 Japanese nursing students in August 2015; both groups were in their 4th year of study at a university. The questionnaire elicited responses related to knowledge and interest regarding foreign nationals’ medical health challenges in Korea or Japan, likelihood of caring for foreign nationals as nurses, and experience related to international exchange. Results: A total of 183( 91.5%) Korean students and 68( 91.9%) Japanese students participated in this study. Among Korean students, 120( 65.6%) reported being aware of foreign nationals’ medical health challenges, while only 23 (33.8%) Japanese participants gave this response. There were significant differences in knowledge and interest scores regarding foreign nationals’ medical health challengesaccording to experience of international exchange in both Korean and Japanese study participants (Mann?Whitney U test, P = 0.001, P = 0.003, respectively). Korean study participants demonstrated recognition of medical health care provision for foreign nationals as nurses regardless of international exchange experience leve(l Mann?Whitney U test, P = 0.841), although international exchange experience level was significantly related to recognition of medical health care provision for foreign nationals as nurses among Japanese nursing students( Mann?Whitney U test, P = 0.030). Conclusions: Korea and Japan have similar characteristics, such as homogenous and monoculture countries until recently. However, this study demonstrated differences in sensitivity and recognition regarding medical healthcare provision for foreign nationals among Korean and Japanese nursing students. It is necessary to assess the factors responsible for this difference, to prepare nursing students for medical healthcare provision in the global society.目的?本研究は,韓国と日本の看護系大学生における外国人保健医療の知識・関心と国際交流経験の関連を検討することを目的としている.方法?韓国から2016年4月に200人,日本から2015年8月に78人の日本人看護系大学生,いずれも4年生を対象に無記名自記式質問紙による調査が実施された.質問紙内容は,外国人保健医療の知識・関心,将来的な看護職としての外国人保健医療提供可能性の自覚,国際交流経験について構成された.結果?韓国人学生183人(91.5%),日本人学生68人(91.9%)から有効回答を得た.韓国人学生中120人(65.6%)が外国人保健医療ニーズについて認識していたが,日本人学生では23人(33.8%)のみであった.両国の看護学生において,外国人保健医療の知識・関心は,国際交流経験の豊富さと関連していた(マンホイットニーU test, P=0.001,P=0.003).韓国人学生は,国際交流経験の豊富さに関係なく,将来的な看護職としての外国人保健医療提供可能性の自覚をもっていたが(Mann-Whitney U test, P=0.841),日本人学生では,国際交流経験の豊富さが将来的な看護職としての外国人保健医療提供可能性の自覚に統計的有意に関連していた(Mann-Whitney U test, P=0.030).結論?韓国も日本も最近まで単一民族・文化の国であったという類似の特徴を持つが,本調査では両国の看護学生において,外国人保健医療への感度や将来的な看護職としての外国人保健医療提供可能性の自覚に違いが認められた.今後,グローバル社会における外国人保健医療に対応していくために,両国のこういった違いに影響する関連要因について詳細に検証する必要がある

    Coordinately Co-opted Multiple Transposable Elements Constitute an Enhancer for wnt5a Expression in the Mammalian Secondary Palate

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    Acquisition of cis-regulatory elements is a major driving force of evolution, and there are several examples of developmental enhancers derived from transposable elements (TEs). However, it remains unclear whether one enhancer element could have been produced via cooperation among multiple, yet distinct, TEs during evolution. Here we show that an evolutionarily conserved genomic region named AS3_9 comprises three TEs (AmnSINE1, X6b_DNA and MER117), inserted side-by-side, and functions as a distal enhancer for wnt5a expression during morphogenesis of the mammalian secondary palate. Functional analysis of each TE revealed step-by-step retroposition/transposition and co-option together with acquisition of a binding site for Msx1 for its full enhancer function during mammalian evolution. The present study provides a new perspective suggesting that a huge variety of TEs, in combination, could have accelerated the diversity of cis-regulatory elements involved in morphological evolution

    A Mammalian Conserved Element Derived from SINE Displays Enhancer Properties Recapitulating Satb2 Expression in Early-Born Callosal Projection Neurons

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    Short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs) are highly repeated sequences that account for a significant proportion of many eukaryotic genomes and are usually considered “junk DNA”. However, we previously discovered that many AmnSINE1 loci are evolutionarily conserved across mammalian genomes, suggesting that they may have acquired significant functions involved in controlling mammalian-specific traits. Notably, we identified the AS021 SINE locus, located 390 kbp upstream of Satb2. Using transgenic mice, we showed that this SINE displays specific enhancer activity in the developing cerebral cortex. The transcription factor Satb2 is expressed by cortical neurons extending axons through the corpus callosum and is a determinant of callosal versus subcortical projection. Mouse mutants reveal a crucial function for Sabt2 in corpus callosum formation. In this study, we compared the enhancer activity of the AS021 locus with Satb2 expression during telencephalic development in the mouse. First, we showed that the AS021 enhancer is specifically activated in early-born Satb2+ neurons. Second, we demonstrated that the activity of the AS021 enhancer recapitulates the expression of Satb2 at later embryonic and postnatal stages in deep-layer but not superficial-layer neurons, suggesting the possibility that the expression of Satb2 in these two subpopulations of cortical neurons is under genetically distinct transcriptional control. Third, we showed that the AS021 enhancer is activated in neurons projecting through the corpus callosum, as described for Satb2+ neurons. Notably, AS021 drives specific expression in axons crossing through the ventral (TAG1−/NPY+) portion of the corpus callosum, confirming that it is active in a subpopulation of callosal neurons. These data suggest that exaptation of the AS021 SINE locus might be involved in enhancement of Satb2 expression, leading to the establishment of interhemispheric communication via the corpus callosum, a eutherian-specific brain structure

    Large-scale animal model study uncovers altered brain pH and lactate levels as a transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders involving cognitive impairment

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    Comparison of breast care for completion of exclusive breastfeeding between Tanzania and Japan

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