12 research outputs found

    Stochastic IMT (insulator-metal-transition) neurons: An interplay of thermal and threshold noise at bifurcation

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    Artificial neural networks can harness stochasticity in multiple ways to enable a vast class of computationally powerful models. Electronic implementation of such stochastic networks is currently limited to addition of algorithmic noise to digital machines which is inherently inefficient; albeit recent efforts to harness physical noise in devices for stochasticity have shown promise. To succeed in fabricating electronic neuromorphic networks we need experimental evidence of devices with measurable and controllable stochasticity which is complemented with the development of reliable statistical models of such observed stochasticity. Current research literature has sparse evidence of the former and a complete lack of the latter. This motivates the current article where we demonstrate a stochastic neuron using an insulator-metal-transition (IMT) device, based on electrically induced phase-transition, in series with a tunable resistance. We show that an IMT neuron has dynamics similar to a piecewise linear FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) neuron and incorporates all characteristics of a spiking neuron in the device phenomena. We experimentally demonstrate spontaneous stochastic spiking along with electrically controllable firing probabilities using Vanadium Dioxide (VO2_2) based IMT neurons which show a sigmoid-like transfer function. The stochastic spiking is explained by two noise sources - thermal noise and threshold fluctuations, which act as precursors of bifurcation. As such, the IMT neuron is modeled as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process with a fluctuating boundary resulting in transfer curves that closely match experiments. As one of the first comprehensive studies of a stochastic neuron hardware and its statistical properties, this article would enable efficient implementation of a large class of neuro-mimetic networks and algorithms.Comment: Added sectioning, Figure 6, Table 1, and Section II.E Updated abstract, discussion and corrected typo

    A low affinity penicillin-binding protein 2x is required for heteroresistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Heteroresistance to penicillin in Streptococcus pneumoniae is the ability of subpopulations to grow at a higher antibiotic concentration than expected from the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). This may render conventional resistance testing unreliable and lead to therapeutic failure. We investigated the role of the primary β-lactam resistance determinants, penicillin binding proteins PBP2b and PBP2x and secondary resistance determinant PBP1a in heteroresistance to penicillin. Transformants containing PBP genes from heteroresistant strain Spain(23F)2349 in non-heteroresistant strain R6 background were tested for heteroresistance by population analysis profiling (PAP). We found that pbp2x, but not pbp2b or pbp1a alone, conferred heteroresistance to R6. However, a change of pbp2x expression is not observed and therefore expression does not correlate with an increased proportion of resistant subpopulations. Additional ciaR disruption mutants which have been described to mediate PBP-independent β-lactam resistance revealed no heteroresistant phenotype by PAP.We also showed, that the highly resistant subpopulations (HOM*) of transformants containing low affinity pbp2x undergo an increase in resistance upon selection on penicillin plates which partially reverts after passaging on selection-free medium. Shotgun proteomic analysis showed an upregulation of phosphate ABC transporter subunit proteins pstS, phoU, pstB and pstC in these highly resistant subpopulations.In conclusion, the presence of low affinity pbp2x enables certain pneumococcal colonies to survive in the presence of beta lactams. Upregulation of phosphate ABC transporter genes may represent a reversible adaption to antibiotic stress

    Nasal microbiota and symptom persistence in acute respiratory tract infections in infants

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    Acute respiratory tract infections (ARI) in infancy have been implicated in the development of chronic respiratory disease, but the complex interplay between viruses, bacteria and host is not completely understood. We aimed to prospectively determine whether nasal microbiota changes occur between the onset of the first symptomatic ARI in the first year of life and 3 weeks later, and to explore possible associations with the duration of respiratory symptoms, as well as with host, environmental and viral factors. Nasal microbiota of 167 infants were determined at both time-points by 16S ribosomal RNA-encoding gene PCR amplification and subsequent pyrosequencing. Infants were clustered based on their nasal microbiota using hierarchical clustering methods at both time-points. We identified five dominant infant clusters with distinct microbiota at the onset of ARI but only three clusters after 3 weeks. In these three clusters, symptom persistence was overrepresented in the Streptococcaceae-dominated cluster and underrepresented in the cluster dominated by “Others” (p<0.001). Duration of symptoms was not associated with the type of respiratory virus. Infants with prolonged respiratory symptoms after their first ARI tend to exhibit distinct microbial compositions, indicating close microbiota–host interactions that seem to be of importance for symptom persistence and recovery

    Dynamics of the nasal microbiota in infancy: A prospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND Understanding the composition and dynamics of the upper respiratory tract microbiota in healthy infants is a prerequisite to investigate the role of the microbiota in patients with respiratory diseases. This is especially true in early life, when the immune system is in development. OBJECTIVE We sought to describe the dynamics of the upper respiratory tract microbiota in healthy infants within the first year of life. METHODS After exclusion of low-quality samples, microbiota characterization was performed by using 16S rDNA pyrosequencing of 872 nasal swabs collected biweekly from 47 unselected infants. RESULTS Bacterial density increased and diversity decreased within the first year of life (R(2) = 0.95 and 0.73, respectively). A distinct profile for the first 3 months of life was found with increased relative abundances of Staphlyococcaceae and Corynebacteriaceae (exponential decay: R(2) = 0.94 and 0.96, respectively). In addition, relative bacterial abundance and composition differed significantly from summer to winter months. The individual composition of the microbiota changed with increasing time intervals between samples and was best modeled by an exponential function (R(2) = 0.97). Within-subject dissimilarity in a 2-week time interval was consistently lower than that between subjects, indicating a personalized microbiota. CONCLUSION This study reveals age and seasonality as major factors driving the composition of the nasal microbiota within the first year of life. A subject's microbiota is personalized but dynamic throughout the first year. These data are indispensable to interpretation of cross-sectional studies and investigation of the role of the microbiota in both healthy subjects and patients with respiratory diseases. They might also serve as a baseline for future intervention studies

    The nasal microbiota in infants with cystic fibrosis in the first year of life: a prospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND Respiratory tract infections and subsequent airway inflammation occur early in the life of infants with cystic fibrosis. However, detailed information about the microbial composition of the respiratory tract in infants with this disorder is scarce. We aimed to undertake longitudinal in-depth characterisation of the upper respiratory tract microbiota in infants with cystic fibrosis during the first year of life. METHODS We did this prospective cohort study at seven cystic fibrosis centres in Switzerland. Between Feb 1, 2011, and May 31, 2014, we enrolled 30 infants with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. Microbiota characterisation was done with 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and oligotyping of nasal swabs collected every 2 weeks from the infants with cystic fibrosis. We compared these data with data for an age-matched cohort of 47 healthy infants. We additionally investigated the effect of antibiotic treatment on the microbiota of infants with cystic fibrosis. Statistical methods included regression analyses with a multivariable multilevel linear model with random effects to correct for clustering on the individual level. FINDINGS We analysed 461 nasal swabs taken from the infants with cystic fibrosis; the cohort of healthy infants comprised 872 samples. The microbiota of infants with cystic fibrosis differed compositionally from that of healthy infants (p=0·001). This difference was also found in exclusively antibiotic-naive samples (p=0·001). The disordering was mainly, but not solely, due to an overall increase in the mean relative abundance of Staphylococcaceae in infants with cystic fibrosis compared with healthy infants (multivariable linear regression model stratified by age and adjusted for season; second month: coefficient 16·2 [95% CI 0·6-31·9]; p=0·04; third month: 17·9 [3·3-32·5]; p=0·02; fourth month: 21·1 [7·8-34·3]; p=0·002). Oligotyping analysis enabled differentiation between Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative Staphylococci. Whereas the analysis showed a decrease in S aureus at and after antibiotic treatment, coagulase-negative Staphylococci increased. INTERPRETATION Our study describes compositional differences in the microbiota of infants with cystic fibrosis compared with healthy controls, and disordering of the microbiota on antibiotic administration. Besides S aureus, coagulase-negative Staphylococci also contributed to the disordering identified in these infants. These findings are clinically important in view of the crucial role that bacterial pathogens have in the disease progression of cystic fibrosis in early life. Our findings could be used to inform future studies of the effect of antibiotic treatment on the microbiota in infants with cystic fibrosis, and could assist in the prevention of early disease progression in infants with this disorder. FUNDING Swiss National Science Foundation, Fondation Botnar, the Swiss Society for Cystic Fibrosis, and the Swiss Lung Association Bern

    La modificación de los contratos públicos

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    La finalidad principal de esta tesis doctoral es ofrecer un estudio riguroso tanto teórico como práctico sobre las modificaciones contractuales, apoyado en el análisis de la legislación, de la jurisprudencia y de la doctrina, con la intención adicional de prestar un servicio a los gestores públicos así como a los operadores económicos ofreciendo propuestas que les sirvan en el día a día. El interés del autor es, asimismo, colaborar en la búsqueda de nuevas vías o de soluciones que permitan combatir las malas prácticas administrativas que conducen a menudo a episodios de corrupción que proliferan, con harta frecuencia, en torno a la contratación del sector público y, en especial, sobre las modificaciones contractuales. En cuanto a la metodología empleada, ésta se ha centrado en el análisis legislativo a nivel español y europeo en esta materia, así como en la jurisprudencia europea y española sobre las modificaciones contractuales. Se ha intentado extraer de la legislación (tanto histórica como actual) como de las sentencias judiciales aquellos paradigmas que sean de utilidad al aplicador cotidiano para puede decidir correctamente en relación con las modificaciones contractuales. Se desmenuzan los conceptos jurídicos indeterminados mediante un estudio histórico desde los inicios legislativos de la contratación hasta nuestros días, a fin de comprender su significado y existencia. Todo ello siguiendo los presupuestos de los métodos históricos y lógicos.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (RD 1393/2007)Gizarte Zientzietako eta Zientzia Juridikoetako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007