36 research outputs found

    Guidance for reconciling patent rights and disclosure of findings at scientific meetings

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    Open collaboration and sharing of information among scientists at scientific meetings can foster innovation and discovery. However, such sharing can be at odds with potential patenting and commercialization objectives. This tension may be mitigated if certain procedures are followed in the context of scientific meetings. The article first discusses what makes a scientific finding patentable and then sets out four specific patent issues for scientists to consider before attending a scientific meeting and sharing their research. Finally, it provides recommendations on how scientists can best protect their intellectual property rights while sharing information at scientific meetings

    Consensus statement on natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery and single-incision laparoscopic surgery: heralding a new era in urology?

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    [Excerpt] For decades, urologists have implemented technologies that provide effective treatment while limiting morbidity. In many instances, this has been achieved by operating via natural body openings (eg, cystoscopy, transurethral resection, and ureteroscopy) [1,2]. Urologists have also pioneered novel techniques to address clinical situations where access through natural body openings was impossible, such as percutaneous stone surgery, laparoscopy, and robotics [3–5].[...

    Human rights education

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    Human Rights Education: Definition, evolution of the term and future development

    Urbanization and human rights

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    Urban governance on the basis of human rights can help to set up problem solving mechanisms to guarantee social peace, economic growth and political participation.If states both integrate more in international or regional human rights regime and give more autonomy to urban governments and local authorities, many of these issues of urbanization can be solved. Where people organize themselves on local levels and in neighborhood initiatives, new forms of governance mechanisms evolve. These mechanisms include a wide range of human rights, principles and standards such as equal participation, ethnic and religious tolerance, gender equity, health and education initiatives, access to food supplies, property rights, access to information through the internet and even sexual and reproductive rights. The ability to freely communicate and participate will lead to more transparency, accountability, adaptiveness, integration and equity

    Die Vereinten Nationen und Menschenrechtsbildung

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    Menschenrechtsbildung ist seit 1993 ein Schwerpunkt der Vereinten Nationen (VN) und somit auch für das 1994 eingerichtete VN-Hochkommissariat für Menschenrechte in Genf. Auf der VN-Weltmenschenrechtskonferenz 1993 in Wien verkündeten die Delegierten und Staatenvertreter am Ende in ihrem Aktionsprogramm, dass Menschenrechtsbildung ein Schwerpunkt bei der Förderung und Verbreitung der Menschenrechtsidee sein soll. Dabei bestätigten die Delegierten Artikel 26 in der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte von 1948 (AEMR). In dem Artikel wird das Recht auf Bildung betont, mit dem Ziel, weltweit die Inhalte der AEMR und damit gegenseitigen Respekt, Freundschaft, Frieden, Wohlstand und Entwicklung zu fördern, als Garanten für ein würdevolles Leben